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- Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013. Everything you need for understanding and working with Lync 2013 in a fast-paced manner
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Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013. Everything you need for understanding and working with Lync 2013 in a fast-paced manner
Lync 2013 is a product that enables users to IM, and have audio and video conferences, including multi-party video. The mobile client permits the use of all the features in every device with an access-from-everywhere logic. The company’s Active Directory users, SharePoint documents, and Exchange objects integrate with Lync to deliver most of the advanced features.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will give you all the relevant information you need to enable voice features, select the best Lync client in different scenarios, make your Lync services available to the external users, empower the collaborative environment of Persistent Chat Server rooms, and to build an affordable unified communication system.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will explore all the concepts you need to administer and plan a Lync 2013 environment in a short time, explaining the background mechanisms of the system.It begins with the deployment of a Lync frontend and SQL mirroring solution, including all the requirements and tips clearly laid out. It proceeds with the Front End pairing, mobility, and mediation server deployment with media bypass. It covers a core chapter about Enterprise Voice with a closing part on Persistent Chat and on clients with their characteristics.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will give you all the relevant information you need to enable voice features, and will help to select the best Lync client in different scenarios.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will give you all the relevant information you need to enable voice features, select the best Lync client in different scenarios, make your Lync services available to the external users, empower the collaborative environment of Persistent Chat Server rooms, and to build an affordable unified communication system.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will explore all the concepts you need to administer and plan a Lync 2013 environment in a short time, explaining the background mechanisms of the system.It begins with the deployment of a Lync frontend and SQL mirroring solution, including all the requirements and tips clearly laid out. It proceeds with the Front End pairing, mobility, and mediation server deployment with media bypass. It covers a core chapter about Enterprise Voice with a closing part on Persistent Chat and on clients with their characteristics.
Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 will give you all the relevant information you need to enable voice features, and will help to select the best Lync client in different scenarios.
- Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Installing a Lync 2013 Enterprise Pool
- Lync Server roles
- Additional servers for external user access
- Lync Edge
- Reverse proxy
- Installation steps and logic
- A schema of our example environment
- Infrastructure setup
- Deploying certificates and DNS
- Automatic client sign-in
- Topology building
- The Lync installation
- The first phase preparing Windows 2012 for Lync 2013 and installing core components
- The second phase preparing the Active Directory
- The third phase Lync deployment
- Preparing and publishing the Lync topology
- Installing Lync Server components
- Installing and assigning certificates
- Public certificates on the Lync Front End
- Infrastructure setup
- Summary
- Lync Server roles
- 2. Understanding Front End Pool Pairing
- Introduction to Front End pairing
- Associating Lync pools
- Failover and failback options
- Managing server failures
- Summary
- 3. Deploying Lync Mobility and External Users Access
- The DNS configuration
- The reverse proxy
- Web services running on the Lync Front End
- Lync Edge
- Preparing Lync Edge
- Configuring Lync Edge
- Copying the CMS on the Edge server
- Configuring for push notifications
- Summary
- 4. Introducing the Lync Mediation Server
- Configuring the Mediation server
- Configuring a collocated Mediation server
- Configuring a standalone Mediation server or a pool of Mediation servers
- Mediation server tasks
- Mediation server improvements in Lync 2013
- Media bypass
- Call admission control (CAC)
- SIP trunk deployment
- Summary
- Configuring the Mediation server
- 5. Getting Started with Lync Enterprise Voice
- Direct inward dialing
- Internal extensions users without DID
- Dial plans
- Off-hook dialing
- Voice policies
- PSTN usage records
- Voice routes
- Unassigned Numbers
- Call Park
- The logical process behind a call
- Summary
- Direct inward dialing
- 6. Deploying Persistent Chat Server
- Why Persistent Chat
- Persistent Chat Server installation
- Managing categories, chat rooms, and privacy
- Summary
- 7. Choosing Lync 2013 Clients
- What clients are available?
- Full client (Office 2013)
- Lync 2013 app for Windows 8
- Lync 2013 for mobile devices
- Lync Basic 2013 version
- Microsoft Lync VDI 2013 plugin
- Lync Online (Office 365)
- Lync Web App
- Lync Phone Edition
- Legacy clients
- Summary
- What clients are available?
- Index
- Tytuł: Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013. Everything you need for understanding and working with Lync 2013 in a fast-paced manner
- Autor: Fabrizio Volpe
- Tytuł oryginału: Getting Started with Microsoft Lync Server 2013. Everything you need for understanding and working with Lync 2013 in a fast-paced manner
- ISBN: 9781782179948, 9781782179948
- Data wydania: 2013-07-17
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cpe
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing