E-book details

The Holographic World

The Holographic World

Iwona Gajda


And what if it is true? If we are merely a projection of some deeper order, the order where time does not exist? Where past, present and future exist at once? What then?

Some scientists believe that the Universe is a gigantic hologram and all information about us and about our reality are written down on a flat, two-dimensional plane. They deem that what we see, hear and feel, is merely a mirage. An illusion. Even the existence of time and the force of gravity.

Chapter One
Drifting in the Universe

Where does the Universe come from?
The Big Bang Theory ................................................................................................... 10
How many universes are there?
Parallel Worlds ............................................................................................................ 15
Are there other civilizations in the Universe?
Extraterrestrial Civilizations ...........................................................................................  20
Where could the people stay?
The End of the Solar System  .........................................................................................   26
The Universe
The Solar System ..........................................................................................................  33

Chapter Two
Between Destiny and Will to Live

Striked by the Cosmic Rocks
Asteroids  ......................................................................................................................  44
Ultraviolet Light
Ozone Hole ..................................................................................................................... 50
Destructive Natural Processes and the Domino Effect
Global Warming  ............................................................................................ 58
Earthquakes, Vulcanos, Tsunami
Moves of the Tectonic Plates ........................................................................................ 66
Magnetic Field Weakens 
Geomagnetic Reversal ........................................................................................... 72
How has life on Earth originated?
The First Lifeform ............................................................................................. 78
Deficits and Reserves of Fresh Water
Water on the Planet .................................................................................................. 85
Melting Glaciers
Reverse Osmosis
Polluted Ganges
River Nile Dams ...................................................................................................... 9

Chapter Three
Homo sapiens — The Smartest out of the Smart

Are there too many people?
Population of Earth .............................................................................................. 106
Is there a global food crisis?
People and Food ................................................................................................. 111
Are we vegans or omnivores?
The Origins and Evolution of Humanity ............................................................. 118
Where and when the Homo sapiens originated?
Interbreeding Between Archaic and Modern Humans  .................................... 125
Will humanity cope in the future?
Evolution and Bio–Cultural Adaptation ........................................................... 134
A magic clean–up of the planet?
Meta–Conference .............................................................................................. 141
Human Genome
The Most Beautiful Places in the World .............................................................. 151

  • Title: The Holographic World
  • Author: Iwona Gajda
  • ISBN: 978-83-968066-4-2, 9788396806642
  • Date of issue: 2023-07-13
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3g58
  • Publisher: BPC GROUP POLAND