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- BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Developer or hobbyist, you'll love the way this book helps you turn the BeagleBone Black into a working robot. From listening and speaking to seeing and moving, we'll show you how – step by step
Szczegóły ebooka
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BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Developer or hobbyist, you'll love the way this book helps you turn the BeagleBone Black into a working robot. From listening and speaking to seeing and moving, we'll show you how – step by step
Thanks to new, inexpensive microcontrollers, robotics has become far more accessible than it was in the past. These microcontrollers provide a whole new set of capabilities to allow even the most inexperienced users to make amazingly complicated projects. Beaglebone is effectively a small, light, cheap computer in a similar vein to Raspberry Pi and Arduino. It has all of the extensibility of today's desktop machines, but without the bulk, expense, or noise. This project guide provides step-by-step instructions to allow anyone to use this new, low cost platform in some fascinating robotics projects. By the time you are finished, your projects will be able to see, speak, listen, detect their surroundings, and move in a variety of amazing ways. The book begins with unpacking and powering up the components.This will include guidance on what to purchase and how to connect it all successfully–and a primer on programming the BeagleBone Black. Chapter by chapter, we will add additional software functionality available from the open source community, including how to make the system see using a webcam, how to hear using a microphone, and how to speak using a speaker. We then add hardware to make your robots move–including wheeled and legged examples–as well as covering how to add sonar sensors to avoid or find objects, plus wireless control to make your robot truly autonomous. Adding GPS allows the robot to find itself. Finally the book covers how to integrate all of this functionality so that it can all work together, before developing the most impressive robotics projects: those that can sail, fly, and explore underwater.
- BeagleBone Robotic Projects
- Table of Contents
- BeagleBone Robotic Projects
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Task 1
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code and colored images
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started with the BeagleBone Black
- Mission briefing
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- The unveiling!
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Hooking up a keyboard, mouse, and display
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Changing the operating system
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Adding a graphical user interface
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Accessing the board remotely
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 2. Programming the BeagleBone Black
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Basic Linux commands and navigating the filesystem
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Creating and running Python programs on the BeagleBone Black
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Basic programming constructs on the BeagleBone Black
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Introduction to the C++ programming language
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 3. Providing Speech Input and Output
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Hooking up the HW to make and input sound
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Using eSpeak to allow your projects to respond in a robotic voice
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Using PocketSphinx to interpret your commands
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Providing the capability to interpret your commands and have your robot initiate an action
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 4. Allowing the BeagleBone Black to See
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Connecting the USB camera to the BeagleBone Black and viewing the images
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Downloading and installing OpenCV a full-featured vision library
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Using the vision library to detect colored objects
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- Challenges
- Mission briefing
- 5. Making the Unit Mobile Controlling Wheeled Movement
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Using a motor controller to control the speed of your platform
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Controlling your mobile platform programmatically using the BeagleBone Black
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Making your mobile platform truly mobile by issuing voice commands
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 6. Making the Unit Very Mobile Controlling Legged Movement
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Connecting the BeagleBone Black to the mobile platform using a servo controller
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Creating a program in Linux to control the mobile platform
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Making your mobile platform truly mobile by issuing voice commands
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 7. Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a USB sonar sensor
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Using a servo to move a single sensor
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 8. Going Truly Mobile Remote Control of Your Robot
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a wireless USB keyboard
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Using the keyboard to control your project
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 9. Using a GPS Receiver to Locate Your Robot
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a GPS device
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Accessing the GPS programmatically and determining how to move to a location
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 10. System Dynamics
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Creating a general control structure so capabilities can communicate
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- 11. By Land, Sea, and Air
- Mission briefing
- Why is it awesome?
- Your objectives
- Mission checklist
- Using the BeagleBone Black in sailing robots
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Using the BeagleBone Black in flying robots
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage Thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Classified intel
- Using the BeagleBone Black in submarine robots
- Prepare for lift off
- Engage thrusters
- Objective complete mini debriefing
- Mission accomplished
- A challenge
- Mission briefing
- Index
- Tytuł: BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Developer or hobbyist, you'll love the way this book helps you turn the BeagleBone Black into a working robot. From listening and speaking to seeing and moving, we'll show you how ‚Äì step by step
- Autor: Richard Grimmett
- Tytuł oryginału: BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Developer or hobbyist, you'll love the way this book helps you turn the BeagleBone Black into a working robot. From listening and speaking to seeing and moving, we'll show you how ‚Äì step by step.
- ISBN: 9781783559336, 9781783559336
- Data wydania: 2013-12-26
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cdu
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing