Szczegóły ebooka

Becoming KCNA Certified. Build a strong foundation in cloud native and Kubernetes and pass the KCNA exam with ease

Becoming KCNA Certified. Build a strong foundation in cloud native and Kubernetes and pass the KCNA exam with ease

Dmitry Galkin

The job market related to the cloud and cloud-native technologies is both growing and becoming increasingly competitive, making certifications like KCNA a great way to stand out from the crowd and learn about the latest advancements in cloud technologies.
Becoming KCNA Certified doesn't just give you the practical skills needed to deploy and connect applications in Kubernetes, but it also prepares you to pass the Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam on your first attempt.
The book starts by introducing you to cloud-native computing, containers, and Kubernetes through practical examples, allowing you to test the theory out for yourself. You'll learn how to configure and provide storage for your Kubernetes-managed applications and explore the principles of modern cloud-native architecture and application delivery, giving you a well-rounded view of the subject. Once you've been through the theoretical and practical aspects of the book, you'll get the chance to test what you’ve learnt with two mock exams, with explanations of the answers, so you'll be well-prepared to appear for the KCNA exam.
By the end of this Kubernetes book, you'll have everything you need to pass the KCNA exam and forge a career in Kubernetes and cloud-native computing.
  • 1. From Cloud to Cloud Native and Kubernetes
  • 2. Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Kubernetes Certifications
  • 3. Getting Started with Containers
  • 4. Exploring Container Runtimes, Interfaces and Service Meshes
  • 5. Orchestrating Containers with Kubernetes
  • 6. Deploying and Scaling Containers
  • 7. Application Placement and Debugging with Kubernetes
  • 8. Following Kubernetes Best Practices
  • 9. Understanding Cloud Native Architectures
  • 10. Implementing Telemetry and Observability in the Cloud
  • 11. Automating Cloud Native Application delivery
  • 12. Practicing for the KCNA Exam with Mock Papers
  • 13. The Road Ahead
  • Tytuł: Becoming KCNA Certified. Build a strong foundation in cloud native and Kubernetes and pass the KCNA exam with ease
  • Autor: Dmitry Galkin
  • Tytuł oryginału: Becoming KCNA Certified. Build a strong foundation in cloud native and Kubernetes and pass the KCNA exam with ease
  • ISBN: 9781804617779, 9781804617779
  • Data wydania: 2023-02-10
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_39yk
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing