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- jQuery Game Development Essentials. Learn how to make fun and addictive multi-platform games using jQuery with this book and
Szczegóły ebooka
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jQuery Game Development Essentials. Learn how to make fun and addictive multi-platform games using jQuery with this book and
jQuery is a leading multi-browser JavaScript library that developers across the world utilize on a daily basis to help simplify client-side scripting. Using the friendly and powerful jQuery to create games based on DOM manipulations and CSS transforms allows you to target a vast array of browsers and devices without having to worry about individual peculiarities.jQuery Game Development Essentials will teach you how to use the environment, language, and framework that you're familiar with in an entirely new way so that you can create beautiful and addictive games. With concrete examples and detailed technical explanations you will learn how to apply game development techniques in a highly practical context.This essential reference explains classic game development techniques like sprite animations, tile-maps, collision detection, and parallax scrolling in a context specific to jQuery. In addition, there is coverage of advanced topics specific to creating games with the popular JavaScript library, such as integration with social networks alongside multiplayer and mobile support. jQuery Game Development Essentials will take you on a journey that will utilize your existing skills as a web developer so that you can create fantastic, addictive games that run right in the browser.
- jQuery Game Development Essentials
- Table of Contents
- jQuery Game Development Essentials
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewer
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. jQuery for Games
- The way of jQuery
- Chaining
- Polymorphism
- Moving things around
- Chaining animations
- Managing the queue
- .stop()
- .clearQueue()
- .dequeue()
- .delay()
- Other usages of queues
- Handling of events
- .bind()
- .delegate()
- Removing event handlers
- jQuery 1.7
- Associating data with DOM elements
- Manipulating the DOM
- .append()
- .prepend()
- .html()
- .remove()
- .detach()
- Stay curious my friend!
- Summary
- The way of jQuery
- 2. Creating Our First Game
- How does this book work?
- Lets get serious the game
- Learning the basics
- Framework
- Sprites
- Implementing animations
- Adding animations to our framework
- Moving sprites around
- Preloading
- Initializing the game
- Main loop
- Main loop implementation
- Collision detection
- Summary
- 3. Better, Faster, but not Harder
- Intervals and timeouts
- One interval to rule them all
- Code
- One interval to rule them all
- Keyboard polling
- Keeping track of the keys' state
- HTML fragments
- Avoiding reflow
- Moving your sprite around using CSS Transforms
- Using requestAnimationFrame instead of timeouts
- Summary
- Intervals and timeouts
- 4. Looking Sideways
- Offline divs
- Groups
- Sprite transformation
- CSS transform
- Adding transform to the framework
- Tile maps
- Naive implementation
- Collision detection
- Colliding with tile maps
- Finding the colliding tiles
- Sprite versus sprite collision
- Colliding with tile maps
- Coding the game
- Basic setup of the game screen
- Object-oriented code for the player
- Updating the player's position
- Controlling the player's avatar
- Player control
- Parallax scrolling
- Creating enemies
- Summary
- 5. Putting Things into Perspective
- Optimizing tile maps for top-down games
- Finding the visible tiles
- Moving the tile map
- Sorting the occlusion
- Sprite occlusion
- Level versus sprite occlusion
- Collision detection
- Player versus environment collisions
- Using a tile map editor
- Player versus sprite collision
- Talking to NPCs
- Fighting enemies
- Player versus environment collisions
- The complete game
- Isometric tiles
- Drawing an isometric tile map
- Occlusion for isometric games
- Summary
- Optimizing tile maps for top-down games
- 6. Adding Levels to Your Games
- Implementing a multi-file game
- Loading tile maps
- Loading sprites and their behavior
- Using $.ajax
- Loading a JSON file
- Loading a remote script
- Debugging calls to $.ajax
- .done()
- .fail()
- Modifying our platform game
- Summary
- Implementing a multi-file game
- 7. Making a Multiplayer Game
- World of Ar'PiGi
- Managing the player's account
- Searching elements in the database
- Creating a new player in the database
- Keeping the player connected
- Logging the user into the game
- Keeping the players in sync
- Retrieving all the other players
- Updating the current player position
- Client-side code
- Taking care of monsters
- Implementing server-side combat
- Summary
- 8. Let's Get Social
- Creating a simple leaderboard
- Saving highscores
- Retrieving highscores
- Displaying the highscores
- Making cheating harder
- Server-side verification
- Making your variables less readable
- Obfuscating your code
- Making your network protocol less readable
- Encoding values
- Randomly naming the variables
- Adding random variables
- Integrating with Twitter
- Twitter for dummies
- Full access to Twitter's API
- Registering your game with Twitter
- Server-side helper library
- Authentication
- Publishing high scores on Twitter
- Integrating with Facebook
- Authenticating with Facebook
- Creating achievements
- Publishing the achievements
- Summary
- Creating a simple leaderboard
- 9. Making Your Game Mobile
- Making your game run well on mobile devices
- Detecting mobile browsers
- Client-side browser detection
- Server-side detection
- Should you really detect the browser?
- Performance limitation memory
- Performance limitation speed
- Specifying the page's visible area
- Level of details
- Detecting mobile browsers
- Touch control
- D-pad
- Analog joystick
- Event handlers
- Integrating our game with the springboard
- Making your game installable
- Configuring the status bar
- Specifying the application icon
- Specifying a splash screen
- Using device orientation
- Using the offline application cache
- Using web storage
- Summary
- Making your game run well on mobile devices
- 10. Making Some Noise
- Abstracting audio
- Using our small library
- Embedding sound
- Implementation
- Supported format
- HTML5 Audio element
- Preloading a sound
- Playing and stopping sounds
- Web Audio API
- Basic usage
- Connecting more nodes
- Loading more than one sound
- So many nodes, so little time
- Delay node
- ScriptProcessor node
- Panner node
- Convolver node
- Analyser node
- DynamicCompressor node
- BiquadFilter node
- WaveShaper node
- Flash fallbacks
- SoundManager 2
- Alternatives to SoundManager
- Generating sound effects
- Summary
- Abstracting audio
- Index
- Tytuł: jQuery Game Development Essentials. Learn how to make fun and addictive multi-platform games using jQuery with this book and
- Autor: Selim Arsever
- Tytuł oryginału: jQuery Game Development Essentials. Learn how to make fun and addictive multi-platform games using jQuery with this book and ebook.
- ISBN: 9781849695077, 9781849695077
- Data wydania: 2013-04-25
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bjs
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing