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Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5. Monitor, diagnose, and maximize the system performance of Oracle Fusion Middleware solutions using this book and
Debabrata Panda, Arvind Maheshwari, Debabrata Panda
Today's IT environment is very complex, encompassing a myriad of technologies and middleware platforms. Many organizations have large and heterogeneous middleware platforms that power their enterprise applications and it is often a real challenge for administrators to meet agreed service levels and minimize downtime. Oracle Enterprise Manager allows administrators to manage the complete lifecycle of an entire application infrastructure for middleware and SOA applications.
This book will help you kick-start the setup of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control and master all aspects of middleware management supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager.
This book, written by senior members of the Oracle team serves as the only hands on guide to provisioning middleware and implementing proactive monitoring to maximize application performance and compliance using Oracle Enterprise Manager.
The book starts with an introduction to the challenges faced by middleware administrators in their everyday life, and how Oracle Enterprise Manager helps solve those challenges. This book will help you manage your middleware infrastructure and applications effectively and efficiently using Oracle Enterprise Manager. By following the practical examples in this book you will learn to proactively monitor your production middleware applications running on Oracle Application Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle SOA suite (such as Oracle BPEL Process manager), Oracle Server Bus, and Oracle Coherence. You will also learn different aspects to proactive monitoring and alert notifications, service level and incident management, diagnostics for production applications, lifecycle automation using out-of-the-box deployment procedures, and patching mechanisms. This book also helps you to master best practices for managing your middleware and SOA applications for optimal service performance and reduced down time.
This book will help you kick-start the setup of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control and master all aspects of middleware management supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager.
This book, written by senior members of the Oracle team serves as the only hands on guide to provisioning middleware and implementing proactive monitoring to maximize application performance and compliance using Oracle Enterprise Manager.
The book starts with an introduction to the challenges faced by middleware administrators in their everyday life, and how Oracle Enterprise Manager helps solve those challenges. This book will help you manage your middleware infrastructure and applications effectively and efficiently using Oracle Enterprise Manager. By following the practical examples in this book you will learn to proactively monitor your production middleware applications running on Oracle Application Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle SOA suite (such as Oracle BPEL Process manager), Oracle Server Bus, and Oracle Coherence. You will also learn different aspects to proactive monitoring and alert notifications, service level and incident management, diagnostics for production applications, lifecycle automation using out-of-the-box deployment procedures, and patching mechanisms. This book also helps you to master best practices for managing your middleware and SOA applications for optimal service performance and reduced down time.
- Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5
- Table of Contents
- Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- Complexities in modern applications
- Middleware administrator a man with several hats
- Key challenges faced by administrators
- What this book covers
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Enterprise Manager Grid Control
- Key features of Enterprise Manager Grid Control
- Comprehensive view of the data center
- Performance data
- Configuration data
- Status of scheduled operations
- Inventory
- Unmanned monitoring
- Historical data analysis
- Configuration management
- Managing multiple entities as one
- Service level management
- Scheduling
- Automating provisioning
- Information publishing
- Synthetic transaction
- Manage from anywhere
- Comprehensive view of the data center
- Enterprise Manager product family
- Products managed by Enterprise Manager
- Enterprise Manager Architecture
- Target
- Oracle Management Service (OMS)
- Oracle Management Agent (OMA)
- Oracle Management Repository (OMR)
- Enterprise Manager Console
- Enterprise Manager High Availability
- Summary
- Key features of Enterprise Manager Grid Control
- 2. Installing Enterprise Manager Grid Control
- Installation procedure
- Pre-requisite
- Operating system requirements
- Downloading the software
- Installing OMS and repository
- Installing Grid Control 10gR1 or 10gR2
- Upgrading to Grid Control 10gR5
- Installing Management Agent
- Starting and stopping Grid Control
- Starting and stopping OMS
- Starting and stopping the repository database
- Starting and stopping the Agent
- Summary
- Installation procedure
- 3. Enterprise Manager Key Concepts and Subsystems
- Target
- Target definition
- Target lifecycle
- Discovery of a target
- Configuration for monitoring
- Updates to a target
- Stopping monitoring of a target
- Monitoring
- Fetchlets
- Metrics definition
- Metric collection and aggregation
- Metric alerts
- Monitoring templates
- Configuration management
- Policy
- Configuration snapshot
- Job
- Notification system
- Provisioning
- Deployment procedures
- Software library
- Service Level Management
- Information publishing
- Report definition
- Report element
- Summary
- Target
- 4. Managing Oracle WebLogic Server
- Introducing WebLogic Server
- Supported versions
- Discovering WebLogic Server
- Adding a new WebLogic Server Domain
- Supported versions
- Monitoring WebLogic Server
- Availability and state
- Performance monitoring
- Event notifications and setting metric thresholds
- Setting up notification methods
- Setting up e-mail preferences for admin user
- Setting the notification rules
- Setting up notification methods
- Event notifications and setting metric thresholds
- Jobs and corrective action
- Corrective action job
- Configuration management
- Asset tracking
- Policy management
- Enforcing a custom policy
- Service level management
- Creating a system
- Creating a service
- Role based access control
- Creating an EM user and assign targets
- Summary
- Introducing WebLogic Server
- 5. Managing Oracle Application Server
- Discovery and Target Model
- Tasks for Oracle Applications Server Administrator
- Provisioning
- How to use this feature
- Monitoring
- Monitoring availability
- How to use this feature
- Monitoring performance
- How to use this feature
- Applications performance monitoring
- Monitoring of Application Infrastructure
- How to use this feature
- Monitoring end-user experience
- How to use this feature
- Monitoring of Application Infrastructure
- Thresholds and notifications for metrics
- How to use this feature
- Configuration management
- Configuration change tracking
- How to use this feature
- Configuration compliance
- How to use this feature
- Configuration comparison
- How to use this feature
- Configuration change tracking
- Patching
- How to use the feature
- Provisioning
- Summary
- 6. Managing Forms and Reports Services and Applications
- Architecture of Oracle Forms and Reports Services
- Monitoring of Oracle Forms and Reports Services
- Discovery of Oracle Forms and Reports Server
- Managing Forms Server
- Setting the metric thresholds
- Managing Reports Server
- Setting the metric thresholds
- Managing Forms Server
- Monitoring Forms applications
- Configure your Windows client
- Configure SSL certificate
- Creating a Forms System
- Creating Forms application
- Forms and Reports provisioning
- Summary
- 7. SOA Management BPEL Management
- Introducing BPEL Process Manager
- Supported versions
- Discovery of BPEL Process Manager
- BPEL Process Manager running on OC4J
- Monitoring configuration
- Agent configuration
- BPEL Process Manager running on WebLogic
- Monitoring Configuration
- BPEL Process Manager running on WebSphere
- BPEL Process Manager running on OC4J
- Monitoring BPEL PM and BPEL processes
- Monitoring BPEL PM
- Monitoring BPEL Processes
- BPEL process metrics
- Monitoring model for BPEL processes
- Configuration management
- Lifecycle Management for BPEL PM
- BPEL suitcase deployment
- Provisioning and patching of BPEL PM
- Best practices for BPEL PM management and monitoring
- Summary
- Introducing BPEL Process Manager
- 8. SOA Management OSB (aka ALSB) Management
- Introducing Oracle Service Bus (OSB)
- OSB constructs
- Proxy service
- Business service
- Message flow
- Supported versions
- OSB constructs
- Discovery of Oracle Service Bus
- Monitoring OSB and OSB services
- Monitoring OSB
- Monitoring OSB services
- Monitoring proxy services
- Monitoring business services
- Configuration management for Oracle Service Bus
- Lifecycle management for Oracle Service Bus
- How to use this feature
- OSB best practices
- Summary
- Introducing Oracle Service Bus (OSB)
- 9. Managing Identity Manager Suite
- Oracle Identity Management targets
- Discovery of Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite
- Discovery of Access Manager
- Access Server
- Discovery of Access Manager
- Discovery of Identity Server
- Identity Manager Server
- Identity Federation Server
- Monitoring Identity and Access Management Suite
- Service level management
- Configuration management
- Summary
- 10. Managing Coherence Cluster
- Coherence overview
- Discovery of the Coherence cluster
- Starting Coherence management node using bulk management Mbeans
- The Coherence Target Model
- Discovering Oracle Coherence
- Starting Coherence management node using bulk management Mbeans
- Monitoring of Coherence cluster
- Setting up the metric threshold
- Monitoring Coherence node
- Monitoring Coherence cache
- Monitoring connections and connections managers
- Comparing and propagating changes
- Provisioning the Coherence cluster
- Summary
- 11. Managing Non-Oracle Middleware
- Non-Oracle middleware support
- Managing open source middleware
- Managing Apache HTTP Server
- Managing Apache Tomcat
- Installing the Tomcat plug-in
- Discovering Tomcat Server
- Managing JBoss Application Server
- Managing IBM middleware
- Managing IBM WebSphere Application Server
- Managing IBM WebSphere MQ
- Managing IBM WebSphere Application Server
- Best practices for managing non-Oracle Java middleware
- Managing Microsoft Middleware
- Installing Plug-ins
- Discovery of Microsoft middleware
- Monitoring Microsoft middleware
- Service Level Monitoring for third-party targets
- Summary
- 12. Java and Composite Applications Monitoring and Diagnostics
- Composite Application Monitor and Modeler
- Supported products
- CAMM architecture
- Installation and configuration
- Monitoring and diagnosing Composite Applications with CAMM
- Application Diagnostics for Java (AD4J)
- AD4J Architecture
- Installation and configuration
- Starting up AD4J Console
- Diagnosing Java applications
- Diagnosing application hangs
- Tracing a thread
- Cross-tier diagnostics
- Detecting and analyzing memory leaks
- Cross-tier diagnostics
- Summary
- Composite Application Monitor and Modeler
- 13. Building Your Monitoring Plug-in
- Introducing Sun Java Web Server
- How plug-ins work
- Plug-in artefacts
- Management Plug-in Archive (MPA)
- Plug-in deployment
- Monitoring targets using a plug-in
- Exercise monitor Sun Java Web Server
- Pre-requisites
- Exercise steps
- Setup on agent side
- Configuration from Enterprise Manager Console
- Exercise summary
- Overview of artefacts used for monitoring of Sun Java Web Server
- Target definition
- Target metrics
- Target artefacts
- Target metadata
- Top section
- Metric section
- Properties section
- Target collection
- Collection schedule
- Metric thresholds & operators
- Target metadata
- Packaging and deploying a plug-in
- Packaging
- Deploying
- Advance features for plug-ins
- Charts
- Other advanced features
- Summary
- 14. Best Practices for Managing Middleware Components Using Enterprise Manager
- Provisioning
- Creating gold images
- Use software library as central repository
- Define deployment procedures for all provisioning activities
- Routine monitoring
- Select monitoring indicators and define acceptable limits
- Use monitoring templates
- Setup notification rules
- Manage many-as-one
- Defining Service Level Agreements (SLA)
- Define service tests
- Configuration management
- Save configuration snapshots
- Use configuration comparison
- Configuration compliance
- Lifecycle management
- Using the Critical Patch advisory
- Using deployment procedures for patching
- Use the job system library
- Using the multi-tasking jobs
- Information publishing
- Using reports for information publishing
- Use database views for publishing information
- Summary
- Provisioning
- Index
- Tytuł: Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5. Monitor, diagnose, and maximize the system performance of Oracle Fusion Middleware solutions using this book and
- Autor: Debabrata Panda, Arvind Maheshwari, Debabrata Panda
- Tytuł oryginału: Middleware Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g R5. Monitor, diagnose, and maximize the system performance of Oracle Fusion Middleware solutions using this book and eBook
- ISBN: 9781847198358, 9781847198358
- Data wydania: 2009-12-04
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b61
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing