E-book details

Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook. Get the best out of your games by scripting them using UE4

Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook. Get the best out of your games by scripting them using UE4

William Sherif, Stephen Whittle

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. With more than 100 practical recipes, this book is a guide showcasing techniques to use the power of C++ scripting while developing games with UE4. It will start with adding and editing C++ classes from within the Unreal Editor. It will delve into one of Unreal's primary strengths, the ability for designers to customize programmer-developed actors and components. It will help you understand the benefits of when and how to use C++ as the scripting tool. With a blend of task-oriented recipes, this book will provide actionable information about scripting games with UE4, and manipulating the game and the development environment using C++. Towards the end of the book, you will be empowered to become a top-notch developer with Unreal Engine 4 using C++ as the scripting language.
  • 1. UE4 Development Tools
  • 2. Creating Classes
  • 3. Memory Management and Smart Pointers
  • 4. Actors & Components
  • 5. Handling Events and Delegates
  • 6. Input and Collision
  • 7. Communication between Classes and Interfaces
  • 8. Integrating C++ and the Unreal Editor
  • 9. User Interfaces: UI and UMG
  • 10. AI for Controlling NPC’s
  • 11. Custom Materials and Shaders
  • 12. Working with UE4 API’s
  • Title: Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook. Get the best out of your games by scripting them using UE4
  • Author: William Sherif, Stephen Whittle
  • Original title: Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook. Get the best out of your games by scripting them using UE4
  • ISBN: 9781785884689, 9781785884689
  • Date of issue: 2016-10-24
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3aru
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing