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- Instant Magento Shipping How-to. Making Magento shipping settings work for your business
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Instant Magento Shipping How-to. Making Magento shipping settings work for your business
There is nothing worse for a customer than paying for an item online and never receiving it. As store owners, it is your responsibility to make sure each order is processed correctly, and more importantly—shipped. Configured correctly, Magento's shipping settings will not only make your lives as vendors much easier, but will also, through good service, keep customers coming back for more.
Instant Magento Shipping How-to is a comprehensive guide on how to set up your Magento Shipping configuration. This book will also broaden your knowledge of the various systems within Magento that impact upon the shipping settings.
Instant Magento Shipping How-to will walk you through the steps required to conduct the initial configuration to allow shipping for your products, taking into account Tax settings and the different product types. Magento's administration panel is a bit of a daunting system. Being able to customise all of Magento's shipping settings is what makes the difference between a store that can take orders and ship them and a store that delivers on all levels.
Instant Magento Shipping How-to is a comprehensive guide on how to set up your Magento Shipping configuration. This book will also broaden your knowledge of the various systems within Magento that impact upon the shipping settings.
Instant Magento Shipping How-to will walk you through the steps required to conduct the initial configuration to allow shipping for your products, taking into account Tax settings and the different product types. Magento's administration panel is a bit of a daunting system. Being able to customise all of Magento's shipping settings is what makes the difference between a store that can take orders and ship them and a store that delivers on all levels.
- Instant Magento Shipping How-to
- Instant Magento Shipping How-to
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- 1. Instant Magento Shipping How-to
- Configuring shipping settings (Must know)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Theres more...
- Setting up tax rules for different customer groups
- Different origins for different websites
- Choosing your shipping method (Must know)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Flat Rate
- Table Rates
- Free Shipping
- Our configuration
- There's more...
- Disabling Free Shipping for French website
- Configuring your products for shipping (Must know)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- Attributes affecting shipping charges
- There's more...
- Differences between product types, weight attribute, and shipping charges
- Advanced shipping methods (Should know)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Free shipping to specific UK postcode
- Shipping your orders (Should know)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Submitting a shipment comment and viewing in my account
- Submitting an order comment
- Changing order status for shipping stage (Become an expert)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Reassigning our delayed status to the on hold state
- Shipping promotions and discounts (Become an expert)
- Getting ready
- How to do it
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Free shipping for all USA orders with more than five items
- Free shipping for USA orders with no more than five items, total weight of greater than 10 kg, and an order value of less than $100
- Handling your shipping reports (Become an expert)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Customizing your shipping e-mails (Become an expert)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Using variables in transactional e-mails
- Configuring shipping settings (Must know)
- Tytuł: Instant Magento Shipping How-to. Making Magento shipping settings work for your business
- Autor: Robert Kent
- Tytuł oryginału: Instant Magento Shipping How-to. Making Magento shipping settings work for your business.
- ISBN: 9781782165415, 9781782165415
- Data wydania: 2013-05-23
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_2wtm
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing