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Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
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- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Szczegóły ebooka
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Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation. Create and implement a successful business strategy for improved performance throughout the whole enterprise
Open Text ProVision® (formerly known as Metastorm ProVision®) is an Enterprise Architecture (EA) solution allowing for effective planning and decision making throughout the enterprise. It enables an organization to have a central repository of information about the business, reducing organizational risks and better optimizing business resources.
Implemented well, it enables better and more actionable decisions exactly when you need them.This book combines theory and practice to provide a step- by- step guide to building a successful customer- centric model of your business. The approach is simple and down to earth, and along the way, with various real-world examples, you will learn how to make a business case, use a framework, and adopt a methodology with Open Text ProVision®. This book draws on the experience of ProVision® experts around the world. By combining theory with practice from the field you can avoid common mistakes and develop a successful customer centric strategy for implementing ProVision®. Each chapter builds on the previous one to give you the confidence to implement a central repository, dealing with both the technical and human issues that you might face.
Implemented well, it enables better and more actionable decisions exactly when you need them.This book combines theory and practice to provide a step- by- step guide to building a successful customer- centric model of your business. The approach is simple and down to earth, and along the way, with various real-world examples, you will learn how to make a business case, use a framework, and adopt a methodology with Open Text ProVision®. This book draws on the experience of ProVision® experts around the world. By combining theory with practice from the field you can avoid common mistakes and develop a successful customer centric strategy for implementing ProVision®. Each chapter builds on the previous one to give you the confidence to implement a central repository, dealing with both the technical and human issues that you might face.
- Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation
- Table of Contents
- Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
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- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- About this book
- What this book covers
- Conclusion
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Designing a Strategy
- Why choose ProVision
- Personal context
- Time
- Responsibility
- Scope
- Project scope
- Enterprise scope
- Business context
- Recommendation
- Strategy
- The business case
- The framework and methodology
- The toolset
- Governance
- Implementation
- Lists
- Building your lists
- Who is responsible for initially gathering the information
- How do you name objects
- Who ensures that the object is maintained
- Where is the object stored
- What is the publishing process for models
- How much detail does the object require
- How do you move the information from another system to ProVision
- Project management methodology
- Build sequence
- Customers
- Products and services
- Critical processes
- Critical elements
- Actors
- Business rules
- Computer systems
- Data
- Events
- Facilities
- Gear (equipment)
- Goals
- Build sequence
- Next phase
- Leverage
- Sample development program
- Summary
- Why choose ProVision
- 2. Making a Business Case
- The benefits of moving to a central repository
- Designed to scale
- Object
- Link
- Model
- Notebook and file
- Repository
- Store once, reuse many times
- Working collaboratively
- Architecture or design
- Federal Enterprise Architecture
- Evidence
- Open Text Metastorms unique strengths
- Open Text Metastorm BPM
- The competitive advantage
- Better decisions now
- Case study: Sandra's story
- Designed to scale
- Summary
- The benefits of moving to a central repository
- 3. Using a Framework
- What is a business framework
- How frameworks can confuse
- Making sense of frameworks
- Enterprise Designer framework
- How to read this section
- Seven elements AG
- Actor
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Business rules
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Computer system
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Data
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Event
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Facility
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Gear
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Actor
- Ten processes HQ
- Process
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Process
- Receivables and services
- RReceivable
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- SService or product
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- RReceivable
- Customers and clients
- Markets
- Organizations
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Five goals VZ
- Goals
- Naming convention
- Permitted objects
- Permitted models
- Relationships
- Comments
- Goals
- Comparing level 1 and level 2 frameworks
- ArchiMate framework
- ArchiMate and Enterprise Designer objects comparison
- Business actor
- Enterprise Designer
- Business role
- Enterprise Designer
- Business collaboration
- Enterprise Designer
- Business interface
- Enterprise Designer
- Business object
- Enterprise Designer
- Business Process
- Enterprise Designer
- Business function
- Enterprise Designer
- Business interaction
- Enterprise Designer
- Business event
- Enterprise Designer
- Business service
- Enterprise Designer
- Representation
- Enterprise Designer
- Meaning
- Enterprise Designer
- Value
- Enterprise Designer
- Product
- Enterprise Designer
- Contract
- Enterprise Designer
- Business actor
- What Enterprise Designer has that ArchiMate doesn't
- What ArchiMate has that Enterprise Designer doesn't
- Conclusion
- Comparing level 1 and level 3 frameworks
- eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map)
- Is it a service or a process?
- Consistent framework
- Deliverable models
- eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map)
- Summary
- What is a business framework
- 4. Adopting a Methodology
- What is a methodology
- Project #1building the high-level model
- Preparation
- Customer model
- Steps
- Tips
- Product and Service model
- Steps
- Tips
- Critical Customer Product model
- Steps
- Tips
- Project #2building workflow models
- Critical Process model
- Steps
- Tips
- Workflow model
- Steps
- Tips
- Steps
- Tips
- Critical Process model
- Project #3building System Interaction models
- Project #4building Business Class models
- Project #5building Organization models
- Other critical elements
- Business Rule models
- Steps
- Tips
- Event models
- Other critical elements
- Case studythe consultant's view
- Summary
- 5. Implementing Effective Governance
- What is governance
- Who needs to be involved
- Motorola change process
- Agile Management
- Governance and leadership
- Measurement
- Do the minimum
- The client is part of the team
- Have daily stand-up meetings
- Keep it simple
- Trust the team
- Work in pairs
- Modeling a governance structure with ProVision
- Policies and procedures
- No need for everything
- Linking to other sources
- Visualize information
- Processes
- Policies and procedures
- What if there is no governance
- Four steps
- Six step process
- Agenda
- Position
- Fact find/feel find
- Present
- Pause
- Open
- Six step process
- Four steps
- Summary
- 6. Understanding the Toolset
- ProVision features and functionality
- Sharing models without Knowledge Exchange
- Visio or ProVision
- Everything is an object
- Model and grid
- Model and interpret
- Model and simulate
- Model and execute
- Modeling, not configuration management
- Summary
- ProVision features and functionality
- 7. Obtaining Buy-in
- Top 10 tips for process modeling
- #1 Identify and engage the process owner
- #2 Talk to the people who deal with errors
- #3 Capture the current "What" in detail but not the "How"
- #4 Reduce moments of truth
- #5 Reduce handoffs
- #6 Eliminate non-essential checking
- #7 Focus on high-volume processes
- #8 Implement the right process for right now
- #9 Use the 10 Enterprise Designer processes
- #10 Don't automate a broken process
- #11 Bonus tipmodel backwards
- Using Appreciative Inquiry to engage staff
- Conversation about Appreciative Inquiry
- Distinguishing between change and transformation
- Understanding the outside-in (customer-centric) approach
- B2Me
- Summary
- Top 10 tips for process modeling
- A. References
- Index
- Tytuł: Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation. Create and implement a successful business strategy for improved performance throughout the whole enterprise
- Autor: Bill Aronson
- Tytuł oryginału: Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation. Create and implement a successful business strategy for improved performance throughout the whole enterprise
- ISBN: 9781849682534, 9781849682534
- Data wydania: 2011-03-22
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bo8
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing