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OpenLayers 2.10 Beginner's Guide. Create, optimize, and deploy stunning cross-browser web maps with the OpenLayers JavaScript web mapping library

OpenLayers 2.10 Beginner's Guide. Create, optimize, and deploy stunning cross-browser web maps with the OpenLayers JavaScript web mapping library

Erik Hazzard, OpenLayers Project Paypal

  • OpenLayers 2.10
    • Table of Contents
    • OpenLayers 2.10
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What you need for this book
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • How to read this book
      • Conventions
      • Time for action heading
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz heading
        • Have a go hero heading
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
      • Downloading the example code for this book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started with OpenLayers
      • What is OpenLayers?
        • Why use OpenLayers?
      • What, technically, is OpenLayers?
        • Client side
        • Library
      • Anatomy of a web-mapping application
        • Web map client
        • Web map server
      • Relation to Google / Yahoo! / and other mapping APIs
        • Layers in OpenLayers
        • What is a Layer?
      • The OpenLayers website
      • Time for action downloading OpenLayers
        • What just happened?
        • Making our first map
      • Time for action creating your first map
        • What just happened?
      • How the code works
        • Understanding the codeLine by line
        • JavaScript object notation
      • Behind the scenesObject Oriented Programming (OOP)
        • Interaction happens with objects
        • MadLibs
      • Time for Action play MadLibs
        • What Just Happened?
        • Programming with OOP
        • Subclasses
      • Now what?
        • API docs
      • Where to go for help
        • This books website
        • Mailing lists
        • IRC
      • OpenLayers source code repository
      • Summary
    • 2. Squashing Bugs With Firebug
      • What is Firebug?
      • Setting up Firebug
      • Time for Action downloading Firebug
        • What Just Happened?
      • Firebug controls
        • Panels
          • Console panel
          • HTML panel
            • How it works
            • HTML panel contents
          • CSS panel
          • Script panel
          • DOM panel
          • Net panel
            • Request list
              • Parameters
              • BBOX parameter
        • Pop Quiz panel
      • Panel conclusion
      • Using the Console panel
      • Time for Action executing code in the Console
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time for Action creating object literals
        • What Just Happened?
        • Object literals
      • Time for Action interacting with a map
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero experiment with functions
        • API documentation
      • Summary
    • 3. The 'Layers' in OpenLayers
      • What's a layer?
      • Layers in OpenLayers
        • Base layer
        • Overlay layers
      • Time for Action creating a map with multiple layers
        • What Just Happened?
      • Creating layer objects
        • Layer.WMS class
          • WMS layer parameters:
            • Name
            • URL
            • Params
              • Possible params keys and values
            • Options
        • Parameters versus arguments
      • Time for Action configuring the options parameter
        • What Just Happened?
      • Configuring layer options
        • wms_state_lines layer options
          • Scale dependency
        • wms_layer_labels layer options
          • The visibility property
          • The opacity property
      • Map tiles
        • Many images make up a map
      • Available layer properties
        • Data types
        • OpenLayers.Layer class properties
          • Modifying layer properties
      • The OpenLayers.Layer class
        • Subclasses
        • Layer ClassSub and super classes
      • Other layer types
        • Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
        • Layer.ArcIMS
        • Layer.Google
      • Time for Action creating a Google Maps layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Layer.Grid
        • Layer.Image
      • Time for Action using the image layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Image layer parameters
        • Have a Go Hero make your own image based maps
        • Layer.MapGuide
        • Layer.TileCache
        • Layer.Vector
        • Layer.VirtualEarth
        • Layer.WFS
        • Layer.WMS
        • Layer.Yahoo
      • Accessing layer objects
      • Time for Action accessing map.layers
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time for Action accessing layer objects in Firebug
        • What Just Happened?
        • Accessing layer properties
          • map.layers
          • Storing references to layer objects
        • Pop Quiz working with Variable Scope
      • Layer class methods
      • Time for Action defining a global layer object variable
        • What Just Happened?
        • Layer class method definitions
        • Have a Go Hero call some functions
      • Summary
    • 4. Wrapping Our Heads Around Projections
      • Map projections
        • Why on earth are Projections used?
        • Projection characteristics
          • Area
          • Scale
          • Shape
          • Other characteristics
        • Types of projections
          • EPSG codes
      • Time for Action using different projection codes
        • What Just Happened?
        • Specifying a different projection
        • Pop Quiz projections
        • Longitude/Latitude
          • Latitude
          • Longitude
      • Time for Action determining LonLat coordinates
        • What Just Happened?
      • OpenLayers projection class
        • Creating a projection object
          • Parameters
          • Functions
      • Transforming projections
      • Time for Action coordinate transforms
        • What Just Happened?
        • The Proj4js library
      • Time for Action setting up
        • What Just Happened?
        • Defining custom projections
      • Summary
    • 5. Interacting with Third Party APIs
      • Third party mapping APIs
        • Map mashups
        • OpenLayers and third party APIs
      • Google Maps
        • Differences between Google Maps version 2 and version 3
      • Time for Action using Goole Maps V3 (standard way)
        • What Just Happened?
        • Creating a Google Map layer object
        • Google layer properties
          • sphericalMercator {Boolean}
          • type {GmapType}
            • V3 GMapType values
          • V2 GMapType values
      • Time for Action creating a Google Map layer with V2 (Deprecated)
        • What Just Happened?
      • Yahoo! Maps API
      • Time for Action using the Yahoo! Maps Layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Yahoo! Maps Layer class properties
          • Yahoo! Maps Layer types
      • Microsoft's mapping API
      • Time for Action creating a Bing/Virtual Earth Layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • VirtualEarth layer class properties
          • Possible type values
      • OpenStreetMap
      • Time for Action creating an OpenStreetMap Layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Accessing your own OSM tiles
      • Spherical Mercator
        • Spherical MercatorEPSG code
      • Time for Action using Spherical Mercator
        • What Just Happened?
        • Map properties with Spherical Mercator layers
          • maxExtent
          • maxResolution
          • units
          • projection
      • Using Google Maps and other layers
      • Time For Action creating your first mashup
        • What Just Happened?
        • WMS with Spherical Mercator/third party map layers
      • Summary
    • 6. Taking Control of Controls
      • What are controls?
        • Using controls in OpenLayers
      • Adding controls to your map
      • Time for Action creating a map with no controls
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time for Action adding controls to a map
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a go hero add controls
        • Adding controls by passing in an array of controls
        • Adding controls to map with addControl() and addControls()
        • Removing controls
      • OpenLayers.Control class
        • OpenLayers.Control properties
        • OpenLayers.Control functions
      • OpenLayers.Control subclasses
        • OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser
        • OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
        • OpenLayers.Control.Attribution
          • Attribution properties
      • Time for Action using attributions
        • What Just Happened?
        • OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar
        • OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
          • Graticule properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults
          • KeyboardDefaults properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
          • LayerSwitcher properties
          • LayerSwitcher functions
        • OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
          • MousePosition properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
          • Navigation properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
          • NavigationHistory properties
          • NavigationHistory functions
      • Time for Action using the NavigationHistory control
        • What Just Happened?
        • OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar
        • OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
          • OverviewMap properties
          • OverviewMap functions
        • OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel
          • PanPanel properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom
        • OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
          • PanZoomBar properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.Scale
          • Scale properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine
          • ScaleLine properties
        • OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel
      • Panels
        • Control types
      • Time for Action using Panels
        • What Just Happened?
        • Pop Quiz zoomBox control type
        • OpenLayers.Control.Panel
          • Panel properties
          • Panel functions
        • Now what?
      • Creating our own controls
        • OpenLayers.Control.Button
          • Button properties
          • Button functions
      • Creating a custom button
      • Time for Action creating a simple button
        • What Just Happened?
        • Other control types
          • Process for creating other button control types
      • Events
        • Event listeners and handlers
        • Custom events
        • Creating a TYPE_TOGGLE control
      • Time for Action creating a custom TYPE_TOGGLE control
        • What Just Happened?
      • Summary
    • 7. Styling Controls
      • What is CSS?
        • Ideas behind CSS and HTML
        • Editing CSS
        • HTML elements
          • HTMLIDs and classes
            • HTML IDs
            • HTML classes
        • Styling HTML elements with CSS
        • Using CSS in your code
      • Time for Action using external CSS files
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero view HTML and CSS in Firebug
        • Cascading Style SheetsInheritance
          • Order of inheritance
          • Referencing elements
        • Pop Quiz how to reference elements
      • OpenLayers and CSS
        • Styling OpenLayersusing themes
        • Creating your own themes
          • OpenLayersclass names and IDs
            • Generated class names
            • Generated IDs
      • Time for Action styling controls
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time for Action styling the LayerSwitcher control
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero add layers
      • Other resources
      • Summary
    • 8. Charting the Map Class
      • The Map class
        • Creating a map object
      • Map class properties
        • Map properties
          • allOverlayers
          • controls
          • displayProjection
          • div
      • Time for Action using the allOverlays Map property
        • What Just Happened?
        • eventListeners
        • fallThrough
        • layers
        • maxExtent
        • minExtent
        • restrictedExtent
        • numZoomLevels
      • Time for Action setting zoom levels and maxExtent
        • What Just Happened?
        • Map propertiesContinued
          • Resolutions
      • Time for Action using resolutions array
        • What Just Happened?
        • Map/Layer property inheritance
        • Map properties discussionContinued
          • maxResolution
          • minResolution
      • Time for Action using Min and Max resolution
        • What Just Happened?
        • scales
        • maxScale
        • minScale
      • Time for Action Using scales
        • What Just Happened?
        • panMethod
        • panDuration
      • Time for Action working with Pan animations
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero use different animation types
        • projection
        • theme
        • tileSize
        • unit
      • Map functions
        • Control related
      • Time for Action using control methods
        • What Just Happened?
        • Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related
          • Methods
      • Time for Action using coordinate related functions
        • What Just Happened?
        • Pop Quiz using coordinate related functions
        • Layer related functions
        • Other functions
      • Doing stuff with events
        • Map event types
        • Using map events
          • Using the eventListeners property
      • Time for Action using eventListeners
        • What Just Happened?
        • Using
        • Event object
      • Time for Action working with Map events
        • What Just Happened?
      • Multiple maps
        • Using multiple map objects
      • Time for Action using multiple map objects
        • What Just Happened?
        • Multiple maps and custom events
      • Time for Action creating a multiple map and custom event application
        • What Just Happened?
      • Summary
    • 9. Using Vector Layers
      • What is the Vector Layer?
        • What makes the Vector Layer special?
          • The Vector Layer is client side
        • Other uses
        • What is a 'Vector'?
      • Time for Action creating a Vector Layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Pop Quiz why use a Vector Layer?
      • How the Vector Layer works
        • How the Vector Layer is rendered
          • SVG
          • Canvas
          • VML
        • 'Renderers' array
      • Time for Action changing the Renderers array
        • What Just Happened?
      • Vector Layer class
        • OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
        • OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
          • Working with features
      • Time for Action adding features
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero create more points
        • Vector Layer methods (Continued)
      • Time for Action destroying features
        • What Just Happened?
        • Vector Layer methods (Continued)
      • Time For Action working with feature events
        • What Just Happened?
      • Vector Layer class events
        • Vector Layer event types
      • Time For Action using Vector Layer events
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time For Actions working with more events
        • What Just Happened?
      • Geometry and Feature classes
        • Geometry class
          • Geometry subclassesTheory
          • Geometry class methods
      • Time for Action using Geometry class methods
        • What Just Happened?
        • Geometry subclasses
        • Geometry subclass methods
        • Feature class
          • How the Feature class works
          • Feature subclasses
          • Feature functions
          • Instantiating a feature object
          • Interacting with Features using Control.SelectFeature
      • Time For Action using the SelectFeature control
        • What Just Happened?
        • Control.SelectFeature class
          • SelectFeature control properties
          • SelectFeature control methods
      • The Vector class, part two
        • Format, protocol, and strategy classes
          • Who invited these classes over?
          • Brief overview of the three classes
            • Protocol class
            • Format class
            • Strategy class
          • How these three classes interact
          • Example instantiation
      • Time for Action creating a Vector Layer
        • What Just Happened?
        • Cross server requests
          • Using a proxy host
      • Using the Vector Layer without a Protocol class
      • Time for Action using the Format and Strategy classes alone
        • What Just Happened?
      • Format class
        • Format class properties
        • Format class methods
        • Format subclasses
      • Strategy class
        • Strategy.BBOX
        • Strategy.Cluster
        • Strategy.Filter
        • Strategy.Fixed
        • Strategy.Paging
        • Strategy.Refresh
        • Strategy.Save
      • Summary
    • 10. Vector Layer Style Guide
      • Styling the Vector Layer
        • Applying styles
          • What are symbolizers?
      • Time For Action applying some basic Styling
        • What Just Happened?
      • The StyleMap class
        • What is an 'intent'?
      • The Style class
        • Symbolizer properties
          • List of common symbolizer properties
      • Time for Action common style examples
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero style layers
        • Remaining symbolizer properties
        • Pop Quiz determining which attributes to use
      • Attribute replacement
      • Time For Action working with attribute replacement
        • What Just Happened?
      • Rules and filters
        • How do we follow rules?
        • Using addUniqueValueRules
        • Calling the addUniqueValueRules function
          • The intent parameter
          • The property parameter
          • The symbolizer_lookup parameter
          • The context parameter
      • Time For Action using addUniqueValueRules
        • What Just Happened?
      • Rules and filters
        • How do they work?
        • How do we use them?
      • Time for Action using rules and filters
        • What Just Happened?
      • OpenLayers.Rule class
      • OpenLayers.Filter class
        • Filter Subclasses
          • Filter.Comparison
            • Filter.Comparison Value property
            • Filter Comparison types
              • Filter Type: BETWEEN
              • Filter Type: EQUAL_TO
              • Filter Type: GREATER_THAN
              • Filter Type: GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO
              • Filter Type: LESS_THAN
              • Filter Type: LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO
              • Filter Type: LIKE
              • Filter Type: NOT_EQUAL_TO
          • Filter.FeatureId
          • Feature.Logical
      • Time For Action figuring out logical filters
        • What Just Happened?
          • Feature.Spatial
      • Summary
    • 11. Making Web Map Apps
      • Development strategies
      • Creating a web map application using Flickr
        • Note on APIs
          • Accessing the Flickr public data feeds
            • Specifying data
        • How we'll do it
      • Time For Action getting Flickr data
        • What Just Happened?
        • Have a Go Hero accessing the Flickr API
        • Why did we do this?
          • Reducing possible errors
      • Time for Action adding data to your map
        • What Just Happened?
      • Time for Action extract style
        • What Just Happened?
      • Turning our example into an application
        • Adding interactivity
          • Selecting features
      • Time for Action adding some interactivity
        • What Just Happened?
      • Using real time data with a ProxyHost
      • Time for Action getting dynamic data
        • What Just Happened?
      • Wrapping up the application
        • Recap
        • The plan
          • Changing the URL
      • Time For Action adding dynamic tags to your map
        • What Just Happened?
      • Deploying an application
      • Building the OpenLayers Library file
        • Always try to serve small files
        • Using the OpenLayers build file
          • Configuring the build script
      • Time for Action building a Config file
        • What Just Happened?
        • Pop Quiz using the Build script
          • Running the build script
      • Time for Action running the Build script
        • What Just Happened?
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Tytuł: OpenLayers 2.10 Beginner's Guide. Create, optimize, and deploy stunning cross-browser web maps with the OpenLayers JavaScript web mapping library
  • Autor: Erik Hazzard, OpenLayers Project Paypal
  • Tytuł oryginału: OpenLayers 2.10 Beginner's Guide. Create, optimize, and deploy stunning cross-browser web maps with the OpenLayers JavaScript web mapping library
  • ISBN: 9781849514132, 9781849514132
  • Data wydania: 2011-03-18
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b9s
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing