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Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Nauki przyrodnicze
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Podręczniki szkolne
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Poradniki do gier
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Przewodniki i podróże
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Sport, fitness, diety
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Biznes i ekonomia
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Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
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WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide. Build your own blog network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more!
Lesley Harrison, Lesley A Harrison, Matt Mullenweg
WordPress MU enables you to build a complete, professional blog network. Each user gets their own blog, and can choose their favorite templates and plug-ins, and develop their own content. WordPress MU powers some of the largest blog networks in the world, including the mighty WordPress.com ñ home to thousands of bloggers.
This book will take you through the setup of a WordPress MU-powered blogging network, using a real, working blog network as an example, so that you can follow the creation process step-by-step. Your blogging network will be complete with professional features such as friends lists, status feeds, groups, forums, photo galleries, and more, to build your own WordPress.com ñ a place where users can quickly come and create a blog for themselves.
The book starts with a clean install of WordPress MU, and as you work through the book, you will build the blog network, and add on more and more features, all seamlessly integrated to achieve a professional, custom-built look.You will find new themes and plug-ins added to the site, as well as customization of the WordPress multi-user code. The book will also look at ways you can manage your community, and keep your site safe and secure, ensuring that it is a spam-free, enjoyable community for your users. In the later chapters, you will add a forum using the bbPress script, and add BuddyPress social networking components to your site.
Imagine how good you'll feel when your first WordPress multi-user blog network launches.
This book will take you through the setup of a WordPress MU-powered blogging network, using a real, working blog network as an example, so that you can follow the creation process step-by-step. Your blogging network will be complete with professional features such as friends lists, status feeds, groups, forums, photo galleries, and more, to build your own WordPress.com ñ a place where users can quickly come and create a blog for themselves.
The book starts with a clean install of WordPress MU, and as you work through the book, you will build the blog network, and add on more and more features, all seamlessly integrated to achieve a professional, custom-built look.You will find new themes and plug-ins added to the site, as well as customization of the WordPress multi-user code. The book will also look at ways you can manage your community, and keep your site safe and secure, ensuring that it is a spam-free, enjoyable community for your users. In the later chapters, you will add a forum using the bbPress script, and add BuddyPress social networking components to your site.
Imagine how good you'll feel when your first WordPress multi-user blog network launches.
- WordPress MU 2.8 Beginners Guide
- Table of Contents
- WordPress MU 2.8 Beginners Guide
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- What this book covers
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code for the book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Introducing WordPress MU
- What is WordPress MU
- Making your own social blog network
- What is BuddyPress
- What is bbPress
- Making and hosting my site
- Choosing between VPS, dedicated, and grid hosting
- Dedicated servers
- Grid hosting
- Server requirements for WordPress MU
- Recommended WordPress MU hosts
- Choosing between VPS, dedicated, and grid hosting
- Building our example site: The SlayerCafe
- Planning your site
- Summary
- 2. Installing WordPress MU
- Tools you will need
- Text editors
- FTP clients and other tools
- Setting up a local web server
- Time for action getting your server set up
- What just happened?
- Databases with MySQL
- Preparing for WordPress MUcreating a database
- Time for action creating a database for WordPress MU
- What just happened?
- Time for action subdomains for WordPress MU
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz your local server
- Have a go hero getting more from Apache
- Preparing your live server
- Time for action working with cPanel
- What just happened?
- User blogs with subdomains
- Time for action subdomains under WHM
- What just happened?
- One last thingwildcards and Apache
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz subdomains
- Installing WordPress MU
- Time for action getting WordPress MU up and running
- What just happened?
- Changing the admin password
- Time for action changing the admin password
- Letting people register
- Time for action enabling registrations
- What just happened?
- Testing your site
- Time for action creating a new user
- Have a go hero doing more with the thing
- Summary
- Tools you will need
- 3. Customizing the Appearance of Your Site
- Picking out a theme
- Installing your new theme
- Time for action installing a new theme
- What just happened?
- Styling the sign-up page
- Time for action editing your theme
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero it's time to style
- Setting the theme for your users' blogs
- Time for action changing the default blog theme
- What just happened?
- Customizing your home page
- Time for action making a sign-up button
- What just happened?
- Featured posts
- Time for action featured posts
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero styling the featured post
- Showing off your statistics
- Time for action simple stats
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero adding extra stats
- Pop quiz doing the thing
- Displaying recent posts and comments
- Time for action displaying the most active blogs
- What just happened?
- Customizing AHP Sitewide Recent Posts plugin
- Time for action tweaking the recent post display options
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz doing the thing
- Displaying Sitewide recent comments plugin
- Time for action Sitewide recent comments
- What just happened?
- The plugin display code
- Pop quiz multiuser plugins
- What just happened?
- Time for action our improved home page
- Other important points
- Summary
- 4. Letting Users Manage Their Blogs
- User management basics
- Preparing the site for our users
- Banned Names
- Limited Email Registrations and Banned Email Domains
- Media restrictions and upload space
- Plugins
- Banned Names
- Have a go hero embedded videos
- Preparing the site for our users
- Customization options for your users
- Time for action offering a selection of themes
- What just happened?
- User editable themes
- Time for action userthemes revisited
- What just happened?
- User roles and admin panels
- Time for action setting user levels and changing the user's admin panel
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero creating new roles
- Hiding the dashboard
- Time for action hiding the dashboard
- What just happened?
- More user options privacy and using their own domain
- Time for action domain mapping
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero server setup for domains
- Pop quiz doing the thing
- A few things to consider
- Summary
- User management basics
- 5. Protecting Your Site
- Signing up for reCAPTCHA
- Stopping spam with reCAPTCHA and Bad Behavior
- Time for action setting up reCAPTCHA
- What just happened?
- Bad Behavior
- Time for action setting up Bad Behavior
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero taking spam prevention to the next level
- Making sure the plugins run for your users
- Time for action managing your users' plugins
- What just happened?
- Blocking bad guys with .htaccess
- Time for action .htaccess settings to stop bad guys
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero build your own list
- Pop quiz spam blocking
- Other useful plugins
- Moderating registrations
- Taming your default categories
- Regular backups without lifting a finger
- Time for action automatic backups
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero other ways to do backups
- Summary
- 6. Increasing Traffic to Your Blog
- Improved tagging
- Time for action tagging blog posts
- What just happened?
- Sitewide tags
- Time for action sitewide tag clouds
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero styling the tags page
- Using pings
- Time for action pings
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero more sites to ping
- Trackbacks
- Offering RSS feeds
- Time for action offering RSS subscription options
- FeedBurner
- Time for action let's burn some feeds
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero offering more RSS options
- Twitter and social bookmarking
- Getting your readers to share posts
- Time for action social bookmarking links
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero Digg this
- Pop quiz traffic building
- More about traffic building
- Summary
- 7. Sticky Features for your Blog Network
- What do people mean by "sticky"?
- Letting readers and authors communicate
- Contact forms
- Time for action setting up contact forms
- What just happened?
- Improved comments
- Time for action IntenseDebate Comments
- What just happened?
- Activating IntenseDebate on your users' blogs
- Have a go hero tweaking IntenseDebate
- Community featuresgravatars
- What just happened?
- Time for action gravatars in WordPress MU
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero gravatars and themes
- Encouraging sign-ups with downloads for members only
- Welcoming new visitors
- Time for action creating a welcome message
- What just happened?
- Related posts for visitors from search engines
- Other ways to engage the community
- Polls
- Sitewide searching
- Pop quiz doing the thing
- Summary
- 8. Adding Forums with bbPress
- Installing bbPress
- Time for action installing bbPress
- What just happened?
- One login for both the forum and the blog
- Time for action user DB integration with WordPress MU
- What just happened?
- Handling new users
- Time for action blog and forum registrations
- What just happened?
- Seamless theme integration
- Time for action styling your forum
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero more advanced styling and integration
- Managing your forum
- Time for action managing your forum
- What just happened?
- Managing your users
- What just happened?
- Time for action setting user permissions
- What just happened?
- Useful plugins for bbPress
- Time for action installing plugins
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero sharing information between forum and blog
- Displaying recent posts in your blog
- Creating forum topics using blog posts
- Pop quiz doing the thing
- Summary
- 9. Social Networking with BuddyPress
- BuddyPress
- Setting up BuddyPress
- Time for action installing the BuddyPress suite
- What just happened?
- BuddyPress plugins explained
- Working with Extended Profiles
- Private Messaging
- Friends list
- Groups
- The Wire
- Activity streams
- Blog tracking
- Forums
- Themes for your BuddyPress network
- Time for action installing new themes
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero designing your own theme
- Putting BuddyPress content on your front page
- Hooking up BuddyPress to other social networks
- Time for action Facebook Connect
- What just happened?
- Integrating with Twitter
- Improving your site's performance
- What just happened?
- Time for action speeding up BuddyPress
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz so many things BuddyPress can do
- The future of BuddyPress
- Summary
- 10. Monetizing Your Site
- Ways to monetize your site
- Advertising networks as a revenue source
- Selling ads directly
- Ads in RSS feeds
- Donate links
- Revenue sharing
- Premium memberships
- Selling products via your site
- Managing ads on WordPress MU
- Time for action ad management with Advertising Manager
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero - advertising
- Revenue sharing
- Time for action revenue sharing
- What just happened?
- Premium memberships
- MemberWing
- EasyPaypal
- Time for action premium memberships
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero hiding ads from paid members
- Other ways to monetize your sitestores
- Things to remember when monetizing your site
- Summary
- Ways to monetize your site
- 11. Site Optimization
- Choosing to optimize your site
- Speed up your site with caching
- Time for action setting up object cache
- What just happened?
- The downsides of caching and how to avoid them
- What just happened?
- More ways to speed up your siteoptimizing themes
- Spreading the load
- Time for action spreading the load
- What just happened?
- More theme optimization
- Optimizing your database
- Time for action optimizing your site through phpMyAdmin
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero automate that optimization!
- Troubleshooting slow loading sites
- Server side optimizations
- Pop quiz speed up your site
- Summary
- 12. Troubleshooting and Maintaining your Site
- Why worry about upgrades
- Performing a safe upgrade
- Performing a database backup via the command line
- Performing a database backup via phpMyAdmin
- Time for action performing the upgrade
- What just happened?
- Troubleshootingwhen upgrades go wrong
- Solving database connection issues
- Diagnosing unusual error messages
- Error Message: Headers already sent...
- Troubleshootingcommon problems
- Time for action restoring a backup
- What just happened?
- Protecting your site from hackers
- Patch regularly and use good passwords
- Limit what your users can do
- Avoiding social engineering
- Pop quiz
- Getting help online
- Have a go hero posting to request support
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide. Build your own blog network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more!
- Autor: Lesley Harrison, Lesley A Harrison, Matt Mullenweg
- Tytuł oryginału: WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide. Build your own blog network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more!
- ISBN: 9781847196552, 9781847196552
- Data wydania: 2009-10-27
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3boy
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing