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- Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide. This book will take your App-V skills to the ultimate level. Dig deep into the technology and learn stuff you never knew existed. The step-by-step approach makes it surprisingly easy to realize the full potential of App-V
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Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide. This book will take your App-V skills to the ultimate level. Dig deep into the technology and learn stuff you never knew existed. The step-by-step approach makes it surprisingly easy to realize the full potential of App-V
Microsoft's Application Virtualization technology has been emerging as one of the main platforms in application virtualization. This is mainly because more and more organizations are thinking about application virtualization as a valid implementation; also because App-V represents probably the most attractive solution. App-V introduces a new and efficient way to improve operating systems and application life cycles in organizations. However, if we want to maximize our investment we must learn that every scenario and application differs from another, as does complexity.With Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide administrators will find detailed topics for understanding App-V components, architecture and implementation models; as well as step-by-step guidance to master App-V processes. There is also guidance on integrating App-V with other robust platforms like VDI, SCCM 2012 and even virtualizing server applications. Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide will start by giving readers the means to discover unfamiliar topics in App-V, as well as understanding App-V's architecture. By doing so, it will provide the baseline needed before shifting to advanced topics in App-V, like complex scenarios for sequencing and deploying applications. The book details scripting within App-V, as well as handling the platform using the command line; there is a complete review of troubleshooting installations, sequencing and deploying applications. Integration is another key component we will cover by introducing App-V in VDI and SCCM 2012. Server applications are not forgotten with Server App-V, using this book the reader will have a detailed understanding, with how-to steps to virtualize server applications.
- Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide
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- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Taking a Deep Dive into App-V
- Whats new in App-V 4.6 SP1?
- App-V components and architecture
- Understanding App-V server components
- App-V management server
- App-V management system
- App-V Streaming Server
- App-V Management Server Console options
- The Reset Administrators option
- Understanding memory and core processes utilization
- Understanding sequenced application components
- Understanding App-V client components
- Understanding the virtual environment
- App-V Client Management Console
- Reviewing Management Console properties
- Understanding Global Data and User Data directory
- Global Data directory
- User Data directory
- Using PKG files
- Understanding the App-V client cache
- Reducing the size of the App-V client cache
- Registry keys available in the App-V client
- Understanding App-V server components
- App-V deployment possibilities
- Understanding the Full Infrastructure model
- Understanding the ESD model
- Comparing streaming methods
- Understanding the Standalone model
- Understanding the App-V client and publishing interaction
- Understanding the publishing refresh process
- Understanding the application launch/load process
- AutoLoad options
- Summary
- 2. Sequencing in Complex Environments
- Overview of complex sequencing
- Applications not supported for sequencing
- Sequencing best practices
- Reviewing complex applications
- Applications that require complex sequencing
- About the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit
- Understanding sequencing phases
- Applications that require complex sequencing
- Handling App-V Sequencer exclusions
- Using workarounds for applications with drivers
- Handling the virtual environment
- Using override/merge options
- Using Dynamic Suite Composition
- Sequencing applications in DSC
- Using the Dynamic Suite Composition tool
- Upgrading/editing an existing application
- Updating an application in an existing package
- Editing the package
- Adding a new application
- Creating and handling package accelerators
- What is a package accelerator?
- Creating a package accelerator
- Using a package accelerator
- Reviewing package accelerators best practices
- Summary
- Overview of complex sequencing
- 3. Deploying Applications in Complex Environments
- Configuring and using HTTP publishing and streaming
- Adding the Web Server role
- Configuring IIS options
- Adding MIME types
- Creating publication files
- Configuring the App-V client
- Configuring and using the standalone mode
- Standalone without streaming
- Manual configuration
- Group Policy configuration
- Running the application in standalone mode without streaming
- Standalone with SMB streaming
- Manual configuration
- Group Policy configuration
- Running the application in standalone mode with SMB streaming
- Standalone without streaming
- Configuring SSL communications
- Certificate prerequisites
- Setting RTSPS communications
- Configuring the App-V management server
- Securing the App-V Management Server during installation
- Securing an installed App-V Management Server
- Configuring the App-V Streaming Server
- Configuring the App-V Desktop Client
- Configuring the App-V management server
- Setting HTTPS communications
- Configuring the web service
- Configuring HTTPS streaming
- Using Providers Policies in App-V
- Understanding Providers Policies and licenses
- Configuring and applying Providers Policies
- Configuring and applying App-V licenses
- Using an unlimited license
- Using concurrent licenses
- Using named licenses
- Summary
- Configuring and using HTTP publishing and streaming
- 4. Handling Scripting and App-V Command Lines
- What we can do with App-V scripting
- Introducing OSD scripting
- Understanding OSD scripting stages
- Understanding <HREF>
- Understanding <SCRIPTBODY>
- Comparing <HREF> and <SCRIPTBODY>
- Interacting within the virtual environment
- Adding parameters to the virtual application
- Adding environment variables
- Editing the virtual registry
- Editing the Provider Policy
- Interacting outside the virtual environment
- Launching local applications
- Starting a service
- Checking for prerequisites before launching
- Introducing OSD scripting
- Using App-V command lines
- Configuring client options with SFTMIME
- Handling virtual applications with SFTMIME
- Using ADD APP
- Differentiating between UNLOAD and DELETE
- Handling packages with SFTMIME
- Configuring server options with SFTMIME
- Handling file type associations
- Using ADD TYPE
- Handling queries and OBJ with SFTMIME
- Handling virtual applications with SFTMIME
- Using SFTSequencer
- Sequencing an application using SFTSequencer
- Defining FB1
- Opening a package for upgrade using SFTSequencer
- Handling package accelerators using SFTSequencer
- Creating a package accelerator using installation media
- Creating a package accelerator from a locally installed application
- Creating a package from a package accelerator (installation media)
- Creating a package from a package accelerator (locally installed application)
- Expand package to a local system
- Sequencing an application using SFTSequencer
- What about SFTTRAY?
- Configuring client options with SFTMIME
- Reviewing possibilities using PowerShell
- Summary
- What we can do with App-V scripting
- 5. Troubleshooting App-V
- Troubleshooting App-V implementations
- Troubleshooting the App-V management server implementation
- Solving App-V management server installation problems
- Reviewing installation errors "251xx"
- Solving App-V management server implementation problems
- Common validations post installation
- Understanding sft-server log
- Reviewing common implementation problems
- Solving App-V management server installation problems
- Troubleshooting the App-V client implementation
- Solving App-V client installation problems
- Reviewing installation errors "250xx"
- Solving App-V client installation problems
- Troubleshooting the App-V management server implementation
- Troubleshooting applications delivery
- Reviewing App-V client log files
- Enabling sftnta.txt and sftlist.txt
- Understanding error codes in App-V client
- Reviewing common application delivery problems
- About application client log parser
- Reviewing common problems with virtual application usage
- Working with applications that require elevation
- Using workarounds to analyze application problems
- Using CMD inside the virtual environment
- Changing the virtual environment for troubleshooting
- Analyzing performance problems in applications
- Reviewing App-V client log files
- Troubleshooting application sequencing/launching
- Using Process Monitor for troubleshooting
- Understanding the application problem
- Monitoring the activity with Process Monitor
- Monitoring in the sequencing process
- Monitoring in the launching process
- Using Filter options to research the problem
- Using Process Monitor for troubleshooting
- Summary
- Troubleshooting App-V implementations
- 6. Scaling Up App-V Implementations
- Reviewing general guidelines for the right design
- Reviewing fault tolerance possibilities in App-V
- Implementing Network Load Balancing in App-V
- Preparing accounts for delegation in Active Directory
- Creating a Network Load Balancing cluster
- Adding Service Principal Names
- Installing or configuring App-V Management Server services in NLB
- Configuring App-V Clients
- Troubleshooting App-V Clients in the NLB scenario
- Considerations about using the Management Console in NLB
- Implementing database mirroring for the App-V data store
- Preparing a database for mirroring
- Configuring SQL database mirroring
- Configuring the App-V Management Server for database mirroring
- Implementing Distributed File System
- Extending App-V implementations
- Publishing App-V in your firewalls
- Using App-V servers on the internal network
- Using App-V servers in the DMZ
- Publishing App-V in your firewalls
- Summary
- 7. Integrating App-V with Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
- Understanding VDI components and architecture
- VDI considerations
- Integrating App-V with VDI
- Shared cache and its benefits
- Using the App-V shared cache
- Creating your own VDI environment
- Installing and configuring RDS roles
- Configuring and assigning virtual desktops to RDS
- Testing the environment
- Preparing and extracting the App-V client cache
- Configuring App-V clients for a shared cache
- Handling application and cache updates
- Shared cache and its benefits
- Reviewing alternatives in App-V plus RDS integration
- App-V versus RemoteApp
- Understanding App-V and RemoteApp differences
- Combining App-V with Remote Desktop Services
- Installing and configuring App-V Remote Desktop Services
- App-V RDS Client considerations
- Deployment considerations
- Publishing App-V applications with RemoteApp
- App-V versus RemoteApp
- Summary
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
- 8. Integrating App-V with System Center Configuration Manager 2012
- SCCM 2012
- SCCM 2012 improvements
- Reviewing SCCM and App-V integration
- Benefits of integrating SCCM and App-V
- Some considerations about the integration
- Components involved
- Understanding delivery methods
- Streaming Delivery
- Local Delivery (downloading and execution)
- App-V Client and the OverrideURL setting
- Requirements for the SCCM + App-V integration
- Platform requirements in SCCM 2012
- Storage requirements
- Implementing SCCM and App-V integration
- Installing SCCM 2012
- SCCM 2012 requirements
- Installing SCCM 2012
- Distributing the App-V Client with SCCM 2012
- Using virtual applications in SCCM 2012
- Creating virtual applications
- Deploying virtual applications
- Deployment Types
- Deploying applications in clients
- Installing SCCM 2012
- Summary
- SCCM 2012
- 9. Integrating Server App-V with Private Clouds
- Server App-V
- Reviewing applications supported by Server App-V
- Differentiating between Server App-V and Desktop App-V
- PowerShell Cmdlets available
- Understanding the SCVMM and the Private Cloud concept
- Integrating SCVMM and Server App-V
- What is a Service template?
- Integrating SCVMM and Server App-V
- Installing and configuring SCVMM 2012
- Installing SCVMM 2012
- SCVMM 2012 requirements
- Reviewing installation steps
- SCVMM initial configuration and features
- Adding virtualization hosts
- Adding Library servers
- Handling and creating VM templates
- Installing SCVMM 2012
- Sequencing applications with Server App-V
- Preparing Server App-V Sequencer
- Sequencing MySQL with Server App-V Sequencer
- Understanding the available Server App-V Sequencer panes
- Deploying Server App-V applications
- Deploying Server App-V applications using PowerShell
- Deploying Server App-V applications using SCVMM 2012
- Configuring an application profile
- Configuring and deploying a Service template
- Summary
- Server App-V
- A. Reviewing App-V Microsoft and Third-party Tools
- Microsoft tools for App-V
- Application Virtualization Dashboard
- Application Virtualization Dynamic Suite Composition tool
- Application Virtualization Administrative template (ADM template)
- Application Virtualization Best Practices Analyzer
- Application Virtualization 4.5 Security Configuration Roles
- Application Virtualization Sequencing SuperFlow
- Application Virtualization Listing tool
- Application Virtualization Client Log Parser utility
- Application Virtualization SFT View
- Application Virtualization SFT Parser tool
- Application Virtualization Cache Configuration tool
- Application Virtualization MSI Compat Transform
- Microsoft Application Virtualization DemoMate demo
- Third-party tools for App-V
- App-V Ping tool
- App-V Client Diagnostic and Configuration (ACDC) tool
- App-V USB tool
- App-V add-on ADM 2.0
- Application Virtualization Explorer
- App-V Client Setup Kit
- Application Virtualization Analyzer
- AppV_DeployApp and AppV_PublishApp
- LaunchIt
- App-V OSD editor
- OSD Illustrated
- Batch+
- Add OS to OSD
- OSD+
- App-V Helper
- Softricity File (SFT) Checking utility
- LogTools for SoftGrid client
- SFT Encoder Express
- Virtualization Encoder
- App-V Migration tool
- Lib-V
- AppScriber
- AdminStudio
- App-V Tool suite
- PowerShell snap-in for Microsoft App-V Server 4.6 SP1
- App-V Generator
- PkgView for App-V
- PimpMy for Softgrid and App-V
- Failure to Launch
- sftImport
- Advanced Installer
- DSC Management Utility
- App-V Import tool
- Summary
- Microsoft tools for App-V
- Index
- Tytuł: Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide. This book will take your App-V skills to the ultimate level. Dig deep into the technology and learn stuff you never knew existed. The step-by-step approach makes it surprisingly easy to realize the full potential of App-V
- Autor: Augusto Alvarez
- Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide. This book will take your App-V skills to the ultimate level. Dig deep into the technology and learn stuff you never knew existed. The step-by-step approach makes it surprisingly easy to realize the full potential of App-V.
- ISBN: 9781849684491, 9781849684491
- Data wydania: 2012-03-26
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cdm
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing