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Wireframing Essentials. If you’ve ever wanted to be a User Experience (UX) designer, this book will give you a great head start. It’s a comprehensive handbook to the core principles and leads you through design methodologies with many practical examples

Wireframing Essentials. If you’ve ever wanted to be a User Experience (UX) designer, this book will give you a great head start. It’s a comprehensive handbook to the core principles and leads you through design methodologies with many practical examples

Matthew J. Hamm

  • Wireframing Essentials
    • Table of Contents
    • Wireframing Essentials
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
      • Downloading the color images of this book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. The Design Process
      • A high-level look at the design process
      • Research
        • The importance of research
        • Designing in an agile environment
      • Information architecture
        • Introducing flowchart development
        • Defining the shapes in flowcharts
        • Transitioning to wireframes
        • Usability testing
      • Visual design
        • Applying the visual layer
      • Delivery
      • Summary
    • 2. Example Project E-commerce Website
      • Research
        • Stakeholder interview
        • Competitive analysis
        • Personas
        • Weighing and prioritizing features
      • Information Architecture
        • Site map
        • Wireframing pages and content
          • Home page
            • Popular wireframing applications
            • Initial home page wireframe
            • Refined home page wireframe
          • Category pages
          • Product detail page
          • Shopping cart
          • Video library page
        • Mockups
        • Delivery
      • Reviewing the development efforts
      • Summary
    • 3. Example Project Mobile Device Application
      • Research
        • Stakeholder interview and persona development
        • Weighing features
      • Information Architecture
        • Interaction maps
          • Our first map
          • Our refined map
        • Sketches and mockups
          • Creating a new account
          • Finding your team
          • Joining a team
          • Your teams home page
          • Navigation options
            • Portal navigation
            • Global navigation
            • When to remove navigation
          • The Futbol Finder storefront
          • Shopping by product category
          • Usability testing
          • Presenting our deliverables
      • Summary
    • 4. Research Techniques
      • Commonly used, effective research techniques
        • Stakeholder interviews
        • Design tenet scorecard
        • Competitive analysis
        • Personas and user profiles
          • Creating personas
        • Heuristic evaluation
        • Card sorting
        • Focus groups
        • User surveys
        • Brainstorming
      • Summary
    • 5. Information Architecture and Visual Design Techniques
      • Information architecture techniques
        • Reality mapping
        • Task flow techniques
          • Page-level detail diagrams
          • Site map diagrams
          • Persona-based task flow diagrams
          • Screenshot interaction maps
        • Paper prototyping
      • Visual design techniques
        • Mood boards
        • Design scorecard
        • Designing in the browser
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Wireframing Essentials. If you’ve ever wanted to be a User Experience (UX) designer, this book will give you a great head start. It’s a comprehensive handbook to the core principles and leads you through design methodologies with many practical examples
  • Autor: Matthew J. Hamm
  • Tytuł oryginału: Wireframing Essentials. If you’ve ever wanted to be a User Experience (UX) designer, this book will give you a great head start. It’s a comprehensive handbook to the core principles and leads you through design methodologies with many practical examples.
  • ISBN: 9781849698559, 9781849698559
  • Data wydania: 2014-01-24
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bjy
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing