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- IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide. A comprehensive, practical guide for the planning, installation, and maintenance of your Sametime 8.5.2 environment
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IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide. A comprehensive, practical guide for the planning, installation, and maintenance of your Sametime 8.5.2 environment
Thomas Duff, Marie L. Scott, Gabriella Davis, Marie L Kovalchick, Thomas William Duff, Gabriella Davis (GBP)
Sametime 8.5.2 delivers a state-of-the-art enterprise-ready instant messaging and meeting service. This Administrator's Guide navigates through the range of Sametime server components and features, providing you with the essential information required to install, administer and troubleshoot your Sametime 8.5.2 environment.The IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide cuts through the complexity of architecting, installing, and administering all the moving parts of the latest version of Sametime. With this book, you will be able to make the necessary decisions when it comes to choosing which server components you need and how to install them to get the most performance and maintainability from the software. Starting with an overview of Sametime 8.5.2, you will then dive into each server component. You learn what each one does, why it might be needed in your environment, and what you need to have in place to run it. By the end, you’ll have Sametime running and configured properly for your particular situation.With flexibility comes complexity-- but not with this guide. You’ll learn how different architectures are possible and how to prepare properly for the installation of Sametime. You’ll learn how to install the servers in the right order so that you can maintain and expand your environment in the future. You’ll also find out how best to monitor your Sametime environment for issues, as well as how to effectively troubleshoot those problems so that you can quickly get Sametime running again.The IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide is the perfect one-stop resource for learning important installation and configuration details quickly and easily.
- IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide
- Table of Contents
- IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgement
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Collaborate in Real Time: Introducing Sametime 8.5.2
- Whats new in Sametime 8.5.2
- Sametime 8.5.2 server architecture
- Sametime System Console
- Sametime Community Server
- Sametime Meeting Server
- Sametime Proxy Server
- Sametime Media Manager
- Sametime TURN Server
- Sametime Bandwidth Manager
- Sametime server system requirements
- Sametime 8.5.2 clients: Something for everyone!
- The Sametime system offerings
- Understanding Sametime licensing
- Why install or upgrade to Sametime 8.5.2?
- Flexibility
- Example: Instant Messaging only with multiple servers
- Example: A pilot install
- Example: A small install with room for future growth
- Example: A clustered install with multiple failover
- Features
- Integration
- Flexibility
- Summary
- 2. The Sametime 8.5.2 ServersUp Close and Personal
- Sametime Community Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Systems Console Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Classic Meeting Server
- Installation requirements
- Customization of the Sametime Meeting Center
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Meeting Server
- Installation requirements
- Customizing the Meeting Server
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Proxy Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Media Manager Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime TURN Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Sametime Bandwidth Manager Server
- Installation requirements
- Deployment scenarios
- Operating system options
- Summary
- Sametime Community Server
- 3. Telephony Integration: Working with Sametime Telephony
- Unified Communication and Telephony
- Telephony options available in Sametime
- Sametime Unified Telephony
- Sametime Unified Telephony Lite client
- Connecting Sametime 8.5.2 Connect to telephony products
- Point-to-point audio and video
- Multi-point audio and video
- Web conferencing within Sametime meetings
- Client-side plugins not using Sametime technology
- Client-side plugins using SIP
- Server-side TCSPI adaptor
- Adding audio and conferencing to your Sametime client
- Adding web conferencing to the Meeting Center
- Summary
- 4. The Infrastructure: Understanding Sametime and WebSphere Application Server Architecture
- Introducing WebSphere Application Server
- Why is WebSphere Application Server used with Sametime?
- WebSphere Application Server concepts and terms
- Deployment Manager
- Node
- Server
- Node agent
- Cell
- WebSphere Application Server file locations
- Appserver or WebSphere home directory
- Profiles
- Logs
- Config
- Bin
- WAS security
- WAS directory integration
- WebSphere deployments
- Single server deployment
- Multi-server deployment
- Network deployment and clustering
- Summary
- 5. Executive Decisions: Preparing for your Sametime 8.5.2 Installation
- Decisions required for planning your Sametime environment
- Upgrade or new install
- Infrastructure design
- Use of Multiplexors for IM
- Multiple Proxy Servers
- Multiple Meeting Servers
- Multiple Media Manager components
- Bandwidth Manager
- Multiple TURN Servers
- Pilot to production plan
- Operating system
- What features will be installed?
- Integration points with Quickr, Connections, Sametime Advanced, and Sametime Gateway
- Chat logging
- Use of business cards
- STLinks versus Sametime Proxy
- What is needed for growth and stability?
- Testing of existing tools and plugins
- Clustering
- Virtualization
- Obtaining Sametime software
- Sametime 8.5.2 software prerequisites
- Sametime 8.5.2 hardware requirements
- Planning for the WAS environment
- Determining where to install your WAS servers
- Planning for SSL requirements
- Planning for SSO requirements
- Coexistence or migration: What is required?
- Which servers can coexist with older versions?
- Community Services
- Meeting Services
- Proxy Server
- Audio and video
- Understanding migration sequence
- Dealing with older datawhat will migrate and what won't
- Which servers can coexist with older versions?
- Planning for DB2
- Understanding how many DB2 instances will be required
- Planning for LDAP
- Impact on existing Community Servers using Domino directory
- Planning for network requirements
- Port requirements
- IPv6 versus IPv4 addressing
- Determining ports for WAS Sametime applications
- Summary
- Decisions required for planning your Sametime environment
- 6. Ready, Set, Install: Installing Sametime 8.5.2
- Downloading Sametime 8.5.2 software
- Understanding the Sametime server install
- Installing DB2
- Installing the Sametime System Console
- Confirming the SSC installation
- Configuring LDAP
- Confirming the LDAP connectivity
- Installing a Sametime Community Server
- Upgrading an existing server
- Adding multiplexors
- Confirming Community awareness
- Installing a Sametime Proxy Server
- Adding Proxy Server trusted IP to Community Servers
- Testing for a successful Proxy Server installation
- Installing a Sametime Media Server
- Installing a Meeting Server DB2 database
- Installing a Sametime Meeting Server
- Testing for a successful Meeting Server installation
- Installing multiple Meeting Servers as a cluster
- Configuring the WAS proxy server
- Installing a Bandwidth Manager Server
- Installing a Bandwidth Manager DB2 database
- Copying install files
- Creating a WAS profile
- Running the Bandwidth Manager installer
- Installing a TURN Server
- Editing the TURN batch file
- Editing the TURNServer.properties file
- Configuring the Media Manager to use the TURN Server
- Modifying the stavconfig.xml file
- Modifying the Media Server configuration
- TURN Server ports
- Running the TURN Server
- Adding web conferencing to browser-based meetings
- Installing the audio and video files
- Configuring the Sametime Proxy Server
- Troubleshooting the installation
- Installation log files
- Sametime System Console log files
- Sametime Proxy Server log files
- Meeting Server log files
- Media Manager log files
- Bandwidth Manager log files
- Community Server log files
- Summary
- 7. Collaborate Securely: Setting up Authentication and Securing your Sametime Environment
- Understanding WAS authentication
- LDAP and its use
- Connecting to LDAP
- Migrating from Domino Directory to LDAP
- Converting Sametime with Domino Directory to LDAP
- Sample deployment scenarios
- Domino Directory as LDAP
- Domino Directory as LDAP with Active Directory
- Understanding federated repositories
- Using Single Sign-On for Sametime and other Domino and WAS servers
- Generating keys from the Meeting Server
- Configuring authentication for clients using SPNEGO
- Understanding WAS SSL configuration
- Configuring SSL for all server communications
- Where are SSL certificates managed
- Security update
- Summary
- 8. Making it Personal: Using Sametime Business Card
- Sametime Business Card
- Configuring Business Cards
- Using IBM Connections Business Cards for Sametime
- Sametime Proxy Server
- Embedded Sametime client
- Stand-alone Sametime client
- Creating custom Business Cards
- Using a custom application
- Using multiple attributes for a single value
- Dual repositories
- Domino Directory and LDAP directory
- Domino Directory or LDAP and custom Notes application
- LDAP and Domino Directory
- Using and storing photos
- Troubleshooting Business Cards
- Business Cards and the Sametime clients
- Summary
- 9. Extending the Sametime Environment: Connecting to Sametime Advanced and Sametime Gateway
- Introducing Sametime Advanced
- Sametime Advanced installation files
- Sametime Advanced ports
- Features of Sametime Advanced
- Persistent chats
- Broadcast suite
- Skill Tap
- Broadcast Chat
- Instant Poll
- Announcement
- Instant Share
- Integrating Sametime Advanced into your environment
- Installing Sametime Advanced
- Creating the deployment plan
- Installing Sametime Advanced software
- Introducing Sametime Gateway
- Software prerequisites
- Sametime Gateway installation files
- Sametime Gateway networking
- Features of Sametime Gateway
- Deployment options for Sametime Gateway
- Connecting a Sametime Gateway Server to your existing Sametime environment
- Coexistence and compatibility
- Summary
- Introducing Sametime Advanced
- 10. The End User Experience: Preparing for Sametime Client Deployments
- What Sametime client software is available
- Sametime Connect
- Notes embedded Sametime client
- Sametime browser client
- Mobile Sametime clients
- Downloading Sametime software
- Sametime client versions
- Deploying Sametime client software
- Customizing the client installation package
- Preparing Sametime Connect Client packages for distribution
- Creating a Welcome Page download package
- Adding or updating client features
- Integrating Microsoft Office with Sametime
- Managing client preferences
- Configuring Sametime Connect Client preferences using SSC policies
- Client preferences
- Policy Preferences
- Using the Expeditor framework to update Connect Client preferences
- Using Domino Desktop Policies to update Embedded Client preferences
- Expeditor preferences
- Configuring Sametime Connect Client preferences using SSC policies
- Audio-visual plugin
- Considerations for upgrading Sametime clients
- Controlling client versions
- Summary
- What Sametime client software is available
- 11. Collaborate from Anywhere: Sametime 8.5.2 and Mobile Devices
- Sametime Mobile
- Configuring the Sametime Community Server for mobile access
- Create a Website Rule Document
- Modify the httpd.cnf file
- Connecting Sametime Mobile to the Sametime Community Server
- Configuring the Community Server for mobile client downloads
- Configuring the Sametime Community and Proxy Servers
- Sametime Mobile clients
- Sametime Mobile for Android
- Sametime Instant Messaging client for Blackberry devices
- Sametime Meeting client for Blackberry devices
- Sametime for iPhone, iTouch, and iPad
- Summary
- 12. Managing and Monitoring the Sametime 8.5.2 Server Environment
- Reviewing user activity
- Reviewing Community Server activity
- Instant messaging community logging
- Domino server logging
- Logging settings
- Debugging the Classic Meeting Server
- Monitoring services
- Monitoring logins
- General server status
- Modifying the Community Server connection in the SSC
- Monitoring and managing Meeting Rooms
- Adding Meeting Room administrators
- Meeting Server statistics
- Adding Meeting Room administrators
- LDAP troubleshooting
- Verifying LDAP configuration
- Modifying LDAP configuration
- Monitoring LDAP
- Domino monitoring
- LDAP Process State probe
- LDAP TCP Port Health probe
- LDAP Search Response probe
- Domino monitoring
- Debugging LDAP issues
- Managing WebSphere Application Server processes
- Starting and stopping servers
- Batch files
- Windows services
- Adding a service
- Updating a service
- Deleting a service
- Modifying dependencies
- From within the Sametime System Console
- Server | Server Types | WebSphere Application Servers
- Servers | Applications | WebSphere Enterprise Applications
- System Administration | Node Agents
- System Administration | Nodes
- Backing up server configuration
- Compressing files
- WAS scripts
- Backup
- Restore
- Databases
- Starting and stopping servers
- Basic WebSphere Application Server troubleshooting
- Reviewing server status
- Operating system review
- Sametime System Console review
- Server | Server Types | WebSphere Application Servers
- Reviewing server performance
- Real-time performance activity
- Historical performance activity
- Where to look for log information
- On the file system
- In the Sametime System Console
- Collecting and reviewing debugging information
- Reviewing server status
- Summary
- A. Sametime 8.5.2 Installation Worksheets
- Sample worksheets
- Sametime server hostnames
- Sametime server information
- LDAP Server
- Sametime server components
- Sametime Install package names
- Summary
- Sample worksheets
- B. Sametime 8.5.2 Related Resources
- Customizing the Sametime client
- Sametime client plugins and/or widgets
- Sametime SDK
- Sametime clustering or running on partitioned servers
- Migrating from Domino Directory authentication to LDAP
- Integrating SPNEGO with Sametime
- Sametime Unified Telephony
- Resources for Sametime documentation
- Sametime SSL-related resources
- Additional documentation resources
- Sametime TURN Server resources
- Sametime support and fix list resources
- Sametime Blog resources
- Sametime SSL-related resources
- Sametime Gateway Server
- Additional resources
- Help! I need somebody! Where to find help when using the SSC
- Certification and training resources
- The Sametime song
- Summary
- C. Sametime 8.5.2 Network-Related Resources
- Required ports for Sametime servers
- Running Sametime with IPv6 addressing
- Understanding NAT and Sametime
- Troubleshooting or tuning your network for Sametime
- Sametime Meeting Server audio/video tuning
- Additional monitoring and tuning resources
- Sample network configurations
- Summary
- D. WebSphere Application Server-Related Resources
- Index
- Tytuł: IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide. A comprehensive, practical guide for the planning, installation, and maintenance of your Sametime 8.5.2 environment
- Autor: Thomas Duff, Marie L. Scott, Gabriella Davis, Marie L Kovalchick, Thomas William Duff, Gabriella Davis (GBP)
- Tytuł oryginału: IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide. A comprehensive, practical guide for the planning, installation, and maintenance of your Sametime 8.5.2 environment
- ISBN: 9781849683050, 9781849683050
- Data wydania: 2011-11-17
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bfl
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing