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- Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help – this guide takes you through the process from start to finish
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Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help – this guide takes you through the process from start to finish
A cluster is a type of parallel/distributed processing system which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone computers cooperatively working together. Using Raspberry Pi computers, you can build a two-node parallel computing cluster which enhances performance and availability.
This practical, example-oriented guide will teach you how to set up the hardware and operating systems of multiple Raspberry Pi computers to create your own cluster. It will then navigate you through how to install the necessary software to write your own programs such as Hadoop and MPICH before moving on to cover topics such as MapReduce. Throughout this book, you will explore the technology with the help of practical examples and tutorials to help you learn quickly and efficiently.
Starting from a pile of hardware, with this book, you will be guided through exciting tutorials that will help you turn your hardware into your own super-computing cluster. You'll start out by learning how to set up your Raspberry Pi cluster's hardware. Following this, you will be taken through how to install the operating system, and you will also be given a taste of what parallel computing is about. With your Raspberry Pi cluster successfully set up, you will then install software such as MPI and Hadoop. Having reviewed some examples and written some programs that explore these two technologies, you will then wrap up with some fun ancillary projects. Finally, you will be provided with useful links to help take your projects to the next step.
This practical, example-oriented guide will teach you how to set up the hardware and operating systems of multiple Raspberry Pi computers to create your own cluster. It will then navigate you through how to install the necessary software to write your own programs such as Hadoop and MPICH before moving on to cover topics such as MapReduce. Throughout this book, you will explore the technology with the help of practical examples and tutorials to help you learn quickly and efficiently.
Starting from a pile of hardware, with this book, you will be guided through exciting tutorials that will help you turn your hardware into your own super-computing cluster. You'll start out by learning how to set up your Raspberry Pi cluster's hardware. Following this, you will be taken through how to install the operating system, and you will also be given a taste of what parallel computing is about. With your Raspberry Pi cluster successfully set up, you will then install software such as MPI and Hadoop. Having reviewed some examples and written some programs that explore these two technologies, you will then wrap up with some fun ancillary projects. Finally, you will be provided with useful links to help take your projects to the next step.
- Raspberry Pi Super Cluster
- Table of Contents
- Raspberry Pi Super Cluster
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Why Subscribe?
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Clusters, Parallel Computing, and Raspberry Pi A Brief Background
- A very short history of parallel computing
- Supercomputers
- Multi-core and multiprocessor machines
- Commodity hardware clusters
- Cloud computing
- Big data
- Raspberry Pi and parallel computing
- Programming languages and frameworks
- Summary
- A very short history of parallel computing
- 2. Setting Up your Raspberry Pi Software and Hardware for Parallel Computing
- Setting up our work environment
- HDMI-capable monitor or VGA/DVI monitor and adapter
- USB keyboard and mouse
- Two micro-USB power units
- A desk-mounted power strip with both USB and mains outlets (optional)
- Three Ethernet/RJ45 network cables
- A small network switch
- An existing Internet connection
- Two SD cards that are compatible with the Raspberry Pi
- Housing units for the Raspberry Pi boards and Lego (optional)
- USB hard drives (optional)
- Future expansion and a scalable setup
- Completing the initial setup
- Using an SD card as our Raspberry Pis storage device
- SD card setup
- Formatting our card
- Mac OS X SD card formatting instructions
- Windows 8 SD card formatting instructions
- Linux instructions for SD card formatting
- BerryBoot version 2
- Downloading the BerryBoot version 2 ZIP file
- Mac OS X
- Windows 8
- Linux
- Downloading the BerryBoot version 2 ZIP file
- Starting up the Raspberry Pi
- The installation process
- Installation complete
- Testing SSH and setting up keys
- Connecting via SSH
- Mac OS X and Linux users
- Windows 8 users with PuTTY
- SSH running successfully
- Setting up your SSH RSA keys
- The ssh-agent and ssh-add tools
- SSH setup complete
- Wrapping up
- Editing text files on Raspbian
- Installing Fortran
- Terminal multiplexing with Screen
- Summary
- Setting up our work environment
- 3. Parallel Computing MPI on the Raspberry Pi
- MPI Message Passing Interface
- MPI implementations MPICH and OpenMPI
- Creating an environment and downloading MPICH
- Building and installing MPICH
- Configuring your Raspberry Pi to run with MPICH
- Testing our MPICH installation
- Building our second Raspberry Pi
- Windows 8
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Powering up the second Raspberry Pi
- RSA key setup for SSH
- Writing an MPI-based application
- MPI point-to-point communication
- Summary
- 4. Hadoop Distributed Applications on the Raspberry Pi
- A brief introduction to Apache Hadoop
- Installing Java
- Installing Apache Hadoop
- Hadoop configuration
- Testing our Hadoop server
- Setting up our second Raspberry Pi
- Summary
- 5. MapReduce Applications with Hadoop and Java
- MapReduce
- MapReduce in Hadoop
- HDFS The Hadoop distributed file system
- The WordCount MapReduce program
- Testing our application
- Summary
- 6. Calculate Pi with Hadoop and MPI
- Monte Carlo simulators
- A Hadoop application to calculate Pi
- Pi with C language and MPI
- Summary
- 7. Going Further
- Booting from an external USB HDD
- Building a Lego enclosure
- Experimenting with MPI and Fortran
- Power for multiple devices
- USB wall plates
- Battery power
- Using a PC power supply
- Power over Ethernet
- Summary
- A. Appendix
- Fortran and C/C++
- MPI, Hadoop, and parallel computing
- Raspberry Pi cases and clusters
- Index
- Tytuł: Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help ‚Äì this guide takes you through the process from start to finish
- Autor: Andrew K. Dennis
- Tytuł oryginału: Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help ‚Äì this guide takes you through the process from start to finish.
- ISBN: 9781783286201, 9781783286201
- Data wydania: 2013-11-20
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3bpx
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing