Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komputer w biurze
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Multimedialne szkolenia
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Polityka społeczna
- Poradniki
- Prezentacje
- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Raporty, analizy
- Sekret
- Social Media
- Sprzedaż
- Start-up
- Twoja kariera
- Zarządzanie
- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Dom i ogród
- E-Biznes
- Ekonomia i finanse
- Finanse
- Finanse osobiste
- Firma
- Fotografia
- Informatyka
- Kadry i płace
- Komputery, Excel
- Księgowość
- Kultura i literatura
- Naukowe i akademickie
- Ochrona środowiska
- Opiniotwórcze
- Oświata
- Podatki
- Podróże
- Psychologia
- Religia
- Rolnictwo
- Rynek książki i prasy
- Transport i Spedycja
- Zdrowie i uroda
- Aplikacje biurowe
- Bazy danych
- Bioinformatyka
- Biznes IT
- Digital Lifestyle
- Elektronika
- Fotografia cyfrowa
- Grafika komputerowa
- Gry
- Hacking
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Pakiety naukowe
- Podręczniki szkolne
- Podstawy komputera
- Programowanie
- Programowanie mobilne
- Serwery internetowe
- Sieci komputerowe
- Start-up
- Systemy operacyjne
- Sztuczna inteligencja
- Technologia dla dzieci
- Webmasterstwo
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poemat
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Podręczniki szkolne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
- Archeologia
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Filmoznawstwo
- Filologia
- Filologia polska
- Filozofia
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geografia
- Gospodarka
- Handel. Gospodarka światowa
- Historia i archeologia
- Historia sztuki i architektury
- Kulturoznawstwo
- Lingwistyka
- Literaturoznawstwo
- Logistyka
- Matematyka
- Medycyna
- Nauki humanistyczne
- Pedagogika
- Pomoce naukowe
- Popularnonaukowa
- Pozostałe
- Psychologia
- Socjologia
- Teatrologia
- Teologia
- Teorie i nauki ekonomiczne
- Transport i spedycja
- Wychowanie fizyczne
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Poradniki do gier
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
- Historia
- Kodeks drogowy. Prawo jazdy
- Nauki prawne
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Ogólne, kompendium wiedzy
- Podręczniki akademickie
- Pozostałe
- Prawo budowlane i lokalowe
- Prawo cywilne
- Prawo finansowe
- Prawo gospodarcze
- Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe
- Prawo karne
- Prawo karne. Przestępstwa karne. Kryminologia
- Prawo międzynarodowe
- Prawo międzynarodowe i zagraniczne
- Prawo ochrony zdrowia
- Prawo oświatowe
- Prawo podatkowe
- Prawo pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych
- Prawo publiczne, konstytucyjne i administracyjne
- Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze
- Prawo rolne
- Prawo socjalne, prawo pracy
- Prawo Unii Europejskiej
- Przemysł
- Rolne i ochrona środowiska
- Słowniki i encyklopedie
- Zamówienia publiczne
- Zarządzanie
Przewodniki i podróże
- Afryka
- Albumy
- Ameryka Południowa
- Ameryka Środkowa i Północna
- Australia, Nowa Zelandia, Oceania
- Austria
- Azja
- Bałkany
- Bliski Wschód
- Bułgaria
- Chiny
- Chorwacja
- Czechy
- Dania
- Egipt
- Estonia
- Europa
- Francja
- Góry
- Grecja
- Hiszpania
- Holandia
- Islandia
- Litwa
- Łotwa
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Miniprzewodniki
- Niemcy
- Norwegia
- Podróże aktywne
- Polska
- Portugalia
- Pozostałe
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Rosja
- Rumunia
- Słowacja
- Słowenia
- Szwajcaria
- Szwecja
- Świat
- Turcja
- Ukraina
- Węgry
- Wielka Brytania
- Włochy
- Filozofie życiowe
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Poradniki
- Prezentacje
- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Sekret
- Social Media
- Sprzedaż
- Start-up
- Twoja kariera
- Zarządzanie
- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Informatyka
- Aplikacje biznesowe
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
Szczegóły ebooka
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Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application used in all kinds of organizations around the world. It provides a great variety of functionality, out-of-the-box, in different topics such as accounting, sales, purchase processing, logistics, and manufacturing. Microsoft Dynamics NAV also allows companies to grow their applications by customizing solutions to meet specific requirements.
This course is a hands-on tutorial on working with a real Dynamics NAV implementation. It begins by providing an insight into the different tools available to migrate data from client legacy systems into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If you are already live with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you will learn about upgrades and what to expect from them. We’ll also show you how to implement additional or expanding functionalities within your existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation, perform data analysis, debug error messages, and implement free third-party add-ons to your existing installation. From here, you will be introduced to integrated development tools to make you a highly productive developer in the NAV environment.
The course will serve as a comprehensive reference guide, complementing NAV's Help files. You will find this course really useful if you want to evaluate Microsoft Dynamics NAV's development capabilities or need to manage NAV-based projects. Additionally, you will also learn about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together. Moving on, you will be guided through the NAV way of solving problems. You will be introduced to patterns and the software NAV architecture and will then build an example application. Then, you will walk through the details of architectural patterns, design patterns, and implementation patterns and will also learn about anti-patterns and handling legacy code. You will learn how to build solutions using patterns. The course offers premium, highly practical content on this recently released version of Dynamics NAV, and includes material from the following Packt books :
1. Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Third Edition
2. Programming Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV
3. Learning Dynamics NAV Patterns
This course is a hands-on tutorial on working with a real Dynamics NAV implementation. It begins by providing an insight into the different tools available to migrate data from client legacy systems into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If you are already live with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you will learn about upgrades and what to expect from them. We’ll also show you how to implement additional or expanding functionalities within your existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation, perform data analysis, debug error messages, and implement free third-party add-ons to your existing installation. From here, you will be introduced to integrated development tools to make you a highly productive developer in the NAV environment.
The course will serve as a comprehensive reference guide, complementing NAV's Help files. You will find this course really useful if you want to evaluate Microsoft Dynamics NAV's development capabilities or need to manage NAV-based projects. Additionally, you will also learn about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together. Moving on, you will be guided through the NAV way of solving problems. You will be introduced to patterns and the software NAV architecture and will then build an example application. Then, you will walk through the details of architectural patterns, design patterns, and implementation patterns and will also learn about anti-patterns and handling legacy code. You will learn how to build solutions using patterns. The course offers premium, highly practical content on this recently released version of Dynamics NAV, and includes material from the following Packt books :
1. Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Third Edition
2. Programming Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV
3. Learning Dynamics NAV Patterns
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Credits
- Preface
- What this learning path covers
- What you need for this learning path
- Who this learning path is for
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- Part 1. Module 1
- Chapter 1. Exploring Microsoft Dynamics NAV An Introduction
- Understanding Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- The functional areas within Dynamics NAV
- History of Dynamics NAV
- Functional areas
- Financial Management
- Sales and marketing
- Purchase
- Approvals
- Warehouse
- Manufacturing
- Job
- Resource planning
- Service
- Human resources
- Vertical and horizontal solutions
- Accessing Dynamics NAV
- Windows client
- Web client
- Tablet client
- SharePoint client
- Web Services
- Development Environment
- Summary
- Chapter 2. Whats New in NAV 2016?
- Application changes
- Improvements for the application users
- Tablet client
- New application features
- Development changes
- Document reporting
- Upgrade automation an overview
- Enhancement in security and encryption
- IT changes
- Dynamics NAV Server administration
- Windows PowerShell cmdlets
- Summary
- Chapter 3. Dynamics NAV General Considerations
- The data model
- Master data
- Documents
- Journals
- Entries
- Combining all concepts
- No save button
- The main advantage
- When is the data verified?
- The main drawback
- The posting routines
- Posted data cannot be modified (or deleted)
- Navigating through your data
- The Navigate functionality
- Other ways to browse data
- Sorting on list pages
- Filtering for the data you need
- Saving views for the filters you've set
- Real-time data gathering the SIFT technology
- Everything leads to accounting
- The Dynamics NAV database
- The TableRelation property
- Coded data rules
- Summary
- Chapter 4. The Implementation Process From the Reseller
- What is an implementation?
- Methodology
- The Waterfall approach
- The Agile approach
- Using the best of both
- Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
- Roles
- Salesperson
- Project manager
- Business consultant
- Key users
- Analyst
- Developer
- Implementer
- End users
- Summarizing the roles
- Phases
- Presales
- Getting the project requirements
- Designing the solution
- Development
- Deployment
- Post Implementation Support
- Summary
- Chapter 5. The Implementation Process on the Customer Side
- Definition of goals
- Measuring goals
- Defining the internal processes
- Questions to be asked
- Improve before automating
- Getting the requirements
- Change management
- Get involved in testing the system
- Involve end users
- Summary
- Chapter 6. Migrating Data
- Tools to migrate data
- RapidStart Services
- Using XMLports to migrate data
- Writing your own tools
- Converting data from the old system to Dynamics NAV's needs
- Fields particular to Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Master data
- Open entries
- Customer entries
- Vendor entries
- Bank entries
- Item entries
- Fixed-asset entries
- General Ledger balances
- Historical data
- Open documents
- Choosing a go-live date
- Going live at the beginning of the fiscal year
- Going live in the middle of a fiscal year
- Summary
- Chapter 7. Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Upgrading philosophy
- Upgrades prior to Dynamics NAV 2013
- Upgrades from Dynamics NAV 2013 forward
- Upgrading process checklist
- Upgrading from 2013, 2013 R2, or 2015
- Upgrading from 2009, 2009 SP1, or 2009 R2
- Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.0 SP1
- Upgrading from 4.0, 4.0 SP1, 4.0 SP2, or 4.0 SP3
- Upgrading from 3.60 or 3.70
- Upgrading steps to NAV 2013
- Preparing to upgrade
- Upgrading the application code
- Upgrading the data
- Upgrading tools
- Upgrade toolkit
- Text format upgrade
- Form transformation
- Report transformation
- Comparing text tools
- MergeTool
- Summary
- Chapter 8. Development Considerations
- Setup versus customization
- Data model principles
- Basic objects
- How tables are structured
- The structure of pages
- The posting process
- The codeunit structure for sales posting
- The codeunit structure for General Journal posting
- Where to write customized code
- Validating fields
- Batch jobs
- Formatting customized code
- Summary
- Chapter 9. Functional Changes on Existing Implementations
- General guidelines
- What is a functional change?
- The Requisition Worksheet
- Fixed Assets
- Item Tracking
- Extending a customized functionality
- Interactions with other functionalities
- The Requisition Worksheet
- Fixed Assets
- Item Tracking
- Extending a customized functionality
- Writing a to-do list to implement a change
- The Requisition Worksheet
- Fixed Assets
- Item Tracking
- Extending a customized functionality
- Choosing the right time
- The Requisition Worksheet
- Fixed Assets
- Item Tracking
- Extending a customized functionality
- Planning the change
- The Requisition Worksheet
- Fixed Assets
- Item Tracking
- Extending a customized functionality
- Summary
- Chapter 10. Data Analysis and Reporting
- Using filters and FlowFilters
- Creating views
- Statistics
- Charts
- The Show as Chart option
- Adding charts to the Role Center page
- Creating and configuring charts
- Using reports
- Finding reports
- Running reports
- Types of reports
- Account schedules
- Analysis views
- Understanding dimensions
- Creating an analysis view
- Updating analysis views
- Using analysis views
- Extracting data
- Sending data to Microsoft Office applications
- Extracting data through web services
- Other ways to extract Dynamics NAV data
- Understanding report development
- Reports anatomy
- Defining the dataset
- Designing the visual layout
- Summary
- Chapter 11. Debugging
- The art of debugging
- Debugging in Dynamics NAV 2016
- Break Rules
- Placing breakpoints
- From the Object Designer
- In the current statement of the debugger
- Conditional breakpoint
- Debugger Breakpoint List
- Line-by-line execution
- The Step Into option
- The Step Over option
- The Step Out option
- The Continue option
- The Call Stack FactBox
- The Watches FactBox
- Adding variables from the Debugger Variables List window
- Adding variables from the code viewer
- Summary
- Chapter 12. Popular Reporting Options with Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- What is a query?
- Query Designer
- Defining our first query
- Adding additional data to the query
- Charts
- Web services
- External applications
- Power BI
- Jet Reports Express
- Downloading Jet Reports Express
- Installing Jet Reports Express
- Report pack for Jet Reports Express
- Summary
- Part 2. Module 2
- Chapter 1. An Introduction to NAV 2015
- NAV 2015 an ERP system
- Financial Management
- Manufacturing
- Supply Chain Management
- Business Intelligence and reporting
- Relationship Management
- Human Resource management
- Project Management
- Significant changes in NAV 2015
- Application changes
- Client enhancements
- Development tools
- Other areas
- A developer's overview of NAV 2015
- NAV object types
- The C/SIDE integrated development environment
- Object Designer tool icons
- The C/AL programming language
- NAV object and system elements
- NAV functional terminology
- User interface
- Hands-on development in NAV 2015
- The NAV 2015 development exercise scenario
- Getting started with application design
- Application tables
- Pages
- Creating a List page
- Creating a Card page
- Creating some sample data
- Creating a List Report
- Other NAV object types
- Development backups and documentation
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 2. Tables
- An overview of tables
- Components of a table
- Naming a table
- Table numbering
- Table properties
- Table triggers
- Keys
- SumIndexFields
- Field Groups
- Enhancing our sample application
- Creating and modifying tables
- Assigning a Table Relation property
- Assigning an InitValue property
- Adding a few activity-tracking tables
- New tables for our WDTU project
- New list pages for our WDTU project
- Keys, SumIndexFields, and table relations in our examples
- Modifying a standard table
- Version list documentation
- Types of tables
- Fully Modifiable tables
- Content modifiable tables
- Read-only tables
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 3. Data Types and Fields
- Basic definitions
- Fields
- Field properties
- Field triggers
- Data structure examples
- Field numbering
- Field and Variable naming
- Data types
- Fundamental data types
- Complex data types
- Data type usage
- FieldClass property options
- FieldClass Normal
- FieldClass FlowField
- FieldClass FlowFilter
- FlowFields and a FlowFilter for our application
- Filtering
- Experimenting with filters
- Accessing filter controls
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 4. Pages The Interactive Interface
- Page design and structure overview
- Page design guidelines
- The NAV 2015 page structure
- Types of pages
- Role Center page
- List page
- Card page
- Document page
- ListPlus page
- Worksheet (Journal) page
- ConfirmationDialog page
- StandardDialog page
- NavigatePage
- Special pages
- Page parts
- Charts
- Page names
- Page Designer
- New Page Wizard
- Page components
- Page Triggers
- Page properties
- Page Preview tool
- Inheritance
- WDTU Page Enhancement part 1
- Page controls
- Control types
- Page Part controls
- Bound and Unbound Pages
- WDTU Page Enhancement part 2
- Page Actions
- Page Action Types and Subtypes
- Action Groups
- Action properties
- Navigation Pane Button actions
- Actions Summary
- Learning more
- UX (User Experience) Guidelines
- Creative plagiarism and patterns
- Experimenting on our own
- Experimentation
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 5. Queries and Reports
- Queries
- Building a simple Query object
- Query and Query component properties
- Reports
- What is a report?
- Four NAV report designers
- NAV report types
- Report components overview
- Report structure
- Report data flow
- Report components detail
- C/SIDE Report properties
- SQL Server Report Builder Report properties
- Report triggers
- Request Page Properties
- Request page triggers
- DataItem properties
- DataItem triggers
- Creating a Report in NAV 2015
- Learn by experimentation
- Report building phase 1
- Report building phase 2
- Report building phase 3
- Interactive report capabilities
- Request page
- Processing-Only reports
- Creative report plagiarism and patterns
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 6. Introduction to C/SIDE and C/AL
- Understanding C/SIDE
- Object Designer
- Text objects
- C/SIDE programming
- C/AL syntax
- Assignment and punctuation
- Expressions
- Frequently used C/AL functions
- Conditional statements
- Indenting code
- Some simple coding modifications
- Adding field validation to a table
- Adding code to a report
- Lay out the new Report Heading
- Save and test
- Lookup Related table data
- Layout the new report body
- Finishing the processing code
- Test the completed report
- Output to Excel
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 7. Intermediate C/AL
- C/AL Symbol Menu
- Internal documentation
- Validation functions
- Date and Time functions
- WORKDATE function
- DATE2DMY function
- DATE2DWY function
- DMY2DATE and DWY2DATE functions
- CALCDATE function
- Data conversion and formatting functions
- FORMAT function
- EVALUATE function
- FlowField and SumIndexField functions
- CALCFIELDS function
- CALCSUMS function
- Flow control
- CASE-ELSE statement
- WITH-DO statement
- QUIT, BREAK, EXIT, and SKIP functions
- Input and Output functions
- NEXT function with FIND or FINDSET
- INSERT function
- MODIFY function
- DELETE function
- MODIFYALL function
- DELETEALL function
- Filtering
- SETFILTER function
- FILTERGROUP function
- MARK function
- CLEARMARKS function
- MARKEDONLY function
- RESET function
- InterObject communication
- Communication via data
- Communication through function parameters
- Communication via object calls
- Enhancing the WDTU application
- Modifying Table Fields
- Add Validation logic
- Creating the Playlist Subform page
- Creating a function for our Factbox
- Creating a Factbox page
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 8. Advanced NAV Development Tools
- NAV process flow
- Initial setup and data preparation
- Transaction entry
- Testing and posting the Journal batch
- Utilizing and maintaining the data
- Data maintenance
- Role Center pages
- The Role Center structure
- System Part
- Page Parts
- The Navigation Pane and Action menus
- XMLports
- XMLport components
- Web services
- Exposing a web service
- Publishing a web service
- Enabling web services
- Determining what was published
- XMLport a web services integration example for WDTU
- Summary
- Review questions
- Chapter 9. Successful Conclusions
- Creating new C/AL routines
- Callable functions
- Management codeunits
- Multi-language system
- Multi-currency system
- Navigate
- Modifying for Navigate
- Debugging in NAV 2015
- Text Exports of Objects
- Dialog function debugging techniques
- The NAV 2015 Debugger
- C/SIDE Test-driven development
- Other Interfaces
- Automation Controller
- Linked Data Sources
- NAV Application Server (NAS)
- Client Add-ins
- Client Add-in construction
- WDTU Client Add-in
- Client Add-in comments
- Customizing Help
- NAV development projects general guidance
- Knowledge is the key
- Data-focused design
- Designing the posting processes
- Designing the supporting processes
- Double-check everything
- Design for efficiency
- Disk I/O
- Locking
- Updating and upgrading
- Design for updating
- Plan for upgrading
- Coding considerations
- Supporting material
- Summary
- Review questions
- Part 3. Module 3
- Chapter 1. Introducing Dynamics NAV Patterns and Software Architecture
- What do we mean by 'patterns'?
- Software design patterns
- The Procedural software design patterns
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV Design Patterns
- The object-oriented patterns
- Non-object-oriented patterns
- The functional oriented patterns
- Patterns elements and hierarchy
- Architectural patterns
- Design patterns
- Structuring code
- The coding standards
- Anti-patterns
- Legacy code
- Upgradability
- Delta files
- Repeatability
- Lifecycle of a design pattern
- Software architecture in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Building blocks
- Table
- Page
- Report
- Codeunit
- Query
- XMLPort
- MenuSuite
- Metadata
- Flowfields
- Flowfilters
- Base application
- Functional processes
- Summary
- Chapter 2. Architectural Patterns
- The Singleton Pattern
- Technical description
- Company-Initialize
- Implementations
- Enhancements
- The Supplemental and Subsidiary Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- The Compound Pattern
- Technical description
- The Rules Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- The Master Data Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- The Journal Template-Batch-Line Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- The Entry Pattern
- Technical description
- The Entry Table types
- Entries that can be deleted
- Implementations
- Examples
- Document Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- The Argument table
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Summary
- Chapter 3. Design Patterns
- The Entity State Pattern
- Technical description
- Setting the State
- Testing the State
- Implementations
- Examples
- The Select Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- The Number Series Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- Address Integration Pattern
- Technical description
- Copying the address
- Implementations
- Examples
- Multi-Level Setup
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- Document History
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- Copy Document Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- Job Queue Entry Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Dismissible dialogs and save preferences
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Setup Update Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Example
- Model-View ViewModel Pattern
- Technical description
- Implementations
- Examples
- Summary
- Chapter 4. Building an Example Application Using Patterns
- The design elements
- The Pattern dependencies
- Step one Foundation
- Example setup
- Which Patterns to use
- The implementation
- The Multi-Level Setup Pattern
- Step two Master Data
- Example Person
- The Example Product
- Number Series
- Entity State
- Implementing the Address Integration Pattern
- Step three Journals & Entries
- Creating your own Journal and Entry
- Validation in Journals
- Step four Documents
- Implementing a Document
- Document history
- Selecting a Pattern
- Other Patterns
- Posting
- The layered model
- Summary
- Chapter 5. Coding Best Practices
- Coding guidelines
- Code design
- Code readability
- Class-Method-Property
- The Table as a class
- A Codeunit as a method
- Function libraries and interfaces
- Natural Language Programming
- Pitfalls
- Bonus debugging
- Encapsulation
- Override Functions
- Façade
- Hooks
- Disabling the original source code
- Predefined hooks
- Variant variables
- Managing DLL
- Summary
- Chapter 6. Anti-patterns and Handling Legacy Code
- Anti-patterns
- Code cloning
- Boat anchors
- Other anti-patterns and context
- Programming language capabilities
- Legacy code
- Refactoring the C/AL Code
- Refactoring tables
- Code refactoring
- The boy scout rule
- Summary
- Chapter 7. Building Solutions Using Patterns
- Building blocks
- Applying Architectural Patterns
- Creating the Table objects
- Applying Design Patterns
- The Bed and Breakfast setup
- Bed and Breakfast season
- Bed and Breakfast room
- Bed and Breakfast price
- Bed and Breakfast clean entry
- Bed and Breakfast stay
- Bed and Breakfast journal and entry
- The Bed and Breakfast evaluation header and evaluation line
- Defining the methods
- Writing the Code and Link methods
- Creating the cleaning entries
- Refactoring
- The new class members
- The new function library
- Room members
- The room price calculation
- Testing the application
- Test isolation
- Analyzing the results
- Upgrading the application
- Creating a Delta file
- The steps of creating a Delta file
- Inside the Delta file
- Building our application
- Building the result
- Managing the source code
- Creating the workspace
- Setting up Visual Studio
- Uploading the files
- Summary
- Bibliography
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Tytuł: Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
- Autor: Alex Chow, Vjekoslav Babić, Laura Nicolas Lorente, David Studebaker, David Roys, Christopher Studebaker, Cristina Nicolas Lorente, Marije Brummel
- Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
- ISBN: 9781788298704, 9781788298704
- Data wydania: 2017-03-31
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3auf
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing