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- Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition
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Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition
Unity is one of the biggest game engines in the world, providing the user with a range of important tools that they need to bring their ideas into reality. Beginner game developers are optimistic, passionate, and ambitious, but that ambition can be dangerous! Too often, budding indie developers and hobbyists bite off more than they can chew. Games like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, and Fruit Ninja are fun, simple games that have delighted players and delivered big profits to their creators. This is the perfect climate for new game developers to succeed by creating simple games with Unity, starting today.
This book teaches you the ins and outs of the unique Unity game engine interface. Clear and concise code examples written in both Unity Javascript and C# take you through the step-by-step process of building five small, functional games. With this understanding you can start making your own mark on the game industry!
With absolutely no programming or game development experience, you will learn how to build five simple games in Unity by following step-by-step instructions, peppered with amusing analogies and anecdotes from an experienced indie developer. Following a primer on simplifying your game ideas to that single “something” that keeps players coming back for more, dive into the Unity game engine by creating a simple bat-and-ball game. From there, you'll build a complete memory game using only the Unity GUI system. After building a 2.5D mouse avoider game, you'll learn how to re-skin the project to completely change the game's theme. Incorporating everything you've learned, you'll return to complete the bat-and-ball game by adding scoring, replay flow, sound effects, and animations. Finally, in the new bonus chapter, you'll program some simple AI (Artificial Intelligence) for a tic tac toe game.
Unity 4.x Game Development by Example is a fun and light-hearted exploration of one of the most powerful game engines on the market today. Find out what all the fuss is about by getting up to speed using this book!
This book teaches you the ins and outs of the unique Unity game engine interface. Clear and concise code examples written in both Unity Javascript and C# take you through the step-by-step process of building five small, functional games. With this understanding you can start making your own mark on the game industry!
With absolutely no programming or game development experience, you will learn how to build five simple games in Unity by following step-by-step instructions, peppered with amusing analogies and anecdotes from an experienced indie developer. Following a primer on simplifying your game ideas to that single “something” that keeps players coming back for more, dive into the Unity game engine by creating a simple bat-and-ball game. From there, you'll build a complete memory game using only the Unity GUI system. After building a 2.5D mouse avoider game, you'll learn how to re-skin the project to completely change the game's theme. Incorporating everything you've learned, you'll return to complete the bat-and-ball game by adding scoring, replay flow, sound effects, and animations. Finally, in the new bonus chapter, you'll program some simple AI (Artificial Intelligence) for a tic tac toe game.
Unity 4.x Game Development by Example is a fun and light-hearted exploration of one of the most powerful game engines on the market today. Find out what all the fuss is about by getting up to speed using this book!
- Unity 4.x Game Development by Example Beginners Guide
- Table of Contents
- Unity 4.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- A word about the third edition
- Your future as a game developer
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the color images of this book
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. That's One Fancy Hammer!
- Introducing Unity 3D
- The engine, the tool, and the all-weather tires
- Unity takes over the world
- Why choose Unity?
- Why burn this book and run away screaming?
- Browser-based 3D welcome to the future
- Time for action install the Unity Web Player
- Welcome to Unity 3D!
- What can I build with Unity?
- FusionFall
- Completely hammered
- Should we try to build FusionFall?
- Another option
- Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
- Fewer features, more promises
- Maybe we should build Off-Road Velociraptor Safari?
- I bent my Wooglie
- Big Fun Racing
- Diceworks
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
- Showcase Showdown
- Unity Technologies "Made with Unity" page
- Kongregate
- The iOS App Store
- Walk before you can run (or double jump)
- There's no such thing as "finished"
- Stop! Hammer time
- Fight Some Angry Bots
- The wonders of technology!
- The Scene window
- The Game window
- The Hierarchy panel
- The Project panel
- The Inspector panel
- Heads Up?
- Layers and layout dropdowns
- Playback controls
- Scene controls
- Don't stop there live a little!
- Summary
- Big ambition, tiny games
- 2. Let's Start with the Sky
- That little lightbulb
- The siren song of 3D
- Features versus content
- A game with no features
- Mechanic versus skin
- Trapped in your own skin
- That singular piece of joy
- One percent inspiration
- Motherload
- Possible additional features:
- Heads up!
- Artillery Live!
- The skinny on multiplayer
- Bang for your buck
- Pong
- The mechanic that launched a thousand games
- Have a go hero redesign your favorite games
- Toy or story
- Pop Quiz finding that singular piece of joy
- Redefining the sky
- Summary
- Let's begin
- 3. Game #1 Ticker Taker
- Kick up a new Unity project
- Where did everything go?
- 'Tis volley
- Keep the dream alive
- Slash and burn!
- The many faces of keep-up
- Creating the ball and the hitter
- Time for action create the Ball
- What just happened that's all there is to it?
- A ball by any other name
- Time for action rename the Ball
- Origin story
- Time for action move the Ball Into the "Sky"
- Time for action shrink the Ball
- Time for action save your scene
- Time for action add the Paddle
- What's a Mesh?
- Poly wants to crack your game performance?
- Keeping yourself in the dark
- Time for action add a light
- Time for action move and rotate the light
- Have a go hero
- Extra credit
- Are you a luminary?
- Who turned out the lights?
- Darkness reigns
- Cameramania
- Time for action test your game
- Let's get physical
- Add physics to your game
- Understanding the gravity of the situation
- More bounce to the ounce
- Time for action make the Ball bouncy
- Have a go hero
- Summary
- Following the script
- Kick up a new Unity project
- 4. Code Comfort
- What is code?
- Time for action write your first Unity Script
- A leap of faith
- Lick it and stick it
- Disappear me!
- What just happened?
- It's all Greek to me
- You'll never go hungry again
- With great sandwich comes great responsibility
- Examining the code
- Time for action find the Mesh Renderer component
- Time for action make the ball re-appear
- Ding!
- Time for action journey to the Unity Script Reference
- The Renderer class
- Have a go hero pulling the wings off of flies
- What's another word for "huh"?
- It's been fun
- Time for action unstick the Script
- Gone, but not forgotten
- Why code?
- Equip your baby bird
- Time for action create a new MouseFollow Script
- What just happened?
- A capital idea
- Animating with code
- Time for action animate the Paddle
- What just happened what witchcraft is this?
- Why didn't the Paddle animate before?
- Pick a word (almost) any word
- Screen coordinates versus World coordinates
- Move the Paddle
- Worst. Game. Ever.
- See the matrix
- Time for action listen to the paddle
- A tiny bit o' math
- Tracking the numbers
- Futzing with the numbers
- Time for action Log the New Number
- She's a-work!
- Somebody get me a bucket
- Time for action declare a variable to store the Screen midpoint
- What just happened we've gone too var
- Using all three dees
- Time for action follow the y position of the mouse
- A keep-up game for robots
- Once more into the breach
- Time for action re-visit the Unity Language Reference
- Our work here is done
- Time for action add the sample code to your Script
- One final tweak
- What's a quaternion?
- Wait, what's a quaternion?
- Educated guesses
- More on Slerp
- Right on target
- Have a go hero time to break stuff
- Keep it up
- Beyond the game mechanic
- C# Addendum
- 5. Game #2 Robot Repair
- You'll totally flip
- A blank slate
- You're making a scene
- Time for action set up two scenes
- No right answer
- Time for action prepare the GUI
- The beat of your own drum
- Time for action create and link a custom GUI skin
- What just happened?
- Time for action create a button UI control
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero no sense sitting around on your button
- Want font?
- Cover your assets
- Time for action nix the mip-mapping
- Front and center
- Time for action center the button
- What just happened investigating the code
- The waiting game
- The easiest button to button
- To the game!
- Time for action add both scenes to Build List
- Set the stage for robots
- Time for action prepare the game scene
- The game plan
- Have some class!
- Time for action store the essentials
- A matter of great import
- Building a better bucket
- How big is your locker?
- Start me up
- Going loopy
- The anatomy of a loop
- To nest is best
- Seeing is believing
- Time for action create an area to store the grid
- Have a go hero don't take my word for it!
- Build that grid
- What just happened grokking the code
- Now you're playing with power!
- C# addendum
- 6. Game #2 Robot Repair Part 2
- From zero to game in one chapter
- Finding your center
- Time for action centering the game grid vertically
- What just happened?
- Time for action centering the game grid horizontally
- What just happened coding like a ninja
- Down to the nitty griddy
- Do the random card shuffle
- Time for action preparing to build the deck
- Let's break some robots
- Time for action building the deck
- What just happened dissecting the bits
- Time for action modifying the img argument
- What just happened?
- What exactly is "this"?
- Have a go hero grokketh-thou Random.Range()?
- Random reigns supreme
- Second dragon down
- Time to totally flip
- Time for action making the cards two-sided
- Time for action building the card-flipping function
- Time for action building the card-flipping function
- What just happened dissecting the flip
- Pumpkin eater
- What just happened?
- Stabby McDragonpoker rides again
- Game and match
- Time for action ID the cards
- What just happened?
- Time for action comparing the IDs
- What just happened?
- On to the final boss
- Endgame
- Time for action checking for victory
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero extra credit
- Endgame
- Bring. It. On.
- C# Addendum
- 7. Don't Be a Clock Blocker
- Apply pressure
- Time for action preparing the Clock Script
- Time for more action preparing the clock text
- Still time for action changing the clock text color
- Time for action rides again creating Font Texture and Material
- Time for action what's with the tiny font?
- What just happened was that seriously magic?
- Time for action preparing the clock code
- What just happened that's a whole lotta nothing
- Time for action creating the countdown logic
- Time for action displaying the time on-screen
- What just happened what about that terrifying code?
- Picture it
- Time for action grabbing the picture clock graphics
- What just happened you can do that?
- Time for action Flex those GUI muscles
- What just happened how does it work?
- The incredible shrinking clock
- Keep your fork there's pie!
- Pop quiz how do we build it?
- How they did it
- Time for action rigging up the textures
- Time for action writing the pie chart script
- What just happened?
- Time for action commencing operation pie clock
- What just happened explaining away the loose ends
- Time for action positioning and scaling the clock
- Have a go hero rock out with your clock out
- Unfinished business
- C# Addendum
- 8. Hearty Har Har
- Welcome to Snoozeville
- Model behavior
- Time for action exploring the models
- Time for action hands up!
- What just happened size matters
- Time for action changing the FBX import scale settings
- Time for action making the mesh colliders convex
- Time for action making the hands and tray follow the mouse
- What just happened monkey see, monkey do
- Time for action getting your heart on
- Time for action ditching the Ball and Paddle
- What just happened bypass the aorta
- Time for action material witness
- What just happened understanding Materials
- Have a go hero adding materials to the other models
- This just in this game blows
- Time for action multiple erections
- Time for action creating a font texture
- Time for action create the HeartBounce script
- What just happened charting a collision course
- Time for action tagging the tray
- Time for action tweaking the bounce
- What just happened storing velocity
- Time for action keeping track of the bounces
- Time for action adding the lose condition
- What just happened understanding the code
- Time for action adding the Play Again button
- What just happened?
- Ticker taken
- C# Addendum
- 9. Game #3 The Break-Up
- Time for action bombs away!
- Time for action poke those particles
- Time for action creating a spark material
- Have a go hero time to ignite your creative spark
- Time for action prefabulous
- What just happened what's a Prefab?
- Time for action lights, camera, and apartment
- Time for action adding the character
- Time for action registering the animations
- Time for action scripting the character
- What just happened stepping through the "step" code
- Time for action open the pod bay door, Hal
- Time for action collision-enable the character
- Time for action apocalypse now?
- Time for action go boom
- Time for action kill kill murder die
- Time for action the point of impact
- Time for action hook up the explosion
- Summary
- C# addendum
- 10. Game #3 The Break-Up Part 2
- Time for action amass some glass
- Time for action create a particle system
- What just happened getting smashed
- Time for action make it edgier!
- What just happened I fall to pieces
- Time for action contain the explosion
- What just happened duped?
- Time for action let's get lazy
- What just happened FallingObject: The PuppetMaster
- Very variable?
- Terminal velocity is a myth bombs fall faster
- What just happened when game objects collide?
- Time for action tag the objects
- Time for action write the collision detection code
- Time for action animation interrupts
- What just happened the impenetrable stare
- Time for action add facial explosions
- What just happened raindrops keep 'sploding on my head
- Time for action make some noise
- Time for action add sounds to FallingObject
- Silent 'Splosion
- What's the catch?
- Have a go hero sound off
- Time for action mix it up a bit
- Have a go hero filling in the gaps
- Summary
- C# Addendum
- 11. Game #4 Shoot the Moon
- Time for action duplicate your game project
- Time for action space the shooter up a bit
- Time for action enter the hero
- Time for action it's a hit!
- Time for action bring on the bad guys
- Time for action do some housekeeping
- Time for action fixing the fall
- Time for action tweak the hero
- What just happened hooray for lazy!
- Time for action give up the func
- Time for action itchy trigger finger
- Time for action futurize the bullet
- Time for action building Halo
- Time for action fire!
- Time for action code do-si-do
- What just happened eat lead
- Time for action the maaagic of aaaarguments
- Time for action add the most important part of any space shooter
- Last year's model
- Have a go hero filling in the empty space
- Summary
- C# Addendum
- 12. Game #5 Kisses 'n' Hugs
- Computers that think
- Time for action haul in the hallway
- Time for action hash it out
- One Script to rule them all
- Time for action it's hip to be square
- What just happened find and click
- Squaring the Square
- Time for action now you see it...
- Family values
- Time for action X marks the spot
- Time for action boy O boy
- Time for action bottoming out
- Here comes the drop
- What just happened to collide or not to collide?
- Time for action +9 accuracy
- Time for action solve for X
- What just happened lockdown
- Time for action it takes two to Tic Tac Toe
- What just happened alternating between players
- Time for action designer to player. Come in, player.
- What just happened prompt service
- Slowly building to a climax
- Have a go hero think it through
- Read after thinking
- What just happened building a more complex lock
- On deaf ears
- Time for action pretty maids all in a row
- What just happened order!
- Winner is coming
- Codesplosion
- Need-to-know basis
- Need-to-know basis
- Clean-up on aisle code
- What just happened vending machine
- Shave and a haircut
- What just happened hunting for a win
- Time for action check for a win
- Sore loser
- Time for action notify the winner
- Time for action you win. Now what?
- Have a go hero draw, pardner
- Nice moves
- Time for action the final bug
- All done but for the shouting
- C# addendum
- 13. AI Programming and World Domination
- Take it away, computer
- Time for action add computer control
- Herpa derp derp
- What just happened making a list, checking it twice
- Unpacking the code
- Time for action code consolidation
- Tic Tac Toe at the speed of light
- Sore loser
- Click-spamming for fun and profit
- Artificial stupidity
- Have a go hero solve Tic Tac Toe
- Time for action winning is everything
- It's a trap!
- The leftovers
- Time for action pseu pseu pseudocode
- What just happened stepping through the strategy
- Time for action begin at the end
- Time for action the final four
- Code one, get one free
- Have a go hero - stump the author
- The actual intelligence behind artificial intelligence
- Time for action score!
- What just happened the search is on
- Shut your trap
- Detecting the tri-corner trap
- Time for action to catch a competitor
- What just happened I'm running out of trap puns
- Perfection Horrible, horrible perfection.
- Time for action programming fallibility
- What just happened roll for initiative
- Turning it up to "Smart"
- Code encore
- Summary
- More hospitality
- C# addendum
- 14. Action!
- Open heart surgery
- Time for action haul in the hallway
- Time for action meet me at camera two
- Time for action adjust Main Camera
- Time for action deck the halls
- Time for action turn on the lights
- Time for action set up the camera rig
- Time for action animate the bouncer
- What just happened red and raging
- Time for action I like to move it move it
- Have a go hero bounce your brains out
- Time for action animate the runner
- What just happened holy hospital rampage, Batman!
- Time for action how to "handle" Nurse Slipperfoot
- Time for action you spin me right round
- Have a go hero give Robo-Nurse a soul
- Have a go hero use your new-found powers for good
- Time for action deploy your game
- Time to grow
- Beyond the book
- A. Appendix
- Online resources
- Offline resources
- Free development tools
- Graphics
- Sound
- The Unity Asset Store
- Game portals
- Index
- Tytuł: Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition
- Autor: Ryan Henson Creighton
- Tytuł oryginału: Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition
- ISBN: 9781849695275, 9781849695275
- Data wydania: 2013-12-26
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3atb
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing