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Biznes i ekonomia
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- VMware vSphere 5.x Datacenter Design Cookbook. This recipe-driven tutorial is the easy way to master VMware vSphere to design a virtual datacenter. You’ll learn in simple steps that cover everything from initial groundwork to creating professional design documentation
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VMware vSphere 5.x Datacenter Design Cookbook. This recipe-driven tutorial is the easy way to master VMware vSphere to design a virtual datacenter. You’ll learn in simple steps that cover everything from initial groundwork to creating professional design documentation
- Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. The Story in this Book
- The Company
- The challenges
- Provisioning of users
- Identity lifecycle procedures
- Highly Privileged Accounts (HPA)
- Password management
- Traceability
- The solutions
- Implement FIM 2010 R2
- Start using smart cards
- Implement federation
- The environment
- Moving forward
- Summary
- 2. Overview of FIM 2010 R2
- The history of FIM 2010 R2
- FIM Synchronization Service (FIM Sync)
- Management Agents
- Non-declarative vs. declarative synchronization
- Password synchronization
- FIM Service Management Agent
- FIM Service
- Request pipeline
- FIM Service Management Agent
- Management Policy Rules (MPRs)
- FIM Portal
- Self Service Password Reset (SSPR)
- FIM Reporting
- FIM Certificate Management (FIM CM)
- Certificate Management portal
- Licensing
- Summary
- 3. Installation
- Development versus production
- Capacity planning
- Separating roles
- Databases
- FIM features
- Hardware
- Installation order
- Prerequisites
- Databases
- Collation and languages
- SQL aliases
- FIM-Dev
- Web servers
- FIM Portal
- FIM Password Reset
- FIM Certificate Management
- Service accounts
- Kerberos configuration
- Delegation
- System Center Service Manager Console
- Databases
- Installation
- FIM Synchronization Service
- FIM Service and FIM Portal
- FIM Password Reset portal
- FIM Certificate Management
- SCSM management
- SCSM Data Warehouse
- Post-installation configuration
- Granting FIM Service access to FIM Sync
- Securing the FIM Service mailbox
- Disabling indexing in SharePoint
- Redirecting to IdentityManagement
- Enforcing Kerberos
- Editing binding in IIS for FIM Password sites
- Registering SCSM Manager in Data Warehouse
- FIM post-install scripts for Data Warehouse
- Summary
- 4. Basic Configuration
- Creating Management Agents
- Active Directory
- Least privileged
- Directory replication
- Password reset
- Creating AD MA
- HR (SQL Server)
- Creating SQL MA
- Run profiles
- Single or Multi step
- Active Directory
- Schema management
- FIM Sync versus FIM Service schema
- Object deletion in MV
- Modifying FIM Service schema
- FIM Service MA
- Creating the FIM Service MA
- Creating run profiles
- First import
- Filtering accounts
- Initial load versus scheduled runs
- Moving configuration from development to production
- Maintenance mode for production
- Disabling maintenance mode
- Exporting FIM Synchronization Service settings
- Exporting FIM Service settings
- Exporting the FIM Service schema
- Exporting the FIM Service policy
- Generating the difference files
- Generating the schema difference
- Generating the policy difference
- Importing to production
- Importing custom code
- Importing the Service schema difference
- Importing the Synchronization Service settings
- Importing the FIM Service policy
- PowerShell scripts
- Maintenance mode for production
- Summary
- Creating Management Agents
- 5. User Management
- Modifying MPRs for user management
- Configuring sets for user management
- Inbound synchronization rules
- Outbound synchronization rules
- Outbound synchronization policy
- Outbound system scoping filter
- Detected rule entry
- Provisioning
- Non-declarative provisioning
- Managing users in a phone system
- Managing users in Active Directory
- userAccountControl
- Provision users to Active Directory
- Synchronization rule
- Set
- Workflow
- Inbound synchronization from AD
- Temporal Sets
- Self-service using the FIM portal
- Managers can see direct reports
- Users can manage their own attributes
- Managing Exchange
- Exchange 2007
- Exchange 2010
- Synchronization rule for Exchange
- Mailbox users
- Mail-enabled users
- Summary
- 6. Group Management
- Group scope and types
- Active Directory
- Type
- Scope
- Member Selection
- Manual
- Manager-based
- Criteria-based
- Installing client add-ins
- Add-ins and extensions
- Modifying MPRs for group management
- Creating and managing distribution groups
- Importing groups from HR
- FIM Service and Metaverse
- Managing groups in AD
- Security groups
- Distribution groups
- Synchronization rule
- Set
- Workflow
- Summary
- Group scope and types
- 7. Self-service Password Reset
- Anonymous request
- QA versus OTP
- Enabling password management in AD
- Allowing FIM Service to set passwords
- Configuring FIM Service
- Security context
- Password Reset Users Set
- Password Reset AuthN workflow
- Configuring the QA gate
- The OTP gate
- Require re-registration
- The user experience
- Summary
- Anonymous request
- 8. Using FIM to Manage Office 365 and Other Cloud Identities
- Overview of Office 365
- DirSync
- Federation
- PowerShell or Custom MA
- Using UAG and FIM to get OTP for Office 365
- Summary
- Overview of Office 365
- 9. Reporting
- Verifying the SCSM setup
- Synchronizing data from FIM to SCSM
- Default reports
- The SCSM ETL process
- Looking at reports
- Allowing users to read reports
- Modifying the reports
- Summary
- Verifying the SCSM setup
- 10. FIM Portal Customization
- Components of the UI
- Portal Configuration
- Navigation Bar Resource
- Search scopes
- Usage Keyword
- Search Definition
- Results
- Creating your own search scope
- Filter Permissions
- Summary
- 11. Customizing Data Transformations
- Our options
- PowerShell
- Classic rules extensions
- Workflow activities
- Extensible Connectivity Management Agent
- Managing Lync
- Provision Lync Users
- Managing multivalued attributes
- Selective deprovisioning
- The case with the strange roles
- Summary
- Our options
- 12. Issuing Smart Cards
- Our scenario
- Assurance level
- Extending the schema
- The configuration wizard
- Create service accounts
- Create certificate templates for FIM CM service accounts
- FIM CM User Agent certificate template
- FIM CM Enrollment Agent certificate template
- FIM CM Key Recovery Agent certificate template
- Enable the templates
- Require SSL on the CM portal
- Kerberos again!
- Install SQL Client Tools Connectivity
- Run the wizard
- Backup certificates
- Rerunning the wizard
- The accounts
- The database
- Configuring the FIM CM Update Service
- Database permissions
- Configuring the CA
- Installing FIM CM CA files
- Configuring Policy Module
- Installing the FIM CM client
- FIM CM permissions
- Service Connection Point
- Users and groups
- Certificate Template
- Profile Template object
- Profile Template settings
- Allowing managers to issue certificates for consultants
- Creating a Profile Template for consultant Smart Cards
- Configuring permissions for consultant Smart Cards
- John enrolls a Smart Card
- RDP using Smart Cards
- CM Management Agent
- Summary
- Our scenario
- 13. Troubleshooting
- Reminder
- Troubleshooting
- Kerberos
- Connected Data Sources
- FIM Sync
- FIM Service
- Request errors
- Sync errors
- Reporting
- Agent certificates
- CA
- FIM clients
- Backup and restore
- FIM Sync
- FIM Service and Portal
- Source code
- Summary
- A. Afterword
- Index
- Tytuł: VMware vSphere 5.x Datacenter Design Cookbook. This recipe-driven tutorial is the easy way to master VMware vSphere to design a virtual datacenter. You’ll learn in simple steps that cover everything from initial groundwork to creating professional design documentation
- Autor: Hersey Cartwright
- Tytuł oryginału: VMware vSphere 5.x Datacenter Design Cookbook. This recipe-driven tutorial is the easy way to master VMware vSphere to design a virtual datacenter. You’ll learn in simple steps that cover everything from initial groundwork to creating professional design documentation.
- ISBN: 9781782177012, 9781782177012
- Data wydania: 2014-01-24
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bng
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing