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- Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide. Learn everything you need to know to design and implement a solid disaster recovery plan for SharePoint 2013
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Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide. Learn everything you need to know to design and implement a solid disaster recovery plan for SharePoint 2013
Where does it all go wrong with disaster recovery? Yes, why a disaster recovery plan fails the business and costs IT staff their jobs or a promotion? This book is an easytounderstand guide that explains how to get it right and why it often goes wrong.
Given that Microsoft's SharePoint platform has become a missioncritical application where business operations just cannot run without complete uptime of this technology, disaster recovery is one of the most important topics when it comes to SharePoint. Yet, support and an appropriate approach for this technology are still difficult to come by, and are often vulnerable to technical oversight and assumptions.
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide looks at SharePoint disaster recovery and breaks down the mystery and confusion that surrounds what is a vital activity to any technical deployment. This book provides a holistic approach with practical recipes that will help you to take advantage of the new 2013 functionality and cloud technologies.
You will also learn how to plan, test, and deploy a disaster recovery environment using SharePoint, Windows Server, and SQL tools. We will also take a look at datasets and custom development. If you want to have an approach to disaster recovery that gives you peace of mind, then this is the book for you.
Given that Microsoft's SharePoint platform has become a missioncritical application where business operations just cannot run without complete uptime of this technology, disaster recovery is one of the most important topics when it comes to SharePoint. Yet, support and an appropriate approach for this technology are still difficult to come by, and are often vulnerable to technical oversight and assumptions.
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide looks at SharePoint disaster recovery and breaks down the mystery and confusion that surrounds what is a vital activity to any technical deployment. This book provides a holistic approach with practical recipes that will help you to take advantage of the new 2013 functionality and cloud technologies.
You will also learn how to plan, test, and deploy a disaster recovery environment using SharePoint, Windows Server, and SQL tools. We will also take a look at datasets and custom development. If you want to have an approach to disaster recovery that gives you peace of mind, then this is the book for you.
- Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- Why this book
- How to start
- Ranking key business areas
- How to use this book
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Planning and Key Concepts What Not to Forget
- Identifying DR scenarios within SharePoint and its associated technology stack
- Why disasters happen and what you can do to prevent them?
- Success or failure
- Inheriting a mission critical environment that has no DR plans
- Worst case loss of SharePoint environment without proper backups
- Disaster Recovery cost versus speed
- Cold standby recovery
- Warm standby recovery
- Virtual warm standby environments
- Hot standby recovery
- Dedicated model
- Shared model
- Hybrid model
- Thinking of interruptions and not disasters
- Four major datacenter outages in 2012 that we can learn from
- What is virtualization and how does it help with DR?
- How does virtualization help with DR?
- Supporting mixed environments more efficiently with virtualized disaster recovery
- What about the cloud?
- Building confidence and refining DR plans with frequent testing
- Summary
- 2. Creating, Testing, and Maintaining the DR Plan
- Getting started
- Identifying the components of your SharePoint environment
- Physical architecture
- Servers
- Database
- Network
- Logical architecture
- Web applications
- Service accounts
- Service applications
- Apps
- Physical architecture
- Identifying threats to your SharePoint environment
- Physical architecture
- Servers
- Database
- Network
- Physical architecture
- Creating an effective DR plan
- Identifying key stakeholders
- IT
- Servers
- Database
- Network
- Messaging
- Development
- Business
- IT
- Developing the plan
- Defining recovery targets
- Understanding costs
- Virtualization
- Service level agreements
- Planning for recovery
- Recovery resources
- People
- Hardware
- Software
- Dependent services
- Establishing and documenting your recovery procedures
- Defining success criteria
- Reviewing the plan
- Identifying key stakeholders
- Testing your DR plan
- Planning your test
- Determining your test scopes
- Performing the test
- Analysing the results
- Maintaining your DR plan
- Further reading
- Summary
- 3. Physical Backup and Restore Procedures
- Windows Server 2012
- System state data backup
- Partitioning of data
- System database backup and restore
- Backing up DB using SQL Server Management Studio
- Backing up DB using PowerShell
- Restoring master DB with SQL Server Management Studio
- Restoring master DB with PowerShell
- Non-SharePoint database backup and restore
- Backing up DB with SQL Server Management Studio
- Backing up DB with PowerShell
- Restore
- Restoring master DB with SQL Server Management Studio
- Restoring DB with PowerShell
- Point in time backup and restore
- Backing up DB in SQL Server Management Studio with SQL statements
- Backing up SQL DB with PowerShell
- Restoring DB in SQL Server Management Studio with SQL statements
- Restoring SQL Server DB with PowerShell
- Advanced backup techniques
- Backing up large databases
- Backup farm and SQL combined with PowerShell
- Speeding up SQL Server backups
- A PowerShell script that backs up and speeds up the SQL Server backup
- Restoring databases with a different name
- PowerShell script to restore a database with a different name
- Backing up large databases
- Further reading
- Summary
- Windows Server 2012
- 4. Virtual Environment Backup and Restore Procedures
- Virtual environments
- Microsoft Hyper-V
- Backup
- Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2012 and Windows Hyper-V Server 2012
- Server recovery process
- Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2012 and Windows Hyper-V Server 2012
- Snapshots
- Failover clustering
- Backup
- VMware vSphere 5
- Backup
- Restore
- Snapshots
- Failover clustering
- Microsoft Hyper-V
- Summary
- Virtual environments
- 5. Central Administration and Other Native Backup and Restore Options
- Farm backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Farm configuration backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Web application backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Service application backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Content database backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Restore using unattached content databases
- Back up and restore using SQL Server tools
- Caveats and considerations
- Customizations backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using the Central Administration GUI
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Site collection backup and restore
- Back up using the Central Administration GUI
- Back up using PowerShell
- Restore using PowerShell
- Caveats and considerations
- Apps backup and restore
- Backup
- Restore
- Caveats and considerations
- Sites, lists, and libraries backup and restore
- Backup using the Central Administration GUI
- Backup using PowerShell
- Restore using PowerShell
- SharePoint templates
- Caveats and considerations
- Summary
- Farm backup and restore
- 6. Working with Data Sizing and Data Structure
- Understanding data sizing architectural choices for DR
- Key SharePoint limits to consider with DR
- Content database size
- Managing content database growth
- Key SharePoint limits to consider with DR
- DR impact of design decisions
- Establishing conventions
- Database naming
- DR with a multiserver farm
- Challenges with multiple servers
- SQL aliases
- Content database size targets
- Plan before going live
- Major oversights
- Content dependencies
- Managing content dependencies
- Documenting content linkage
- Content dependency governance
- BlobCache
- SharePoint_Config
- Establishing conventions
- Getting a handle on a farm
- Size of all SharePoint databases
- RBS report
- Site collection size report
- Quota report
- Managing growth
- Setting quotas
- Rebalancing content databases
- Restricting version retention
- Backup and restore plan
- Tiering the recovery plan
- Architecting data in SharePoint with DR in mind
- Recovery and restore
- Further reading
- Summary
- Understanding data sizing architectural choices for DR
- 7. Disaster Recovery with Custom Development
- The basics
- The 3 Cs of SharePoint Development
- Accounting for things
- Change Management and SharePoint
- The standard
- Source code control
- The software development life cycle
- How to use supporting farms
- Developing configuration dependencies needed for your solution
- SharePoint 2013 App Development Model
- JavaScript and jQuery where do they go?
- Designing with Disaster Recovery in mind
- Using the DR site for testing
- Here is a start for your standard
- The hive
- Pulling it all together
- The role of the developer during recovery
- Summary
- 8. Disaster Recovery Techniques for End Users
- Why is end user DR training often forgotten?
- Useful end user DR practices
- Recycle bins
- Increase the site recycle bin retention time
- Problem
- Resolution
- Increase the site recycle bin retention time
- Checked in but not published
- Permission
- Users cant remember where their file is saved
- Version control
- SkyDrive Pro
- Recycle bins
- Managing end user expectations
- Training
- Summary
- 9. In the Clouds
- DR on-premise versus cloud
- DR cloud versus cloud-native
- Common concerns regarding cloud DR
- Cloud responsibility
- General approaches to cloud DR
- Amazon Web Services and HA/DR
- Global Infrastructure regions and availability zones
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Amazon Elastic Block Store
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
- Elastic Load Balancing
- Amazon Route 53
- Additional AWS Services for DR
- Windows Azure and HA/DR
- Global infrastructure datacenters and traffic manager
- Virtual network
- Virtual machines
- Load balancing
- Storage
- Hyper-V Recovery Manager
- Summary
- 10. Where to Start
- How to get my organization moving in the right direction
- How to sell DR to senior management
- I feel the SharePoint end users don't care about SharePoint DR. Is this true?
- Why was I not told?
- The word "disaster" is not understood
- At times I can be the last to know of a business activity with SharePoint
- I have written the DR plan but will it work?
- What are the key skills that are required for a DR plan to work?
- How do you write up the perfect DR documentation?
- What should consist in the structure of good technical documentation?
- Outline
- Content
- Graphics
- Review
- Distribution
- What should consist in the structure of good technical documentation?
- Can this whole process be outsourced to an external party?
- Can implementing a DR strategy really help my career?
- What methods should I use to keep upper management informed on the DR Program?
- Further reading
- Summary
- A. Appendix
- Worst and best practices
- We can snapshot our servers
- The DIY Approach
- We have a production SharePoint Farm
- Our DR servers can be undersized
- Oversights in a DR recovery plan
- Invalid testing
- No failback plan
- Horror stories that the authors have witnessed
- Backups only
- Pixar's near loss of Toy Story 2
- SharePoint backup encrypted
- Solution retraction caused web application failure
- How and why assumptions can sink a DR plan
- Small changes still have the ability to prevent Central Administration from coming up
- Real-world scenarios for consideration
- User overwrites a file
- The feature retract failure
- Restore a service application
- Restore wipes key drive information
- Service application DBs
- Search out of date on restore
- Non-SharePoint
- Servers in sync
- Doomsday DR
- Tools for consideration
- Useful references
- Naming conventions
- Worst and best practices
- Index
- Tytuł: Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide. Learn everything you need to know to design and implement a solid disaster recovery plan for SharePoint 2013
- Autor: Peter Ward
- Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide. Learn everything you need to know to design and implement a solid disaster recovery plan for SharePoint 2013
- ISBN: 9781849685115, 9781849685115
- Data wydania: 2013-09-25
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cf6
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing