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Biznes i ekonomia
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Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
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- Mindfulness
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- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
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Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
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- C#
- Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting. Microsoft Dynamics GP lets you take control of creating and managing reports, and this guide shows you exactly how. Written by practical experts with business consultancy backgrounds, the book combines clarity with thoroughness
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting. Microsoft Dynamics GP lets you take control of creating and managing reports, and this guide shows you exactly how. Written by practical experts with business consultancy backgrounds, the book combines clarity with thoroughness
- Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting Second Edition
- Table of Contents
- Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Meeting the Reporting Challenge
- Trends in reporting
- Increased flexibility
- Reporting through all levels of an organization
- Increased access to the report generation process
- Challenges to developing and writing reports
- Intended audience
- Data sources
- Latency
- Formatting and presentation
- Ad-hoc reports versus traditional reports
- Security
- Network access and general IT infrastructure
- Developer resources
- Summary
- Trends in reporting
- 2. Where Is My Data and How Do I Get to It?
- System databases versus company databases
- System databases
- Company databases
- Dynamics GP table naming/numbering conventions
- Tables versus Table Groups
- Physical table naming/numbering conventions
- Alpha code
- Table type
- Setup Tables
- Master Tables
- Transaction Tables
- Cross Reference Tables
- Other Table types
- Identifying the Table type by the table naming convention
- Sequence
- Variant
- Locating Dynamics GP data using the Resource Descriptions windows
- Tables
- Fields
- Windows
- The Table Import utility
- Accessing data at the table level using SQL Management Studio
- Locating Dynamics GP data with additional tools
- Dynamics GP 2013 Software Development Kit
- Downloading the Software Development Kit
- Using the Software Development Kit
- The Support Debugging Tool
- Downloading the Support Debugging Tool
- Using the Support Debugging Tool
- Dynamics GP 2013 Software Development Kit
- Summary
- System databases versus company databases
- 3. Working with the Builders SmartList and Excel Reports
- Utilizing default SmartLists to meet basic reporting needs
- Structure of SmartList
- Basic SmartList concepts
- Narrowing our result list with search criteria
- Adding new columns
- Changing the number of records returned
- Modifying a dex.ini switch for faster export to Excel
- Extending SmartList data to Excel by deploying Excel Reports
- Deploying Excel Reports
- Maintaining security for Excel Reports
- Shared network folder permissions
- Database-level permissions
- Accessing and using Excel Reports
- Connecting to Excel Reports via Windows Explorer
- Connecting to Excel Reports via GP 2013
- Creating and publishing new SmartLists using SmartList Builder
- Understanding the SmartList Builder window
- Creating a new SmartList Object via SmartList Builder
- Deploying new Excel Reports with Excel Report Builder
- Understanding the Excel Reports Builder window
- Creating a new Excel Report via Excel Report Builder
- Additional tips and tricks for using both Builders
- Summary
- Utilizing default SmartLists to meet basic reporting needs
- 4. Report Writer and Word Templates
- Storing and accessing Report Writer reports
- Storing Report Writer reports
- Accessing Report Writer reports
- Setting the Dynamics GP launch file
- Setting security for custom/modified reports
- Opening and navigating the Report Writer windows
- Setting security permissions to use Report Writer
- Opening Report Writer
- Report Writer Resource windows
- Fields
- Data types
- Formats
- Pictures
- Strings
- Report Modification windows
- Report Definition
- Report Table Relationships
- Sorting Definition
- Report Restrictions
- Layout
- Properties
- Toolbox
- Modifying all reports in the application by using global modifications
- Data types
- Formats
- Pictures
- Strings
- Modifying an existing Dynamics GP report
- Common modifications
- Modifying a report adding aging periods to Payables Trial Balance Report
- Importing and exporting customized reports
- Exporting customized reports
- Importing customized reports
- Rendering reports with the Microsoft Word template feature
- Enabling Word templates
- Installing the Dynamics GP add-in for Microsoft Word
- Understanding the Word template modification process
- Modifying the presentation of a default Word template
- Applying simple formatting changes and password protection to an existing template
- Setting the default Word template for a company database
- Adding fields to an existing Word template
- Adding new fields to the Check Remittance template
- Using Word Template Generator to create additional Word templates
- Create a Word template for Summary GL Trial Balance
- Summary
- Storing and accessing Report Writer reports
- 5. Utilizing the SSRS Report Library
- Getting started with SSRS
- Prerequisites for SSRS
- Deploying SSRS reports and metrics
- Deploying predefined Reporting Services reports and metrics for Dynamics GP
- Using the predefined SSRS reports
- Viewing SSRS reports in the Dynamics GP report list
- Launching predefined SSRS reports directly from Report Manager
- Assigning and using predefined SSRS reports on GP forms
- Viewing charts and KPIs using Business Analyzer
- Installing and configuring Business Analyzer
- Using the standalone Business Analyzer client
- Using Business Analyzer from within the Dynamics GP client
- Configuring security for Reporting Services
- Assigning access to the Reporting Services website
- Setting up database security for predefined SSRS reports
- Modifying default reports with Visual Studio
- Creating a new reporting metric via Report Builder
- Summary
- Getting started with SSRS
- 6. Designing Your Analysis Cubes for the Excel Environment
- Understanding the components of the Analysis Cubes environment
- SQL Server Database Engine (data warehouse)
- Connecting to the data warehouse
- Understanding the tables in the data warehouse
- An SSAS database
- SSIS packages
- SQL Server Agent job
- Multiple tier installations
- SQL Server Database Engine (data warehouse)
- Installing Analysis Cubes
- Reviewing the preinstallation checklist
- Installing the Server Configuration Wizard
- Using the Server Configuration Wizard to deploy cubes
- Populating the data warehouse and processing cubes
- Granting security access to cubes
- Exploring the Analysis Services database
- Understanding objects in the Analysis Services database
- The data source view
- Dimensions
- Measure groups
- Cubes
- Security roles
- Advanced objects (KPIs, Translations, Perspectives, Partitions, and so on)
- Understanding objects in the Analysis Services database
- Modifying our Analysis Cubes environment
- Renaming existing attributes in a dimension
- Adding new attributes to a dimension
- Modifying the Account Category hierarchy by editing the GLAccountCategory table
- Adding GP budgets and forecasts to cubes
- Modifying the GLBudgetSetup table
- Adding the Budget measure to the Financials cube
- Considerations for upgrading Analysis Cubes for Excel
- Summary
- Understanding the components of the Analysis Cubes environment
- 7. Utilizing Analysis Cubes for Excel for Dynamic Reporting
- Using an OLAP viewer to connect to the SSAS database
- Creating a connection to cubes
- Creating a new connection
- Storing connection files locally or on a network share
- Repointing to a different data source
- Changing the data source for a single PivotTable
- Changing data sources for an entire workbook
- Using an existing connection to connect to a cube
- Excel PivotTable Analysis Cubes interface
- The PivotTable pane
- The PivotTable Field List
- The Fields Section
- Measure groups
- Dimensions
- Incompatible dimensions and measures
- The Areas Section
- The Fields Section
- Creating ad-hoc reports
- Using PivotTable design features to change report appearances
- Changing the Report Layout
- Applying styles to PivotTables
- Using slicers to filter PivotTable data
- Using PivotTable design features to change report appearances
- Utilizing Excel CUBE formulas
- Basic cube formulas
- Combining the CUBEVALUE and CUBEMEMBER formulas
- Building a top-10 table
- Creating the table
- Adding a chart for visual effect
- Basic cube formulas
- Creating dashboards from Analysis Cubes data a few thoughts
- The seven default cubes
- The Financials cube
- The Accounts Receivable cube
- The Accounts Payable cube
- The Sales cube
- The Purchases cube
- The Inventory cube
- The Analytical Accounting cube
- Summary
- 8. Designing Financial Reports in Management Reporter
- Management Reporter architecture
- Installing and configuring Management Reporter
- Installation overview
- Configuring Management Reporter Server components
- Importing companies
- Registering Management Reporter
- Management Reporter security
- Users
- Groups
- Companies
- Navigating the Management Reporter Report Designer interface
- The Menu bar
- File
- Edit
- View
- Format
- Company
- Go
- Tools
- Window
- Help
- The Navigation Pane
- The Menu bar
- Working with the Management Reporter building blocks
- Row definitions
- Column definitions
- Reporting Tree definitions
- Report Definitions
- Report
- Output and Distribution
- Headers and Footers
- Settings
- Improvements in Management Reporter 2012
- Tools for reducing building block sprawl
- Grouping building blocks in the Navigation Pane with the use of folders
- Creating building block groups in environments with multiple entities
- Finding and eliminating unused building blocks by using building block associations
- Summary
- 9. Viewing Financial Reports in Management Reporter
- Overview of Report Viewer for Management Reporter
- Report Library permissions
- Generating reports via Report Designer
- Navigating the Report Viewer interface
- Overview of the Report Viewer interface
- Menu bar
- File
- Edit
- Find
- Insert
- View
- Tools
- Window
- Help
- The Navigation Pane
- Menu bar
- Inserting external files to create report packages
- Understanding version control
- Overview of the Report Viewer interface
- Navigating reports via the Web Viewer
- Summary
- 10. Bringing it all Together
- Looking back at what weve covered
- Reporting trends and challenges
- Reporting tools for Dynamics GP
- Viewing our reporting tools in light of the reporting challenges
- Intended audience
- Data sources
- Latency
- Formatting and presentation
- Ad-hoc queries versus traditional reports
- Security
- Network access and general IT infrastructure
- Developer resources
- The future of reporting for Dynamics GP
- Summary
- Looking back at what weve covered
- A. Comparing the Dynamics GP Reporting Tools Against Different Reporting Challenges
- Index
- Tytuł: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting. Microsoft Dynamics GP lets you take control of creating and managing reports, and this guide shows you exactly how. Written by practical experts with business consultancy backgrounds, the book combines clarity with thoroughness
- Autor: Chris Liley, David Duncan
- Tytuł oryginału: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting. Microsoft Dynamics GP lets you take control of creating and managing reports, and this guide shows you exactly how. Written by practical experts with business consultancy backgrounds, the book combines clarity with thoroughness.
- ISBN: 9781849688932, 9781849688932
- Data wydania: 2013-10-23
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cpz
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing