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Ред2019ярд Кіплінг


Багато води спливло відколи у 2009 році світ побачила перша книжка віршів англійського поета Редярда Кіплінга українською. Так багато, що тепер уже не обійтися без нової книжки - Кіплінг розкрив українському читачу достатньо нових граней, щоб уже не лишатися для нас просто автором казок про Мауглі. Його вірші зазвучали й набули нового сенсу для багатьох українців, вже знані казки розкрили нові риси , з2019явилися друком раніше невидані твори.

    • Prelude
  • Departmental Ditties and Other Verses, /
    • The Last Department
    • General Summary
    • The Lovers Litany
    • Pink Dominoes
    • La Nuit Blanche
    • La Nuit Blanche
    • The Mares Nest
    • My Rival
  • The Barrack Room Ballads /
    • To Thomas Atkins
    • Tommy
    • Bill Awkins
    • Fuzzy-Wuzzy
    • -
    • Soldier, Soldier
    • , ...
    • The Explanation
  • The Seven Seas, /
    • In the Neolithic Age
    • To the City of Bombay
    • The Story of Ung
    • The Last Rhyme of True Thomas
    • Hymn Before Action
    • The Song of the Dead
    • Mary, Pity Women!
    • , !
  • The Five Nations, /
    • Recessional
    • The White Mans Burden
    • The Truce of the Bear
    • Boots (Infantry Columns)
  • School History of England, /
    • The Rivers Tale
    • The Anvil
    • Norman and Saxon
    • My Fathers Chair
    • The Reeds of Runnymede
    • The Dawn Wind
    • James I (160325)
    • I (16031625)
    • The Glory of the Garden
  • The Diversity of Creatures, /
    • The Children
    • The Floods
    • Jobsons Amen
    • The Beginnings
    • The Press
  • The Years Between, /
    • Zion
    • My Boy Jack
    • The Sons of Martha
    • The Virginity
    • A Death-Bed
    • The Outlaws
    • The Neutral
    • Mesopotamia
    • The Verdicts
    • For All We Have And Are
    • ,
    • The Benefactors
    • The Hyaenas
  • Rudyard Kiplings verse: inclusive edition, / :
    • The Sea And the Hills
    • Sussex
    • Very Many People
    • The Gipsy Trail
    • The Last of the Light Brigade
    • Servant when He Reigneth
    • ,
    • The Absent-Minded Beggar
  • Collected verses, /
    • The Fires
  • Debits and Credits, /
    • The Burden
    • Gipsy Vans
    • We and They
  • Jungle Books, /
    • Kaas Hunting
    • Red Dog
    • The White Seal
    • Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
    • --
    • Toomai of the Elephants
    • Her Majestys Servants
    • The Miracle of Purun Bhagat
    • Quiquern
    • Hunting Song of Seeonee Pack
    • Morning Song in the Jungle
    • The Song of Mowgli
    • The Song of the Little Hunter
    • Outsong in the Jungle
    • Lukannon
    • Darzees Chant
    • Shiv and the Grasshopper
    • -
    • Parade Song of the Camp Animals
    • A Song of Kabir
    • A Ripple Song
    • Angutivaun Taina
  • Just So Stories, /
    • How the Whale got his Throat
    • How the Camel got His Hump
    • How the Leopard got his Spots
    • The Elephants Child
    • The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo
    • The Beginning of the Armadillos
    • How the First Letter Was Written
    • How the Alphabet Was Made
    • Cat that Walked by Himself
    • , ,
    • The butterfly that stamped
    • ,
  • Puck of Pooks Hill, /
    • Pucks Song
    • A Tree Song
    • Harp Song of the Dane Women
    • The Thorkilds Song
    • The Runes of Welands Sword
    • A Truthful Song
    • A Smugglers Song
    • The Bee-Boys Song
    • -
    • A Three-Part Song
  • Rewards and Faires, /
    • A Charm
    • The Looking-Glass
    • he road through the woods
    • Brookland Road
    • The Run of the Downs
    • Song of the Mens Side
    • Our Fathers of Old
    • The Thousandth Man
    • Frankies Trade
    • The Ballad of Minepit Shaw
    • A Carol
  • Songs from books, /
    • Blue Roses
    • The Winners
    • The Love-song of Har-Dyal
    • -
    • Mother o Mine
    • From Lispeth
    • The Prayer of Miriam Cohen
    • The Two-sided Man
    • Buddha at Kamakura
    • The Wishing-Caps
    • A School Song
    • To the Companions
    • The Prairie
    • Our Fathers Also
    • The beasts are very wise
    • The City of Sleep
    • The Recall
    • The Press
    • The Flight
    • The Jester
    • Kings Task
    • A Childs Garden (R. L. Stevenson)
    • (. . )
    • IF
    • ( )
    • ,
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    • , , ...