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Easy Web Development with WaveMaker. A practical, hands-on guide for amateur developers to design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications using WaveMaker

Easy Web Development with WaveMaker. A practical, hands-on guide for amateur developers to design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications using WaveMaker

Edward Callahan

Developers of all levels can now easily develop custom, responsive, and rich web application clients with secure, scalable servers utilizing relational databases and RESTful services using WaveMaker Studio. Whether you need a departmental business application or a form application for your weekend club, this book will show you how to design, develop, and deploy professional grade web applications with WaveMaker.

Easy Web Development with WaveMaker will help you use WaveMaker to design, develop, and deploy rich, responsive web applications, even if you are not a programmer. If you need to build a data-driven web application, but you only know ‘enough to be dangerous,' you need this book.

This book examines every angle of using WaveMaker to build applications, from dissecting examples to customizing, deploying, and debugging your own applications.

This book enables the non-professional programmer to become comfortable not only with using WaveMaker Studio itself, but also with the artefacts produced by the studio as well as the runtime and services provided by the WaveMaker framework. You will learn everything, from how customize the user experience with JavaScript and CSS to integrating with custom Java services and the Spring Framework server-side.

Easy Web Development with WaveMaker 6.5 is packed with examples, code samples, screenshots, and links to equip you to be successful with WaveMaker Studio.
  • Easy Web Development with WaveMaker
    • Table of Contents
    • Easy Web Development with WaveMaker
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started with WaveMaker
      • Setting up your workspace
        • Getting the right version
        • Being browser smart
        • Installing locally using a release package
        • Building a Studio from GitHub
        • Setting up the examples
          • Importing the database
      • Introducing CRM Simple
        • Exploring the sample application
      • Summary
    • 2. Digging into the Architecture
      • The big picture
      • Getting comfortable with the JavaScript client
        • Dojo Toolkit
        • Dojo made easy
        • Binding and events
        • Loading the client
      • Springing into the server side
        • Starting from web.xml
      • Client and server communication
      • Types
      • Studio is also an application
      • Summary
    • 3. Using Studio
      • Welcome to projects
      • Hello WaveyWeb
      • Adding services
      • Inserting components
      • The canvas
      • Working on the canvas
      • Source editors
        • The Script tab
        • The other source panels
        • The resource manager
      • The palette
      • The Properties panel
        • The page and project properties
      • Binding dialog
      • Using revision control software
      • Summary
    • 4. Designing a Well-Performing Application
      • Begin with the end in mind
      • Leveraging layouts
      • Screen-sizing strategies
        • Multiple versions of an application or all in one?
        • One screen for all devices
        • A screen for each screen size
        • The hybrid approach
      • Going faster
        • Using page containers effectively
        • How many page containers?
        • Reducing module loading
      • Optimizing the use of data and service calls
        • Beware of autoUpdate
        • Controlling the result set size
        • Client-side querying of variable results
        • Live views and related data
        • Lazy loading
        • Related editors
      • Summary
    • 5. Navigating towards Reusability
      • Navigation, layers, and page containers
      • Simple notifications
        • Alert!
        • Toast
        • Confirmations
        • Warn and prompt dialogs
      • Dialogs
        • Generic dialog
        • Loading dialog
        • The designable and page dialogs
      • Published page properties
      • Accessing components of a page container page
      • History and back button
      • URL management
      • Summary
    • 6. Styling the Application
      • CSS in WaveMaker
      • Tooled styling
      • Defining classes
        • Avoiding !important
        • Testing rules with dojo.query()
      • Themes
        • Subthemes
        • Managing themes
          • Importing and exporting themes
      • Importing CSS
      • Borrowing parts
      • Other styling tools
      • New in WM 6.6
      • Summary
    • 7. Working with Databases
      • Generating the data model
        • Importing an existing database
          • Importing the sample database
        • Creating a new schema
        • Exporting a schema
        • Making project-only schema changes
        • Examining the service
        • Customizing database services
        • Re-import
      • Live data components
        • Form creation using database objects
        • Dissecting the live panel
        • Related data
          • Live views
        • Query by example
      • HQL
      • Mixing HQL and live data
      • Calling SQL and stored procedures from Java
      • Summary
    • 8. Utilizing Web Services
      • Installing wsdl4j-bin.jar
      • Feed services
        • Binding the feed
      • SOAP
        • If service generation is not successful
      • REST
        • REST services returning XML
        • REST services returning JSON
          • The XHR proxy
      • Summary
    • 9. Custom Java Services
      • Java or web service
      • Adding a custom service
      • Dissecting the template class
      • The classpath
        • JAR and class files
        • Java source files
      • Using an external editor
        • NetBeans
        • Eclipse/STS
        • Compiling external edits
      • RuntimeAccess
        • Access other service beans
        • Server-side validation
      • Dependency injection
      • Logging
      • Summary
    • 10. Customizing the User Interface with JavaScript
      • Important warning for browser-executed code
      • Events
        • Asynchronous events
        • Event handlers
      • Binding expressions
      • Setting and getting values
        • JavaScript variables
        • wm.Variable
          • Simple types
          • EntryData
          • Complex types
      • Filters
      • Resources
        • The console
        • Trees
          • Completions
          • JS reference
          • JavaScript toString()
          • Source code
      • Summary
    • 11. Mastering Client Customization
      • Formatters
        • useLocalTime
        • Custom Function
      • DojoGrid
        • Display expressions
      • Custom columns
      • LiveForm
        • Validation
        • onBeforeServiceCall
      • Dynamic page content
        • Reflow
        • createComponent()
      • Custom components
      • Summary
    • 12. Securing Applications
      • Security in WaveMaker
      • Configuring security
        • Security providers
        • Roles
        • Setup Services
      • Widget RBAC
      • Multitenancy
      • The security service
      • Customizing the configuration
        • URL access
          • Page access control
        • Service operation access
          • Using code
          • Using XML
      • Securing runtime service
        • Disabling live saving
      • Troubleshooting
      • Summary
    • 13. Deploying Applications
      • Deployment requirements
      • Preparing for deployment
      • The deployment dialog
      • WAR/EAR
      • Tomcat
        • JVM configuration
        • Mod_proxy
      • Cloud deployment
        • Cloud Foundry
        • Amazon EC2
      • Summary
    • 14. Mobile Deployment
      • The mobile hybrid
      • Before you begin
      • Cordova API
      • PhoneGap build
        • Local build
        • Cloud build
        • Configuring the build
      • Uploading the ZIP
      • Customizing the ZIP file
      • Summary
    • 15. Debugging
      • General troubleshooting
        • Logging output
        • Clearing the cache
        • Resetting WEB-INF
        • Restarting the server
        • Undeploying old applications
      • Watching the network
      • Client
        • Logging
          • Built-in debugger
        • Developer tools
          • Closure Compiler
          • Chrome Developer Tools for WebKit
          • Tools for other browsers
          • Mobile debugging
          • Weinre
        • At the console
          • No this keyword
          • Debugger
          • Useful tool features
      • Server
        • Logging
        • Starting with JPDA
        • Attaching with Eclipse
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Easy Web Development with WaveMaker. A practical, hands-on guide for amateur developers to design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications using WaveMaker
  • Autor: Edward Callahan
  • Tytuł oryginału: Easy Web Development with WaveMaker. A practical, hands-on guide for amateur developers to design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications using WaveMaker
  • ISBN: 9781782161790, 9781782161790
  • Data wydania: 2013-07-26
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3cyd
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing