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- Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials. A practical guide for tuning and optimizing the performance of XenApp farms using real-world examples
Szczegóły ebooka
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Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials. A practical guide for tuning and optimizing the performance of XenApp farms using real-world examples
Citrix XenApp is an application virtualization product that allows users to connect to their corporate applications from any device. XenApp can host applications on central servers and allows users to interact with them remotely or stream and deliver them to user devices for local execution.
Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials is a practical guide that provides you guidelines, best practices, and real world examples that will help you to improve the performance of your farm, identifying and solving possible bottlenecks and using advanced features including the new features provided by XenApp 6.5.
Citrix XenApp is widely used to deliver enterprise applications to end users. This book covers the whole process of optimizing a XenApp farm, starting from the design phase all the way to tuning for remote users and connecting via geographic links.
With your farm in production, you will understand what to monitor and how to optimize your farm, as well as how to use an open-source tool, WANem, to test the applications' behavior with different link conditions. You will also learn which settings and features XenApp offers to optimize CPU and memory utilization.
This book will help you to prevent or solve performance problems and make your users happy working with published applications.
Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials is a practical guide that provides you guidelines, best practices, and real world examples that will help you to improve the performance of your farm, identifying and solving possible bottlenecks and using advanced features including the new features provided by XenApp 6.5.
Citrix XenApp is widely used to deliver enterprise applications to end users. This book covers the whole process of optimizing a XenApp farm, starting from the design phase all the way to tuning for remote users and connecting via geographic links.
With your farm in production, you will understand what to monitor and how to optimize your farm, as well as how to use an open-source tool, WANem, to test the applications' behavior with different link conditions. You will also learn which settings and features XenApp offers to optimize CPU and memory utilization.
This book will help you to prevent or solve performance problems and make your users happy working with published applications.
- Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials
- Table of Contents
- Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials
- Credits
- About the Author
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Designing a Scalable XenApp Infrastructure
- XenApp infrastructure
- Virtual versus physical servers
- Sizing controllers
- Data store
- Data collector
- XML Broker
- License server
- Web Interface
- Sizing session hosts
- Application delivery methods
- Installed on the server
- Streamed to server
- Streamed to desktop
- Dual mode delivery
- Applications on servers siloed versus nonsiloed
- Siloed
- Nonsiloed
- Application delivery methods
- Provisioning Services
- Provisioning Services infrastructure
- Infrastructure hierarchy
- Sites
- Views
- Stores
- vDisks
- Cache on device hard drive
- Cache in device RAM
- Cache on a server
- Cache on a server persistent
- The boot process
- Using PVS with XenApp
- Performing load tests with EdgeSight for Load Testing
- Session-host server requirements
- Ending sessions automatically
- User session limit
- Ending sessions automatically
- Web Interface server requirements
- Installation
- License server
- Your first script
- Connecting to the farm
- Managing users
- Adding a load
- Recording instructions
- Running a test
- Session-host server requirements
- Summary
- XenApp infrastructure
- 2. Monitoring and Improving Server Performances
- Health Monitoring & Recovery
- Standard tests
- Recovery actions
- Configuring Health Monitoring & Recovery
- Custom tests
- Using Citrix performance monitoring counters
- Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt User
- Citrix IMA Networking
- Citrix Licensing
- Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server
- ICA Session
- Secure Ticket Authority (STA)
- XenApp on a virtual infrastructure
- PowerShell SDK
- CPU Utilization Management
- Enabling CPU Utilization Management
- Shares and reservations
- Windows Dynamic Fair Share Scheduling
- High CPU load on datastore
- Memory optimization
- DLL collisions
- DLL rebasing and binding
- Configuring Memory optimization
- Excluding applications
- Troubleshooting
- OS optimization
- All the servers
- Paging system components
- Power saving
- Worker threads
- Page file
- Provisioned servers
- System restore
- Background defragmentation and layout service
- Antivirus
- All the servers
- Worker groups
- Creating a worker group
- Publishing applications
- Load-balancing policies
- Load evaluators
- Load rules
- Default load evaluator
- Creating and assigning a load evaluator
- Analyzing load evaluators
- Load rules
- Preferential Load Balancing
- Enabling Preferential Load Balancing
- Testing load balancing
- Summary
- Health Monitoring & Recovery
- 3. Optimizing Session Startup
- The logon process
- Resolution
- Connection
- Remote Desktop Services (RDS) license
- AD authentication
- Citrix license
- Session startup
- Analysing the logon process
- Citrix EdgeSight
- Windows Performance Toolkit
- Common causes of logon delays
- Authentication issues
- Profile issues
- Folder redirection
- Background upload
- Citrix Profile Management
- Features
- Configuring
- Troubleshooting
- GPO and logon script issues
- Session pre-launch, sharing, and lingering
- Session pre-launch
- Configuring
- Life cycle of a session
- Session sharing
- Session lingering
- Configuring
- Session pre-launch
- Summary
- The logon process
- 4. Improving End User Experience
- Optimizing Windows GUI
- Windows settings
- Menu show delay
- Internet Explorer offscreen composition
- Screensaver
- Auto end tasks
- Citrix settings
- Desktop UI user policy
- Graphics computer policy
- Visual Display computer policy
- Windows settings
- Citrix HDX
- HDX MediaStream
- Flash redirection
- Windows Media redirection
- HDX RealTime
- Generic HDX RealTime
- Optimized HDX RealTime
- HDX RichGraphics
- OpenGL
- GPU offloading in a virtual environment
- HDX Monitor
- HDX MediaStream
- Summary
- Optimizing Windows GUI
- 5. Optimizing for WAN Links
- Characteristics of a WAN link
- Emulating links with WANem
- Installing
- Configuring
- Using
- WANalyzer
- Optimizing the ICA protocol
- ICA Virtual Channels
- Virtual Channel Priorities
- ICA MultiStream
- Enabling ICA MultiStream
- Traffic shaping
- SpeedScreen latency reduction
- Mouse Click Feedback
- Local Text Echo
- Adding applications
- Configuring applications
- Configuring input fields
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials. A practical guide for tuning and optimizing the performance of XenApp farms using real-world examples
- Autor: Luca Dentella
- Tytuł oryginału: Citrix XenApp Performance Essentials. A practical guide for tuning and optimizing the performance of XenApp farms using real-world examples
- ISBN: 9781782170457, 9781782170457
- Data wydania: 2013-08-19
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cae
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing