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Argonauts of the Western Pacific

Argonauts of the Western Pacific

Bronisław Malinowski


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My esteemed friend, Dr. B. Malinowski has asked me to write a preface to his book, and I willingly comply with his request, though I can hardly think that any words of mine will add to the value of the remarkable record of anthropological research which he has given us in this volume. My observations, such as they are, will deal partly with the writer's method and partly with the matter of his book. In regard to method, Dr. Malinowski has done his work, as it appears to me, under the best conditions and in the manner calculated to secure the best possible results. Both by theoretical training and by practical experience he was well equipped for the task which he undertook. Of his theoretical training he had given proof in his learned and thoughtful treatise on the family among the aborigines of Australia; of his practical experience he had produced no less satisfactory evidence in his account of the natives of Mailu in New Guinea, based on a residence of six months among them. In the Trobriand Islands, to the east of New Guinea, to which he next turned his attention, Dr. Malinowski lived as a native among the natives for many months together, watching them daily at work and at play, conversing with them in their own tongue, and deriving all his information from the surest sources - personal observation and statements made to him directly by the natives in their own language without the intervention of an interpreter. In this way he has accumulated a large mass of materials, of high scientific value, bearing on the social, religious, and economic or industrial life of the Trobriand Islanders. These he hopes and intends to publish hereafter in full; meantime he has given us in the present volume a preliminary study of an interesting and peculiar feature in Trobriand society, the remarkable system of exchange, only in part economic or commercial, which the islanders maintain among themselves and with the inhabitants of neighbouring islands.

  • Argonauts of the Western Pacific
  • Preface by Sir James G. Frazer
  • Foreword by the author
  • Acknowledgements
  • Phonetic note
  • Introduction. The subject, method and scope of this inquiry
  • Chapter I. The country and inhabitants of the Kula district
  • Chapter II. The natives of the Trobriand Islands
  • Chapter III. The essentials of the Kula
  • Chapter IV. Canoes and sailing
  • Chapter V. The ceremonial building of a waga
  • Chapter VI. Launching of a canoe and ceremonial visiting tribal economics in the Trobriands
  • Chapter VII. The departure of an overseas expedition
  • Chapter VIII. The first halt of the fleet on Muwa
  • Chapter IX. Sailing on the sea-arm of Pilolu
  • Chapter X. The story of shipwreck
  • Chapter XI. In the Amphletts sociology of the Kula
  • Chapter XII. In Tewara and Sanaroa mythology of the Kula
  • Chapter XIII. On the beach of Sarubwoyna
  • Chapter XIV. The Kula in Dobu technicalities of the exchange
  • Chapter XV. The journey home the fishing and working of the kaloma shell
  • Chapter XVI. The return visit of the Dobuans to Sinaketa
  • Chapter XVII. Magic and the Kula
  • Chapter XVIII. The power of words in magic some linguistic data
  • Chapter XIX. The inland Kula
  • Chapter XX. Expeditions between Kiriwina and Kitava.
  • Chapter XXI. The remaining branches and offshoots of the Kula
  • Chapter XXII. The meaning of the Kula
  • Title: Argonauts of the Western Pacific
  • Author: Bronisław Malinowski
  • ISBN: 978-83-7991-561-3, 9788379915613
  • Date of issue: 2024-09-04
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_41tq
  • Publisher: MASTERLAB