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- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
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- Controlling
- E-biznes
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Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
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- Biznes i Ekonomia
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Podręczniki szkolne
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- Teologia
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Poradniki do gier
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
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- Prawo Unii Europejskiej
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- Słowniki i encyklopedie
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- Zarządzanie
Przewodniki i podróże
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- Włochy
- Filozofie życiowe
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
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- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
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- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
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- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
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- Perswazja i NLP
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Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
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Kultura i sztuka
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- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
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- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
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Urządzenia mobilne
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jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide. This book and eBook is a comprehensive exploration of the popular JavaScript library
Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg, jQuery Foundation
If you are looking for a comprehensive reference guide to this popular JavaScript library, this book and eBook is for you.
To make optimal use of jQuery, it's good to keep in mind the breadth of capabilities it provides. You can add dynamic, interactive elements to your sites with reduced development time using jQuery.Revised and updated for version 1.4 of jQuery, this book offers an organized menu of every jQuery method, function, and selector. Each method and function is introduced with a summary of its syntax and a list of its parameters and return value, followed by a discussion, with examples where applicable, to assist in getting the most out of jQuery and avoiding the pitfalls commonly associated with JavaScript and other client-side languages.In this book you will be provided information about the latest features of jQuery that include Sizzle Selector, Native event delegation, Event triggering, DOM manipulation, and many more. You won't be confined to built-in functionality, you'll be able to examine jQuery's plug-in architecture and we discuss both how to use plug-ins and how to write your own. If you're already familiar with JavaScript programming, this book will help you dive right into advanced jQuery concepts. You'll be able to experiment on your own, trusting the pages of this book to provide information on the intricacies of the library, where and when you need it.This book is a companion to Learning jQuery 1.3. Learning jQuery 1.3 begins with a tutorial to jQuery, where the authors share their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm about jQuery to help you get the most from the library and to make your web applications shine.jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide digs deeper into the library, taking you through the syntax specifications and following up with detailed discussions. You'll discover the untapped possibilities that jQuery 1.4 makes available, and polish your skills as you return to this guide time and again.
To make optimal use of jQuery, it's good to keep in mind the breadth of capabilities it provides. You can add dynamic, interactive elements to your sites with reduced development time using jQuery.Revised and updated for version 1.4 of jQuery, this book offers an organized menu of every jQuery method, function, and selector. Each method and function is introduced with a summary of its syntax and a list of its parameters and return value, followed by a discussion, with examples where applicable, to assist in getting the most out of jQuery and avoiding the pitfalls commonly associated with JavaScript and other client-side languages.In this book you will be provided information about the latest features of jQuery that include Sizzle Selector, Native event delegation, Event triggering, DOM manipulation, and many more. You won't be confined to built-in functionality, you'll be able to examine jQuery's plug-in architecture and we discuss both how to use plug-ins and how to write your own. If you're already familiar with JavaScript programming, this book will help you dive right into advanced jQuery concepts. You'll be able to experiment on your own, trusting the pages of this book to provide information on the intricacies of the library, where and when you need it.This book is a companion to Learning jQuery 1.3. Learning jQuery 1.3 begins with a tutorial to jQuery, where the authors share their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm about jQuery to help you get the most from the library and to make your web applications shine.jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide digs deeper into the library, taking you through the syntax specifications and following up with detailed discussions. You'll discover the untapped possibilities that jQuery 1.4 makes available, and polish your skills as you return to this guide time and again.
- jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide
- Table of Contents
- jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide
- Credits
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewers
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Anatomy of a jQuery Script
- A dynamic table of contents
- Obtaining jQuery
- Setting up the HTML document
- Writing the jQuery code
- Script dissection
- Selector expressions
- DOM traversal methods
- DOM manipulation methods
- Event methods
- Effect methods
- AJAX methods
- Miscellaneous methods
- Plug-in API
- Summary
- A dynamic table of contents
- 2. Selector Expressions
- CSS selectors
- Element (T)
- Examples
- Description
- ID (#myid)
- Examples
- Description
- Class (.myclass)
- Examples
- Description
- Descendant (E F)
- Examples
- Description
- Child (E > F)
- Examples
- Description
- Adjacent sibling (E + F)
- Examples
- Description
- General sibling (E ~ F)
- Examples
- Description
- Multiple expressions (E, F, G)
- Examples
- Description
- Numbered child (:nth-child(n/even/odd/expr))
- Examples
- Description
- First child (:first-child)
- Examples
- Description
- Last child (:last-child)
- Examples
- Description
- Only child (:only-child)
- Examples
- Not (:not(E))
- Examples
- Empty (:empty)
- Examples
- Description
- Universal (*)
- Examples
- Description
- Element (T)
- Attribute selectors
- Attribute ([foo])
- Examples
- Attribute equals ([foo=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute does not equal ([foo!=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute begins with ([foo^=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute ends with ([foo$=bar])
- Examples
- Attribute contains ([foo*=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute contains word ([foo~=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute contains prefix ([foo|=bar])
- Examples
- Description
- Attribute ([foo])
- Form selectors
- Custom selectors
- Element at index (:eq(n))
- Examples
- Description
- Greater than (:gt(n))
- Examples
- Description
- Less than (:lt(n))
- Examples
- Description
- First (:first)
- Examples
- Description
- Last (:last)
- Examples
- Description
- Even element (:even)
- Examples
- Description
- Odd element (:odd)
- Examples
- Description
- Is parent (:parent)
- Examples
- Description
- Contains text (:contains(text))
- Examples
- Description
- Contains element (:has(E))
- Examples
- Description
- Visible (:visible)
- Examples
- Description
- Hidden (:hidden)
- Examples
- Description
- Header element (:header)
- Examples
- Currently animating (:animated)
- Examples
- Element at index (:eq(n))
- CSS selectors
- 3. DOM Traversal Methods
- The jQuery function
- $()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Parameters (fourth version)
- Parameters (fifth version)
- Return value
- Description
- Selector context
- Using DOM elements
- Cloning jQuery objects
- Creating new elements
- $()
- Filtering methods
- .filter()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- Using a filter function
- .not()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value
- Description
- Removing specific elements
- .has()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .eq()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .first()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .last()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .slice()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Negative indices
- .filter()
- Tree traversal methods
- .find()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .children()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .parents()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .parentsUntil()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .parent()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .closest()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .offsetParent()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .siblings()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .prev()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .prevAll()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .prevUntil()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .next()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .nextAll()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .nextUntil()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .find()
- Miscellaneous traversal methods
- .add()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value
- Description
- .is()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .end()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .andSelf()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .map()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .contents()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .add()
- The jQuery function
- 4. DOM Manipulation Methods
- General attributes
- .attr() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .attr() (setter)
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value
- Description
- Setting a simple attribute
- Setting several attributes at once
- Computed attribute values
- .removeAttr()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .attr() (getter)
- Style properties
- .css() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .css() (setter)
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value
- Description
- .height() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .height() (setter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .innerHeight()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .outerHeight()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .width() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .width() (setter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .innerWidth()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .outerWidth()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .offset() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .offset() (setter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .position()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .scrollTop() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .scrollTop() (setter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- .scrollLeft() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .scrollLeft() (setter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- .css() (getter)
- Class attributes
- .hasClass()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .addClass()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .removeClass()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .toggleClass()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value
- Description
- .hasClass()
- DOM replacement
- .html() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .html() (setter)
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .text() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .text() (setter)
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .val() (getter)
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .val() (setter)
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .replaceWith()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .replaceAll()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .html() (getter)
- DOM insertion, inside
- .prepend()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .prependTo()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .append()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .appendTo()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .prepend()
- DOM insertion, outside
- .before()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .insertBefore()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .after()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .insertAfter()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .before()
- DOM insertion, around
- .wrap()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .wrapAll()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .wrapInner()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .wrap()
- DOM copying
- .clone()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .clone()
- DOM removal
- .empty()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .remove()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .detach()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .unwrap()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .empty()
- General attributes
- 5. Event Methods
- Event handler attachment
- .bind()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Event handlers
- The event object
- Passing event data
- .unbind()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- Using namespaces
- Using the event object
- .one()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .trigger()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .triggerHandler()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .live()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Event delegation
- Caveats
- .die()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .bind()
- Document loading
- .ready()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Aliasing the jQuery namespace
- .load()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .unload()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .error()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ready()
- Mouse events
- .mousedown()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .mouseup()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .click()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .dblclick()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .toggle()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .mouseover()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .mouseout()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .mouseenter()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .mouseleave()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .hover()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .mousemove()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .mousedown()
- Form events
- .focus()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .blur()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .change()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .select()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .submit()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .focus()
- Keyboard events
- .keydown()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .keypress()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .keyup()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .keydown()
- Browser events
- .resize()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .scroll()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value
- Description
- .resize()
- Event handler attachment
- 6. Effect Methods
- Pre-packaged effects
- .show()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .hide()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .toggle()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .slideDown()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .slideUp()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .slideToggle()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .fadeIn()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .fadeOut()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .fadeTo()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .show()
- Customized effects
- .animate()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value
- Description
- .stop()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .delay()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .queue()
- Parameters (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value (first version)
- Return value (second and third versions)
- Description
- .dequeue()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .clearQueue()
- Parameter
- Return value
- Description
- .animate()
- Pre-packaged effects
- 7. AJAX Methods
- Low-level interface
- $.ajax()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Callback functions
- Data types
- Sending data to the server
- Advanced options
- $.ajaxSetup()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.ajax()
- Shorthand methods
- $.get()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .load()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- Loading page fragments
- $.post()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.getJSON()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.getScript()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.get()
- Global AJAX event handlers
- .ajaxComplete()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxError()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxSend()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxStart()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxStop()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxSuccess()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .ajaxComplete()
- Helper functions
- .serialize()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .serializeArray()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .serialize()
- Low-level interface
- 8. Miscellaneous Methods
- Setup methods
- $.noConflict()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.noConflict()
- DOM element methods
- .size()
- Return value
- Description
- .get()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .index()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value (third version)
- Description
- .size()
- Collection manipulation
- .each()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value (second version)
- Description
- $.grep()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.makeArray()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.inArray()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.map()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.merge()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.unique()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.extend()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.trim()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- $.param()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .each()
- Introspection
- $.isArray()
- Parameters
- Return value
- $.isFunction()
- Parameters
- Return value
- $.isPlainObject()
- Parameters
- Return value
- $.isEmptyObject()
- Parameters
- Return value
- $.isXMLDoc()
- Parameters
- Return value
- $.isArray()
- Data storage
- .data()
- Parameters (first version)
- Return value (first version)
- Parameters (second version)
- Return value (second version)
- Parameters (third version)
- Return value (third version)
- Description
- .removeData()
- Parameters
- Return value
- Description
- .data()
- Setup methods
- 9. jQuery Properties
- Global properties
- $.browser
- $.support
- $.support.boxModel
- $.support.cssFloat
- $.support.hrefNormalized
- $.support.htmlSerialize
- $.support.leadingWhitespace
- $.support.noCloneEvent
- $.support.objectAll
- $.support.opacity
- $.support.scriptEval
- $.support.style
- $.support.tbody
- jQuery object properties
- .length
- .selector
- .context
- Global properties
- 10. The Plug-in API
- Using a plug-in
- Developing a plug-in
- Object method
- Components
- Description
- Global function
- Components (first and second versions)
- Components (third version)
- Description
- Plug-ins with a single function
- Plug-ins with multiple functions
- Example: A simple print function
- Selector expression
- Components
- Description
- Object method
- Plug-in conventions
- Use of the $ alias
- Naming conventions
- API standardization
- 11. Alphabetical Quick Reference
- Selector expressions
- Methods
- Properties
- A. Online Resources
- jQuery documentation
- Official jQuery documentation
- jQuery API browser
- Adobe AIR jQuery API Viewer
- JavaScript reference
- Mozilla Developer Center
- Client-Side JavaScript Reference
- MSDN Reference
- Dev.Opera
- Quirksmode
- JavaScript Toolbox
- comp.lang.javascript FAQ
- JavaScript code compressors
- JSMin
- YUI Compressor
- Google Closure Compiler
- Packer
- JavaScript code decompressors
- Pretty Printer
- JavaScript beautifier
- (X)HTML reference
- W3C Hypertext Markup Language Home Page
- CSS reference
- W3C Cascading Style Sheets Home Page
- Mezzoblue CSS Crib Sheet
- Position Is Everything
- Useful blogs
- The jQuery blog
- Learning jQuery
- jQuery for Designers
- Ajaxian
- John Resig
- JavaScript Ant
- Roberts talk
- Snook
- Paul Irish
- NCZOnline
- I Can't
- DOM scripting
- Steve Souders
- As days pass by
- A List Apart
- Web development frameworks using jQuery
- jQuery documentation
- B. Development Tools
- Tools for Firefox
- Firebug
- Web Developer toolbar
- Venkman
- Regular Expressions Tester
- Tools for Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Developer Tools
- Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express
- dynaTrace AJAX Edition
- DebugBar
- Drip
- Tools for Safari
- Develop menu
- Tools for Opera
- Dragonfly
- Other tools
- Firebug Lite
- NitobiBug
- TextMate jQuery Bundle
- jQuerify Bookmarklet
- Charles
- Fiddler
- Sloppy
- JS Bin
- Bespin
- Aptana
- Tools for Firefox
- Index
- Tytuł: jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide. This book and eBook is a comprehensive exploration of the popular JavaScript library
- Autor: Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg, jQuery Foundation
- Tytuł oryginału: jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide. This book and eBook is a comprehensive exploration of the popular JavaScript library
- ISBN: 9781849510059, 9781849510059
- Data wydania: 2010-01-27
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3ctd
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing