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- Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for beginners
Szczegóły ebooka

Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for beginners
Damian Strojek, Robert Wszelaki, Marek Smyczek, Jerzy KLuczewski
The book: “COMPUTER NETWORKS IN PACKET TRACER FOR BEGINNERS" provides advice for people who want to learn about the operation of networks and the hardware that makes up today's network architecture. Beginners will learn how to download the simulator software and how to start working with it.
The reader will find here the basics of configuring network devices. He will learn network services such as: TELNET, SSH, FTP, EMAIL, DHCP, DNS and routing protocols RIP, EIGRP, OSPF. Learn how to design and deploy virtual VLAN networks. The authors, describing the issues of administering computer networks, use many examples and exercises.
The book is an updated compilation of our Packet Tracer publications for CISCO courses, has a described, changed interface of the currently latest Packet Tracer software and contains a set of new examples and exercises.
The authors of this book are an intergenerational and interdisciplinary team. A talented student of the School of Communication in Gdańsk, Damian Strojek. His passion is computer networks, he has a set of CCNA R&S certificates and is in the middle of the CCNA Security educational path. Jerzy Kluczewski, long-time instructor of the CISCO CCNA Academy. His authorial achievements already include several books on the Packet Tracer simulator. He gained his experience while working in industry, currently he is a lecturer at the WSB University in Gdańsk. Robert Wszelaki is passionate about networking and programming. He completed a full CISCO CCNA course. He is a graduate of ZS1 in Piekary Śląskie, currently studying computer science at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology. Marek Smyczek is an experienced teacher of IT and electrical subjects, and at the same time an instructor of the CISCO CCNA program. He is the author and editor of several dozen publications in the fields of electronics and computer science.
Translations: Joanna Margowniczy English teacher at Primary School No. 13 in Jaworzno and ZDZ in Sosnowiec, international IT ESSENTIALS instructor, OKE examiner.
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 11
1.1 MAIN CHANGES IN THE PACKET TRACER 8.2 ............................................................. 11
1.2 DETAILED COMMENTS APPLYING TO THE PROGRAM VERSION. ...................................... 12
1.3 KEEP ME LOGGED IN OPTION .................................................................................. 12
1.4 THE MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. .................................................................. 13
2 DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING CISCO PACKET TRACER ................................ 17
2.1 DOWNLOADING FROM NETACAD .......................................................................... 17
2.2 INSTALLING THE PACKET TRACER (VERSION 8.2.0) ..................................................... 23
2.3 THE FIRST RUN OF THE PACKET TRACER PROGRAM ..................................................... 24
3 GETTING STARTED WITH THE CISCO PACKET TRACER ........................................ 29
3.1 THE MAIN PROGRAM WINDOW ............................................................................. 29
3.2 THE MAIN AREAS OF THE PROGRAM WINDOW .......................................................... 30
3.3 TOOLBAR ICONS ................................................................................................... 32
3.4 GENERAL PURPOSE TOOLBAR ICONS ........................................................................ 35
4 BASICS OF WORKING WITH THE CISCO PACKET TRACER .................................... 39
4.1 FIRST STEPS ........................................................................................................ 39
4.1.1 Working with Devices .............................................................................. 39
4.1.2 Replacing and Adding Modules ............................................................... 40
4.1.3 Network Cabling ...................................................................................... 45
4.1.4 Connecting Devices.................................................................................. 47
4.1.5 Basic Device Configuration ...................................................................... 49 Global Configuration Mode ............................................................................. 49 Desktop Tools .................................................................................................. 50
4.1.6 Check the Status of Your Configuration ................................................... 52 Status of Network Adapter LEDs .................................................................... 52 IP Address Display .......................................................................................... 54 Inspect Tool ..................................................................................................... 54 Command Line for PC ..................................................................................... 55
4.1.7 Testing Connection (Real Mode) ............................................................. 57 Simple Way - Graphic PING ........................................................................... 57 Standard Method - PING via Command Line ................................................. 58 Advanced Graphic PING ................................................................................. 59
4.1.8 Testing Connection (Simulation Mode) ................................................... 61
5 DEVICES USED TO CREATE NETWORK ............................................................... 67
5.1 HUBS ................................................................................................................. 67
5.2 REPEATERS ......................................................................................................... 77
5.3 BRIDGES ............................................................................................................. 78
5.3.1 Two-segment Network Built with Two Hubs ........................................... 78
5.3.2 Sample Network with a Bridge ................................................................ 80
5.4 SWITCHES ........................................................................................................... 83
5.5 ACCESS POINTS .................................................................................................... 86
5.6 OTHER ACCESS POINT WIRELESS DEVICES ................................................................. 92
5.6.1 LAP-PT Devices ........................................................................................ 92
5.6.2 3702i Device ............................................................................................ 92
5.6.3 WLC-PT Device ......................................................................................... 93
5.6.4 WLC-2504 Device ..................................................................................... 93
5.7 WI-FI ACCESS ROUTERS ........................................................................................ 94
5.7.1 Standard Configuration of the Wi-Fi Router ............................................ 94
5.7.2 Configuration of Wi-Fi Router via HTTP .................................................. 99
5.8 DEVICES FOR CREATING GSM NETWORKS .............................................................. 118
5.9 HARDWARE FIREWALLS ....................................................................................... 119
5.9.1 Meraki-MX65W Device ......................................................................... 119
5.9.2 Meraki-Server Device ............................................................................ 120
5.9.3 ASA5505 and ASA5506 Devices ............................................................. 121 ASA 5505 Device ............................................................................................ 122 ASA 5506 Device ............................................................................................ 122
6.1 TRANSMISSION TYPES ......................................................................................... 125
6.1.1 Half Duplex ............................................................................................ 125
6.1.2 Full Duplex ............................................................................................. 127
6.2 CONFIGURING NETWORK SERVICES ........................................................................ 127
6.2.1 DHCP...................................................................................................... 128
6.2.2 HTTP ...................................................................................................... 130
6.2.3 FTP ......................................................................................................... 133
6.2.4 SMTP/POP3 ........................................................................................... 138
6.2.5 DNS ........................................................................................................ 143
6.2.6 Firewall .................................................................................................. 148
7 SKILL EXERCISES – PART I ................................................................................ 159
7.1 DEVICE-TO-DEVICE CONNECTIONS ........................................................................ 159
7.1.1 Connection of Devices According to the Scheme ................................... 159
7.1.2 Connecting Devices to the Wi-Fi Router and Access Point .................... 160
7.1.3 Connecting Computers That Are At Longer Distance Then 100 Meters 161
7.1.4 Using a HUB to Connect Devices Into a Single Local Network ............... 162
7.1.5 Using a Bridge to Limit Packet Collisions on a Local Network ............... 163
7.2 CONFIGURE SERVICES ON SERVERS ........................................................................ 164
7.2.1 DNS and HTTP Configuration ................................................................ 164
7.2.2 Configuring DHCP and FTP .................................................................... 165
7.2.3 Mail Server Configuration (SMTP, POP3) .............................................. 167
8 CONFIGURING CISCO ROUTERS ...................................................................... 171
8.1 EXPLORING THE EQUIPMENT OF CISCO ROUTERS ...................................................... 171
8.1.1 Series 1841 ............................................................................................ 171
8.1.2 Series 1941 ............................................................................................ 173
8.1.3 Series 2620XM ....................................................................................... 174
8.1.4 Series 2621XM ....................................................................................... 177
8.1.5 Series 2811 ............................................................................................ 178
8.1.6 Series 2901 ............................................................................................ 179
8.1.7 Series 2911 ............................................................................................ 179
8.1.8 IR829 Router .......................................................................................... 180
8.1.9 819IOX Router ....................................................................................... 181
8.1.10 CGR 1240 Router ................................................................................... 182
8.1.11 ISR 4321 Router ..................................................................................... 182
8.1.12 819IOX Router ....................................................................................... 184
8.1.13 819HGW Router .................................................................................... 184
8.1.14 Series PT Router ..................................................................................... 185
8.2 CONFIGURE CISCO ROUTERS USING THE GRAPHICAL INTERFACE .................................. 187
8.2.1 Interface Configuration ......................................................................... 187
8.2.2 GUI-Configurable Routing Protocols ..................................................... 192 Static Routing ................................................................................................ 192 RIP Routing Protocol .................................................................................... 196
8.3 CONFIGURING CISCO ROUTERS IN CISCO IOS ........................................................... 200
8.3.1 Basics ..................................................................................................... 201
8.3.2 Wizard Mode ......................................................................................... 203 Simple Wizard Mode ..................................................................................... 204 Advanced Wizard Mode ................................................................................ 207
8.3.3 Basic Router Configuration Modes ........................................................ 210 Console Mode Support .................................................................................. 210 Using Help ..................................................................................................... 212 View the Status of the Router ....................................................................... 216
8.3.4 Configure Router Name, Passwords, and Message Of The Day (MOTD) ....
............................................................................................................... 219
8.3.5 Other Modes of Operation of the Router .............................................. 222 Console Port Configuration ........................................................................... 223 Configuration of Virtual Terminals (Telnet, SSH) ........................................... 224 Interface Configuration ................................................................................. 228 Configuration of Sub-Interfaces..................................................................... 235
8.3.6 DHCP Configuration ............................................................................... 236
8.3.7 Static Routing Configuration ................................................................. 238
8.3.8 RIP Routing Protocol Configuration ....................................................... 241
8.3.9 EIGRP Routing Protocol Configuration .................................................. 245
8.3.10 OSPF Routing Protocol Configuration .................................................... 248
8.3.11 Local Definition of Router Names .......................................................... 252
8.3.12 Save the Current Configuration ............................................................. 254
8.3.13 Securing Your Configuration .................................................................. 256
9 CONFIGURING CISCO SWITCHES ..................................................................... 263
9.1 EXPLORING THE EQUIPMENT OF CISCO SWITCHES ..................................................... 263
9.1.1 Switch 2950 ........................................................................................... 263
9.1.2 Switch 2950T ......................................................................................... 264
9.1.3 Switch 2960 ........................................................................................... 264
9.1.4 PT-Switch and PT-Empty Switch ........................................................... 264
9.1.5 Series 3560 ............................................................................................ 266
9.1.6 Series IE 2000 ........................................................................................ 266
9.2 CONFIGURE CISCO SWITCHES USING THE GRAPHICAL INTERFACE ................................. 267
9.2.1 Interface Configuration ......................................................................... 267
9.2.2 Configuring Virtual LANs (VLANs) .......................................................... 270
9.2.3 Enabling Communication Between VLANs ............................................ 274
9.3 CONFIGURING CISCO SWITCHES IN THE IOS ............................................................. 278
9.3.1 Basic Information .................................................................................. 278
9.3.2 Basic Switch Configuration Modes ........................................................ 279
9.3.3 Interface Configuration ......................................................................... 279
9.3.4 VLAN Configuration ............................................................................... 280
9.3.5 Configuration of Virtual Terminals (Telnet, SSH) ................................... 283
9.3.6 REP Protocol .......................................................................................... 286 Purpose of REP .............................................................................................. 287 Basic Concepts of REP .................................................................................... 287
10 PHYSICAL TOPOLOGY IN THE CISCO PACKET TRACER ................................... 293
10.1 ARRANGING DEVICES .......................................................................................... 301
10.2 PHYSICAL CABLE LENGTHS AND DISTANCES ............................................................. 301
10.3 CABLE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 304
11 SKILL EXERCISES – PART II ........................................................................... 309
11.1 CONFIGURE DEVICES USING THE GRAPHICAL INTERFACE ............................................ 309
11.1.1 Interface configuration, static routing .................................................. 309
11.1.2 Switch Modes, VLANs Configuration ..................................................... 310
11.2 ROUTING PROTOCOLS, REMOTE MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 311
11.2.1 RIPv2 and Configuration Using Telnet, Local Name Definition ............. 311
11.2.2 RIPv2 and Configuration Using Telnet, Local Name Definition ............. 312
11.2.3 EIGRP and Configuration via SSH, HTTP and DNS ................................. 313
11.3 VLANS, ROUTER ON A STICK, REMOTE MANAGEMENT ............................................. 314
11.3.1 Switch Modes, VLAN Configuration ....................................................... 314
11.3.2 VLAN Configuration, Routing Between VLANs ...................................... 315
11.3.3 Remote Switch Management ................................................................ 316
11.3.4 Protocol REP in Switches ....................................................................... 317
12 WORKING WITH LARGE TOPOLOGIES ......................................................... 321
12.1 INTRODUCTION TO DEVICE GROUPING ................................................................... 321
12.2 DEVICE GROUPING – DESCRIPTION OF TOOL BUTTONS .............................................. 321
12.3 DEVICE GROUPING – STEP-BY-STEP ALGORITHM ..................................................... 322
12.4 MOVE A SINGLE DEVICE FROM THE CLOUD TO THE ROOT LEVEL .................................. 324
12.5 MOVE A SINGLE DEVICE FROM THE ROOT LEVEL TO THE CLOUD .................................. 326
12.6 PURPOSE OF THE SET TILED BACKGROUND BUTTON .................................................. 327
12.7 RENAME A CLOUD .............................................................................................. 329
12.8 MULTIUSER MODE ............................................................................................. 329
13 DHCP PROTOCOL FOR IPV4 ......................................................................... 339
13.1 INTRODUCTION TO DHCP .................................................................................... 339
13.1.1 DHCP Basics ........................................................................................... 339
13.1.2 DHCP Phases.......................................................................................... 340
13.2 CONFIGURING DHCP ON THE SERVER .................................................................... 345
13.2.1 Configuring the DHCP Server Service ..................................................... 345
13.2.2 Erasing DHCP on the Server ................................................................... 348
13.2.3 Disabling DHCP on the Server ................................................................ 348
13.2.4 Deleting DHCP Address Pool on the Server............................................ 348
13.3 CONFIGURING DHCP ON YOUR ROUTER ................................................................ 349
13.3.1 Configure the Router (DHCP Server) Address Pool ................................ 351
13.3.2 Viewing the Assigned IP Address Array in DHCP ................................... 353
13.3.3 Verifying the DHCP Service Is Working on the Router ........................... 353
13.3.4 Deleting the DHCP Configuration on the Router (DHCP Server) ............ 355
13.3.5 Deleting DHCP Configurations on Computers (DHCP Clients) ............... 355
13.4 DHCP ON A NETWORK WITH MULTIPLE ROUTERS .................................................... 355
13.4.1 Set Up an Intermediary Router .............................................................. 356
13.4.2 Start DHCP and Configure the Address Pool .......................................... 357
13.4.3 Check the Array of Assigned IP Addresses on the Router ...................... 358
13.5 CONFIGURING DHCP ON THE WIRELESS ROUTER ..................................................... 358
13.5.1 Configuring DHCP on the WRT300N ...................................................... 358
13.5.2 Configuring DHCP Based on MAC Addresses ......................................... 364
14 SKILL EXERCISES – PART III .......................................................................... 371
14.1.1 Grouping Devices ................................................................................... 371
14.1.2 Device Grouping and Multiuser Function .............................................. 372
14.2 DHCP FOR IPV4 ................................................................................................ 373
14.2.1 Configuring DHCP on the Server ............................................................ 373
14.2.2 Configuring DHCP on the Router ........................................................... 374
14.2.3 Configuring DHCP on the Wireless Router ............................................. 375
14.2.4 DHCP Configuration on a Server That Is on a Remote Network ............ 376
15.1 WIRING OR PORT ERRORS.................................................................................... 381
15.2 DEVICE RELATED ERRORS ..................................................................................... 383
15.3 IP ADDRESSING ERRORS ...................................................................................... 383
16 LIST OF THE SAMPLES AND SKILL EXERCISE’S SOLUTIONS ............................ 391
16.1 THE SAMPLE SOLUTION FILES ............................................................................... 391
16.2 THE SKILL EXERCISE’S SOLUTIONS .......................................................................... 393
- Tytuł: Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for beginners
- Autor: Damian Strojek, Robert Wszelaki, Marek Smyczek, Jerzy KLuczewski
- Tłumaczenie: Joanna Margowniczy
- ISBN: 9788365645852, 9788365645852
- Data wydania: 2023-03-12
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_359q
- Wydawca: ITStart