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GlassFish Administration. Administer and configure the GlassFish v2 application server
To build a powerful production environment for your Java EE systems, you need a great application server, and the skills to manage it. This book gives you all that you are looking for.
This book will help you gain the necessary skills to install, configure, tune, and troubleshoot GlassFish so that you can fully unleash its power. It will teach you how to use the GlassFish application server, with a special focus on administration tasks. It presents the GlassFish administrative tasks in a logical sequence, with each chapter focusing on a specific topic.
Starting with installation and moving through configuration, this book takes a careful look at the administration console so that you get a complete understanding of GlassFish and its administrative features. It will help you understand how to deploy Java EE, Ruby on Rails and other supported applications to GlassFish, and how to configure the necessary resources for these applications. You will also learn how to maintain, tune, and troubleshoot your GlassFish server. Also includes a bonus chapter introducing Glassfish v3.
This book will help you gain the necessary skills to install, configure, tune, and troubleshoot GlassFish so that you can fully unleash its power. It will teach you how to use the GlassFish application server, with a special focus on administration tasks. It presents the GlassFish administrative tasks in a logical sequence, with each chapter focusing on a specific topic.
Starting with installation and moving through configuration, this book takes a careful look at the administration console so that you get a complete understanding of GlassFish and its administrative features. It will help you understand how to deploy Java EE, Ruby on Rails and other supported applications to GlassFish, and how to configure the necessary resources for these applications. You will also learn how to maintain, tune, and troubleshoot your GlassFish server. Also includes a bonus chapter introducing Glassfish v3.
- GlassFish Administration
- Table of Contents
- GlassFish Administration
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgement
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started
- Introducing GlassFish
- A brief history of GlassFish
- Understanding essential features of GlassFish
- Strong and active community
- Developer friendliness
- High quality implementation
- Sophisticated administration capability
- Configuration flexibility
- High performance
- Installing GlassFish
- Preparing for the GlassFish installation
- Understanding system requirements for GlassFish
- Installing the JAR file distribution
- Installing the installer-based distribution
- Using the silent installation feature
- Installing the installer-based distribution
- Verifying the GlassFish installation
- Summary
- Introducing GlassFish
- 2. Understanding the GlassFish Server Architecture
- Understanding the architecture of GlassFish
- GlassFish architecture with the developer profile
- Server instances
- Administrative domains
- The architecture of the developer profile
- GlassFish architecture with the clustering profile
- Domain Administration Server (DAS)
- Clusters
- Node agents
- Using the clustering profile
- Using the enterprise profile
- GlassFish architecture with the developer profile
- Understanding the GlassFish deployment structure
- The directory structure of GlassFish
- Understanding Glassfish administrative domains
- The structure of the default domain
- Exploring essential domain configuration files
- Getting familiar with domain.xml
- Understanding the administration infrastructure of GlassFish
- Performing administrative tasks
- Using the GlassFish Admin Console
- Using the administration Command Line Utility (CLI) asadmin
- The syntax of the asadmin utility
- Examples of running the asadmin utility
- Summary
- Understanding the architecture of GlassFish
- 3. Managing Applications on GlassFish
- Application management on GlassFish
- Java EE applications
- Non-Java EE based Java applications
- Non-Java applications
- Ruby, JRuby, and Rails
- Groovy and Grails
- Application deployment in GlassFish
- Application deployment features of GlassFish
- Automatic deployment
- Dynamic reload
- Directory based deployment
- Enable application clients through Java Web Start
- Support Plain Old Java Object (POJO) web service
- Configuring application libraries
- Application deployment tools in GlassFish
- Using the asadmin CLI utility
- Using the Admin Console
- Application deployment features of GlassFish
- Application deployment tutorial
- Updating the GlassFish installation
- Working with Java EE web applications and web services
- Working with POJO Web Services
- Working with enterprise applications and clients
- Working with JRuby and Rails applications
- Deploying JRuby on Rails application to GlassFish
- Configuring Rails thread pools
- Working with Grails applications
- Deploying Grails applications to GlassFish
- Summary
- Application management on GlassFish
- 4. Configuring Containers and Essential Services
- Understanding the GlassFish container architecture
- Configuring the web container and HTTP service
- Configuring the web container
- Configuring HTTP services
- Configuring the HTTP service
- HTTP service properties
- Configuring virtual servers
- Configuring HTTP listeners
- Configurable properties of the HTTP listener
- Request processing process
- Configuring the HTTP service
- Configuring the EJB containers and ORB
- Configuring the EJB container
- Configurable properties of the EJB container
- Configuring the Object Request Broker (ORB)
- Configuring the IIOP listener
- Configuring the EJB container
- Configuring the Application Client Container (ACC)
- Summary
- 5. Configuring GlassFish Resources
- Working with the naming service
- Naming references and binding information
- JDBC connection pools and data sources
- Installing the JDBC driver
- Creating and configuring JDBC connection pools
- Working with connection pool settings
- Creating JDBC resources
- Connector resources
- Creating a connector connection pool
- Configuring JavaMail resources
- Configuring the mail session
- Custom and external JNDI resources
- Working with custom resources
- Working with external JNDI resources
- Summary
- Working with the naming service
- 6. Configuring JMS Resources
- JMS support on GlassFish
- Message-based systems and JMS
- GlassFish support for JMS
- Getting started with Open MQ
- The architecture of Open MQ
- The directory structure of Open MQ
- The architecture of Open MQ
- Configuring Open MQ
- Configuring Open MQ within GlassFish
- Configuring the Open MQ Runtime
- Configuring the JMS Resources
- Configuring Open MQ using standalone tools
- Starting and stopping the Open MQ broker
- Administering the Open MQ Broker using imqcmd
- Using the imqadmin administration console
- Configuring Open MQ within GlassFish
- Configuring ActiveMQ for GlassFish
- Installing and configuring ActiveMQ
- Working with GlassFish generic resource adapter
- Configuring the GlassFish server classpath
- Deploying the generic resource adapter
- Creating the connector resources
- Summary
- JMS support on GlassFish
- 7. Securing GlassFish
- Reviewing essential security concepts
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Data integrity and confidentiality
- Auditing
- Understanding security features in GlassFish
- Configuring user authentication
- Security realms supported in GlassFish
- The file realm
- The certificate realm
- JDBC realm
- LDAP realm
- Solaris realm
- Configuring authentication realms
- Configuring a JDBC realm
- Configuring an LDAP realm
- Configuring authentication methods for applications
- Using Programmatic login
- Single sign-on
- Configuring authorization for GlassFish
- Using default principals and role mappings
- Configuring certificates and secure communication protocols
- Working with the keytool utility
- SSL and TLS support
- Configuring SSL and TLS
- Additional security concerns in GlassFish
- Administering passwords
- Working with administration related passwords
- Encrypting application resources related passwords
- Java ACC support
- Auditing
- Administering passwords
- Summary
- Reviewing essential security concepts
- 8. Monitoring GlassFish
- Monitoring features of GlassFish
- Understanding the GlassFish monitoring service
- Configuring monitoring
- Using built-in monitoring tools
- Viewing monitoring data
- Monitoring web services
- Viewing web service statistics
- Using the Call Flow analysis
- Using self management rules
- Self management rules
- Configuring management rules
- Monitoring GlassFish with other utilities
- Monitoring GlassFish using JConsole
- Using the VisualVM tool
- Using GlassFish Enterprise Manager for monitoring
- Summary
- Monitoring features of GlassFish
- 9. Configuring Clusters and High Availability
- Configuring clusters for GlassFish
- Understanding GlassFish clusters
- Configuring clusters
- Obtaining cluster support
- Creating node agents
- Creating clusters
- Administering clusters
- Creating server instances for the cluster
- Configuring load balancers
- Configuring the load balancer plug-in for Apache web server
- Configuring GlassFish for load balancing
- Disabling (Quiescing) targets and applications
- Configuring high availability
- Working with in-memory replication
- Configuring in-memory replication
- Configuring the Group Member Service (GMS)
- HADB-based session failover
- Working with in-memory replication
- Summary
- Configuring clusters for GlassFish
- 10. Troubleshooting and Tuning GlassFish
- Troubleshooting the GlassFish environment
- Using the diagnostic service
- Working with thread dumps
- Generating thread dumps
- Analyzing thread dumps using TDA
- Tuning GlassFish Server for performance
- The NetBeans profiler
- Using the NetBeans profiler
- Using the GlassFish Performance Advisor
- Installing the Performance Advisor
- Using Performance Advisor management rules
- Using the Performance Advisor tuner
- The NetBeans profiler
- Summary
- Troubleshooting the GlassFish environment
- 11. Working with GlassFish 3
- Introducing GlassFish 3
- New features of GlassFish 3
- Supporting Java EE 6 profiles
- Modular design
- Support for dynamic and scripting languages
- Installing GlassFish 3
- More on the installer-based distribution
- Verifying the GlassFish installation
- Working with the GlassFish update tool
- Introducing IPS
- Using the update tool utilities
- About the standalone update tool
- Exploring the GlassFish directory structure
- The structure of the default domain: domain1
- Getting familiar with domain.xml
- New features of GlassFish 3
- Administering GlassFish 3
- Using the Admin Console
- Using the asadmin CLI utility
- Using the the HTTP interface of the asadmin utility
- Working with GlassFish containers
- Embedded GlassFish
- Deploying applications to GlassFish 3
- Application deployment features
- Directory based deployment
- Dynamic reload and automatic deployment support
- Configuring application libraries
- Application deployment tools on GlassFish
- Using the asadmin CLI utility
- Using the Admin Console
- Application deployment features
- Application deployment tutorial
- Working with Java EE web applications and web services
- Working with JRuby and Rails applications
- JRuby on Rails and GlassFish 3
- Deploying JRuby on Rails application to GlassFish
- Configuring Rails thread pools
- Running Rails application with embedded GlassFish
- Working with Grails applications
- Running Grails application with embedded GlassFish
- Deploying Grails applications to GlassFish
- Summary
- Introducing GlassFish 3
- Index
- Tytuł: GlassFish Administration. Administer and configure the GlassFish v2 application server
- Autor: Xuekun Kou
- Tytuł oryginału: GlassFish Administration. Administer and configure the GlassFish v2 application server
- ISBN: 9781847196514, 9781847196514
- Data wydania: 2009-12-20
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bo1
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing