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Augmented Reality with Kinect. If you know C/C++ programming, then this book will give you the ability to develop augmented reality applications with Microsoft's Kinect. By the end of the course you will have created a complete game
Microsoft Kinect changes the notion of user interface design. It differs from most other user input controllers as it enables users to interact with the program without touching the mouse or a trackpad. It utilizes motion sensing technology and all it needs is a real-time cameras, tracked skeletons, and gestures.
Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Microsoft Kinect programming with the C/C++ language. The book will cover the installation, image streaming, skeleton and face tracking, multi-touch cursors and gesture emulation. Finally, you will end up with a complete Kinect-based game.
Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Kinect programming, with a few interesting recipes and a relatively complete example. The book will introduce the following topics: the installation and initialization of Kinect applications; capturing color and depth images; obtaining skeleton and face tracking data; emulating multi-touch cursors and gestures; and developing a complete game using Kinect features.
The book is divided in such a way so as to ensure that each topic is given the right amount of focus. Beginners will start from the first chapter and build up to developing their own applications.
Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Microsoft Kinect programming with the C/C++ language. The book will cover the installation, image streaming, skeleton and face tracking, multi-touch cursors and gesture emulation. Finally, you will end up with a complete Kinect-based game.
Augmented Reality with Kinect will help you get into the world of Kinect programming, with a few interesting recipes and a relatively complete example. The book will introduce the following topics: the installation and initialization of Kinect applications; capturing color and depth images; obtaining skeleton and face tracking data; emulating multi-touch cursors and gestures; and developing a complete game using Kinect features.
The book is divided in such a way so as to ensure that each topic is given the right amount of focus. Beginners will start from the first chapter and build up to developing their own applications.
- Augmented Reality with Kinect
- Table of Contents
- Augmented Reality with Kinect
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Why Subscribe?
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started with Kinect
- Installation of Kinect
- Setting up your Kinect software on PCs
- Why did I do that?
- The idea of the AR-based Fruit Ninja game
- Summary
- Installation of Kinect
- 2. Creating Your First Program
- Preparing the development environment
- Building the Visual Studio project
- Starting the device
- Initializing and using Kinect in C++
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Summary
- Preparing the development environment
- 3. Rendering the Player
- Choosing image stream types
- Obtaining color and depth images
- Drawing color and depth as textures
- Understanding the code
- An incorrect way to combine depth and color
- A traditional way for background subtraction
- Understanding the code
- Aligning color with depth
- Generating a color image from depth
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Using a green screen with Kinect
- Making a magic photographer
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Summary
- 4. Skeletal Motion and Face Tracking
- Understanding skeletal mapping
- Obtaining joint positions
- Drawing the skeleton
- Understanding the code
- Drawing the linetrails following the hands
- Drawing the path for specified joints
- Understanding the code
- Face tracking in Kinect
- Detecting a face from the camera
- Detecting and drawing the face rectangle
- Understanding the code
- Constructing the face model
- Drawing the parametric face model
- Understanding the code
- Summary
- 5. Designing a Touchable User Interface
- Multitouch systems
- Locating the cursors
- Drawing cursors from two hands
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Common touching gestures
- Recognizing holding and swiping gestures
- Drawing cursors using two hands
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Sending cursors to external applications
- Emulating Windows mouse with cursors
- Understanding the code
- Summary
- 6. Implementing the Scene and Gameplay
- Integrating the current code
- Integrating existing elements in a scene
- Understanding the code
- Cutting the fruits
- Adding and handling fruit objects
- Understanding the code
- Playing the game
- Adding simple game logic
- Understanding the code
- Additional information
- Summary
- Integrating the current code
- A. Where to Go from Here
- libfreenect the pioneer of Kinect middleware
- OpenNI a complete and powerful Kinect middleware
- Free and open source resources
- Commercial products using Kinect
- Index
- Tytuł: Augmented Reality with Kinect. If you know C/C++ programming, then this book will give you the ability to develop augmented reality applications with Microsoft's Kinect. By the end of the course you will have created a complete game
- Autor: Rui Wang
- Tytuł oryginału: Augmented Reality with Kinect. If you know C/C++ programming, then this book will give you the ability to develop augmented reality applications with Microsoft's Kinect. By the end of the course you will have created a complete game.
- ISBN: 9781849694391, 9781849694391
- Data wydania: 2013-07-11
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cln
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing