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Theoretical fundamentals and technologies of desposition of wear resistant eutectic coatings

Theoretical fundamentals and technologies of desposition of wear resistant eutectic coatings

Mychajło Paszeczko, Myroslav Kindrachuk (red.)

Eлектронна книга

In this work we propose a new view to natural composite materials –
multicomponent eutectic alloys, which may be used for broad variety of
applications – manufacturing and recovery of turbine blades, stator vanes,
metallurgical furnaces, quick closing equipment, cutting tools etc. Among them
are 12Cr18Ni9Ti-ТіВ2 (TiNi alloys), 12Cr18Ni9Тi-ТіВ2-СrВ2 (CrTiNi) and
12Cr18Ni9Ti-ТіВ2-ВС (VТiNi).

  • Назва: Theoretical fundamentals and technologies of desposition of wear resistant eutectic coatings
  • Автор: Mychajło Paszeczko, Myroslav Kindrachuk (red.)
  • ISBN: 978-83-7947-292-5, 9788379472925
  • Дата видання: 2023-04-19
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_38hl
  • Видавець: Politechnika Lubelska