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Python Multimedia. Learn how to develop Multimedia applications using Python with this practical step-by-step guide

Python Multimedia. Learn how to develop Multimedia applications using Python with this practical step-by-step guide

Ninad Sathaye

Multimedia applications are used by a range of industries to enhance the visual appeal of a product. This book will teach the reader how to perform multimedia processing using Python.

This step-by-step guide gives you hands-on experience for developing exciting multimedia applications using Python. This book will help you to build applications for processing images, creating 2D animations and processing audio and video.

Writing applications that work with images, videos, and other sensory effects is great. Not every application gets to make full use of audio/visual effects, but a certain amount of multimedia makes any application a lot more appealing. There are numerous multimedia libraries for which Python bindings are available. These libraries enable working with different kinds of media, such as images, audio, video, games, and so on. This book introduces the reader to the most widely used open source libraries through several exciting, real world projects. Popular multimedia frameworks and libraries such as GStreamer,Pyglet, QT Phonon, and Python Imaging library are used to develop various multimedia applications.
  • Python Multimedia Beginners Guide
    • Python Multimedia Beginner's Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Time for action heading
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz heading
        • Have a go hero heading
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Python and Multimedia
      • Multimedia
      • Multimedia processing
        • Image processing
        • Audio and video processing
          • Compression
          • Mixing
          • Editing
        • Animations
      • Built-in multimedia support
        • winsound
        • audioop
        • wave
      • External multimedia libraries and frameworks
        • Python Imaging Library
        • PyMedia
        • GStreamer
        • Pyglet
        • PyGame
          • Sprite
          • Display
          • Surface
          • Draw
          • Event
          • Image
          • Music
      • Time for action a simple application using PyGame
        • What just happened?
        • QT Phonon
        • Other multimedia libraries
          • Snack Sound Toolkit
          • PyAudiere
      • Summary
    • 2. Working with Images
      • Installation prerequisites
        • Python
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • Python Imaging Library (PIL)
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • PyQt4
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • Summary of installation prerequisites
      • Reading and writing images
      • Time for action image file converter
        • What just happened?
        • Creating an image from scratch
      • Time for action creating a new image containing some text
        • What just happened?
          • Reading images from archive
      • Time for action reading images from archives
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add new features to the image file converter
      • Basic image manipulations
        • Resizing
      • Time for action resizing
        • What just happened?
        • Rotating
      • Time for action rotating
        • What just happened?
        • Flipping
      • Time for action flipping
        • What just happened?
        • Capturing screenshots
      • Time for action capture screenshots at intervals
        • What just happened?
        • Cropping
      • Time for action cropping an image
        • What just happened?
        • Pasting
      • Time for action pasting: mirror the smiley face!
        • What just happened?
      • Project: Thumbnail Maker
      • Time for action play with Thumbnail Maker application
        • What just happened?
        • Generating the UI code
      • Time for action generating the UI code
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero tweak UI of Thumbnail Maker dialog
        • Connecting the widgets
      • Time for action connecting the widgets
        • What just happened?
        • Developing the image processing code
      • Time for action developing image processing code
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero enhance the ThumbnailMaker application
      • Summary
    • 3. Enhancing Images
      • Installation and download prerequisites
      • Adjusting brightness and contrast
      • Time for action adjusting brightness and contrast
        • What just happened?
      • Tweaking colors
      • Time for action swap colors within an image!
        • What just happened?
        • Changing individual image band
      • Time for action change the color of a flower
        • What just happened?
        • Gray scale images
        • Cook up negatives
      • Blending
      • Time for action blending two images
        • What just happened?
      • Creating transparent images
      • Time for action create transparency
        • What just happened?
      • Making composites with image mask
      • Time for action making composites with image mask
        • What just happened?
      • Project: Watermark Maker Tool
      • Time for action Watermark Maker Tool
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero do more with Watermark Maker Tool
      • Applying image filters
        • Smoothing
      • Time for action smoothing an image
        • What just happened?
        • Sharpening
        • Blurring
        • Edge detection and enhancements
      • Time for action detecting and enhancing edges
        • What just happened?
        • Embossing
      • Time for action embossing
        • What just happened?
      • Adding a border
      • Time for action enclosing a picture in a photoframe
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 4. Fun with Animations
      • Installation prerequisites
        • Pyglet
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • Summary of installation prerequisites
        • Testing the installation
      • A primer on Pyglet
        • Important components
          • Window
          • Image
          • Sprite
          • Animation
          • AnimationFrame
          • Clock
        • Displaying an image
        • Mouse and keyboard controls
        • Adding sound effects
      • Animations with Pyglet
        • Viewing an existing animation
      • Time for action viewing an existing animation
        • What just happened?
        • Animation using a sequence of images
      • Time for action animation using a sequence of images
        • What just happened?
        • Single image animation
      • Time for action bouncing ball animation
        • What just happened?
        • Project: a simple bowling animation
      • Time for action a simple bowling animation
        • What just happened?
        • Animations using different image regions
      • Time for action raindrops animation
        • What just happened?
      • Project: drive on a rainy day!
      • Time for action drive on a rainy day!
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add more effects
      • Summary
    • 5. Working with Audios
      • Installation prerequisites
        • GStreamer
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • PyGobject
          • Windows platform
          • Other platforms
        • Summary of installation prerequisites
        • Testing the installation
      • A primer on GStreamer
        • gst-inspect and gst-launch
        • Elements and pipeline
        • Plugins
        • Bins
        • Pads
          • Dynamic pads
          • Ghost pads
        • Caps
        • Bus
        • Playbin/Playbin2
      • Playing music
      • Time for action playing an audio: method 1
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero play audios from a playlist
        • Building a pipeline from elements
      • Time for action playing an audio: method 2
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz element linking
        • Playing an audio from a website
        • Have a go hero use 'playbin' to play local audios
      • Converting audio file format
      • Time for action audio file format converter
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero do more with audio converter
      • Extracting part of an audio
        • The Gnonlin plugin
      • Time for action MP3 cutter!
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero extend MP3 cutter
      • Recording
      • Time for action recording
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 6. Audio Controls and Effects
      • Controlling playback
        • Play
        • Pause/resume
      • Time for action pause and resume a playing audio stream
        • What just happened?
        • Stop
        • Fast-forward/rewind
        • Project: extract audio using playback controls
      • Time for action MP3 cutter from basic principles
        • What just happened?
      • Adjusting volume
      • Time for action adjusting volume
        • What just happened?
      • Audio effects
        • Fading effects
      • Time for action fading effects
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add fade-in effect
        • Echo echo echo...
      • Time for action adding echo effect
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add Reverberation Effect
        • Panning/panorama
        • Have a go hero control panorama effect and more...
      • Project: combining audio clips
        • Media 'timeline' explained
      • Time for action creating custom audio by combining clips
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero change various properties of 'gnlfilesource'
      • Audio mixing
      • Time for action mixing audio tracks
        • What just happened?
      • Visualizing an audio track
      • Time for action audio visualizer
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero use other visualization plugins
      • Summary
    • 7. Working with Videos
      • Installation prerequisites
      • Playing a video
      • Time for action video player!
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add playback controls
        • Playing video using 'playbin'
      • Video format conversion
      • Time for action video format converter
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero batch-convert the video files
      • Video manipulations and effects
        • Resizing
      • Time for action resize a video
        • What just happened?
        • Cropping
      • Time for action crop a video
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add borders to a video
        • Adjusting brightness and contrast
        • Creating a gray scale video
      • Adding text and time on a video stream
      • Time for action overlay text on a video track
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add subtitles to a video track!
      • Separating audio and video tracks
      • Time for action audio and video tracks
        • What just happened?
      • Mixing audio and video tracks
      • Time for action audio/video track mixer
        • What just happened?
      • Saving video frames as images
      • Time for action saving video frames as images
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 8. GUI-based Media Players Using QT Phonon
      • Installation prerequisites
        • PyQt4
        • Summary of installation prerequisites
      • Introduction to QT Phonon
        • Main components
          • Media graph
          • Media object
          • Sink
          • Path
          • Effects
        • Backends
        • Modules
          • MediaNode
          • MediaSource
          • MediaObject
          • Path
          • AudioOutput
          • Effect
          • VideoPlayer
          • SeekSlider
          • volumeSlider
      • Project: GUI-based music player
        • GUI elements in the music player
        • Generating the UI code
      • Time for action generating the UI code
        • What just happened?
        • Connecting the widgets
      • Time for action connecting the widgets
        • What just happened?
        • Developing the audio player code
      • Time for action developing the audio player code
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add more features to the audio player
      • Project: GUI-based video player
        • Generating the UI code
      • Time for action generating the UI code
        • What just happened?
        • Connecting the widgets
        • Developing the video player code
      • Time for action developing the video player code
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero do more with the video player
      • Summary
  • Tytuł: Python Multimedia. Learn how to develop Multimedia applications using Python with this practical step-by-step guide
  • Autor: Ninad Sathaye
  • Tytuł oryginału: Python Multimedia. Learn how to develop Multimedia applications using Python with this practical step-by-step guide
  • ISBN: 9781849510172, 9781849510172
  • Data wydania: 2010-08-05
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bn8
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing