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- Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginner's Guide. Using the versatility and power of MATLAB to apply sophisticated effects to images and videos is easy for novice programmers in any language thanks to this fantastic guide. Also suitable for photographers and video-editors
Szczegóły ebooka
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Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginner's Guide. Using the versatility and power of MATLAB to apply sophisticated effects to images and videos is easy for novice programmers in any language thanks to this fantastic guide. Also suitable for photographers and video-editors
Whether you want to enhance your holiday photographs or make a professional banner image for your website, you need a software tool that offers you quick and easy ways to accomplish it. All-in-one tools tend to be rare, and Matlab is one of the best available.This book is a practical guide full of step-by-step examples and exercises that will enable you to use Matlab as a powerful, complete, and versatile alternative to traditional image and video processing software.You will start off by learning the very basics of grayscale image manipulation in Matlab to master how to analyze 3-dimensional images and videos using the same tool. The methods you learn here are explained and expanded upon so that you gradually reach a more advanced level in Matlab image and video processing.
You will be guided through the steps of opening, transforming, and saving images, later to be mixed with advanced masking techniques both in grayscale and in color. More advanced examples of artistic image processing are also provided, like creating panoramic photographs or HDR images. The second part of the book covers video processing techniques and guides you through the processes of creating time-lapse videos from still images, and acquiring, filtering, and saving videos in Matlab.
You will learn how to use many useful functions and tools that transform Matlab from a scientific software to a powerful and complete solution for your everyday image and video processing needs.
You will be guided through the steps of opening, transforming, and saving images, later to be mixed with advanced masking techniques both in grayscale and in color. More advanced examples of artistic image processing are also provided, like creating panoramic photographs or HDR images. The second part of the book covers video processing techniques and guides you through the processes of creating time-lapse videos from still images, and acquiring, filtering, and saving videos in Matlab.
You will learn how to use many useful functions and tools that transform Matlab from a scientific software to a powerful and complete solution for your everyday image and video processing needs.
- Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginners Guide
- Table of Contents
- Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginner's Guide
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Time for action heading
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz heading
- Have a go hero heading
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Basic Image Manipulations
- Getting acquainted with the MATLAB environment
- Default subwindows of the environment
- The Command Window
- The Current Folder window
- The Details window
- The Workspace window
- Default subwindows of the environment
- The ribbon
- The HOME tab
- The PLOTS tab
- The APPS tab
- The editor
- The EDITOR window
- Importing and displaying an image
- Importing and displaying an image using the command line
- Time for action importing and displaying an image
- What just happened?
- Importing and displaying an image using imtool
- Time for action using imtool to extract useful information
- What just happened?
- Applying geometric transformations
- Performing image rotation
- Time for action rotating an image and displaying the result
- What just happened?
- Performing image mirroring
- Time for action mirroring an image and displaying the result
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero using flipdim and comparing the results
- Resizing an image
- Cropping an image
- Saving an image
- Time for action cropping and resizing an image, then saving it as BMP
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero tailoring an image to suit your needs
- Pop quiz image processing in MATLAB
- Summary
- Getting acquainted with the MATLAB environment
- 2. Working with Pixels In Grayscale Images
- Accessing image pixels and changing their values
- Changing the pixel values of a square area using loops
- Changing the pixel values of a square area using indexing
- Writing and using scripts
- Time for action whiten an area and blacken another
- What just happened?
- Thresholding an image
- Image thresholding using for loops
- Image thresholding using indexing
- Image thresholding using im2bw
- Image thresholding using an automatic threshold
- Calculating and displaying histograms with imhist
- Histogram equalization for contrast enhancement
- Contrasting enhancement using imadjust
- Contrasting enhancement using imcontrast
- Adaptive histogram equalization using adapthisteq
- Custom functions for complex tasks
- Time for action using imtool to pinpoint differences
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero writing a function to enhance an image area
- Restoring old photographs
- Time for action restoring your ancestors' photographs
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz contrasting enhancement methods
- Summary
- Accessing image pixels and changing their values
- 3. Morphological Operations and Object Analysis
- The importance of binary images
- Time for action understanding the value of thresholding
- What just happened?
- Enlarging and shrinking a region of interest
- Time for action using dilation and erosion to refine ROIs
- What just happened?
- Choosing a structuring element
- Using strel to generate structuring elements
- Altering structuring elements from strel to suit our needs
- Time for action ROI refinement using strel
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero write a function to for local dilation/erosion
- More morphological operations
- Manually defining a non-rectangular ROI
- Using roipoly to make a mask
- Using imfreehand to make a mask
- Time for action making a custom object eraser function
- What just happened?
- Analyzing objects in an image
- Detecting edges in an image
- Detecting corners in an image
- Detecting circles in an image
- Pop quiz object analysis pros and cons
- Summary
- 4. Working with Color Images
- An introduction to color image processing
- Basic color image manipulations
- Setting a rectangular area to a specified color
- Time for action repainting two areas in a color image
- What just happened?
- Thresholding color images
- Time for action isolating the red pixels in an image
- What just happened?
- Achieving color masking
- Time for action color isolation
- What just happened?
- The importance of different color spaces
- Time for action color space transformation
- What just happened?
- CIE-L*a*b* for more efficient color masking
- Time for action color isolation using CIE-L*a*b*
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero writing a function for region color isolation
- Fixing illumination issues in RGB color images
- Fixing illumination issues in CIE-L*a*b*
- A practical example red eye reduction
- Time for action writing a function for red eye reduction
- What just happened?
- Taking advantage of eye circularity
- Time for action automating our function for red eye reduction
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz working with color
- Summary
- 5. 2-Dimensional Image Filtering
- An introduction to image filtering
- Processing neighborhoods of pixels
- The basics of convolution
- The ugly mathematical truth
- Time for action applying averaging filters in images
- What just happened?
- Alternatives to convolution
- Using imfilter
- Creating filters with fspecial
- Different ways to blur an image
- Time for action how much blurring is enough
- What just happened?
- Time to make art using blurring
- Time for action creating the bokeh effect in an image
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero add a motion effect in your image
- Removing noise using blurring
- Time for action trying to remove different types of noise
- What just happened?
- The importance of the median filter
- Time for action removing salt & pepper with medfilt2
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero denoising real images
- Bringing back the details
- Time for action enhancing the edges in our images
- What just happened?
- Brighten up the lights
- Time for action brighten up the lights in our soldier picture
- Pop quiz image filtering in 2-dimensions
- Summary
- 6. Mixing Images for Science or Art
- The importance of mixing or combining images
- Using multispectral imaging
- Loading and manipulating the multispectral images
- Time for action visible spectrum from a multiband image of Rio
- What just happened?
- Time for action working with invisible spectrums
- What just happened?
- Creating composite images
- Using imfuse to create a composite image
- Using imshowpair to inspect a composite image
- Time for action cloning the seagull
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero playing Warhol with your pictures
- One step beyond blending selected image regions
- Time for action directing a threatening scene
- What just happened?
- Creating High Dynamic Range images
- Time for action composing your own HDR images
- What just happened?
- Stitching images for the creation of panoramas
- Time for action basic approach to panorama stitching
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz image mixing details
- Summary
- 7. Adding Motion From Static Images to Digital Videos
- An introduction to digital videos
- The meaning of frames
- Interlaced versus progressive
- Frame rates and their importance
- Calculating number of frames
- Some thoughts on choosing frame rates
- Loading videos in MATLAB
- Loading videos with aviread
- Loading videos with mmreader
- Loading videos with VideoReader
- Choosing which function to use for video reading
- Playing back videos in MATLAB
- Time for action reading and playing back a video
- What just happened?
- Making videos from static images
- Time for action constructing and saving a video
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero make a video with a fade in/fade out effect
- Inspecting a video using montage
- Time for action don't wait for the ball
- What just happened?
- A tool just for your playback needs implay
- Using the GUI of implay
- Using implay to play a video file
- Using implay to play an image sequence
- Creating time-lapse videos
- Time for action time-lapsing a regular video
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero spinning our time-lapse
- Saving your time-lapse videos in a gif file
- Pop quiz image filtering in 2-dimensions
- Summary
- 8. Acquiring and Processing Videos
- Using MATLAB for digital video recording
- The Hardware Browser window
- The Information window
- The Desktop Help window
- The Preview window
- The Acquisition Parameters window
- The General tab
- The Device Properties tab
- The Logging tab
- The Triggering tab
- The Region of Interest tab
- The Session Log window
- Time for action capturing a video using a firewire connection
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero adding a trigger to our recording
- The importance of video compression
- Checking the size of an uncompressed video
- Checking the size of an MP4 video without any motion
- Checking the size of an MP4 video with high motion
- Working with uncompressed videos
- Working with large videos in postproduction
- Time for action making an edge detection video
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero getting the last chunk of frames processed
- Pop quiz what is the problem with our function?
- Acquiring frames for time-lapse videos
- Detecting your acquisition hardware
- Creating a video object and acquiring a frame
- Time for action using MATLAB as an intervalometer
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero creating a time-lapse creation function
- Real-time processing of time-lapse videos
- Time for action creating time-lapses with isolated colors
- What just happened?
- Real-time processing of normal videos
- Evaluating real-time capabilities with a simple example
- Time for action adjusting the contrast of the video
- What just happened?
- Revisiting the contrast adjustment example
- Time for action adding preview in our code
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero doubling the speed of our code
- Pop quiz acquiring and processing videos
- Summary
- Using MATLAB for digital video recording
- 9. Spatiotemporal Video Processing
- Basic video processing with MATLAB
- Cropping and resizing our video
- Time for action loading, cropping, resizing, and saving a video
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero adding rotation and more error-checking
- Filtering your video frames
- Time for action reducing the blocking effect
- What just happened?
- Deinterlacing videos in MATLAB
- Intra-frame filtering for deinterlacing tasks
- Deinterlacing with the Computer Vision System Toolbox
- Time for action deinterlacing a video using the vision toolbox
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero comparing the deinterlacing methods
- Deinterlacing with the custom functions
- Time for action deinterlacing with line repetition
- What just happened?
- Time for action deinterlacing with the scan line interpolation
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero comparing the deinterlacing methods
- Inter-frame filtering for the deinterlacing tasks
- Temporal deinterlacing by field merging
- Time for action deinterlacing with field merging
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero evaluating the field merge method
- Temporal deinterlacing by field averaging
- Time for action deinterlacing with field averaging
- What just happened?
- Mixing intra-frame and inter-frame deinterlacing
- Vertical and temporal interpolation for deinterlacing
- Time for action vertical and temporal interpolation method
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero Comparing deinterlacing techniques
- Adding a new dimension to the filters
- Spatiotemporal averaging filter
- Time for action implementing a spatiotemporal averaging filter
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero creating a spatiotemporal median filter
- Using convolution for spatiotemporal averaging
- Time for action spatiotemporal averaging filter with the convn function
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz videos and filters
- Summary
- Basic video processing with MATLAB
- 10. From Beginner to Expert Handling Motion and 3-D
- Detecting and estimating motion in videos
- Detecting motion
- Time for action detecting a moving object in a still scene
- What just happened?
- Time for action detecting motion in a complex scene
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero making your own surveillance system
- Estimating the motion
- Estimating motion using optical flow
- Time for action tracking people with Horn-Schunck optical flow
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero estimating optical flow using Lucas-Kanade
- Time for action warping frames using optical flow
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero making your own surveillance system
- Compensating camera motion using feature tracking
- Time for action tracking feature points for motion compensation of a shaky video
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero tweaking the settings of the stabilization demo
- Working with stereoscopic images
- Time for action creating a 3-D video from left and right videos
- What just happened?
- Time for action creating a 3-D video from a regular one
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero writing a function for 3-D video creation
- Pop quiz working with video frames
- Summary
- Detecting and estimating motion in videos
- A. Pop Quiz Answers
- Chapter 1, Basic Image Manupulation
- Pop quiz image processing in Matlab
- Chapter 2, Working with Pixels in Grayscale Images
- Pop quiz contrasting enhancement methods
- Chapter 3, Morphological Operations and Object Analysis
- Pop quiz object analysis pros and cons
- Chapter 4, Working with Color Images
- Pop quiz working with color
- Chapter 5, 2-Dimensional Image Filtering
- Pop quiz image filtering in 2-dimensions
- Chapter 6, Mixing Images for Science or Art
- Pop quiz image mixing details
- Chapter 7, Adding Motion From Static Images to Digital Videos
- Pop quiz image filtering in 2-dimensions
- Chapter 8, Acquiring and Processing Videos
- Pop quiz what is the problem with our function?
- Pop quiz acquiring and processing videos
- Chapter 9, Spatiotemporal Video Processing
- Pop quiz videos and filters
- Chapter 10, From Beginner to Expert Handling Motion and 3-D
- Pop quiz working with video frames
- Chapter 1, Basic Image Manupulation
- Index
- Tytuł: Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginner's Guide. Using the versatility and power of MATLAB to apply sophisticated effects to images and videos is easy for novice programmers in any language thanks to this fantastic guide. Also suitable for photographers and video-editors
- Autor: George Siogkas
- Tytuł oryginału: Visual Media Processing Using MATLAB Beginner's Guide. Using the versatility and power of MATLAB to apply sophisticated effects to images and videos is easy for novice programmers in any language thanks to this fantastic guide. Also suitable for photographers and video-editors.
- ISBN: 9781849697217, 9781849697217
- Data wydania: 2013-09-24
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cjs
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing