Szczegóły ebooka

Team 10 East: Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism

Team 10 East: Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism

red. Łukasz Stanek


Grupa Team 10 East nigdy nie istniała. Książka powołuje to pojęcie jako konceptualne narzędzie pozwalające przeanalizować dokonania członków architektonicznej grupy Team 10 i ich "towarzyszy podróży" - współpracowników z krajów socjalistycznych. Proponuje "rewizjonizm" w podejściu do kultury i polityki dawnych krajów socjalistycznych, stąd tytułowa formuła "rewizjonistycznej architektury w realnym modernizmie".

Autorzy i autorki tekstów patrzą na nowoczesną architekturę i na procesy modernizacyjne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w perspektywie porównawczej, pokazując, jak reguły rządzące architekturą i urbanistyką były zawłaszczane, krytykowane i modyfikowane po obu stronach żelaznej kurtyny. Bohaterami tej bogato ilustrowanej publikacji są polscy architekci Jerzy Sołtan i Oskar Hansena, Węgier Charles Polónyi, a także architekci z dawnej Czechosłowacji i Jugosławii.

The recent proliferation of research and contributions regarding post-war architecture in Eastern Europe now includes a valuable collective study entitled "Team 10 East: Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism", edited by Łukasz Stanek. This book underlines how the architectural context in Eastern bloc countries at a time when various forms of socialism were being defined and developed is still a largely unexplored subject, and one that is full of surprises. The volume brings together studies on four diverse political and cultural environments - Polish, Czechoslovak, Hungarian and Yugoslavian - and examines the figures, designs, creations and debates which, in the wake of the explosion of critique and methodological innovation carried out in the West by the architects of Team 10, attempts to redefine the themes and methods of architectural design and urban planning in their respective countries. This is an intriguing subject that in many cases validates [its] theoretical and design approaches - such as in the studies on Oskar Hansen and Charles Polónyi - and yet also reaches some unpredictable conclusions. However, the idea that we can speak of a movement, a Team 10 East identity, is a risky one, a contrived notion noted by the editor in the introduction.

- Luka Skansi, "Abitare"


[A]s Stanek puts it in his introduction with Dirk van den Heuvel: 'Rather than being a retroactive manifesto, Team 10 East is a generative conceptual tool that grasps at an understanding of what was shared by these fellow travelers of Team 10.' This understanding comes from five long essays interspersed with seven shorter ones in the handsome book whose size reminds me of a Readers Digest - with nicer paper, design and illustrations.

- John Hill, "A Daily Dose of Architecture blogspot", 15 września 2014


Opens up a new, nuanced perspective onto the established narrative of the transition from CIAM to Team 10.

- Niloufar Tajeri, "derive: Zeitschrift fUr Stadtforschung", no. 58


Excellent research.

- Agata Pyzik, "Icon"

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Table of Content
  • Preface and Aknowledgements
  • ŁUKASZ STANEK, DIRK VAN DEN HEUVELIntroduction: Team 10 East and Several Other Useful Fictions
  • ÁKOS MORAVÁNSZKYHumanizing Modernism: Oskar Hansen, Charles Polónyi and the Art of Sailing with the Wind
  • LEVENTE POLYÁKMapping Opportunities: The International Summer Schools of Charles Polónyi
  • MARCELA HANÁČKOVÁTeam 10 and Czechoslovakia: Secondary Networks
  • CORNELIA ESCHERBetween CIAM and Team 10: The East and the Peripheries of CIAM
  • ALEKSANDRA KĘDZIOREKJerzy Sołtan and the Art and Research Units Project for the Polish Pavilion at Expo 58
  • EEVA-LIISA PELKONENHelsinkiWarsaw, c. 1960
  • JELICA JOVANOVIĆAlexis Josic between Yugoslavia and France: Housing the Greatest Number
  • RENATA MARGARETIĆ URLIĆ, KARIN ŠERMANWorkers University Zagreb: Team 10 Ideas in the Service of Socialist Enlightenment
  • MAROJE MRDULJAŠ, TAMARA BJAŽIĆ KLARINZagreb Revisionists: Social Standard Architecture
  • ALEKSANDAR KUŠIĆNew Belgrade Block No. 22: Order and Freedom
  • ALEKSANDRA KĘDZIOREKThe Museum of Modern Art in Skopje and the Potentiality of an Exhibition Space
  • ŁUKASZ STANEKOskar and Zofia Hansen: Me, You, Us and the State
  • Photo Credits
  • Index
  • Colophon
  • OSKAR HANSEN AND JERZY SOŁTANLetter to the CIAM Council members, Aug. 27, 1957
  • Back Cover
  • Tytuł: Team 10 East: Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing Modernism
  • Autor: red. Łukasz Stanek
  • ISBN: 9788364177040, 9788364177040
  • Data wydania: 2024-09-03
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_41rz
  • Wydawca: Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie