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Lift Application Development Cookbook. If you want the ultimate in security for your web applications you need to know the Lift framework. This book lets you dive straight into a whole range of features and techniques thanks to its 50+ practical recipes

Lift Application Development Cookbook. If you want the ultimate in security for your web applications you need to know the Lift framework. This book lets you dive straight into a whole range of features and techniques thanks to its 50+ practical recipes

Gilberto T. Garcia Jr., Gilberto Tadeu Garcia Jun

Developing secure web applications is one of the most important tasks developers have to deal with. With Lift, it is easy to create solid and formidable web applications as it is the most secure web framework available today. The View-First approach and being able to handle things as purely data transformation, makes working with Lift an exciting task.

Lift Application Development Cookbook teaches you how to build web applications using this amazing framework. The book moves gradually, starting with the basics (starting a new project, submitting a form, and so on) before covering more advanced topics such as building a REST API and integrating your application with other technologies and applications.

Lift Application Development Cookbook takes you on a journey of creating secure web applications. Step-by-step instructions help you understand how things work and how various elements relate to each other.

You'll learn different ways to process a form, build dynamic HTML pages, and create an API using REST. You'll also learn how to work with relational and NoSQL databases and how to integrate your application with other technologies as well as with third-part applications such as Gmail and Facebook.

By the end of the book, you will be able to understand how Lift works and be able to build web applications using this amazing and exciting framework.
  • Lift Application Development Cookbook
    • Table of Contents
    • Lift Application Development Cookbook
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
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        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started with Lift Basics
      • Introduction
      • Creating a Lift application using SBT
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • Theres more...
        • See also
      • Creating a Lift application using Maven
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Defining a SiteMap
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Logging using logback
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Sending e-mails using Gmail's SMTP server
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
    • 2. Working with HTML
      • Introduction
      • Transforming HTML elements using their IDs
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Creating an HTML list using CSS selectors
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Creating an HTML table with dynamically defined columns
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Nesting snippets
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Dynamic menu rendering
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Localizing templates
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Testing snippets using Specs2
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Creating custom error pages
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Sending JavaScript commands from the server
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Invoking server-side functions from the client
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
    • 3. Working with Forms
      • Introduction
      • Creating forms
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Validating forms
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Creating an Ajax form
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Creating multipage forms
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Defining a relation between form fields
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
    • 4. Working with REST
      • Introduction
      • Getting data from the server
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Creating data using the REST service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Modifying data using the REST service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Deleting data using the REST service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Testing a REST service using Specs2
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Uploading a file using the REST service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Creating an RSS feed
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
    • 5. Working with Databases
      • Introduction
      • Configuring a connection to database
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also...
      • Mapping a table to a Scala class
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also...
      • Creating one-to-many relationships
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Creating many-to-many relationships
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Creating CRUD features with CRUDify
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Paginating result sets
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Using an in-memory database in application tests
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
    • 6. Working with Record
      • Introduction
      • Configuring a connection to a database using Squeryl
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Mapping a table to a Scala class
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Migrating the database using Liquibase
        • Getting ready...
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Creating one-to-many relationships
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Creating many-to-many relationships
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Paginating result sets using Record
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Testing your application using an in-memory database
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
    • 7. Working with MongoDB
      • Introduction
      • Connecting to MongoDB using record
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Mapping a MongoDB collection to a Scala class
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Mapping embedded objects
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Mapping referenced objects
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Querying with Rogue
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
    • 8. Integrating Lift with Social Media
      • Introduction
      • Signing up using a Facebook account
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also...
      • Fetching a user's Facebook data
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Signing up using a Gmail account
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Fetching a user's Gmail data
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Signing up using a LinkedIn account
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Fetching a user's LinkedIn data
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
      • Signing up using a Twitter account
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also...
      • Fetching a user's Twitter data
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Lift Application Development Cookbook. If you want the ultimate in security for your web applications you need to know the Lift framework. This book lets you dive straight into a whole range of features and techniques thanks to its 50+ practical recipes
  • Autor: Gilberto T. Garcia Jr., Gilberto Tadeu Garcia Jun
  • Tytuł oryginału: Lift Application Development Cookbook. If you want the ultimate in security for your web applications you need to know the Lift framework. This book lets you dive straight into a whole range of features and techniques thanks to its 50+ practical recipes.
  • ISBN: 9781849515894, 9781849515894
  • Data wydania: 2013-09-25
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cr1
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing