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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
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- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
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- Sekret
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- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
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- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
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- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
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- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Biznes i ekonomia
- E-biznes
- Magento Search Engine Optimization. You’ve built a great online store and all you need now are customers. This is where this invaluable tutorial comes in. Specifically written for Magento users, it uncovers the deep secrets of successful Search Engine Optimization
Szczegóły ebooka
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Magento Search Engine Optimization. You’ve built a great online store and all you need now are customers. This is where this invaluable tutorial comes in. Specifically written for Magento users, it uncovers the deep secrets of successful Search Engine Optimization
- Magento Search Engine Optimization
- Table of Contents
- Magento Search Engine Optimization
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Preparing and Configuring Your Magento Website
- Focusing on your keywords
- The role of the home page
- Structuring our categories for better optimization
- Optimizing our CMS pages
- Optimizing our titles, content, and meta information
- Adjusting our Magento configuration for SEO
- Default <head> settings
- XML sitemap
- Google Analytics
- Summary
- 2. Product and Category Page Optimization
- Optimizing titles and descriptions for the SERPs
- Adjusting our category titles and descriptions
- Adjusting our product titles and descriptions
- Optimizing our URL keys
- Layout and content considerations
- Category page layout
- Product page layout
- Optimizing our headings
- Optimizing product and category descriptions
- Additional tips for content
- Optimizing images and selling your product
- Implementing schema (rich snippets)
- Adding the schema.org markup to our templates
- Implementing social sharing for products
- Summary
- Optimizing titles and descriptions for the SERPs
- 3. Managing Internationalization and Multiple Languages
- Choosing the right domain structure for multiregional websites
- Store-specific configuration
- Translating URL keys
- Translating template content
- Avoiding duplicate content when translating pages
- Summary
- 4. Template/Design Adjustments for SEO and CRO
- Organizing our heading structure
- Changing our heading structure on the home, category, and product pages
- Integrating the breadcrumb and organization schema
- Adding structured data to our breadcrumbs
- Adding rel=next/prev to our category pagination
- Adding reviews directly onto our product pages
- Removing unwanted blocks from the checkout
- Summary
- Organizing our heading structure
- 5. Speeding Up Your Magento Website
- SEO benefits of a fast Magento website
- Magento configuration settings to increase speed
- .htaccess modifications
- Server-side performance and scalability
- Online tools to test performance
- Mage Speed Test
- Pingdom Website Speed Test
- Google Page Speed Insights
- Summary
- 6. Analyzing and Tracking Your Visitors
- An overview of e-commerce analytics reports
- Adding secondary dimensions and advanced filters
- Advanced segments
- Understanding Multi-Channel Funnels
- Assisted conversions
- Top conversion paths
- Adding events to track phone number clicks
- Universal Analytics
- Implementing and analyzing content experiments
- Summary
- An overview of e-commerce analytics reports
- 7. Technical Rewrites for Search Engines
- Additional .htaccess modifications
- Maintaining a www or non-www domain prefix
- Removing the /index.php/ path once and for all
- Redirecting /home to our domain
- Redirecting older pages
- Improving our robots.txt file
- Resolving layered-navigation duplicate content
- Summary
- Additional .htaccess modifications
- 8. Purpose-built Magento Extensions for SEO/CRO
- Installing extensions
- Popular SEO-specific Magento extensions
- SEO Suite Ultimate by MageWorx
- Google Shopping feed by Rocket Web
- Universal Analytics by Aromicon
- Magento WordPress Integration by FishPig
- AddThis by AddThis
- Creare SEO by CreareGroup
- Extensions to help improve CRO
- Turpentine by Nexcess
- One Step Checkout by OneStepCheckout.com
- Noteworthy extension developers
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Magento Search Engine Optimization. You’ve built a great online store and all you need now are customers. This is where this invaluable tutorial comes in. Specifically written for Magento users, it uncovers the deep secrets of successful Search Engine Optimization
- Autor: Robert Kent
- Tytuł oryginału: Magento Search Engine Optimization. You’ve built a great online store and all you need now are customers. This is where this invaluable tutorial comes in. Specifically written for Magento users, it uncovers the deep secrets of successful Search Engine Optimization.
- ISBN: 9781783288588, 9781783288588
- Data wydania: 2014-01-15
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cky
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing