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- Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security. Analyze and secure cubes in the SQL Server 2012 development environment in no time using this hands-on guide
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Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security. Analyze and secure cubes in the SQL Server 2012 development environment in no time using this hands-on guide
Satya SK Jayanty, Satya Shyam K Jayanty
SQL Server 2012 includes BI-specific features such as cube analytics, reporting-related features, multidimensional BI semantic models, and many more. This is a new addition that is of great use to Business Analysts, who can now build BI semantic models using the relational tables from the database engine rather than the dimensions from analysis services.
Instant Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security is a practical, hands-on guide that provides clear, step-by-step recipes for getting started with cube security. As a Database Administrator and Data Architect, data security is of prime concern, and this book highlights the key concepts of securing cubes. By the end of this book, you will understand the SQL Server security model and how to effectively implement the same on the data platform.
Security is paramount within a data platform, and thankfully, the issues surrounding data access can be fixed in the initial stages of its design. This allows you to avoid any breach of data access layers. The recipes in this book consist of the required ingredients to implement and administer OLAP & BI security management for your cubes. With this book, you will master the key aspects of implementing and managing security essentials and securing data layers.
The recipes in this book incorporate best practice implementation, which include step-by-step instructions for creating models that implement security based on the currently logged on Windows user name or based on custom data passed to analysis services. The new BI platform features will help end users, business users, and technology users by providing a robust environment for IT, planning, budgeting, forecasting with scorecards, and reporting capabilities for the business users. These analytics will help end users to create a comprehensive management application to view the data with ease.
Instant Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security is a practical, hands-on guide that provides clear, step-by-step recipes for getting started with cube security. As a Database Administrator and Data Architect, data security is of prime concern, and this book highlights the key concepts of securing cubes. By the end of this book, you will understand the SQL Server security model and how to effectively implement the same on the data platform.
Security is paramount within a data platform, and thankfully, the issues surrounding data access can be fixed in the initial stages of its design. This allows you to avoid any breach of data access layers. The recipes in this book consist of the required ingredients to implement and administer OLAP & BI security management for your cubes. With this book, you will master the key aspects of implementing and managing security essentials and securing data layers.
The recipes in this book incorporate best practice implementation, which include step-by-step instructions for creating models that implement security based on the currently logged on Windows user name or based on custom data passed to analysis services. The new BI platform features will help end users, business users, and technology users by providing a robust environment for IT, planning, budgeting, forecasting with scorecards, and reporting capabilities for the business users. These analytics will help end users to create a comprehensive management application to view the data with ease.
- Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security
- Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security
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- 1. Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security
- Designing and creating security roles in an OLAP database (Intermediate)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Creating security roles (Intermediate)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Defining dimension access privileges (Advanced)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Theres more...
- Managing role-based security database to cube level (Advanced)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Managing role-based security dimension to cell level (Advanced)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- More information section 1
- Accessing restrictions on dimensions and defining default members full and partial (Intermediate)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- More information section 1
- Securing data at the cell level (Intermediate)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Preventing read/access to cell data (Intermediate)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Managing user-access privileges on a cube (Advanced)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Managing security roles for processing (Intermediate)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Data source and access control on cubes (Advanced)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Building a secure BI platform the journey from SQL Server 2008 R2 to 2012 (Intermediate)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Securing key points in SSAS (Advanced)
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- More information section 1
- Designing and creating security roles in an OLAP database (Intermediate)
- Tytuł: Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security. Analyze and secure cubes in the SQL Server 2012 development environment in no time using this hands-on guide
- Autor: Satya SK Jayanty, Satya Shyam K Jayanty
- Tytuł oryginału: Instant SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 Cube Security. Analyze and secure cubes in the SQL Server 2012 development environment in no time using this hands-on guide
- ISBN: 9781849688710, 9781849688710
- Data wydania: 2013-07-26
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_2wt6
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing