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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
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Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
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- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Szczegóły ebooka
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JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide. Develop JSF, Struts, Seam, Hibernate, jBPM, ESB, web services, and portal applications faster than ever using JBoss Tools for Eclipse and the JBoss Application Server
JBoss Tools consist of the best Java frameworks and technologies placed together under the same roof. Discovering JBoss Tools is like exploring a cave; at first everything seems unknown and complicated, but once you become familiar with the main features of the Tools, you will start to feel at home.
This is the first book in the market on JBoss Tools, waiting to assist you to throw away all the tiny, dedicated tools you have used earlier, thus helping you to reduce the time you spend on developing a Java application. This book will explore the tools that will help you to build Hibernate, Seam, JSF, Struts, Web Services, jBPM, ESB, and so on and show you how to use them through screenshots, examples, and source code. JBoss Tools comes with a set of dedicated wizards, generators, editors, reverse engineering capabilities, configuration files, templates, syntax highlighting, and more for each of these technologies. Just choose the technologies, and JBoss Tools will glue them together in amazing Java web applications.
This book will show you how to develop a set of Java projects using a variety of technologies and scenarios. Everything is described through JBoss Tools eyes. After we settle the project (or scenario) that will be developed, we configure the proper environment for the current tool (the selected projects cover the main components of a web application, with regard to the backstage technology). We continue by exploring the tool to accomplish our tasks and develop the project's components. A cocktail of images, theoretical aspects, source code, and step-by-step examples will offer you a complete insight into every tool.
At the end, we deploy and test the project. In addition, every chapter is rich with pure notions about the underlying technology, which will initiate into you or remind you of the basic aspects of it. It will also show you complete and functional applications, and get you familiar with the main aspects of every tool. By the end you will have enough information to successfully handle your own projects with JBoss Tools.
This is the first book in the market on JBoss Tools, waiting to assist you to throw away all the tiny, dedicated tools you have used earlier, thus helping you to reduce the time you spend on developing a Java application. This book will explore the tools that will help you to build Hibernate, Seam, JSF, Struts, Web Services, jBPM, ESB, and so on and show you how to use them through screenshots, examples, and source code. JBoss Tools comes with a set of dedicated wizards, generators, editors, reverse engineering capabilities, configuration files, templates, syntax highlighting, and more for each of these technologies. Just choose the technologies, and JBoss Tools will glue them together in amazing Java web applications.
This book will show you how to develop a set of Java projects using a variety of technologies and scenarios. Everything is described through JBoss Tools eyes. After we settle the project (or scenario) that will be developed, we configure the proper environment for the current tool (the selected projects cover the main components of a web application, with regard to the backstage technology). We continue by exploring the tool to accomplish our tasks and develop the project's components. A cocktail of images, theoretical aspects, source code, and step-by-step examples will offer you a complete insight into every tool.
At the end, we deploy and test the project. In addition, every chapter is rich with pure notions about the underlying technology, which will initiate into you or remind you of the basic aspects of it. It will also show you complete and functional applications, and get you familiar with the main aspects of every tool. By the end you will have enough information to successfully handle your own projects with JBoss Tools.
- JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide
- Table of Contents
- JBoss Tools 3 Developer's Guide
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code for the book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. An overview of JBoss Tools
- What's new in JBoss Tools 3?
- Installing JBoss Tools
- Installing Eclipse version 3.4.x (Eclipse Ganymede)
- Installing JBoss Tools through Eclipse software updates
- Manual installation of JBoss Tools
- Summary
- 2. JBoss AS Tools
- JBoss AS plug-in and the Eclipse Web Tools Platform
- Adding a WTP Runtime in Eclipse
- Adding a WTP server in Eclipse
- Creating our first web projecta dynamic web project stub
- Deploying the test project on JBoss 4.2 Server
- JBoss AS Perspective
- JBoss Server View
- Top part of JBoss Server View
- Starting the JBoss AS
- Stopping the JBoss AS
- Additional operations on JBoss AS
- Server publish status
- Bottom part of JBoss Server View
- Modules category
- Event Log category
- XML configuration category
- JMX Console category
- Project archives view
- Creating and deploying projects
- Top part of JBoss Server View
- JBoss Server View
- Summary
- JBoss AS plug-in and the Eclipse Web Tools Platform
- 3. JBoss Tools Palette
- JBoss Tools Palette Toolbar
- Palette Editor
- Creating a set of icons
- Importing an icon
- Creating a group of tag libraries
- Creating a tag library
- Creating a new tag
- Show/Hide
- Importing third-party tag libraries
- Palette Editor
- Using tags in text files
- Summary
- JBoss Tools Palette Toolbar
- 4. JSF Tools
- Overview of JSF
- Creating a JSF project stub
- JSF Project Verification
- JSF application configuration file
- The Diagram view
- Creating pages
- Adding navigation rules
- The Tree view
- Working with Managed Beans
- Working with custom converters
- Working with custom validators
- The Source view
- The Diagram view
- Editing pages code sources
- Editing the register.jsp page
- Editing the success.jsp page
- Editing a start page for the registerJSF project
- Testing the registerJSF project
- Adding/Removing JSF capabilities for an existing project
- Facelets support
- Summary
- 5. Struts Tools
- Overview of Struts
- Struts project verification
- Creating a Struts project stub
- Struts editors
- Graphical editor for struts-config.xml
- Diagram view
- Creating JSP pages
- Creating an action mapping
- Connecting a JSP page with action mappings
- Creating a forward
- Creating a global forward
- Creating a global exception
- Let's add some code inside JSPs
- Generate source code
- Tree view
- Creating a form bean
- Source view
- Diagram view
- Graphical editor for tiles files
- Creating a new tiles file
- Tree view
- Diagram view
- Source view
- Create a start page for the registerStruts application
- Testing registerStruts application
- Struts Tools and validation aspects
- Turning on the automatic validator
- Creating the properties file for validation purposes
- Graphical editor for validation files
- Custom message for the name property (required rule)
- Custom message for the zip property (required and mask rules)
- Custom message for the email property (required and email rules)
- Client-side validation
- Server-side validation
- Graphical editor for struts-config.xml
- Debugging support for Struts projects
- Summary
- 6. Seam Tools
- Overview of Seam
- Preparations
- Creating a new Seam project
- General section
- Database section
- Code Generation section
- Test testSeam project
- Creating Seam components
- Creating a Seam Action
- Creating a Seam Form
- Creating a Seam Conversation
- Creating a Seam Entity
- Seam views
- Seam Components view
- Project Explorer view
- Using TestNG for Seam projects
- Generating a Seam project from an existing database
- Running the generated Seam application (generateSeam)
- Modify Seam preferences
- Summary
- 7. Hibernate Tools
- Overview of Hibernate
- Preparations
- Hibernate Tools for Eclipse
- Manual installation
- Hibernate perspective
- Creating a Hibernate mapping file (.hbm.xml)
- Hibernate XML Editor
- Tree View
- Adding a <class> element
- Adding an <id> element
- Adding a <property> element
- Adding a <set> element
- Adding a <one-to-many> element
- Tree View
- Hibernate XML Editor
- Creating a Hibernate configuration file
- Hibernate Configuration XML Editor
- Session Factory view
- Security view
- Source view
- Hibernate Configuration XML Editor
- Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration
- Main tab
- Options tab
- Classpath tab
- Mappings tab
- Common tab
- Hibernate Configurations view
- Mapping diagram
- HQL Editor
- Hibernate Criteria Editor
- Hibernate Query Result view
- Hibernate Dynamic SQL Preview view
- Query Parameters view
- Properties view
- Reverse engineering and code generation techniques
- Main tab
- Exporters tab
- Refresh tab
- Common tab
- Generating Hibernate artifacts
- Customize and control reverse engineering (reveng.xml)
- Overview view
- Table Filters view
- Type Mappings view
- Table & Columns view
- Design view
- Source view
- Hibernate Tools for Ant
- The <hibernatetool> Ant Task
- Adding Hibernate tools dependencies
- Hibernate Configurations
- Hibernate Tools exporters
- Hibernate Mapping Files Exporter
- POJOs Exporter
- Hibernate Configuration File Exporter
- Database Schema Exporter
- Documentation Exporter
- Query Exporter
- Import all libraries dependencies
- Summary
- 8. jBPM Tools
- Downloading and installing the JBoss jBPM Suite
- Creating a jBPM stub project
- Creating a jBPM process definition
- Launching the jBPM JPDL perspective
- jBPM GPD Editor
- Diagram view
- Adding states
- Adding task-nodes
- Adding nodes
- Adding a fork-join system
- Adding a mail node
- Adding transitions
- Customizing node names
- Customizing transition's names
- Defining swimlanes
- Defining a task for the start-state
- Defining a task for the task-node
- Decorating graph with actions
- Configuring Mail node
- Source view
- Design view
- Deployment view
- Diagram view
- Running a process on JBoss jBPM server
- Creating a JUnit test for a jBPM process
- Summary
- 9. ESB Tools
- Downloading and installing the JBossESB Server
- Creating a JBossESB stub project
- JBoss ESB Editor
- Defining a Service skeleton in JBossESB
- Defining the Action Pipeline
- Defining a list of Listeners
- Configuring message queues in JBossESB Server
- Indicating the classes loading order
- Sending an ESB Message through the ServiceInvoker
- Sending a JMS Message in a classical manner
- Service Registry configuration
- Importing the "endorsed" libraries
- Preparing and deploying a Service on JBossESB Server
- Testing the ESB Service
- What just happened?
- Summary
- 10. Web Services ToolsJBossWS
- Overview of Web Services
- Downloading and installing JBossWS Native
- Configuring JBossWS under Eclispe IDE
- Creating a web service using Web Services Tools
- Adding the JBoss Web Service facet
- Writing a WSDL document using the WSDL wizard
- Generating the web service from a WSDL document
- Providing service business logic
- Generating the web service's client from a WSDL
- Providing client business logic
- Deploying and testing a web service
- Testing a web service through Web Services Explorer
- Creating a Web service from a Java bean
- Publishing web services and business entities
- A brief introduction to UDDI
- JBoss AS 4.2 and jUDDI
- Preparing the jUDDI database
- Using Web Services Explorer as a UDDI Browser
- Adding a Registry to the Web Services Explorer
- Publishing a business entity
- Publishing a web service
- Discovering our own web service through WSE
- Discovering "external" web service through WSE
- Convert WSDL to WSIL
- WSIL and WSE
- Summary
- 11. JBoss Portal Tools
- Overview of Portals and Portlets
- Downloading and installing JBoss Portal + JBoss AS
- Configuring the JBoss Portal bundle under Eclipse IDE
- Starting JBoss Portal
- Adding a Java portlet in JBoss Portal
- Adding JBoss Portlets Facet
- Creating a Java Portlet
- Deploying and running a portlet
- Adding a JSP portlet in JBoss Portal
- Creating a JSP Portlet
- Implementing the init method
- Implementing the doView method
- Implementing the view.jsp page
- Implementing the doEdit method
- Implementing the edit.jsp page
- Implementing the doHelp method
- Implementing the help.jsp page
- Implementing the processAction method
- Writing and configuring a dedicated validator
- Creating a JSP Portlet
- Adding a JSF portlet in JBoss Portal
- Adding a Seam portlet in JBoss Portal
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide. Develop JSF, Struts, Seam, Hibernate, jBPM, ESB, web services, and portal applications faster than ever using JBoss Tools for Eclipse and the JBoss Application Server
- Autor: Anghel Leonard, Jason Savod
- Tytuł oryginału: JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide. Develop JSF, Struts, Seam, Hibernate, jBPM, ESB, web services, and portal applications faster than ever using JBoss Tools for Eclipse and the JBoss Application Server
- ISBN: 9781847196156, 9781847196156
- Data wydania: 2009-04-17
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3be2
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing