Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komputer w biurze
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Multimedialne szkolenia
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Polityka społeczna
- Poradniki
- Prezentacje
- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Raporty, analizy
- Sekret
- Social Media
- Sprzedaż
- Start-up
- Twoja kariera
- Zarządzanie
- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Dom i ogród
- E-Biznes
- Ekonomia i finanse
- Finanse
- Finanse osobiste
- Firma
- Fotografia
- Informatyka
- Kadry i płace
- Komputery, Excel
- Księgowość
- Kultura i literatura
- Naukowe i akademickie
- Ochrona środowiska
- Opiniotwórcze
- Oświata
- Podatki
- Podróże
- Psychologia
- Religia
- Rolnictwo
- Rynek książki i prasy
- Transport i Spedycja
- Zdrowie i uroda
- Aplikacje biurowe
- Bazy danych
- Bioinformatyka
- Biznes IT
- Digital Lifestyle
- Elektronika
- Fotografia cyfrowa
- Grafika komputerowa
- Gry
- Hacking
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Pakiety naukowe
- Podręczniki szkolne
- Podstawy komputera
- Programowanie
- Programowanie mobilne
- Serwery internetowe
- Sieci komputerowe
- Start-up
- Systemy operacyjne
- Sztuczna inteligencja
- Technologia dla dzieci
- Webmasterstwo
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poemat
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Podręczniki szkolne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
- Archeologia
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Filmoznawstwo
- Filologia
- Filologia polska
- Filozofia
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geografia
- Gospodarka
- Handel. Gospodarka światowa
- Historia i archeologia
- Historia sztuki i architektury
- Kulturoznawstwo
- Lingwistyka
- Literaturoznawstwo
- Logistyka
- Matematyka
- Medycyna
- Nauki humanistyczne
- Pedagogika
- Pomoce naukowe
- Popularnonaukowa
- Pozostałe
- Psychologia
- Socjologia
- Teatrologia
- Teologia
- Teorie i nauki ekonomiczne
- Transport i spedycja
- Wychowanie fizyczne
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Poradniki do gier
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
- Historia
- Kodeks drogowy. Prawo jazdy
- Nauki prawne
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Ogólne, kompendium wiedzy
- Podręczniki akademickie
- Pozostałe
- Prawo budowlane i lokalowe
- Prawo cywilne
- Prawo finansowe
- Prawo gospodarcze
- Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe
- Prawo karne
- Prawo karne. Przestępstwa karne. Kryminologia
- Prawo międzynarodowe
- Prawo międzynarodowe i zagraniczne
- Prawo ochrony zdrowia
- Prawo oświatowe
- Prawo podatkowe
- Prawo pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych
- Prawo publiczne, konstytucyjne i administracyjne
- Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze
- Prawo rolne
- Prawo socjalne, prawo pracy
- Prawo Unii Europejskiej
- Przemysł
- Rolne i ochrona środowiska
- Słowniki i encyklopedie
- Zamówienia publiczne
- Zarządzanie
Przewodniki i podróże
- Afryka
- Albumy
- Ameryka Południowa
- Ameryka Środkowa i Północna
- Australia, Nowa Zelandia, Oceania
- Austria
- Azja
- Bałkany
- Bliski Wschód
- Bułgaria
- Chiny
- Chorwacja
- Czechy
- Dania
- Egipt
- Estonia
- Europa
- Francja
- Góry
- Grecja
- Hiszpania
- Holandia
- Islandia
- Litwa
- Łotwa
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Miniprzewodniki
- Niemcy
- Norwegia
- Podróże aktywne
- Polska
- Portugalia
- Pozostałe
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Rosja
- Rumunia
- Słowacja
- Słowenia
- Szwajcaria
- Szwecja
- Świat
- Turcja
- Ukraina
- Węgry
- Wielka Brytania
- Włochy
- Filozofie życiowe
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Poradniki
- Prezentacje
- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Sekret
- Social Media
- Sprzedaż
- Start-up
- Twoja kariera
- Zarządzanie
- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Biznes i ekonomia
- E-biznes
- Drupal for Education and E-Learning. Teaching and learning in the classroom using the Drupal CMS
Szczegóły ebooka
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Drupal for Education and E-Learning. Teaching and learning in the classroom using the Drupal CMS
Bill Fitzgerald, Dries Buytaert
- Drupal for Education and E-Learning
- Table of Contents
- Drupal for Education and E-Learning
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- What This Book Covers
- What You Need for This Book
- Who This Book Is For
- Conventions
- Reader Feedback
- Customer Support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Introduction
- What is Drupal
- DrupalA Short Historical Overview
- What Drupal Can Do For You
- Drupal Terminology
- Taking Notes
- Summary
- 2. Installing Drupal
- Assumptions
- The Domain
- The Web Host
- Web Server
- PHP version
- MySQL version
- FTP and Shell Access to Your Web Host
- A Local Testing Environment
- The Most Effective Way versus The Easy Way
- Installing DrupalThe Quick Version
- Installing DrupalThe Detailed Version
- Getting the Codebase
- Creating the Database and the Database User
- Completing the Install
- Enabling Core Modules
- Assigning Rights to the Authenticated User Role
- Summary
- Assumptions
- 3. Getting Started
- The Core Install
- Core User Functionality
- My Account
- Create Content
- Log Out
- Administrative Functionality
- Content Management
- Site Building
- Site Configuration
- User Management
- Reports
- Core User Functionality
- Next Steps: Building the Foundation
- Installing Modules and Themes
- Files
- Directories
- Core Modules and Themes
- The Sites Directory
- Adding Modules and Themes: The Steps
- Step 1: Download
- Step 2: Decompress
- Step 3: Upload
- Step 4: Enable
- Configuring Modules and Themes
- Modules
- Themes
- Modules and Themes: A Summary
- Creating Roles
- Creating Content Types
- Step 1: Creating the Content Type
- A: Identification
- B: Submission Form Settings
- C: Workflow Settings
- D: Comment Settings
- Step 2: Adding Fields
- Step 3: Assigning Taxonomies
- Identification
- Content Types
- Settings
- Step 4: Assigning Privileges
- The Result
- Creating Content Types: A Summary
- Step 1: Creating the Content Type
- Creating Views
- Step 1: Add a View
- Step 2: Set the Defaults
- Step a: Adding Fields
- Node Fields
- Content Fields
- Taxonomy Fields
- Configuring the Fields
- Step b: Adding Filters
- Step c: Adding Arguments (optional)
- Step d: Setting Style
- Step e: Setting Additional Configuration Options
- Step a: Adding Fields
- Step 3: Add a Display Type
- Adding Multiple Display Types and Overriding Default Values
- Save Your View!
- Creating Views: A Summary
- Summary
- The Core Install
- 4. Creating a Teacher Blog
- Installing the Text Editor
- Uploading and Enabling FCKeditor
- Configuring FCKeditor
- Assigning Permissions
- Assigning User Rights via Roles
- Understanding Roles and How They Work
- Editing the Advanced Profile
- Editing Visibility Settings in the Global Profile
- Assigning Permissions
- Setting the Proper Input Formats
- Creating Content Types for the Teacher Blog
- The Blog Post Content Type
- Add Fields
- Assign Taxonomy
- Assign Permissions
- Hey! Why Not Use the Blog Module?
- The Assignment Content Type
- Getting Started: Installing Modules
- The Assignment Content Type
- Add Fields
- Ordering Fields
- Assign Taxonomy
- Assign Permissions
- The Blog Post Content Type
- Sample Users and Testing
- Adding New Users
- Section Summary
- Adding Sample Content
- Views for the Teacher Blog and Assignments
- The Teacher Blog View
- Add a View
- Set the Defaults
- Add Fields to the View
- Add Filters
- Add Arguments
- Set Style
- Set Additional Configuration Options
- Add a Display Type
- The Assignment View
- Editing the Default Values
- Modifying the Date Field
- Removing the Default Date
- Add Filters
- Edit the Argument
- Adding a Title and Header
- Edit the Calendar Page Display
- Setting the Path and Menu
- Editing the Default Values
- The Teacher Blog View
- Summary
- Installing the Text Editor
- 5. Enrolling Students
- Understanding Roles, and Assigning Rights
- Assigning Rights
- Rights for the Student Role
- Creating Student Accounts
- Method 1: Students Create their Own Accounts
- Student Sign-in
- Retrieving the Confirmation Email
- Promoting New Members into the Student Role
- Method 2: You Create the Student Accounts
- Method 1: Students Create their Own Accounts
- Customizing the Registration Process
- The User Settings Page
- User Registration Settings
- User Email Settings
- Signatures
- Pictures
- The User Settings Page
- Additional Modules for Creating User Accounts
- Summary
- 6. Creating the Student Blog
- Setting Up the Student Blog
- Assigning Permissions
- Clone the Teacher Blog
- Getting Interactive
- Seeing Whos Discussing What
- Enabling and Cloning the Backlinks View
- Editing the Default Display
- Remove the Page Display
- Edit the Block Display
- Enabling the Block
- Seeing Whos Discussing What
- Seeing It Work
- Summary
- Setting Up the Student Blog
- Assign Rights to Use Bookmarks
- Using Bookmarks in the Classroom
- Sharing a Bookmark
- Bookmark to Blog
- Learning Goals
- Bookmarks and Media Literacy
- Bookmarks as Part of Ongoing Student Research
- Learning Goals
- Bookmark to Blog
- Summary
- 8. Podcasting and Images
- Getting Started with Podcasts
- Audio Module
- Install the getID3() Module
- Install the getID3() Libraries
- Install the Token Module
- Install and Enable the Audio Module
- Install the getID3() Module
- Configure the Audio Module
- The Audio Tab
- A Brief Explanation of Tokens
- The Metadata Tags Tab
- The Players Tab
- The Audio Tab
- Assign Rights to the Audio Module
- Adjust Existing Views
- Editing the student_blog View
- Editing the teacher_blog View
- Editing the conversations View
- Uploading an Audio File
- Using Podcasts in the Class
- Creating PodcastsNotes on Hardware and Software
- Software
- Hardware
- Everyday Uses of Podcasts
- Podcasts as a Tool in Project-Based Learning
- Ideas for Podcasting Projects
- Some General Examples
- Ideas for Podcasting Projects
- Creating PodcastsNotes on Hardware and Software
- iTunes or Not
- Images and Image Galleries
- Sharing Images with the Image Module
- Configuring the Image Module
- Step 1: Adjusting the Default Settings
- Step 2: Adjusting the Image Module Settings
- Image Gallery
- Step 3: Using the Keyword Taxonomy and Creating Galleries
- Galleries
- Step 4: Assign Permissions
- Step 5: Adjusting Views
- Creating Images
- Sharing Images with the Image Module
- Summary
- 9. Video
- Setting up the Video Content Type
- Install the Embedded Media Field Module
- Configure Embedded Media Field
- Configuring the General Settings
- Configuring the Embedded Media Field Settings
- Creating the Video Content Type
- Step 1: Create the Content Type
- Step 2: Add the Video Field
- Configuring the Field
- Configuring the Global Settings
- Ordering the Fields
- Step 3: Assign a Taxonomy
- Step 4: Assign Permissions
- Embedding Videos
- Embedding from an External Site
- Embedding from the Local Site
- Adjusting the Student and Teacher Blogs
- Hardware and Software to Create Videos
- Hardware
- Cameras and Video Capturing Equipment
- Microphones and Audio Quality
- Lighting Equipment and Editing Stations
- Copying Videos from YouTube/Google Video
- Software to Create and Edit Videos
- Desktop Software
- Online Tools
- Hardware
- Using Videos in the Classroom
- Student Projects
- Teaching with Video
- Drupal as a Video Hosting and Processing Platform
- Summary
- Setting up the Video Content Type
- 10. Forums and Blogs
- Install the Forum Module
- Configure Forums
- Containers and Forums
- Displaying Multiple Content Types in a Forum
- Assign Permissions to Forums
- The Relationship between Forums and Blogs
- Forums
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Blogs
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Forums
- Summary
- 11. Social Networks and Extending the User Profile
- Identifying the Goals of Your Profile
- Using the Core Profile Module
- Customizing the Core Profile
- Add a Last Name
- Add a Birthday
- Form Options
- Managing Your Profile Fields
- Adding Content to a Profile Created Using the Core Profile Module
- Customizing the Core Profile
- Moving Beyond the Core Profile Module
- When to Look Beyond the Profile Module
- Extending Profiles Using the Content Profile Module
- Building the Profile
- Edit the Settings of the Profile Content Type
- Configure the Base Content Profile Settings
- Add Fields to the Profile Content Type
- Add the Brief Bio Field
- Adjusting the Profile Settings
- Adjusting the Global Settings
- Adding the Full Bio Field
- Adjusting the Field Display
- Add the Brief Bio Field
- Add Taxonomy Terms to the Profile Content Type
- Adding the Interest Vocabulary
- Assign Rights to Profile Nodes
- Creating an Extended Profile
- Including Fields from the Profile Node on the Registration Form
- Additional Options for Social Networking and User Profiles
- Summary
- 12. Supporting Multiple Classes
- Install and Configure Organic Groups
- Useful Links for Organic Groups
- Administrative Links
- Navigation Links
- Finding Groups and Navigating Group Content
- My Unread Posts
- Adjusting Your Site to Work with Organic Groups
- Create Group Types
- Creating the Class Content Type
- The Organic Groups Fieldset
- Creating the Club Content Type
- Creating the Class Content Type
- Create Group Types
- Assign Permissions to Group Nodes
- For Class Nodes
- For Club Nodes
- Create a Menu for Groups
- Setting the Defaults for Organic Groups
- Setting OG Configuration Options
- Content Types
- Group Details
- Groups Directory Control
- Registration Form Control
- Group Email Notifications
- Audience Checkboxes
- Audience Required
- Email Settings
- Remember: Save Your Settings!
- Setting Organic Groups Access Configuration Options
- Visibility of Posts
- Private Groups
- Setting OG Configuration Options
- Creating and Using Groups
- Creating a Group
- Enabling Group-specific Blocks
- Adding Users/Managing Subscriptions
- Creating Additional Group Managers
- Adding Group-specific Taxonomies
- Creating Content in a Group
- Summary
- 13. Tracking Student Progress
- Getting an Overview of Student Work
- Using the Core Tracker Module
- Replacing the Tracker Module with Views
- Using Code Snippets to Track Student Progress
- Enabling PHP Snippets
- Embedding a PHP Snippet in a Page
- Explaining the Snippet
- Using Views and PHP Snippets Together
- Creating the View
- Adjusting the Defaults Display
- Adding Fields
- Adding an Argument
- Adjusting the Page Display
- Adjusting the Defaults Display
- Embedding the Snippet
- Explaining the Snippet
- Creating the View
- Tracking Responses to Specific Assignments
- Editing the Argument
- Restrict Access
- How it Works
- Editing the Argument
- Private Communication with Students
- Getting Started
- Configuring Coherent Access
- Using Coherent Access
- Tracking Posts Created and Shared Using Coherent Access
- Summary
- Getting an Overview of Student Work
- 14. Theming and User Interface Design
- Basic Principles
- Keep it as Simple as Possible
- Hide Unnecessary Options
- Setting the Home Page
- Menus, Blocks, and Primary Links
- Primary and Secondary Links
- Creating Customized Menus
- Create a Separate Administration Menu
- Adding New Menus
- Enabling the Block
- Adding items to the Menu
- Create a Separate "Add Content" Block
- Adding New Menus
- Enabling Blocks
- Adding Menu Items into the Menu
- Populate the Primary Links
- Adding a Post Directly to a Menu
- Adding a New Menu Item
- Blocks and Block Placement FAQ
- What is a Block? How is it Different than a Menu?
- What is a Region?
- What Else can I do with a Block?
- Can I Make a Block Visible to Specific Roles or on Specific Pages?
- Changing Settings via the Admin Menu
- The Site Information Page
- Theme Settings
- Enabling Themes
- Global Theme Settings
- Display Post Information on
- Toggle Display
- Logo Image Settings
- Shortcut Icon Settings
- Theme-Specific Settings
- The Site Information Page
- Looking Under the Hood
- Drupal's Theme Structure
- css Files
- tpl.php Files
- Custom tpl.php Files
- CSS and JavaScript Aggregation
- Additional Resources
- Summary
- Basic Principles
- 15. Backup, Maintenance, and Upgrades
- Setting Up Cron Jobs
- Backup and Maintenance Overview
- Backing Up the Codebase
- Automating Backups Using DB Maintenance
- Configuring the Database Optimization Options
- Configuring the Database and Files Backup Options
- Summary: Using DB Maintenance to Automate Backup and Maintenance
- Caring For Your Database
- Using PHPMyAdmin as a Maintenance and Backup Tool
- Optimizing Tables Using PHPMyAdmin
- Using PHPMyAdmin as a Maintenance and Backup Tool
- Manually Backing Up the Database
- Backing up the Database via PHPMyAdmin
- Backing Up Your Database via the Command Line
- Command Line Database BackupsThe Short Version
- Command Line Database BackupsThe Full Explanation
- Command Line Backups of Core Codebase, Contributed Modules, and Files
- The Master Backup
- Details on the Command Line
- Backing up Contributed Modules and Themes
- File Backups
- Putting it all Together
- OK. What Should I Back Up, and When Should I Do It?
- Verifying that your Backup Works
- Before We Begin: Web Space for Testing Your Backup
- Creating the Backup Database
- Recreate the Database via PHPMyAdmin
- Recreate the Database via the Command Line
- Uploading the Backup Codebase
- Edit settings.php
- The Master Backup
- The Test Site
- Disaster Recovery
- Updating Your Site
- Upgrading Core
- Upgrading CoreThe Short Version
- Upgrading CoreThe Detailed Version
- Preparing the Upgraded Site
- Preparing the CodebaseAdditional Notes
- Bringing the Upgrade Live
- Upgrading Contributed Modules
- Upgrading Your Theme
- Summary
- 16. Working Effectively in the Drupal Community
- Getting Started
- Researching on Drupal.org
- Searching Effectively
- Handbooks
- Browsing the Issue Queue
- Asking Questions
- Support Forums
- Support Mailing List
- Groups.drupal.org
- Giving Support
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Drupal for Education and E-Learning. Teaching and learning in the classroom using the Drupal CMS
- Autor: Bill Fitzgerald, Dries Buytaert
- Tytuł oryginału: Drupal for Education and E-Learning. Teaching and learning in the classroom using the Drupal CMS
- ISBN: 9781847195036, 9781847195036
- Data wydania: 2008-11-27
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bjv
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing