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DNS in Action. A detailed and practical guide to DNS implementation, configuration, and administration
Alena Kabelov?É?íÂ!°, Libor Dost?É?íÂ!°lek, CP Books a.s.
The Domain Name System is one of the foundations of the internet. It is the system that allows the translation of human-readable domain names into machines-readable IP addresses and the reverse translation of IP addresses into domain names. This book describes the basic DNS protocol and its extensions; DNS delegation and registration, including for reverse domains; using DNS servers in networks that are not connected to the internet; and using DNS servers on firewall machines. Many detailed examples are used throughout the book to show perform various configuration and administration tasks.
- DNS in Action
- Table of Contents
- DNS in Action
- Credits
- About the Authors
- Preface
- What This Book Covers
- What You Need for This Book
- Conventions
- Reader Feedback
- Customer Support
- Errata
- Questions
- 1. Domain Name System
- 1.1 Domains and Subdomains
- 1.2 Name Syntax
- 1.3 Reverse Domains
- 1.4 Domain 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa
- 1.5 Zone
- 1.5.1 Special Zones
- 1.6 Reserved Domains and Pseudodomains
- 1.7 Queries (Translations)
- 1.7.1 Round Robin
- 1.8 Resolvers
- 1.8.1 Resolver Configuration in UNIX
- 1.8.2 Resolver Configuration in Windows
- 1.9 Name Server
- 1.10 Forwarder Servers
- 2. DNS Protocol
- 2.1 Resource Records
- 2.2 DNS Protocol
- 2.3 DNS Query
- 2.3.1 DNS Query Packet Format
- 2.3.2 DNS Query Packet Header
- 2.3.3 Question Section
- 2.3.4 The Answer Section, Authoritative Servers, and Additional Information
- 2.3.5 Compression
- 2.3.6 Inverse Query
- 2.3.7 Methods of RR Transfer via a DNS Packet
- 2.3.8 Communication Examples
- Example of a Nonexistent RR Query and the Answer
- Example of Communication with a Root Server
- Example of Communication with the ns1.volny.cz DNS Server
- An Example of TCP usage
- An Example Illustrating the use of the nslookup Program to Find Out Communication Content
- 3. DNS Extension
- 3.1 DNS Update
- 3.1.1 Header Section
- 3.1.2 Zone Section
- 3.1.3 Prerequisite Section
- 3.1.4 Update Section
- 3.1.5 Additional Data Section
- 3.1.6 Journal File
- 3.1.7 Notes
- 3.2 DNS Notify
- 3.2.1 Notify Message
- 3.3 Incremental Zone Transfer
- 3.3.1 Request Format
- 3.3.2 Reply Format
- 3.3.3 Purging
- 3.3.4 Examples from RFC 1995
- 3.4 Negative Caching (DNS NCACHE)
- 3.4.1 How Long are Negative Answers Stored in Memory?
- 3.4.2 The MINIMUM Field in an SOA Record
- 3.4.3 Saving Negative Reply Rules
- 3.5 DNS IP version 6 Extension
- 3.5.1 AAAA Records
- 3.5.2 A6 Records
- 3.5.3 Reverse Domains
- 3.5.4 DNAME Records
- 3.6 DNS Security Protocols
- 3.6.1 DNSsec
- 3.6.2 KEY Record
- 3.6.3 SIG Record
- 3.6.4 NXT Record
- 3.6.5 Zone Signature
- 3.6.6 Display Data
- 3.6.7 DNS Protocol
- 3.7 TSIG
- 3.7.1 TKEY
- 3.8 Saving Certificates to DNS
- 3.1 DNS Update
- 4. Name Server Implementation
- 4.1 DNS Database
- 4.2 RR Format
- 4.2.1 SOA Records
- 4.2.2 A Records
- 4.2.3 CNAME Records
- 4.2.4 HINFO and TXT Records
- 4.2.5 NS Records
- 4.2.6 MX Records
- 4.2.7 PTR Records
- 4.2.8 SRV Records
- 4.2.9 $ORIGIN
- 4.2.10 $INCLUDE
- 4.2.11 Asterix (*) in a DNS Name
- 4.3 Name Server Implementation in BIND
- 4.3.1 named Program in BIND Version 4 System
- 4.3.2 New Generation BIND
- Configuration File
- Configuration File Statements
- Examples of Name Server Configuration
- Comments
- acl Statement
- address_match_list
- controls Statement
- include Statement
- key Statement
- logging Statement
- options Statement
- Parameters of the options Statement
- File Specification
- Boolean Options
- Forwarding
- Name Check
- Access Control
- Interfaces
- Zone Transfer
- Periodic Task Intervals
- server Statement
- trusted-key Statement
- view Statement
- zone Statement
- DNS Database
- $TTL Statement
- $GENERATE Statement
- Lightweight Resolver
- How does this Mechanism Function?
- lwres Statement
- Configuration File
- 4.4 Microsofts Native Implementation of DNS in Windows 2000/2003
- 5. Tools for DNS Debugging and Administration
- 5.1 Tools for DNS Debugging
- 5.1.1 Check Configuration Files
- 5.1.2 named-checkconf Utility
- 5.1.3 named-checkzone Utility
- 5.1.4 nslookup Program
- Debugging Mode
- Debug Debugging Level
- d2 Debugging Level
- Change of the Default Name Server
- Zone Extract
- Simulation of Queries from a Name Server
- Error Messages of the nslookup Program
- 5.1.5 Other Programs Used for Debugging DNS
- The dnswalk Program
- The dig Program
- 5.2 The rndc Program
- 5.2.1 Signals
- HUP Signal
- INT Signal
- IOT Signal
- TERM Signal
- KILL Signal
- USR1 and USR2 Signals
- 5.2.1 Signals
- 5.3 Errors in DNS Configuration
- 5.1 Tools for DNS Debugging
- 6. Domain Delegation and Registration
- 6.1 Example 1
- 6.1.1 Server ns.company.tld
- 6.1.2 Server ns.provider.net
- 6.1.3 Server ns.manager-tld.tld
- 6.2 Example 2
- 6.2.1 Server ns.company.com
- 6.2.2 Server ns.branch.company.tld
- 6.3 Domain Registration
- 6.1 Example 1
- 7. Reverse Domain Delegation
- Server ns.company.com
- Server ns.provider.net
- Server ns.ripe.net (authoritative server for a superior domain)
- Server ns.company.com
- Server ns.branch.company.com
- 8. Internet Registry
- 8.1 International Organizations
- 8.2 Regional Internet Registry (RIR)
- 8.3 IP Addresses and AS Numbers
- 8.4 Internet Registry
- 8.4.1 Registration of a Local IR
- 8.5 Delegation of Second-Level Domains
- 9. DNS in Closed Intranets
- 9.1 Configuring a Root Name Server on the Same Server (BIND Version 4)
- 9.2 Configuring a Root Name Server on a Separate Server (BIND Version 4)
- 9.2.1Configuring a Name Server for the Root Domain
- 9.2.2Configuring Name Servers for company.com
- 9.3 Root DNS Server in Windows 2000/2003
- 10. DNS and Firewall
- 10.1 Shared DNS for Internet and Intranet
- 10.1.1 The Whole Internet is Translated on the Intranet
- 10.1.2 Only Intranet Addresses are Translated on Intranet
- 10.2 Name Server Installed on Firewall
- 10.2.1 Translation in IntranetWhole Internet
- 10.2.2 Translation in Intranet without Internet Translation
- 10.3 Dual DNS
- 10.4 End Remarks
- 10.1 Shared DNS for Internet and Intranet
- A. Country Codes and RIRs
- Index
- Tytuł: DNS in Action. A detailed and practical guide to DNS implementation, configuration, and administration
- Autor: Alena Kabelov?É?íÂ!°, Libor Dost?É?íÂ!°lek, CP Books a.s.
- Tytuł oryginału: DNS in Action. A detailed and practical guide to DNS implementation, configuration, and administration
- ISBN: 9781847190635, 9781847190635
- Data wydania: 2006-04-05
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3d1k
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing