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- Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration. A practical guide to integrating Line of Business systems with BizTalk Server 2010
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Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration. A practical guide to integrating Line of Business systems with BizTalk Server 2010
Carl Darski, Thiago Almeida, Sergei Moukhnitski, Richard Seroter, Kent Weare
Eлектронна книга
Microsoft BizTalk is an integration and connectivity server solution that allows businesses to connect disparate systems easily. In today’s business climate of mergers and acquisitions, more and more enterprises are forced to exchange data across disparate Line of Business systems using integration brokers like BizTalk Server 2010. What is often overlooked when integrating these systems is the pre-requisite knowledge that ERP and CRM systems demand in order to effectively integrate them. No longer is this knowledge locked up in the heads of expensive consultants. Gain an edge within your organization by developing valuable skills in the area of Line of Business integration from this book.This book will show you how to integrate BizTalk with Line of Business systems using practical scenarios. Each chapter will take a Line of Business system, introduce some pre-requisite knowledge and demonstrate how you can integrate BizTalk with that Line of Business system, and then provide guidance based upon real world experience, taking your BizTalk knowledge further.This book will enable you to master how to integrate BizTalk with Line of Business systems effectively. The book starts by highlighting the technical foundation of WCF-LOB adapters and the common steps and important properties pertaining to popular WCF-LOB adapters. You will then move on to an overview of how to integrate with Microsoft SQL Server using the WCF based SQL Server adapter. The book then dives into topics such as integrating BizTalk Server with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, building BizTalk/SAP integrated solutions using IDocs, the differences between IDocs and RFCs/BAPIs, and integrating BizTalk with Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus amongst others.
- Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewers
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- Preface
- What this book covers
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Consuming ASDK-based Adapters
- Understanding the ASDK-based adapter
- ASDK-based Adapters vs. WCF services
- Installation
- Installing the WCF LOB Adapter SDK
- Installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010
- Using the ASDK development tools
- Echo adapter
- Building the BizTalk application
- The WCF-Custom adapter and SOAP actions
- Action Mappings
- Setting SOAP actions dynamically
- ASDK tools and features
- Generating the schemas
- Timeouts
- Tracing and message logging
- Summary
- 2. WCF LOB SQL Adapter
- Supported operations
- Inbound operations
- Outbound operations
- Consuming ASDK SQL Adapter in Visual Studio
- Providing credentials
- Connecting to SQL Server URI properties
- Binding Properties
- Generating schemas
- ASDK SQL Adapter in the BizTalk Administration Console
- Inbound operations
- Outbound operations
- WCF-SQL vs. WCF-Custom adapter
- ASDK SQL adapter examples
- Example 1TypedPolling and debatching
- Example 2Select, Table Valued Function, and Execute Reader
- Example 3Query notification and multiple result sets
- Example 4Composite Operations
- Summary
- Supported operations
- 3. Integrating BizTalk Server and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- What is Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
- Why Integrate Dynamics CRM and BizTalk Server?
- Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM
- Integrating Directly with the Dynamics CRM 2011 SOAP API
- Querying Dynamics CRM from BizTalk Server
- Building the BizTalk components
- Configuring the BizTalk endpoints
- Adding New Records to Dynamics CRM from BizTalk Server
- Building the BizTalk components
- Configuring the BizTalk endpoints
- Querying Dynamics CRM from BizTalk Server
- Using a Dynamics CRM proxy service with BizTalk Server
- Setup
- Generating a proxy service
- Building the BizTalk components
- Configuring the BizTalk endpoints
- Integrating Directly with the Dynamics CRM 2011 SOAP API
- Communicating from Dynamics CRM to BizTalk Server
- Integration to BizTalk Server
- Setup
- Writing the Dynamics CRM plugin
- Registering the plugin
- Testing the plugin
- Integration to BizTalk Server
- Summary
- 4. WCF SAP AdapterSending and Receiving IDOCs
- Why do people use SAP?
- Why do people choose BizTalk to integrate with SAP?
- Challenges that BizTalk Developers may face
- Installation of WCF SAP Adapter
- 32-bit vs. 64-bit
- SAP Prerequisite DLLs
- WCF-SAP Adapter vs WCF Customer Adapter with SAP binding
- Supported SAP configurations
- IDOC schema generation
- What are IDOCs?
- How to generate IDOC schemas
- IDOC Deep Dive
- Building a BizTalk applicationSending IDOC
- Testing BizTalk Application
- Custom IDOCs
- Receiving a custom IDOC from SAP
- Testing BizTalk ApplicationReceiving custom IDOC
- Receiving flat file IDOCs
- Summary
- Why do people use SAP?
- 5. WCF SAP Adapter RFCs and BAPIs
- Overview of SAP RFCs and BAPIs
- RFCs
- RFCs/BAPIs vs. IDOCs
- Synchronous vs asynchronous
- Does an out-of-box interface exist?
- Are you trying to chain multiple events/processes together?
- Workflow
- Schema generation
- Outbound operations
- Inbound Operations
- Calling RFCs/tRFCs hosted in BizTalk
- Custom objects
- Transactions
- Custom vs. out-of-box RFCs/BAPIs
- Building a BizTalk applicationRFC walkthrough
- Testing BizTalk applicationRFC walkthrough
- Building a BizTalk applicationBAPI walkthrough
- Testing BizTalk applicationBAPI walkthrough
- Tips, pitfalls, and troubleshooting
- Summary
- Overview of SAP RFCs and BAPIs
- 6. BizTalk Integration with Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus
- What is Windows Azure AppFabric?
- AppFabric Access Control
- Problem scenarios
- The solution
- Service Bus
- Problem scenarios
- The solution
- AppFabric Access Control
- Publishing Service Bus messages to BizTalk Server
- Scenario description
- Building the BizTalk solution components
- Defining message schemas
- Exposing a service endpoint
- Building the Access Control Service Components
- Building the Token Validator WCF behavior
- Configuring the BizTalk Service to verify claims
- Building the service consumer
- Creating Service Bus Access Control permissions
- Reconfiguring a BizTalk solution to use Service Bus binding
- Reconfiguring the Service Consumer to use Service Bus Binding
- Publishing BizTalk Server messages to the Service Bus
- Scenario description
- Solution design
- Building the Access Control Service components
- Building the BizTalk solution components
- Configuring BizTalk Solution to use Service Bus bindings
- Summary
- What is Windows Azure AppFabric?
- 7. Integrating with SharePoint 2010
- SharePoint and BizTalk integration: Why SharePoint is better with BizTalk
- Capturing equipment replacement images
- Vehicle maintenance lists
- Field incident reporting
- Understanding the components of SharePoint and BizTalk integration
- Installation of Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Web Service
- FinalizeDocuments
- GetDocuments
- IsAlive
- PutDocuments
- Windows SharePoint Services Adapter configuration
- Receive Adapter
- Adapter Web Service port
- Archive File Location URL
- Batch Size
- Namespaces Aliases
- Polling Interval
- SharePoint Site URL
- View Name
- Send Adapter
- Adapter Web Service Port
- SharePoint Site URL
- Namespaces Aliases
- Microsoft Office Integration
- Template Document Library
- Templates Namespace Column
- SharePoint Columns
- Other Considerations
- Context Properties
- Windows SharePoint Services Adapter is a one-way adapter
- Receive Adapter
- Receiving documents from SharePoint
- Building InfoPath Form and SharePoint Forms Library
- Creating SharePoint view
- Creating SharePoint archive library
- Building the application
- Testing the application
- Sending documents to SharePoint
- Creating the SharePoint Forms Library
- Building the BizTalk application
- Testing the application
- Summary
- SharePoint and BizTalk integration: Why SharePoint is better with BizTalk
- 8. Integrating with SharePoint 2010 Web Services
- SharePoint List overview
- SharePoints List Web Services
- Consuming SharePoint List scenario walkthrough
- Creating Custom SharePoint List
- Custom List GUIDs
- Building BizTalk application
- Generating schemas for SharePoint Web Service
- Orchestration initialization
- Mapping SharePoint request
- SharePoint's unstructured responses
- ERP flat file
- Deploying and configuring the BizTalk solution
- Testing BizTalk application
- Other ways to integrate with SharePoint
- SharePoint Client Object Model
- SharePoint REST services
- Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
- Determining the right solution
- Summary
- 9. Microsoft Dynamics AX
- What is Dynamics AX?
- Methods of integration with AX
- Installing the adapter and .NET Business Connector
- Configuring Dynamics AX 2009 Application Integration Framework for BizTalk Adapter
- Synchronous walkthrough examplecurrency exchange rates
- Dynamics AX schemas
- Dynamics AX query message
- Dynamics AX create message
- Orchestration setup
- Port configuration
- Dynamics AX schemas
- Asynchronous walkthrough exampleDynamics AX message outflow
- Message setup
- Orchestration setup
- Port configuration
- Batch setup in Dynamics AX
- Using the .NET business connector
- Other development and configuration notes
- Development
- Configuration
- Maintenance
- Summary
- 10. Integrating BizTalk Server and Salesforce.com
- What is Salesforce.com?
- Why integrate Salesforce.com and BizTalk Server?
- Communicating from BizTalk Server to Salesforce.com
- Configuring the foundational BizTalk components
- Customizing Salesforce.com data entities
- Consuming the Salesforce.com WSDL in BizTalk Server
- Configuring BizTalk messaging ports to call Salesforce.com
- Testing the application
- Communicating from Salesforce.com to BizTalk Server
- Sending outbound messages from Salesforce.com to BizTalk Server
- Configuring a Salesforce.com workflow with Outbound Messaging
- Building the BizTalk recipient of the Outbound Message
- Triggering the outbound message from Salesforce.com
- Querying BizTalk Server from Salesforce.com
- Building the cloud-enabled REST service proxy
- Building a Visualforce page that consumes the cloud service
- Sending outbound messages from Salesforce.com to BizTalk Server
- Summary
- Index
- Назва: Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration. A practical guide to integrating Line of Business systems with BizTalk Server 2010
- Автор: Carl Darski, Thiago Almeida, Sergei Moukhnitski, Richard Seroter, Kent Weare
- Оригінальна назва: Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration. A practical guide to integrating Line of Business systems with BizTalk Server 2010
- ISBN: 9781849681919, 9781849681919
- Дата видання: 2011-07-18
- Формат: Eлектронна книга
- Ідентифікатор видання: e_3cg9
- Видавець: Packt Publishing