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Biznes i ekonomia
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Przewodniki i podróże
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- Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint. Build an engaging SharePoint site with Visual Studio, Silverlight, PowerShell and Windows 7 Phone with this book and e-book
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Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint. Build an engaging SharePoint site with Visual Studio, Silverlight, PowerShell and Windows 7 Phone with this book and e-book
Series Editor: Carl Jones, Balaji Kithiganahalli, Mike Oryszak, Yaroslav Pentsarskyy, Gaston C. Hillar, Michael C Oryszak, Todd Spatafore
The SharePoint platform is ideal for developers looking to build exciting solutions, and SharePoint 2010 is more equipped than ever for the task. While plenty of SharePoint titles will help you understand general SharePoint development techniques or spend time focusing on one method or tool, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint offers you the option of using four different tools and platforms to achieve exceptional end user experience.
This book fills the gap for a comprehensive SharePoint title which describes the end goal of a SharePoint developer. So often books focus on development techniques for one tool; this will get you on your way to developing a good business website with a great user experience, however, you choose to get there, be it using PowerShell, Visual Studio, Silverlight, Windows 7 Phone, or a combination of all four.
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint draws from five separate titles from Packt's existing collection of excellent SharePoint titles:
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0: Expert Cookbook
Microsoft Silverlight 4 and SharePoint 2010 Integration
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010 Expert Cookbook
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Applications on Windows Phone 7
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Business Application Development Blueprints
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint is an exciting mash-up of five existing Packt SharePoint titles for extending development techniques.
It begins with two never before seen Packt chapters from an exciting new title, giving you a quick overview of the options available for extending SharePoint. It then moves on quickly to building a community site and discusses PowerShell scripting, as well as integrating Silverlight animations and helping you get to grips with SharePoint development on Windows Phone.
With this book in hand you won't just find techniques for one development tool, you'll learn how to reach your end goal of developing a site with great user experience using a number of options at your fingertips.
This book fills the gap for a comprehensive SharePoint title which describes the end goal of a SharePoint developer. So often books focus on development techniques for one tool; this will get you on your way to developing a good business website with a great user experience, however, you choose to get there, be it using PowerShell, Visual Studio, Silverlight, Windows 7 Phone, or a combination of all four.
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint draws from five separate titles from Packt's existing collection of excellent SharePoint titles:
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0: Expert Cookbook
Microsoft Silverlight 4 and SharePoint 2010 Integration
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010 Expert Cookbook
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Applications on Windows Phone 7
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Business Application Development Blueprints
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint is an exciting mash-up of five existing Packt SharePoint titles for extending development techniques.
It begins with two never before seen Packt chapters from an exciting new title, giving you a quick overview of the options available for extending SharePoint. It then moves on quickly to building a community site and discusses PowerShell scripting, as well as integrating Silverlight animations and helping you get to grips with SharePoint development on Windows Phone.
With this book in hand you won't just find techniques for one development tool, you'll learn how to reach your end goal of developing a site with great user experience using a number of options at your fingertips.
- Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developers Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint
- Credits
- About the Contributors
- www.PacktPub.com
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- Why Subscribe?
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Understanding SharePoint Development Choices
- Server-side development
- Farm solutions
- Sandboxed solutions
- Connecting to SharePoint through web services
- Client-side development
- Client Object Model
- Using jQuery
- Deploying and managing client-side customizations
- SharePoint development tools
- Visual Studio
- SharePoint Designer
- InfoPath Designer
- Choosing a development path
- Environment considerations
- Cloud Environments
- Governance, change management policies, and server access
- Solution reuse
- Scalability of solutions
- Application lifecycle management
- Environment considerations
- Summary
- Server-side development
- 2. Building an Engaging Community Site
- Creating the community site
- Activating supporting features
- Site collection features
- Site features
- Create and configure the Community Landing Page
- Activating supporting features
- Site permissions
- Community members
- Create Communities User Profile Property
- Communities Property Attributes
- Map Communities as a Managed Property
- Configure the Member page
- Create the Member page
- Add the People Search Core Results Web Part
- Configure members search query
- Create Communities User Profile Property
- Configuring social Web Parts
- Note Board
- Tagging and Tag Clouds
- Configuring Rollup Web Parts
- Web Analytics Web Part - frequently accessed content
- Content Query Web Part - new content
- Content Query Web Part - highly rated content
- Creating an Enterprise Wiki
- Configure Enterprise Wiki sub-site
- Use of categories
- Metadata Navigation
- Activating the feature
- Configuring Metadata Navigation for Enterprise Wiki library
- Using the feature
- Site Navigation
- Summary
- Browser based configuration
- Creating the community site
- 3. PowerShell Scripting Methods and Creating Custom Commands
- Introduction
- Setting up your Virtual Machine and running a test script
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Authoring, debugging, and executing script accessing farm settings with PowerGUI and PowerShell ISE
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more
- Script authoring with PowerGUI
- Accessing advanced SharePoint 2010 functionality with external libraries
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more
- Accessing other SharePoint libraries and related functions
- Creating a custom PowerShell command (CmdLet)
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- See also
- Creating a custom PowerShell Snap-In
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more
- Uninstalling a Snap-In from your system
- Visual Studio CmdLet and Snap-In item templates
- 4. Integrating Silverlight 4 with SharePoint 2010
- Understanding the benefits of integrating Silverlight with SharePoint
- Creating a SharePoint solution
- Preparing the development environment
- Setting up the development environment
- Discovering the rich controls offered by the Silverlight Toolkit
- Browsing themes with sample controls
- Preparing the server
- Browsing SharePoint Site collections
- Creating a Silverlight LOB (Line-of-Business) RIA
- Creating rich User eXperiences (UX)
- Building a Silverlight 4 RIA
- Adding a Silverlight Web Part
- Adding a Silverlight RIA as a shared document
- Adding a Silverlight Web Part to display a Silverlight RIA
- Working with many Silverlight Web Parts in a single page
- Understanding client and server code
- Summary
- Understanding the benefits of integrating Silverlight with SharePoint
- 5. Interacting with Rich Media and Animations
- Bringing life to business applications and complex workflows
- Creating asset libraries in SharePoint 2010
- Adding content to an assets library
- Browsing the structure for SharePoint Asset Libraries
- Controlling the rich media library by using controls in a Visual Web Part
- Creating a Silverlight RIA rendered in a SharePoint Visual Web Part
- Linking a SharePoint Visual Web Part to a Silverlight RIA
- Adding a SharePoint Visual Web Part in a Web Page
- Organizing controls in a containing box
- Reading files from an assets library
- Working with interactive animations and effects
- Adding and controlling videos
- Video formats supported in Silverlight 4
- Adding and controlling sounds and music
- Audio formats supported in Silverlight 4
- Changing themes in Silverlight and SharePoint
- Creating asset libraries in SharePoint 2010
- Summary
- Bringing life to business applications and complex workflows
- 6. List Definitions and Content Types
- Introduction
- Creating a site column
- Getting ready
- How to do it
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Deleting the site columns on deactivation of the feature
- See also
- Extending an existing content type
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Deployment of previous solution
- Inherits attribute in content type
- See also
- Creating custom content type using an object model
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- See also
- Associating a document template with the content type
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- See also
- Associating a workflow to a content type
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- See also
- Creating an external content type
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Create, update, and delete methods
- Connection strings
- See also
- Create, update, and delete methods
- Creating a list definition
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- See also
- 7. Workflows
- Introduction
- Creating a sequential workflow
- Getting ready
- How to do it
- How it works...
- There's more...
- See also
- Creating a site workflow with an initiation form
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- See also
- Deploying an InfoPath form with the workflow
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- See also
- Creating a task from the workflow
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- See also
- Creating a custom task form
- Getting ready
- How to do it...
- How it works...
- There's more...
- Task delete
- 8. Introduction to Programming Windows Phone 7 with the SharePoint Client Services
- Security in SharePoint 2010
- Central Administration
- Site Permissions
- Using WebClient to get data from the Web
- Creating the base project
- Displaying WebClient results by adding a text block
- Creating a WebClient
- Requesting the contents of our SharePoint home page
- Displaying the raw HTML that is returned
- RSS feeds available from SharePoint
- Parsing XML in Windows Phone 7
- Replacing the text block display with a listbox
- Creating a simple view model for an RSS Item
- Parsing the XML
- Creating a list of RSS Items
- Binding the list of RSS Items to the listbox
- Simple page navigation
- Building a details view page
- Setting up a new event handler
- Building the URI for navigation
- Navigating to the details view page
- Handling loaded events on the details page
- Using the WebBrowser control to display the post
- Adding a WebBrowser to the details view
- Navigating to the post's URL
- Summary
- Security in SharePoint 2010
- 9. Building SharePoint Pages for Windows Phone 7
- The difference between lists and libraries
- Searching content with iFilters
- Adding columns to a list
- Customizing the list item output
- Creating a project for our custom template
- Adding a mapped folder for the custom control template
- Creating the custom template
- Customizing the template
- Replacing the mobile home page
- Summary
- The difference between lists and libraries
- 10. Building a Windows Phone 7 Dashboard Application with SharePoint Data
- Forms-based authentication
- Connecting with forms based authentication
- Accessing the RSS feeds securely
- Removing anonymous access
- Managed Client Object Model on the desktop
- ECMAScript interface
- Silverlight interface
- WCF Data Services to the rescue
- WCF Data Services and OData
- ASP.NET Web Services
- Creating a dashboard application
- Creating the calendar
- Reading the calendar data
- Authentication
- Calendar data service
- Displaying the calendar data
- Organizing the calendar data
- Creating the task status site
- Reading the task status site data
- Displaying the task status overview chart
- Summary
- Forms-based authentication
- Index
- Tytuł: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint. Build an engaging SharePoint site with Visual Studio, Silverlight, PowerShell and Windows 7 Phone with this book and e-book
- Autor: Series Editor: Carl Jones, Balaji Kithiganahalli, Mike Oryszak, Yaroslav Pentsarskyy, Gaston C. Hillar, Michael C Oryszak, Todd Spatafore
- Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer's Compendium: The Best of Packt for Extending SharePoint. Build an engaging SharePoint site with Visual Studio, Silverlight, PowerShell and Windows 7 Phone with this book and e-book
- ISBN: 9781849686815, 9781849686815
- Data wydania: 2012-02-22
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bon
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing