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IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud. Build a comprehensive web portal for your company with a complete coverage of all the project lifecycle stages with this book and

IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud. Build a comprehensive web portal for your company with a complete coverage of all the project lifecycle stages with this book and

Chelis Camargo, Helmar Martens

IBM WebSphere® Portal is a cost- effective, scalable, and proven solution for the portal enterprise space. Given the depth and the breadth of WebSphere Portal and the challenges of developing a portal project, you need a book that covers all the nuances of the entire portal project lifecycle. This book accomplishes just that.
In this book, we cover topics that range from portal assessment, governance, and architecture, to design and development. These topics are covered not only within these traditional areas, but also within the cloud environment context. Keeping both contexts in mind, several chapters are dedicated to portal and portlet testing, troubleshooting, performance monitoring, best practices, and tuning. The cloud option is also analyzed and discussed for hosting, developing, and publishing portal applications. We also cover Web Experience Factory (WEF) as the tool of choice for portlet development. We take you from the introduction to the development of advanced portlets in an intuitive and efficient manner. We cover not only common topics, such as builders, models, and user interface development, but also advanced topics, such as Dojo builders, Ajax techniques, and WEF performance.
Within the WEF space, we cover other topics, which have never been covered before by any other competing book. You will learn how to develop multichannel applications, including web mobile applications and you will learn about the model types available for portlet development, including when and how to utilize them. We also present and discuss numerous aspects and facets of implementing a WEF project and what it takes to successfully deliver them.
The richness and the profundity of the topics combined with an intuitive and well-structured presentation of the chapters will provide you with all the information you need to master your skills with the IBM WebSphere Portal project lifecycle and Web Experience Factory.
  • IBM WebSphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud
    • Table of Contents
    • IBM WebSphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud
    • Credits
    • Foreword
    • About the Authors
    • About the Reviewers
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
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        • Errata
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        • Questions
    • 1. Portal Assessment
      • IBM WebSphere Portal (WP), IBM Web Experience Factory (WEF), and the cloud
      • SaaS/IaaS/PaaS cloud engagement models
      • Getting startedcase study
        • Step 1 background, objective, and approach
        • Step 2 business need and portal alignment:
          • Business value alignment
          • Business drivers and current state
            • Current state, future state, and a road map
          • Current state pain points and how portal capabilities can fill the gap
        • Step 3 A "Day-in-the-Life" demonstration
        • Step 4 the financial case
        • Step 5 recommendations and next steps POV
      • Cloud use cases applied
        • Cloud approach with IBM enterprise SmartCloud initial high-level tasks
        • Cloud approach with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) initial high-level tasks
      • Portal and Cloudonomics sense
      • Summary
    • 2. Portal Governance: Adopting the Mantra of Business Performance through IT Execution
      • Social and technical evolution
      • Five steps to governance
        • Establish a sense of urgency
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Create the guiding coalition
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Develop a vision strategy
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Communicate the changed vision
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Empower broad-based action
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
      • Portal governance best practices
        • Formulate a portal governance committee
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Obtain Executive Sponsorship
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Establish a Portal Center of Excellence
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Develop governance effectiveness metrics
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Time to develop and release new portal artifacts A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Adopt and adapt portal governance
          • A2Z Bullion Bank action
        • Adopting virtual portals A2Z Bullion Bank action
          • Typical portal roles
      • Value interests
      • Summary
    • 3. Portal Requirements Engineering
      • The discipline of requirements and requirements as a discipline
        • List users, existing systems, and functional requirements
        • Derive actors and use cases to create the use case model
          • Storyboard or wireframes
        • Inventory-large reusable assets
        • Identify delta use cases
        • Document nonfunctional requirements
          • Portal call center channel
          • Portal self-service (core banking) channel
          • Workload distribution
        • Validate requirements with the customer
      • Summary
    • 4. Portal Architecture: Analysis and Design
      • Cloud architectural model
      • Portal architectural decisions
      • Information architecture wireframes and storyboards
        • Portlet
        • Portlet view
        • Transition data
        • POM and service design conceptual overview
        • Service to data design overview best practice artifacts
      • Enterprise reference architecture simplifying complexity with DataPower and all handlers
      • A2Z banking reference and portal application architecture
      • A2Z call center reference and portal application architecture
      • Cloud as the fabric for resilient architecture
      • Architecting for nonfunctional requirements
      • Summary
    • 5. Portal Golden and Cloud Architecture
      • Reusable architecture assets and IBM Portal Accelerators
        • IBM Accelerators for IBM WebSphere Portal
        • IBM Retail Banking Template for WebSphere Portal (v2.0)
        • IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator
        • IBM Dashboard Accelerator
        • IBM Collaboration Accelerator
        • IBM Content Accelerator
        • Portlet Catalog and Lotus Greenhouse
      • Cloud execution environment and architectural model for cloud computing IBM cloud reference architecture
      • Highly available portal golden and SOA reference architecture
      • Virtual portals, realms, and cluster partitioning
      • Portal collaboration, pervasive, and voice runtime architectures
      • Portal security architecture
        • Single Sign-On (SSO) patterns
      • Portal architecture and performance modeling cloud and traditional paradigms
      • Portal operational model and workload analysis
      • IBM lab tools mainframe and distributed
        • IBM zCP3000
        • IBM Automatic Model Building using InferENCE (AMBIENCE)
      • Commercial solutions and tools mainframe and distributed
        • CA HyPerformix
        • BMC
      • Cloud capacity planning IBM SmartCloud Monthly Cost Estimator
      • Cloud capacity planning Amazon Monthly Calculator
      • Test architecture and test data governance
        • Architecture assessment and operational technical readiness review
      • Summary
    • 6. Portal Build, Deployment, and Release Management
      • Portal build, deployment, and release management
      • Best practices and Jazz-enabled staging
      • Portal tools
        • XMLAccess
        • ReleaseBuilder
        • Site management tool
        • Subsequent releases
        • Release scenarios
        • Portal scripting
        • Manual steps prior to using ReleaseBuilder
      • WEF and WP environment high-level release steps
        • Step 1 Initial release preparing the source environment
        • Step 2 building the release
        • Step 3 preparing the target environment
        • Step 4 importing the release
        • Step 5 post-transfer actions
        • Building a portlet WAR for production
          • Excluding files from a published WAR
            • Using the .excludeFromServer file
            • Global exclude across all projects
            • Exclude on a project-by-project basis
            • Using the **/nodeploy** directory
        • Publishing to the JSR 286 portal container
      • Portlet deployment
        • Checklist for portal artifacts
        • Checklist for WEF-related JARs
        • web.xml processing and templates
        • web.xml template files
        • The WEB-INF\web.xml file
        • web.xml processing at project creation and publishing
        • Other things that impact web.xml
        • Themes and skins deployment
      • Portal resources management via policies
      • Publishing to a remote AMI instance on the Amazon Cloud
      • Cloud-enabled environment provisioning, deployment, and release management with IBM Workload Deployer
      • Summary
    • 7. Introduction to Web Experience Factory
      • What is Web Experience Factory?
      • Key benefits of using Web Experience Factory for portlet development
      • The development environment
      • Key components of WEF builders, models, and profiles
        • Builders
          • Simple and complex builders
          • The face of builders
          • Builder artifacts
          • Inspecting content created by builders
        • Models
          • Modeling
          • Code generation versus software automation
        • Profiles
      • Regeneration engine
      • Creating a WEF project
      • Creating your first Portlet
      • Executing your portlet from the designer
      • Deploying your portlet
      • Summary
    • 8. Service Layers
      • The Service Consumer and Service Provider patterns in WEF
      • Service builders
      • Creating a service model
        • Explaining the Service Definition builder inputs
        • Creating sample data for the Service Provider model
          • Explanation about Simple Schema Generator builder inputs
        • Emulating the data retrieval
        • Creating a service operation
      • Testing the Service Provider models
      • Revisiting the Logical Operations
      • Invoking the Service Provider model from the Service Consumer model
      • Summary
    • 9. Invoking Web Services
      • Portal projects leveraging web services
      • The Web Service Call builder
        • General
        • Request Parameters
        • Request SOAP Header
        • Service Information
        • WS-Security
        • Advanced
      • Web service inputs from other builders
      • Sample model
      • Data transformation and manipulation of service response
      • The transform builders
      • IXml Java interface
      • Summary
    • 10. Building the Application User Interface
      • Choosing the right builders to create the UI
      • Understanding how WEF builds UI
        • Data-driven development approach
          • Modifying the content created by WEF
            • Modification through builders and the Design pane
            • Modification through the HTML code
      • High-level and low-level builders
      • Data Service User Interface builder
        • Creating a simple database Service Provider model
        • Working with the Data Services User Interface builder
          • Data Services User Interface overview
            • General
            • List Page Settings
            • Settings for the Create and Update Page
            • Page-to-Page Navigation
            • Label Translation Settings
        • Building the Data Services User Interface sample model
          • General
          • List Page Settings
          • Settings for the Create and Update Page
          • Page to Page Navigation
          • Label Translation Settings
          • Paging
          • Table
          • Update
      • Modifying the generated application
        • Design panel
          • Rich Data Definition builder
          • Theme builder
          • Modifier builders
            • Modify the base pages used by high-level builders
      • HTML Templates in WEF
      • Summary
    • 11. The Dojo Builders and Ajax
      • What is Dojo and Ajax
        • The problem
        • The solution
      • The benefits of using Dojo and Ajax in portal development
      • The Dojo and Ajax related builders
      • Dojo Rich Text Editor sample
        • Creating the model
        • Adding the builders
        • Adding the variables
        • Adding the Dojo builders
        • Adding the Text builders
        • Adding the processing section
        • Testing the model
        • Implementing Post-Action for partial page refresh
      • Dojo Tree builder sample
        • Client Event Handler
      • Summary
    • 12. WEF Profiling
      • Profiling
        • Defining some WEF profiling terms
        • Profile selection handler
      • Profile set editor
        • The Manage Profiles tab
        • The Entries tab
        • Select handler
      • Profiling sample
      • Sample portlet exposing profiles through the portals Configure option
        • Creating a profile set
        • Profile-enabling builder inputs
        • Providing values to profile entries
        • Testing profiling from the designer
          • Testing the sample portlet in the designer
        • The Portlet Adapter builder
        • Creating a portal page
        • Placing the portlet on the Sales page
        • Exposing the individual values in portal
      • Role-based profiling
        • Building portlet for role-based profiling
        • Profile set for role-based profiling
        • WebSphere Portal configuration for role-based profiling
        • Endless possibilities with profiling
      • Summary
    • 13. Types of Models
      • One portlet, many models
        • Summary of the model types
      • Model types demystified
        • User interface models
          • The Rule of 50
          • The Portlet Adapter builder
        • Service models
        • Imported models
          • Sample scenario for imported model
        • Base models
        • Configuring imported models through profiling
        • Model container
        • Linked models
      • Summary
    • 14. WEF and Mobile Web Applications
      • Mobile devices
      • Desktop applications versus mobile web applications
      • WEF handling of mobile web applications
        • Mobile web application sample
        • A2Z web mobile strategy
          • Requirements
          • Expected outcome
        • Multichannel web application sample
          • Adding variables to your application
          • Adding pages to your application
          • Adding profile set to your application
          • Adding more builders to your application
          • Testing your application
          • Adding header and links
          • Adding the Data Page and Data Layout builders to your application
          • Testing the final version of your application
          • Testing your application on an iPhone simulator
          • Expanding the sample model
      • Summary
    • 15. How to Implement a Successful Portal Project with WEF
      • Planning for success
      • Required skills for developing a portlet with WEF
        • Difference between a portal project and a JEE project
        • Successful WEF project requires experienced WEF developers
        • Training and mentoring
        • Hiring or contracting an experienced portal architect/WEF developer
      • Development environment
        • WebSphere Portal Server installation
        • WebSphere Portal Server Community Edition WAS CE
        • Development IDE
          • WEF on Eclipse
          • WEF on RAD
        • Source control with WEF
        • Avoiding merging of model files
      • XMLAccess scripts
      • Roles, permissions, access level
        • Authentication versus authorization
        • Portal resources versus portlet resources
        • Portlet resources and WEF
      • Development of POCs or prototypes
        • Benefits to the product management and business analysis teams
        • Benefits to the portal architecture and development teams
      • WEF project folder structure
        • Folder structure for the servable content
        • Folder structure for the nonservable content
      • Summary
    • 16. Portlet and Portal Testing
      • Test strategy and plan
      • Functional/nonfunctional test tools and automation
        • Functional Testing Automation
        • Nonfunctional testing
      • Test environment and test data
      • Overall test metrics
        • Response time
        • Java Virtual Machine
        • JDBC pool
        • Thread pool
        • Session size
        • Elapsed time
        • CPU
        • Parallel Portlet Rendering
        • Caching
      • Portal testing
        • Benchmarking portal validating NFRs via load testing
      • Portlet testing time to walk the walk
      • WEF testing
        • Comparator
        • Threshold
        • Message
        • flushImmediately
      • Security testing
      • Performance anti-patterns
      • Summary
        • Other references:
    • 17. Portal and Portlet Performance Monitoring
      • Business and technology monitoring
      • APM as a discipline choose your weapons
      • Portal server monitoring with ITCAM for WebSphere
        • Problem determination memory diagnostics
        • The Memory Leak Diagnosis view
        • The Server view
        • The Portal view
        • Monitoring slowest portlets
        • Monitoring contentions and locks
        • Setting traps and alerts based on performance thresholds
        • Code performance monitoring via Java profiling
      • PMI is your best friend
      • Web analytics
      • Cloud monitoring
      • Green Data Center monitoring
      • Summary
    • 18. Portal Troubleshooting
      • Problem determination and troubleshooting
      • Divide and conquer
        • Project lifecycle interdisciplines
        • Use case
        • Skills and tools level
      • IBM Support Assistantgeneral tools
      • ISA for WebSphere Portal
        • DIR Download, install, and run
        • Choose Problem Type
        • Enable Split-Second (if needed)
        • View output and open case with IBM
      • Troubleshooting in WebSphere Application Server v8
        • Trace level debug with ARM turned on
      • Splunk engine
      • Summary
    • 19. Portal, WEF, and Portlet Tuning
      • Tuning strategy and knowledge
      • Tuning lifecycle
      • Tuning candidates and test cases
        • Bottleneck 1 broker services registration services 7 seconds of response time results with a 4-second max goal to achieve
        • Bottleneck 2 broker services lease rate services tuning for response time
        • Bottleneck 3 call center services softphone incoming call and live call portal tuning for throughput
      • Performance tuning a deep dive into WEF
        • Performance best practices
        • Addressing memory consumption
        • Size of result sets
          • Stateless services
        • Paging data
        • Cache Control builder and caching strategy
          • Caching strategy
      • Performance-related log files
        • Model Actions log file
        • Server Stats log file
        • Session Size log file
          • Enabling session size tracing
          • Analyzing the session size log file
      • Summary
    • 20. Portal Post-production
      • A2Z Bank business and technical monitoring
      • Measuring portal and cloud success
      • Training users and support
        • Enabling impersonation
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Tytuł: IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud. Build a comprehensive web portal for your company with a complete coverage of all the project lifecycle stages with this book and
  • Autor: Chelis Camargo, Helmar Martens
  • Tytuł oryginału: IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud. Build a comprehensive web portal for your company with a complete coverage of all the project lifecycle stages with this book and ebook.
  • ISBN: 9781849684057, 9781849684057
  • Data wydania: 2012-09-25
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3d1p
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing