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Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities. Master 12 must-use Oracle Database Utilities with this Oracle book and
Hector R. Madrid, Hector Rivera Madrid
Does your database look complicated? Are you finding it difficult to interact with it? Database interaction is a part of the daily routine for all database professionals. Using Oracle Utilities the user can benefit from improved maintenance windows, optimized backups, faster data transfers, and more reliable security and in general can do more with the same time and resources.
- Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
- Table of Contents
- Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewer
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code for the book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Data Pump
- Data Pump features
- Data Pump architecture
- Setting up the practical scenarios
- Data Pump export
- Data Pump export modes
- A simple Data Pump export session
- Data Pump export filtering operations
- Use of parameter file
- Retrieve original data
- Data Pump export space estimation
- Dump file multiplexing
- Transporting data among different versions
- Data Pump export interactive mode
- Data Pump restart capability
- Getting information about the export job
- Data Pump import
- Remap function
- Data Pump import network mode
- Improving performance with Data Pump
- Working with the Data Pump API
- Data Pump 11g new features
- Compression
- Encrypted dump file sets
- Enhancements for Data Pump External Tables
- Single partition transportable for Oracle Data Pump
- Overwrite dump files
- XML Datatypes
- Summary
- 2. SQL*Loader
- SQL*Loader basics
- Preparing the demo environment
- Our first simple load
- The SQL*Loader log file
- Fixed record size format load
- Variable record size format load
- Stream record format load
- Specifying a particular character set
- Load on the fly
- Direct path versus Conventional path load
- Direct path load pros
- Direct path load cons
- Loading Large Objects (LOBs)
- Loading multimedia files
- Resumable load
- Parallel load
- General performance booster tips
- Summary
- 3. External Tables
- The External Table basics
- Lets setup the environment
- A basic External Table
- Creating External Table metadata, the easy way
- Unloading data to External Tables
- Inter-version compatibility
- Data transformation with External Tables
- Extending the alert.log analysis with External Tables
- Reading the listener.log from the database
- Connect String
- Protocol
- Mapping XML files as External Tables
- Dynamically changing the external reference
- Oracle 11g External Table enhancements
- Summary
- 4. Recovery Manager Advanced Techniques
- Recovery Manager basics
- Getting started with a Recovery Manager session
- Format masks used by recovery manager
- What happens in a user-managed online backup?
- Myths related to the online backup method
- Configuring a multiplexed backup
- Configuring the RMAN recovery catalog
- A simple backup session
- Backup compression
- Fast backup compression
- Improving data set compression with the ZLIB algorithm (11g only)
- Faster backups through intra-file parallel backup and restore operations (11g only)
- Block media recovery
- Backup duration and throttling
- Database cloning
- Database cloning procedure
- Database cloning on the fly (11g only)
- Inter-platform database migration
- Migrate to and from an ASM environment
- General backup advices
- Summary
- Recovery Manager basics
- 5. Recovery Manager Restore and Recovery Techniques
- Oracle database recovery
- Instance failure
- Media failure
- Complete recovery
- Incomplete recovery
- Loss of data files
- Queries used to diagnose data files
- Loss of a non-critical datafile
- Loss of a temporary datafile
- Managing temporary datafiles
- Loss of a critical datafile
- Loss of redo log files
- Loss of the inactive redo log group
- Loss of the current redo log group
- Test restore
- Crosscheck command
- Nologging considerations
- Summary
- Oracle database recovery
- 6. Session Management
- User sessions in a dedicated server architecture
- Instance self registration process
- Blocking sessions
- Optimistic versus pessimistic locking
- Row lock contention monitoring
- Killing sessions
- Deadlock handling
- Sniped sessions
- Orakill
- Services
- Resource Manager
- Resource Manager Elements
- Configuring resources assigned to users
- Configuring resources assigned to services
- Creating the database user
- Service names definition
- Listener verification
- TNS entry configuration
- Resource consumer group creation
- Service mapping
- Resource plan definition
- Resource manager plan activation
- Testing and monitoring
- Active Session History (ASH)
- Session monitoring, the traditional way
- Summary
- User sessions in a dedicated server architecture
- 7. Oracle Scheduler
- Oracle Scheduler concepts
- Getting started with the Oracle Scheduler
- Required privileges
- Scheduling our first job
- Creating the job
- Specifying procedure arguments
- Enabling the job schedule
- Using Enterprise Manager
- Time expression syntax
- The repeat interval
- Regular schedule
- Combined schedule
- Exclude scenario
- Include scenario
- Intersect scenario
- Time expression examples
- Programs
- Creating programs manually
- Defining a program using Enterprise Manager
- Schedules
- Jobs and Job Classes
- Managing the Scheduler
- Enable or disable components
- Managing job logs
- Monitor a Job Execution
- Purging the job log
- Data dictionary related views
- Summary
- 8. Oracle Wallet Manager
- The Oracle Wallet Manager
- Creating the Oracle Wallet
- Enabling Auto Login
- mkwallet, the CLI OWM version
- Managing Wallets with orapki
- Oracle Wallet Manager CSR generation
- Storing the Oracle Wallet in the Windows registry
- Save Wallet to the registry
- Open the Wallet from the registry
- Save as to a different registry location
- Open the Wallet from the registry, save it to the file system and vice versa
- Delete the Wallet from the registry
- Configuring the Wallet location
- Storing the Wallet in an LDAP server
- Uploading the Wallet to an LDAP server
- Downloading the Wallet from LDAP
- Using certificates for authentication
- Public Key Infrastructure tools
- Using the Oracle Wallet to store database credentials
- Summary
- The Oracle Wallet Manager
- 9. Security Management
- Using the Oracle Wallet to encrypt backups
- Recovery Manager encryption
- Using the transparent mode
- Using the password mode
- Using the dual mode
- RMAN backup shredding (11g only)
- Data pump encryption
- Recovery Manager encryption
- The enterprise user
- Configuring the environment
- How Oracle SSO works
- Configure access to the LDAP directory
- Registering the database against the OID
- Shared schema
- Configuring the environment
- Summary
- Using the Oracle Wallet to encrypt backups
- 10. Database Configuration Assistant
- Database creation
- Database templates
- Database identification
- Management options
- Database credentials
- Storage options
- Database file locations
- Database content
- Initialization parameters
- Memory
- Character sets
- Connection mode
- Database storage
- Creation options
- Database edition
- Database template management
- Template management operations
- Creating a seed database out of a current database
- Database related file location
- Migrating a single instance database to RAC
- Automatic Storage Management configuration
- How to setup ASM using DBCA
- Select the Configure ASM option
- Run the localconfig shell script as root
- Set the SYS password and the ASM instance parameters
- Setup disk groups
- ASM disk group's validation
- Setting up ASM in a Windows environment
- ASM setup
- Disk layout
- Logical partitions
- Setup ASM
- DBCA, Batch mode
- DBCA response file example
- Where can you get a DBCA response file
- Summary
- 11. Oracle Universal Installer
- OUI basics
- OUI components
- Setting up a stage area
- DVD distribution
- Troubleshooting an installation session
- Oracle Universal Installer JRE
- OUI system requirements
- OUI basic and advanced installation modes
- OUI Basic Installation
- Licensed installed options
- OUI Advanced Installation
- Modes of installation
- OUI command line parameters
- Command line variables usage
- Silent installation mode
- The response file structure and syntax
- Customizing a response file
- Creating a response file out from an actual installation
- The Batch installation, step by step
- Creating a response file to perform a batch deinstallation
- The oraparam.ini file
- OUI return codes
- Installing Oracle from the Web
- Recovering a lost Inventory
- Cloning Oracle Home using OUI
- Summary
- OUI basics
- 12. Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
- Enterprise Manager Components
- Differences between EM DB Control and EM Grid Control
- Enterprise Manager configuration
- How to find out if the console components are currently installed
- Console setup prerequisites
- Configuring EM using DBCA
- Manually configuring Enterprise Manager with EMCA
- Manually assigning EM managing ports
- EMCA Command Line Interface
- EMCA commands
- EMCA flags
- EMCA general Command-Line Parameters
- EMCA backup parameters
- EMCA ASM parameters
- EMCA Cluster (RAC) parameters
- EMCA 10g Release 1
- EMCA 10gR1 syntax
- EMCA 10gR1 options
- EMCA 10gR1 parameters
- EMCA 10gR1 RAC parameters
- EMCA silent mode
- EM directory structure
- EMCA log files
- The SYSMAN configuration files
- The SYSMAN log files
- Environment changes
- Changing the IP address or host name
- Changing administrative passwords
- Changing SYSMAN password
- Changing DBSNMP password
- Securing Enterprise Manager
- Summary
- Enterprise Manager Components
- 13. OPatch
- OPatch
- Downloading the latest OPatch version
- OPatch requirements
- OPatch syntax
- OPatch options
- Oracle maintenance using OPatch
- Applying a single patch using OPatch
- Querying the Oracle inventory
- Rolling back a failed OPatch session
- Considerations after applying a patch
- OPatch in Oracle 11g
- Oracle Configuration Manager Registration
- Critical Patch Updates
- Find out the installed patches
- Critical Patch Advisory
- Hot patching (11g only)
- Troubleshooting OPatch
- PATH environment variable
- OPatch log files
- Using Enterprise Manager for software maintenance
- Enterprise Manager Metalink configuration
- Refresh from Metalink Job
- Downloading and staging patches
- The Patch Cache
- Managing Patches in EM 11g
- Patch Advisor
- Critical Security Patches
- Feature based patching
- View Patch Cache
- Patch prerequisites
- Stage patch
- Apply patch
- Patch Advisor
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities. Master 12 must-use Oracle Database Utilities with this Oracle book and
- Autor: Hector R. Madrid, Hector Rivera Madrid
- Tytuł oryginału: Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities. Master 12 must-use Oracle Database Utilities with this Oracle book and eBook
- ISBN: 9781847196293, 9781847196293
- Data wydania: 2009-06-26
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cn1
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing