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- iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment. A solution for integrating iPhone and iPad is built into Microsoft’s Exchange Server, and this guide will walk you through successfully deploying it to allow Apple’s devices to be used securely and effectively in your organization
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iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment. A solution for integrating iPhone and iPad is built into Microsoft’s Exchange Server, and this guide will walk you through successfully deploying it to allow Apple’s devices to be used securely and effectively in your organization
With the recent boom in the smartphone market, users are demanding access to the latest consumer technology in the business, and that means you need to be able to integrate Apple's iPhone and iPad into your business in a way you can manage. Microsoft's Exchange Server provides a solution for integrating iPhone into your business and this book will show you exactly how to implement this solution.
iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment takes you through the basics of Apple mobile devices, and teaches you how to plan a basic, highly available Exchange environment. You will then be taught how to secure your environment, provision and manage iDevices.
Have you been tasked with getting iPhones into the hands of your business executives, and need to ensure they can reliably and securely access corporate email? This book will teach you what you need to know about getting Exchange 2010 set up and then help you deploy iPhones in a secure, manageable way.
Starting with the basics, you'll learn about what Apple mobile devices have to offer and how they have evolved into devices suitable for business use. If you're new to Exchange Server 2010, you'll learn the basics of Microsoft's world leading messaging suite, before learning how to plan, install and configure a highly available Exchange environment. You will also understand how to configure Office 365 and learn how both can be configured to apply policies to iPhone, iPad and the iPod Touch. You'll also learn how to configure advanced features, like certificate authentication, how to create and deploy configuration profiles for devices and how to manage your devices once they are in the hands of your users.
After reading this book, you will be confident about introducing Apple mobile devices into your organization.
iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment takes you through the basics of Apple mobile devices, and teaches you how to plan a basic, highly available Exchange environment. You will then be taught how to secure your environment, provision and manage iDevices.
Have you been tasked with getting iPhones into the hands of your business executives, and need to ensure they can reliably and securely access corporate email? This book will teach you what you need to know about getting Exchange 2010 set up and then help you deploy iPhones in a secure, manageable way.
Starting with the basics, you'll learn about what Apple mobile devices have to offer and how they have evolved into devices suitable for business use. If you're new to Exchange Server 2010, you'll learn the basics of Microsoft's world leading messaging suite, before learning how to plan, install and configure a highly available Exchange environment. You will also understand how to configure Office 365 and learn how both can be configured to apply policies to iPhone, iPad and the iPod Touch. You'll also learn how to configure advanced features, like certificate authentication, how to create and deploy configuration profiles for devices and how to manage your devices once they are in the hands of your users.
After reading this book, you will be confident about introducing Apple mobile devices into your organization.
- iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment
- Table of Contents
- iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Why Subscribe?
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Introduction to iPhone with Exchange Server 2010
- Overview of Apple iOS device range and features
- Overview of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
- Competing products
- Core features of Exchange Server 2010
- Mobility features
- Exchange Server licensing and versions available
- Overview of Office 365 and Exchange Online
- Complementary features
- Integration with on-premises systems
- Versions available
- Overview of Exchange ActiveSync
- Overview of provisioning
- Summary
- 2. Architecture and Implementation Planning
- Overview of Exchange Server 2010 roles
- Client Access Role
- Providing high availability for the Client Access Role
- Client Access Arrays
- Hardware or Virtual Load Balancers
- Providing high availability for the Client Access Role
- Mailbox Role
- Providing high availability for the Mailbox role using Database Availability Groups
- Replication technology
- Site resilience
- Providing high availability for the Mailbox role using Database Availability Groups
- Hub Transport Role
- Mail Routing in Exchange Server 2010
- Providing high availability for the Hub Transport Role
- Edge Transport Role
- Providing high availability for the Edge Transport Role
- Alternatives to using the Edge Transport Role
- Unified Messaging Role
- Providing high availability for the Unified Messaging Role
- Active Directory
- Client Access Role
- Capacity planning for Exchange ActiveSync clients
- Our example organization
- Combined Client Access/Hub Transport/Mailbox Server Role requirements
- Load Balancer
- Active Directory considerations
- Planning for namespaces and certificates
- Subject Alternative Name certificates
- Network configuration
- Summary
- Overview of Exchange Server 2010 roles
- 3. Exchange Server Configuration for iOS Connectivity
- More about our example environment
- Network diagram
- IP addressing
- Installation of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
- Basic server configuration
- Disk configuration
- Network configuration
- Obtaining installation media
- Active Directory preparation
- Installation of pre-requisites
- Installation of Exchange Server 2010
- Basic server configuration
- Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
- Configuring databases
- Configuring the Database Availability Group
- Configuring the Client Access Array and Load Balancing
- Configuring DNS names
- Configuring certificates
- Configuring Outlook Anywhere
- Configuring Send Connector
- Configuring accepted domains and Receive Connectors
- Testing client connectivity
- Creating a test Mailbox
- Testing basic client connectivity
- Testing AutoDiscover and ActiveSync functionality
- Testing iPhone connectivity
- Summary
- More about our example environment
- 4. Office 365 Configuration for iOS Connectivity
- Sign-up process for Office 365
- Domain and DNS configuration
- Testing and troubleshooting
- Checking DNS entries
- Creating accounts
- Testing the account using Outlook Web App
- Checking ActiveSync connectivity
- Connecting an iOS device to Office 365
- Summary
- 5. Creating and Enforcing Policies
- The purpose of Exchange ActiveSync policies
- Exchange ActiveSync policies
- Require Password
- Allow Simple Password
- Minimum Password Length
- Require Alphanumeric Password
- Time without user input before the password must be re-entered
- Password Expiration Policy
- Enforce Password History
- Device Encryption
- Include Past E-mail Items (Days)
- Allow Direct Push while Roaming
- Allow Camera
- Allow Browser
- Creating and managing ActiveSync Mailbox policies
- Using Exchange Management Console
- Modifying the default policy
- Creating a new policy
- Assigning the new policy to a Mailbox
- Using Exchange Control Panel
- Modifying the default policy
- Creating a new policy
- Assigning the new policy to a Mailbox
- Using Exchange Management Shell
- Modifying the default policy
- Creating a new policy
- Assigning the new policy to a Mailbox
- Using Exchange Management Console
- Restricting device types
- Summary
- 6. Configuring Certificate-based Authentication in Exchange Server 2010
- Overview of certificate-based authentication
- Considerations for certificate-based authentication
- Installation of the certificate authority
- Configuration of the certificate authority
- Provisioning and publishing user certificates
- Creating the Enrolment Agent certificate
- Creating a certificate on behalf of a user
- Configuring Exchange Server 2010 for certificate-based authentication
- Configuring IIS pre-requisites
- Configuring Exchange ActiveSync
- Testing certificate-based authentication using Outlook Web App
- Summary
- 7. Provisioning iOS Client Devices
- Overview of device Configuration Profiles
- Obtaining and installing the iPhone Configuration Utility
- iTunes and device activation
- Creating Configuration Profiles for users
- General
- Passcode
- Restrictions
- Exchange ActiveSync
- Subscribed calendars
- Credentials embedding the User certificate
- Other options
- Wi-Fi and VPN
- E-mail, LDAP, CalDAV, and CardDAV
- SCEP and Mobile Device Management
- Deploying Configuration Profiles to devices using the iPhone Configuration Utility
- Device activation
- Deploying the Configuration Profile
- Creating a generic Configuration Profile
- Deploying a generic Configuration Profile from the Exchange Server
- Configuring IIS
- Installing the generic Configuration Profile on devices
- Summary
- 8. Sharing Mailboxes and Calendars
- Overview of shared mailboxes
- Challenges associated with shared mailboxes
- Creating and connecting users to shared mailboxes
- Creating a shared mailbox
- Granting permissions
- Accessing the shared mailbox using Outlook
- Accessing the shared mailbox using Outlook Web App
- Configuring a shared mailbox for iOS device access
- Methods to connect iOS devices
- Connecting an iOS device manually
- Connecting an iOS device using an iPhone configuration profile
- Overview of iCal calendar sharing
- Configuring iCal calendar sharing
- Enabling Calendar Publishing
- Configuring Sharing Policies
- Sharing iCal calendars
- Using Outlook Web App to publish a calendar
- Using Outlook 2010 to publish a calendar
- Connecting iOS devices to Shared Calendars
- Adding calendars on an ad-hoc basis
- Using the iPhone Configuration Utility to add shared calendars
- Summary
- 9. iOS Client Device Management
- Identifying iOS devices in use
- Viewing an individual users ActiveSync devices
- How ActiveSync information is stored in Active Directory
- Viewing and managing a user's ActiveSync devices using Exchange Management Console
- Exporting ActiveSync device information
- Using the Export-ActiveSyncLog command
- Obtaining more detailed information
- Viewing an individual users ActiveSync devices
- Troubleshooting connection problems for iOS devices
- Testing ActiveSync functionality
- Analyzing reports
- Enabling device-side logging
- Using administrator features for disabling and remote wipe of devices
- Disabling ActiveSync for a user
- Using remote wipe
- End-user features for remote wipe of devices
- Summary
- Identifying iOS devices in use
- Index
- Tytuł: iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment. A solution for integrating iPhone and iPad is built into Microsoft’s Exchange Server, and this guide will walk you through successfully deploying it to allow Apple’s devices to be used securely and effectively in your organization
- Autor: Steve Goodman
- Tytuł oryginału: iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Business Integration and Deployment. A solution for integrating iPhone and iPad is built into Microsoft’s Exchange Server, and this guide will walk you through successfully deploying it to allow Apple’s devices to be used securely and effectively in your organization.
- ISBN: 9781849691499, 9781849691499
- Data wydania: 2012-03-20
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cfk
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing