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Biznes i ekonomia
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Encyklopedie, słowniki
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- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Szczegóły ebooka
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Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations. Engage your audience visually with stunning Prezi presentation designs and be the envy of your colleagues who use PowerPoint with this book and
Prezi is a tool for delivering presentations in a linear or non-linear format. This cloud-based software enables users to structure presentations on an infinite canvass in a way that is much more engaging and visually stimulating to the audience.
Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations is a must read for anyone already using Prezi who wants to take their presentations to the next level. It covers all of the technical elements of the software, whilst also looking at the practicalities of using Prezi in a business environment.
This book covers all the technical elements of Prezi and also teaches the reader how to think for Prezi, and approach their design in the best way. This is an essential resource for people who want to use Prezi seriously.
As well as covering best practices for inserting imagery, sound, and video, this book also covers topics for business users like collaborating and sharing Prezis online, using Prezi at a meeting to brain storm with overseas colleagues, and how to 'Prezify' PowerPoint or Keynote slides.
Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations will escalate you from Prezi user to master with ease.
Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations is a must read for anyone already using Prezi who wants to take their presentations to the next level. It covers all of the technical elements of the software, whilst also looking at the practicalities of using Prezi in a business environment.
This book covers all the technical elements of Prezi and also teaches the reader how to think for Prezi, and approach their design in the best way. This is an essential resource for people who want to use Prezi seriously.
As well as covering best practices for inserting imagery, sound, and video, this book also covers topics for business users like collaborating and sharing Prezis online, using Prezi at a meeting to brain storm with overseas colleagues, and how to 'Prezify' PowerPoint or Keynote slides.
Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations will escalate you from Prezi user to master with ease.
- Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations
- Table of Contents
- Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgement
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Best Practices with Imagery
- Raster and vector images
- What are raster images?
- Raster file formats
- What are vector images?
- Vector file formats
- What are the benefits of Prezi?
- Where can you find great imagery?
- Prezi Insert from web
- Limitations of the Insert From web function
- Using Google image search outside of Prezi
- Advanced image search
- Standard search
- Google image search limitations
- Other online sources for imagery
- Bang for your buck
- The big advantage
- Time versus quality
- The best of both worlds
- Vectorising your imagery
- The quick way
- Creating your own flavor
- Grab a pen
- Working with images quick tips
- Prezi Insert from web
- Summary
- 2. Using Audio
- Why use sound in Prezi?
- Wheres the Insert Audio button?
- How is audio inserted?
- Where to get sound files from?
- Creating your own sounds
- Audio options
- Option 1 looping the background music
- What you need for Option 1?
- Creating a movie
- Converting to .swf
- The Prezi bit
- Testing the audio
- Sharing your Prezi
- Option 2 different sounds at path points
- What you need for Option 2?
- Creating a movie
- Inserting into Prezi
- Hiding sound behind content (optional)
- Being clever with audio
- Translation
- Narration
- Creating an environment
- Customers
- Summary
- 3. Inserting a Video
- The technical bit
- File size restrictions
- Online or offline?
- Will your Prezi be viewed online?
- Will colleagues want a copy of your Prezi?
- Ask the question
- Playing videos
- Playing along a path
- Letting the user play
- Positioning videos
- Videos the easy way with YouTube
- Searching for the right clip
- Creating your own YouTube account
- Uploading your own videos to YouTube
- Editing videos in YouTube
- Enhancements
- Quick Fixes
- Effects
- Audio
- Annotations
- Captions
- Enhancements
- Some businesses don't like YouTube
- Windows Live Movie Maker
- The Home menu
- Animations menu
- The Visual Effects menu
- The Edit menu
- Inserting WLMM videos into Prezi
- Benefits of Windows Live Movie Maker
- Fun with video in Prezi
- Questions
- Experts
- Customer scenarios
- Summary
- The technical bit
- 4. Approaching Your Prezi Design
- A change of approach
- A prison without walls
- No end in sight
- Linear presentations
- Non-linear presentations
- The best of both worlds
- Ask the question
- Death by Prezi
- Think for Prezi
- Motion sickness
- Master the approach
- The three Prezi design steps
- Step 1 Plan your Prezi
- Things you need to know
- Mind Mapping
- Why not just write a list?
- How to do it?
- Why it works well with Prezi?
- Map your journey
- Step 2 Get the flavor right
- What's wrong with this picture?
- Frame it right
- Themes
- Step 3 Building in layers
- Piece of cake
- Bottom layer of sponge
- Cream and Jam
- Top layer of sponge
- Piece of cake
- The steps, again
- Step 1 Plan your Prezi
- Presenting your BIG picture
- The science behind it
- Neural networks in action
- How to find your BIG picture
- The science behind it
- Summary
- A change of approach
- 5. Projecting Your Prezi
- Planning your Prezi
- A common mistake
- The simple solution
- Master's secret shortcut
- Why you need to know about ratios?
- What this means for your Prezi
- Build your Prezi at the 4:3 ratio
- Beware the double-click!
- What this means for your Prezi
- Sharing your Prezi
- Interactive Prezis
- How it works
- How will you use it
- Summary
- 6. Prezis for Online Delivery
- Your Prezis
- Private Prezis
- Search engines
- Share this Prezi
- Viewing
- Editing
- Embedding your Prezi
- Prezi size
- User experience
- Embed code
- The online design approach
- The three Prezi design steps
- Give instructions
- Embedded Prezis
- Narration
- Highlighting
- Highlighting with frames
- Highlighting with color
- Timing
- The BIG Picture hook
- Summary
- Your Prezis
- 7. Importing Slides into Prezi
- Why oh why!
- A bit of history
- Slides are here to stay!
- Slides are useful
- Another reason why
- Importing slides into Prezi
- The Insert PPT function
- Prezify your slides
- Positioning content
- Placement and frames
- Zooming
- No time to Prezify
- Importing your slides as PDF
- Things to look out for
- Imagery
- Zoom
- Text
- Spell check
- Animations
- The solution
- Imagery
- Summary
- Why oh why!
- 8. Prezi for iPad and Android
- The Prezi iPad app
- Using Prezi viewer
- Edit mode
- Show mode
- Prezi viewer tips
- YouTube
- Sound
- Images
- Using Prezi viewer
- Prezi for Android
- Using Prezi with Android
- Stay connected
- Images
- Editing
- Sound files
- YouTube
- Using Prezi with Android
- iPad and Android comparison
- When to present with a tablet
- Projector + tablet = wow!
- A bit of fun
- Summary
- The Prezi iPad app
- 9. Mastering the Newer Prezi Features
- Templates
- The templates
- Getting the most from templates
- Paths
- Assets
- Branding
- Shapes
- Get creative
- Editing shapes
- Editing lines
- Highlighter
- Pencil
- Drawings and diagrams
- Prezi text editor
- Spellchecker
- Text drag-apart
- Font colors
- Bullet points and indents
- The plus (+) button
- Scaling layouts
- Grouping and moving
- Using a frame
- The Shift key
- The play button
- Summary
- Templates
- 10. Prezi Meeting
- Setting up a Prezi meeting
- Sending invites
- Invite to an online presentation
- Invite to edit
- The invitation e-mail
- Presenting online
- Audio
- Where have they gone?
- Timings
- Editing online
- Instructions
- Practice area
- Chat area
- Personal space
- Keeping control
- Removing access
- Summary
- 11. Getting Prezi through the Door
- PowerPoint's grip on business
- The hard truth
- The first hurdle
- Opportunities to zoom
- Be prepared
- Using the Theme Wizard
- Frame templates
- Backing it up
- Be prepared
- Using PowerPoint to introduce Prezi
- Inserting PowerPoint slides
- Building a PowerPoint presentation
- Slide Dynamic
- Offline Prezis
- Online Prezis
- Educating your business
- Company's how-to guide
- Summary
- PowerPoint's grip on business
- Index
- Tytuł: Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations. Engage your audience visually with stunning Prezi presentation designs and be the envy of your colleagues who use PowerPoint with this book and
- Autor: Russell Anderson-Williams
- Tytuł oryginału: Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations. Engage your audience visually with stunning Prezi presentation designs and be the envy of your colleagues who use PowerPoint with this book and ebook.
- ISBN: 9781849693035, 9781849693035
- Data wydania: 2012-07-25
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b3a
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing