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Sport, fitness, diety
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Biznes i ekonomia
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Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
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- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Informatyka
- Aplikacje biznesowe
- Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials. Quickly build attractive, user-friendly web applications using Oracle's free ADF Essentials toolkit
Szczegóły ebooka
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Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials. Quickly build attractive, user-friendly web applications using Oracle's free ADF Essentials toolkit
With ADF, Oracle gives you the chance to use the powerful tool used by Oracle's own developers. Modern enterprise applications must be user-friendly, visually attractive, and fast performing. Oracle Fusion Applications are just that; but to get the desired output you need proven methods to use this powerful and flexible tool to achieve success in developing your enterprise applications.
Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials explains all you need to know in order to build good-looking, user-friendly applications on a completely free technology stack. It explains the highly productive, declarative development approach that will literally have your application running within a few hours, as well as how to use Java to add business logic.
Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials tells you how to develop and deploy web application applications based on the highly productive and free Oracle ADF Essentials framework. You will first learn how to build business services on top of database tables, and then how to easily build a web application using these services. You will see how to visually design the flow through your application with ADF task flows, and how to use Java programming to implement business logic. Using this book, you can start building and deploying advanced web applications on a robust, free platform quickly.
Towards the end, you will be ready to build real-world ADF Essentials applications and will be able to consider yourself an ADF Essentials journeyman.
Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials explains all you need to know in order to build good-looking, user-friendly applications on a completely free technology stack. It explains the highly productive, declarative development approach that will literally have your application running within a few hours, as well as how to use Java to add business logic.
Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials tells you how to develop and deploy web application applications based on the highly productive and free Oracle ADF Essentials framework. You will first learn how to build business services on top of database tables, and then how to easily build a web application using these services. You will see how to visually design the flow through your application with ADF task flows, and how to use Java programming to implement business logic. Using this book, you can start building and deploying advanced web applications on a robust, free platform quickly.
Towards the end, you will be ready to build real-world ADF Essentials applications and will be able to consider yourself an ADF Essentials journeyman.
- Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials
- Table of Contents
- Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgement
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- The prescription
- Off-label use
- Allergies
- Whats not there
- The sample application
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. My First ADF Essentials Application
- Getting ready
- Installing MySQL
- MySQL installation
- Configuring
- Changing MySQL options
- Does it work?
- Modifying some data
- Installing Java Development Kit and GlassFish
- Installing JDK 7
- Installing GlassFish
- GlassFish installation
- Setting up the domain
- Does it work?
- Installing the MySQL connector in GlassFish
- Adding a DataSource to GlassFish
- Installing ADF Essentials
- Getting ADF Essentials
- Installing the ADF Share libraries in GlassFish
- Setting the GlassFish JVM parameters
- Does it work?
- Installing JDeveloper
- JDeveloper or Eclipse?
- Which JDeveloper?
- JDeveloper installation
- Installing the MySQL Connector in JDeveloper
- Installing the GlassFish Server Extension
- Connecting to the GlassFish server
- Building a simple ADF Essentials application
- Creating the application
- Database
- Business service
- Model layer
- Controller layer
- View layer
- Getting ready to deploy
- DataSource
- Application module configuration
- Change platform
- Running your first ADF Essentials application
- Can it run faster?
- Setting up WebLogic for MySQL
- Adding a DataSource to WebLogic
- Running your first ADF Essentials application again
- Summary
- 2. Creating Business Services
- Business service possibilities
- ADF Business Components
- Starting the example application
- How ADF business components work
- Building your own foundation
- Building framework extension classes
- Using framework extension classes
- Building entity objects for the example application
- Preparing to build
- Running the wizard
- Examining the result
- Setting the labels
- Autogenerated values
- Cleaning up the data types
- Cleaning up the associations
- Deleting superfluous associations
- Fixing wrong associations
- Removing invalid references from entity objects
- Building view objects
- The storyboard
- Building the customer view object
- Building the rental view object
- Creating a view link
- Application module
- Testing business components
- Summary
- 3. Creating Task Flows and Pages
- Building task flows
- Bounded and unbounded task flows
- Pages and fragments
- Task flow templates
- Example application
- Building the Rent DVD task flow
- Building the Return DVD task flow
- Memory scopes
- Other elements of task flows
- Building pages
- Using templates
- Facet definitions
- Page fragment template
- Page template
- Example application
- Building the customer search page
- Building the Return DVD page
- An alternative ADF query panel
- Building the Rent DVD page
- Building a master page
- Running the page
- Using templates
- Using data bindings
- Showing a customer on a page
- Showing customer rentals on a page
- Adding navigation
- Summary
- Building task flows
- 4. Adding Business Logic
- Adding logic to business components
- Logic in entity objects
- Overriding accessors
- Working with database triggers
- Overriding doDML()
- Data validation
- Declarative validation
- Regular expression validation
- Groovy scripts
- Method validation
- Logic in view objects
- Overriding accessors
- Change view criteria
- Logic in application modules
- Logic in entity objects
- Adding logic to the user interface
- Adding a bean method to a button
- Adding a bean to a task flow
- Accessing UI components from beans
- Accessing the binding layer
- Working with attribute values
- Working with operations
- Working with whole datasets
- Showing messages
- Example application
- Registering a rental
- Creating a bean
- Mapping the fields
- Establishing bindings
- Writing the code
- Registering a return
- Adding a column and a button
- Creating a bean
- Mapping the table
- Creating a view object method
- Publishing your method
- Establishing bindings
- Writing the bean code
- Marking items returned today
- Creating a transient attribute
- Binding the new attribute
- Coding the attribute return value
- Using the attribute value
- Other ideas
- Registering a rental
- Summary
- Adding logic to business components
- 5. Building Enterprise Applications
- Structuring your code
- Workspaces and projects
- The workspace hierarchy
- The directory structure
- Using version control
- Working with ADF libraries
- Creating ADF libraries
- Releasing ADF libraries
- Using ADF libraries
- Example application
- Creating the Master Application Workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Adding to source control
- Creating the ADF library folder
- Creating the CommonCode workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Recreating the framework extension classes
- Check your JDeveloper preferences
- Adding to source control
- Creating the ADF library
- Releasing the ADF library
- Creating the CommonUI workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Creating the templates
- Adding an ADF library
- Adding to source control
- Creating and releasing the ADF library
- Creating the CommonModel workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Adding an ADF library
- Creating the entity objects
- Adding to source control and creating the ADF library
- Creating the RentDvd subsystem workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Adding ADF libraries
- Creating the view object
- Creating the application module
- Creating the task flow and page fragment
- Adding a binding
- Adding the business logic
- Remaining work
- Creating the ReturnDvd subsystem workspace
- Creating the workspace
- Adding ADF libraries
- Creating the Customer view object
- Creating the Rental view object
- Creating a View Link
- Creating an application module
- Creating the task flow
- Creating the Customer Search Page Fragment
- Creating the Rentals Page Fragment
- Registering a return
- Remaining work
- Finishing the Master Application Workspace
- Adding the ADF libraries
- Create the master page
- Creating the Master Application Workspace
- Summary
- Structuring your code
- 6. Debugging ADF Applications
- ADF logging
- Creating a logger
- Adding log statements
- Business logging
- JDeveloper shortcuts
- Reading the logs
- Logging in GlassFish
- Controlling domain logging
- Controlling individual loggers
- Debugging in JDeveloper
- Debugging code
- Understanding the ADF lifecycle
- Debugging task flows
- Debugging into ADF libraries
- Creating a source directory
- Creating a source JAR file
- Including the source in the master application
- Placing a breakpoint in an ADF library
- Debugging into the ADF source code
- Summary
- ADF logging
- 7. Securing an ADF Essentials Application
- Apache Shiro basics
- Getting the software
- Installing the packages in your application
- Configuring your application for Shiro
- Advanced Shiro
- User database
- Form-based authentication
- The login page
- The login bean
- The login method
- The user filter
- The Shiro configuration
- Accessing the user
- Implementing authorization
- Can I see some ID, please?
- Are you a member, Sir?
- Disabling elements
- Removing elements
- Securing task flows
- Summary
- Apache Shiro basics
- 8. Build and Deploy
- Creating a build script
- Creating the script
- Deploying a single application
- Building the master application
- Starting point
- Building the application EAR file
- Building all the subsystems
- Copying all ADF libraries
- Putting it all together
- Automated deployment to GlassFish
- Deploying from the command line
- Deploying from Ant
- Integrating other functionality in your build
- Preparing to go live
- Cleaning up your code
- Database connections
- Deployment platforms
- Print statements
- Tuning your ADF application
- Cleaning up your code
- Summary
- Creating a build script
- Index
- Tytuł: Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials. Quickly build attractive, user-friendly web applications using Oracle's free ADF Essentials toolkit
- Autor: Sten E Vesterli
- Tytuł oryginału: Developing Web Applications with Oracle ADF Essentials. Quickly build attractive, user-friendly web applications using Oracle's free ADF Essentials toolkit
- ISBN: 9781782170693, 9781782170693
- Data wydania: 2013-08-27
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3blg
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing