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The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook. Build, Administer, and Manage Oracle Stellent UCM Solutions
Oracle UCM is a world-leading Enterprise Content Management platform. From Document Management, Web, Records, and more—Oracle has got all your business needs covered. Oracle UCM enables your organization to efficiently manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents.
Written by Oracle ACE Dmitri Khanine, this book is a complete practical guide to building an ECM system and successfully configuring, administering, and operating it. It also shows you how to efficiently manage your organization's content and customize the UCM to fit your needs.
This book wastes no time in getting you up and running and dives straight into the installation of the content server in Chapter 1. In the second chapter, you will master all the major controls and the admin interface. Metadata—a very important ingredient of any ECM—is thoroughly covered in Chapter 3. The book then moves on to the important tasks of securing your ECM system, configuring and managing workflows, and understanding and implementing virtual folders. The book also gives you an under-the-hood view of Stellent in Chapter 7. In the later chapters, you will learn how to migrate content like a pro and easily customize Oracle ECM. A bonus addition to the book is the final chapter, which is an easy-to-follow primer on web content management.
Written by Oracle ACE Dmitri Khanine, this book is a complete practical guide to building an ECM system and successfully configuring, administering, and operating it. It also shows you how to efficiently manage your organization's content and customize the UCM to fit your needs.
This book wastes no time in getting you up and running and dives straight into the installation of the content server in Chapter 1. In the second chapter, you will master all the major controls and the admin interface. Metadata—a very important ingredient of any ECM—is thoroughly covered in Chapter 3. The book then moves on to the important tasks of securing your ECM system, configuring and managing workflows, and understanding and implementing virtual folders. The book also gives you an under-the-hood view of Stellent in Chapter 7. In the later chapters, you will learn how to migrate content like a pro and easily customize Oracle ECM. A bonus addition to the book is the final chapter, which is an easy-to-follow primer on web content management.
- The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook
- Table of Contents
- The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Author
- About the Reviewer
- Acknowledgement
- Preface
- Your complete Oracle UCM mastery system
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Eight-hour quick start system
- Five reasons to feel excited about learning Oracle UCM
- What are you going to learn?
- Required information that you must internalize
- Other stuff you might find useful
- Quick start summary
- Your fastest way to Oracle UCM mastery
- How to quickly get on top and stay there
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Up and Running
- Installation overview
- Quick primer on virtual environments
- Get your tools ready
- Download your test VM
- Getting a copy of Oracle UCM
- Getting the VM ready for Content Server
- Lab 1: Install content server
- How to hold on to your success
- Get your tools ready
- Heres an easy way to understand the Content Server
- How to get content in
- The building blocks of a content management system
- Storage paradigms
- Relational
- Hierarchical
- Metadata
- Content lifecycle
- Contribution
- Storage
- Consumption
- Disposition
- Top 3 common rollout mistakes that spell "failure" in any UCM project
- Integration into organization culture
- Metadata design
- Don't ask for all of your fields every time
- Beware of the snowball effect
- Know this single, most expensive type of UCM activity
- Iterative development
- Storage paradigms
- Quick primer on virtual environments
- Summary
- Installation overview
- 2. Major Controls
- Where to start?
- View or change configuration
- Admin Applets
- Web Layout Editor
- User Admin
- Repository Manager
- Archiver
- Workflow Admin
- Configuration Manager
- Admin Server
- General Configuration
- Content Security
- Internet Configuration
- Component Manager
- View Providers
- Server Output, Logs, and System Audit Information
- Folder Configuration
- Admin Applets
- Keep it up and running
- Log files
- System Audit Information
- View Server Output
- Environment Packager
- View or change configuration
- Managing users
- Adding a user
- Adding a group of users
- Integrating with external authentication providers
- Customizing the User Admin Applet
- More ways to get content in
- Desktop integration
- Custom programming
- How to auto-generate content IDs
- Summary
- Where to start?
- 3. Metadata
- Exploring metadata
- Standard metadata
- Lab 2: Exploring standard metadata
- Explore the database
- Lab 2: Exploring standard metadata
- Content Types
- Lab 3: Exploring content types
- How to add a Content Type
- How to edit or delete a Content Type
- Lab 3: Exploring content types
- Custom metadata
- Lab 4: Exploring custom metadata
- Custom metadata in the database
- How to add new fields
- Text fields
- Option lists
- How to add fields that depend on each other
- Creating database tables
- Creating Views
- Defining relationships
- Populating option lists
- Putting the fields on the form
- Multiple selections
- Tree views
- Lab 4: Exploring custom metadata
- Standard metadata
- How to find content quickly
- Advanced search
- Lab 6: Finding content
- Customizing search results
- Customizing the check-in and content info forms
- How to hide unused fields all the time
- How to show fields based on condition
- How to trigger several rules with one condition
- The future of metadata
- Summary
- Exploring metadata
- 4. Understanding Security
- Security model made easy
- Why does it seems confusing
- A paradigm shift
- Multiple dimensions
- Components of UCM security
- Why does it seems confusing
- Understanding the role-based component
- Security groups
- User roles
- Permissions
- Lab 9: Working with content groups and user roles
- Understanding the accounts component
- How accounts are different
- How accounts support hierarchies
- How permissions are specified
- Lab 10: Working with content accounts
- How to enable accounts
- How to create pre-defined accounts
- How to give users access to content accounts
- How accounts are different
- Planning your security model
- Things that affect security
- Content categories
- Degree of control
- Your use cases
- Other UCM products you might be using
- Things that affect security
- Summary
- Security model made easy
- 5. Understanding Workflows
- How to set up and change workflows
- Discover the Workflow Admin application
- Lab 7: Using automatic workflows
- Creating a criteria workflow
- Adding workflow steps
- Enable the workflow
- Lab 7: Using automatic workflows
- Understanding the content life cycle
- Indexer glitches
- Discover the Workflow Admin application
- More things you can do with Content Server workflows
- The top three things
- Jumps and scripting
- How to add a jump to a workflow step
- Sub workflows
- Basic workflows
- Lab 8: Using manual workflows
- Basic workflow templates
- How to group approvers
- Using aliases to group approvers
- Using tokens to pick approvers dynamically
- Summary
- How to set up and change workflows
- 6. Understanding Virtual Folders and WebDAV
- The key to understanding virtual folders
- Exploring virtual folders
- Understanding major controls
- Beware of "non-intuitive" behavior
- How inheritance works
- Using the Propagate feature
- Understanding folder security
- How inheritance works
- Important global settings
- How to use WebDAV and Desktop Integration
- Customizing folder behavior
- Defining the user default metadata values
- Customizing Folder user interface features
- Customizing folder behavior
- Using Oracle Desktop Integration
- Downloading Oracle Desktop Integration
- Installing the Content Server component
- Installing the client component
- Lab 5: Contributing content using WebDAV and Windows Explorer
- Windows Explorer supercharged
- Checking in Outlook e-mails with just one click
- Contributing documents from Word
- Summary
- 7. Under the Hood
- Nine important directories: Which ones will make your life easier?
- admin
- bin
- SystemProperties: An easy way to manage configuration
- Starting Content Server as a standalone process
- config
- custom
- database
- idcplg
- install
- weblayout
- Exploring your options for physical content storage
- vault
- Introducing Content Server services
- Services architecture
- Understanding HDA files
- An easy way to call Content Server services
- Example 1: Creating folders
- Example 2: Mass-updating content info
- Example 3: Batchcreating users
- Creating your own services
- Summary
- Nine important directories: Which ones will make your life easier?
- 8. Backup, Restore, and Content Migration
- How to backup and restore
- These companies were "completely protected" but lost their data anyway
- Backing up filesystem and the database
- Moving content to another server
- Removing inactive content
- Mass-updating metadata
- Lab 9: Using Archiver
- Exporting content
- Importing content
- Setting up real-time content replication
- How to migrate contentfaster than anyone else thought possible
- A shortcut to a successful migration
- Content migrations
- Simply uploading existing documents
- Using Batch Loader
- Using idcCommand
- A secret "catalyst" that triples the speed of your migration
- How we got a project over a finish line 16.9 times faster
- Batch loader turbo charged
- The quickest way to automate a migration
- How to use code generation effectively
- How to scale it up
- Important last minute tips
- How we got a project over a finish line 16.9 times faster
- A shortcut to a successful migration
- Summary
- How to backup and restore
- 9. Migrating Configuration
- Completing your backup, restore, and migration toolkit
- How to migrate your configuration
- Using the CMU
- Exporting your settings
- Importing a configuration bundle
- Troubleshooting configuration migration
- How to migrate folder structures
- Migrating all folders in one shot
- How to migrate only the folders and content you select
- Summary
- 10. Customizing Oracle UCM
- Documentation and supportthe unexpected treasures
- How to find what you need in ninety 300-page manualsin three minutes or less
- How to get free consulting from Oracle
- Integrating UCM into larger architectures
- SOAP web services
- Content integration suite and remote intraDoc client
- Consuming site studio content in third-party web applications
- Customizing the content server
- Examples of common customizations
- Applying custom logic after check-in
- Sending custom e-mails from Content Server
- Creating completely custom user experiences
- Customizing functionality
- Content server components
- Creating content server components with Java
- How to setup Java IDE for debugging
- Content server components
- Customizing interface
- Dynamic pages
- iDoc files
- Using web form editor
- Custom layouts and skins
- Dynamic pages
- Examples of common customizations
- Five ways to maximize results when working with a UCM vendor
- Work out a fixed price project
- A short "discovery" mini-project may be a good idea
- Negotiate specific completion criteria
- Negotiate longer guarantee
- Don't skimp on training but don't spend a fortune either!
- Summary
- Documentation and supportthe unexpected treasures
- 11. Web Content Management and Collaboration
- Getting ready for Web Content Management
- Introducing Oracle Site Studio
- Installing Oracle Site Studio
- Downloading WCM Components
- Installing Site Studio Content Server Component
- Installing Designer application
- Creating your website
- Understanding site structure elements
- Lab 11: Creating a website with Site Studio Designer
- Creating new site
- Using Page Templates
- Using Fragments
- Adding content
- Using Contributor interface
- Adding pages
- Understanding the publishing model
- Static publishing
- Native publishing
- Dynamic publishing
- Using contribution-consumption architecture
- Adding online collaboration
- Using Oracle WebCenter
- Finding UCM sample components
- RSS feeds
- Blogs and wiki components
- Fishbowl Oracle UCM Component Repository
- Summary
- Getting ready for Web Content Management
- A. Exploring Oracle UCM Product Offering
- UCM product line up
- Enterprise content management
- Web content management
- Universal records management
- Imaging and process management
- Information rights management
- Your secret to mastering Oracle UCM in just minutes a day
- UCM product line up
- B. Detailed Oracle UCM Resource Directory
- Free online resources
- Oracle UCMspecific resources
- Oracle UCM Discussion Forums
- Social networking groups
- Resources on Oracle technologies
- Information management resources
- Service providers
- Consulting
- Training
- Publications and periodicals
- Books
- Reshaping Your Business with Web 2.0
- Transforming Infoglut! A Pragmatic Strategy for Oracle Enterprise Content Management
- The Definitive Guide to Stellent Content Server Development
- Magazines and whitepapers
- Oracle magazine
- KMWorld magazine
- Fishbowl content management whitepapers
- Books
- Free online resources
- Index
- Tytuł: The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook. Build, Administer, and Manage Oracle Stellent UCM Solutions
- Autor: Dmitri Khanine
- Tytuł oryginału: The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook. Build, Administer, and Manage Oracle Stellent UCM Solutions
- ISBN: 9781849680394, 9781849680394
- Data wydania: 2010-08-11
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3c55
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing