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- Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013. The search engine in SharePoint 2013 is a refreshed version and this book will show you how to make the most of it with a range of methodologies for developing search-driven applications. JavaScript experience required
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Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013. The search engine in SharePoint 2013 is a refreshed version and this book will show you how to make the most of it with a range of methodologies for developing search-driven applications. JavaScript experience required
SharePoint 2013 feels like a of fresh air, offering many new features and changes over older versions. Among these new features is a completely revamped search engine. Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is a quick-start guide to creating search-driven applications using the new and exciting features that have revolutionized the SharePoint enterprise search experience.
Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is a fast-paced, practical, hands-on guide to the world of enterprise search in SharePoint 2013. With step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples, this book will give you a head start creating fresh and exciting search-driven applications using SharePoint 2013's new search engine.
Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is an accelerated way to create search-driven applications for SharePoint 2013. By covering the basics first and gradually covering all search related topics, this book will be your guide through the world of SharePoint's enterprise search.
Furthermore, you will learn how to use the powerful feature of Query Rules to create smart conditions that help respond to user's search queries intelligently. We will also discuss how to style search results and make them stand out, how to index external content so it will be searchable using SharePoint's powerful search engine, and how to use the new client side search APIs, which will allow us to take advantage of search in Apps, the new development model for SharePoint 2013.
After reading Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013, you will understand what it takes to create applications that use search as a content provider. Using applications that are based on real world examples and step-by-step tutorials, you'll get hands-on experience in developing search driven applications.
Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is a fast-paced, practical, hands-on guide to the world of enterprise search in SharePoint 2013. With step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples, this book will give you a head start creating fresh and exciting search-driven applications using SharePoint 2013's new search engine.
Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013 is an accelerated way to create search-driven applications for SharePoint 2013. By covering the basics first and gradually covering all search related topics, this book will be your guide through the world of SharePoint's enterprise search.
Furthermore, you will learn how to use the powerful feature of Query Rules to create smart conditions that help respond to user's search queries intelligently. We will also discuss how to style search results and make them stand out, how to index external content so it will be searchable using SharePoint's powerful search engine, and how to use the new client side search APIs, which will allow us to take advantage of search in Apps, the new development model for SharePoint 2013.
After reading Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013, you will understand what it takes to create applications that use search as a content provider. Using applications that are based on real world examples and step-by-step tutorials, you'll get hands-on experience in developing search driven applications.
- Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013
- Table of Contents
- Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewer
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- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started with SharePoint 2013 Search
- New features of SharePoint 2013 Search
- Search administration
- UI changes and customization
- Relevance and ranking features
- New development methods
- The search architecture
- Content components
- Crawl component
- Content-processing component
- Query components
- Web frontend
- Query processing component
- The index component
- Analytics processing component
- Content components
- Summary
- New features of SharePoint 2013 Search
- 2. Using the Out of the Box Search Components
- Getting acquainted with result sources
- Learning query rules
- Creating query rules
- Setting the result source
- Setting query conditions
- Query Matches Dictionary Exactly
- Query More Common in Source
- Result Type Commonly Clicked
- Advanced Query Text Match
- Setting the action
- Promoted result
- Result block
- Change ranked results by changing the query
- Creating query rules
- Using the content search web part
- Building a simple search-driven application
- Adding content
- Creating the result source
- Creating a search vertical
- Adding a query rule
- Summary
- 3. Using the New CSOM and RESTful APIs
- Understanding the Keyword Query Language
- The basics
- Property restrictions
- Synonyms
- Using the new client-side APIs
- REST and SharePoint 2013
- Using REST
- REST and search
- Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
- CSOM and search
- A SharePoint-hosted app
- A provider hosted app
- An autohosted app
- Publishing an app
- Building a SharePoint-hosted search-driven app
- Create task apps (lists)
- Understanding the requirements
- Building the app
- Summary
- Understanding the Keyword Query Language
- 4. Customizing the Look
- Result types and design templates
- Display templates
- Result types
- Styling results in a Content Search Web Part
- Creating a custom display template
- Getting the new properties
- Getting the values of the new properties
- Displaying the new properties
- Enriching the Video Games Search Center
- Modifying the default image display template
- Creating the result type
- Summary
- Result types and design templates
- 5. Extending Beyond SharePoint
- BCS for search
- BCS and search
- Building a BCS search connector
- Setting the operations
- Implementing the ReadList method
- Implementing the ReadItem method
- Making the BCS model crawlable
- Creating a search content source
- Setting the operations
- Summary
- BCS for search
- Index
- Tytuł: Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013. The search engine in SharePoint 2013 is a refreshed version and this book will show you how to make the most of it with a range of methodologies for developing search-driven applications. JavaScript experience required
- Autor: Johnny Tordgeman
- Tytuł oryginału: Learning Search-driven Application Development with SharePoint 2013. The search engine in SharePoint 2013 is a refreshed version and this book will show you how to make the most of it with a range of methodologies for developing search-driven applications. JavaScript experience required.
- ISBN: 9781782171010, 9781782171010
- Data wydania: 2013-07-11
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3au8
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing