Szczegóły ebooka

WebRTC Integrator's Guide. Successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently

WebRTC Integrator's Guide. Successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently

Altanai Bisht

  • 0. Preface
  • 1. Running WebRTC with and without sip
  • 2. Making a standalone webrtc communication client
  • 3. WebRTC with SIP and IMS
  • 4. WebRTC with Intelligent Networks ( IN ) and SS7
  • 5. WebRTC with PSTN networks
  • 6. Basic features of WebRTC over SIP
  • 7. WebRTC with Industry standard frameworks
  • 8. WebRTC and Rich Communication Standards (RCS)
  • 9. Native Sip application and interaction to webrtc client
  • 10. Other WebRTC Use Cases
  • Tytuł: WebRTC Integrator's Guide. Successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently
  • Autor: Altanai Bisht
  • Tytuł oryginału: WebRTC Integrator's Guide. Successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently
  • ISBN: 9781783981274, 9781783981274
  • Data wydania: 2014-10-31
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cud
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing