
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.


Extending SaltStack. Build and write salt modules

Joseph Hall

Salt already ships with a very powerful set of tools, but that doesn't mean that they all suit your needs perfectly. By adding your own modules and enhancing existing ones, you can bring the functionality that you need to increase your productivity. Extending SaltStack follows a tutorial-based approach to explain different types of modules, from fundamentals to complete and full-functioning modules.Starting with the Loader system that drives Salt, this book will guide you through the most common types of modules. First you will learn how to write execution modules. Then you will extend the configuration using the grain, pillar, and SDB modules. Next up will be state modules and then the renderers that can be used with them. This will be followed with returner and output modules, which increase your options to manage return data. After that, there will be modules for external file servers, clouds, beacons, and finally external authentication and wheel modules to manage the master.With this guide in hand, you will be prepared to create, troubleshoot, and manage the most common types of Salt modules and take your infrastructure to new heights!


F# 4.0 dla zaawansowanych. Wydanie IV

Don Syme, Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino

Język F# jest nowoczesnym, lecz dojrzałym językiem programowania, który zyskuje coraz większą popularność. Ułatwia on korzystanie z kilku paradygmatów programowania: programowania funkcyjnego, obiektowego i imperatywnego. Został zaprojektowany do pisania prostego, solidnego i wydajnego kodu, lecz przydaje się do rozwiązywania złożonych problemów. Kod w F# jest zwięzły i efektywny. Sam F# jest projektem open source, jednak stanowi część platformy .NET. To wszystko czyni z niego język przyszłości! Trzymasz w ręku kompletny przewodnik po języku F#, w którym wyczerpująco przedstawiono informacje niezbędne do rozpoczęcia pracy w tej technologii. Zwięźle opisano tu paradygmaty obsługiwane przez F#, a następnie pokazano, w jaki sposób można posłużyć się tym językiem do rozwiązywania problemów z siecią, danymi, programowaniem równoległym i analizami. W ten sposób nauczysz się stosować wspomniane paradygmaty i używać kwerend, co pozwoli Ci osiągnąć wysoką produktywność w pisaniu programów dla wielu systemów i technologii. W tej książce znajdziesz: wyjaśnienie paradygmatów programowania funkcyjnego, obiektowego i imperatywnego kompletne informacje na temat najnowszej wersji języka F# instrukcje dotyczące projektowania bibliotek języka F# wskazówki dotyczące pisania hermetycznego i uporządkowanego kodu zagadnienia programowania reaktywnego, asynchronicznego i równoległego techniki rozwiązywania problemów programistycznych za pomocą F# Z językiem F# rozwiązywanie problemów stanie się przyjemnością! Don Syme — jest architektem języka F#. Brał udział w rozwijaniu typów generycznych w C# i technologii .NET Common Language Runtime. W 2015 roku został odznaczony Srebrnym Medalem Królewskiej Akademii Inżynierii. Adam Granicz — ma 10-letnie doświadczenie w pracy z językiem F#. Pracuje nad narzędziem WebSharper — podstawowym środowiskiem dla języka F#. Regularnie pisze artykuły i zabiera głos na konferencjach. Antonio Cisternino — jest profesorem Uniwersytetu w Pizie we Włoszech. Zajmuje się głównie metaprogramowaniem i budową architektury systemów. Od kilku lat korzysta z F# i bierze udział w rozwijaniu tego języka.


F# for Machine Learning Essentials. Get up and running with machine learning with F# in a fun and functional way

Sudipta Mukherjee

The F# functional programming language enables developers to write simple code to solve complex problems. With F#, developers create consistent and predictable programs that are easier to test and reuse, simpler to parallelize, and are less prone to bugs.If you want to learn how to use F# to build machine learning systems, then this is the book you want. Starting with an introduction to the several categories on machine learning, you will quickly learn to implement time-tested, supervised learning algorithms. You will gradually move on to solving problems on predicting housing pricing using Regression Analysis. You will then learn to use Accord.NET to implement SVM techniques and clustering. You will also learn to build a recommender system for your e-commerce site from scratch. Finally, you will dive into advanced topics such as implementing neural network algorithms while performing sentiment analysis on your data.


F# for Quantitative Finance. An introductory guide to utilizing F# for quantitative finance leveraging the .NET platform

Johan Astborg

F# is a functional programming language that allows you to write simple code for complex problems. Currently, it is most commonly used in the financial sector. Quantitative finance makes heavy use of mathematics to model various parts of finance in the real world. If you are interested in using F# for your day-to-day work or research in quantitative finance, this book is a must-have.This book will cover everything you need to know about using functional programming for quantitative finance. Using a functional programming language will enable you to concentrate more on the problem itself rather than implementation details. Tutorials and snippets are summarized into an automated trading system throughout the book.This book will introduce you to F#, using Visual Studio, and provide examples with functional programming and finance combined. The book also covers topics such as downloading, visualizing and calculating statistics from data.F# is a first class programming language for the financial domain.


F# High Performance. Increase your F# programming productivity and focus on performance optimization with best practices, expert techniques, and more

Eriawan Kusumawardhono

F# is a functional programming language and is used in enterprise applications that demand high performance. It has its own unique trait: it is a functional programming language and has OOP support at the same time.This book will help you make F# applications run faster with examples you can easily break down and take into your own work. You will be able to assess the performance of the program and identify bottlenecks. Beginning with a gentle overview of concurrency features in F#, you will get to know the advanced topics of concurrency optimizations in F#, such as F# message passing agent of MailboxProcessor and further interoperation with .NET TPL. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to enhance the performance optimizations when implementing and using other F# language features.The book also covers optimization techniques by using F# best practices and F# libraries. You will learn how the concepts of concurrency and parallel programming will help in improving the performance. With this, you would be able to take advantage of multi-core processors and track memory leaks, root causes, and CPU issues. Finally, you will be able to test their applications to achieve scalability.


Fearless Cross-Platform Development with Delphi. Expand your Delphi skills to build a new generation of Windows, web, mobile, and IoT applications

David Cornelius

Delphi is a strongly typed, event-driven programming language with a rich ecosystem of frameworks and support tools. It comes with an extensive set of web and database libraries for rapid application development on desktop, mobile, and internet-enabled devices. This book will help you keep up with the latest IDE features and provide a sound foundation of project management and recent language enhancements to take your productivity to the next level.You’ll discover how simple it is to support popular mobile device features such as sensors, cameras, and GPS. The book will help you feel comfortable working with FireMonkey and styles and incorporating 3D user interfaces in new ways. As you advance, you’ll be able to build cross-platform solutions that not only look native but also take advantage of a wide array of device capabilities. You’ll also learn how to use embedded databases, such as SQLite and InterBase ToGo, synchronizing them with your own custom backend servers or modules using the powerful RAD Server engine. The book concludes by sharing tips for testing and deploying your end-to-end application suite for a smooth user experience.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to deliver modern enterprise applications using Delphi confidently.


Feature Engineering for Modern Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn. Mastering data preparation and transformation for robust ML models

Cuantum Technologies LLC

Feature engineering is essential for building robust predictive models. This book delves into practical techniques for transforming raw data into powerful features using Scikit-Learn. You'll explore automation, deep learning integrations, and advanced topics like feature selection and model evaluation. Learn to handle real-world data challenges, enhance accuracy, and streamline your workflows.Through hands-on projects, readers will gain practical experience with techniques such as clustering, pipelines, and feature selection, applied to domains like retail and healthcare. Step-by-step instructions ensure a comprehensive learning journey, from foundational concepts to advanced automation and hybrid modeling approaches.By combining theory with real-world applications, the book equips data professionals with the tools to unlock the full potential of machine learning models. Whether working with structured datasets or integrating deep learning features, this guide provides actionable insights to tackle any data transformation challenge effectively.


Feature Engineering Made Easy. Identify unique features from your dataset in order to build powerful machine learning systems

Sinan Ozdemir, Divya Susarla

Feature engineering is the most important step in creating powerful machine learning systems. This book will take you through the entire feature-engineering journey to make your machine learning much more systematic and effective.You will start with understanding your data—often the success of your ML models depends on how you leverage different feature types, such as continuous, categorical, and more, You will learn when to include a feature, when to omit it, and why, all by understanding error analysis and the acceptability of your models. You will learn to convert a problem statement into useful new features. You will learn to deliver features driven by business needs as well as mathematical insights. You'll also learn how to use machine learning on your machines, automatically learning amazing features for your data.By the end of the book, you will become proficient in Feature Selection, Feature Learning, and Feature Optimization.


Final Cut Pro Efficient Editing. A step-by-step guide to smart video editing with FCP 10.6

Iain Anderson

Final Cut Pro (also known as FCP, previously Final Cut Pro X) is Apple’s efficient and accessible video editing software for everyone, offering powerful features that experienced editors and novices will find useful. FCP is the quickest way to transform your raw clips into a finished piece, so if speed is important, make this a key tool in your editing arsenal.Final Cut Pro Efficient Editing is a comprehensive best practice guide for all editors. You’ll not only learn how to use the features but also find out which ones are the most important and when you should use them. With the help of practical examples, the book will show you how typical footage can be assembled, trimmed, colored, and finessed to produce a finished edit, exploring a variety of techniques. As you progress through the book, you’ll follow a standard editing workflow to get the feel of working on real-world projects and answer self-assessment questions to make sure that you’re on track.By the end of this Final Cut Pro book, you’ll be well versed with the key features of this app and have all the tools you need to create impressive edits.


Finanse i Python. Łagodne wprowadzenie do teorii finansów

Yves Hilpisch

Finanse i Python. Łagodne wprowadzenie do teorii finansów Rozwój technologii i dostęp do danych finansowych stały się ogromnym ułatwieniem w korzystaniu z globalnych rynków finansowych. Jeśli zechcesz, możesz szybko zacząć przygodę na przykład z handlem algorytmicznym. Wystarczy, że masz niewielkie pojęcie o matematyce, programowaniu i ekonomii. Niestety, nieliczne programy nauczania o finansach integrują ze sobą te trzy dziedziny. Tymczasem koncepcje matematyczne wspaniale ułatwiają zrozumienie pojęć z zakresu inżynierii finansowej, a wczesne włączanie ćwiczeń programistycznych pozwala na znaczne zwiększenie efektywności takiej edukacji. Dzięki tej praktycznej, przystępnie napisanej książce szybko zrozumiesz podstawy teorii finansów, modelowania danych finansowych i zastosowania Pythona w finansach obliczeniowych. Znajdziesz tu systematyczne wprowadzenie do inżynierii finansowej, handlu algorytmicznego czy zarządzania aktywami. Zdobędziesz umiejętności tworzenia w Pythonie programów, które ułatwią Ci rozwiązywanie takich problemów jak ustalanie składu portfeli inwestycyjnych zgodnie z nowoczesną teorią portfela, a także wycena opcji i innych instrumentów pochodnych. Jeśli zajmujesz stanowisko kierownicze w branży finansowej, z pewnością przyda Ci się wiedza o zastosowaniu Pythona w finansach. Jeśli już biegle kodujesz w Pythonie, łatwiej skorzystasz ze swoich umiejętności w tworzeniu przydatnych aplikacji z zakresu inżynierii finansowej. W książce między innymi: matematyczne podstawy teorii finansów i programowania w Pythonie modele ekonomiczne i modelowanie danych finansowych zastosowanie Pythona w obliczeniach związanych z finansami wycena, podejmowanie decyzji, równowaga i alokacja aktywów zastosowanie bibliotek i narzędzi Pythona w modelowaniu finansowym Teoria finansów? Z Pythonem to dziecinnie proste!


Finite Element Analysis. An Introductory Guide to FEM Techniques and Applications

Mercury Learning and Information, Sarhan M. Musa

This comprehensive guide explores the versatility and affordability of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as a powerful tool for solving engineering problems. The book provides a practical introduction to FEA, covering applications in mechanical, civil, electrical engineering, and physics. It presents a balanced blend of theory and applications, catering to both beginners and those seeking to enhance their FEA skills.The journey begins with mathematical preliminaries and an introduction to the Finite Element Method. It progresses through various applications such as axially loaded members, trusses, beams, stress analysis, thermal analysis, fluid flow analysis, dynamic analysis, and engineering electromagnetics analysis. Each chapter includes comparisons of analytical methods, FEA hand calculations, and software-based solutions, helping readers understand the strengths and limitations of each approach.Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective problem-solving in engineering. This book transitions readers from fundamental principles to advanced engineering applications, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files with executable models and animations enhance the learning experience, making this guide an essential resource for mastering FEA techniques.


FinOps Handbook for Microsoft Azure. Empowering teams to optimize their Azure cloud spend with FinOps best practices

Maulik Soni

To gain a competitive edge in today's unpredictable economic climate, you’ll need to unravel the mystery of saving costs on Microsoft Azure Cloud. This book helps you do just that with proven strategies for building, running, and sustaining repeated cost optimization initiatives across your organization. You’ll learn how to collaborate with finance, procurement, product, and engineering teams to optimize your cloud spend and achieve cost savings that can make a significant impact on your bottom line.The book begins by showing you how to effectively monitor and manage your cloud usage, identify cost-saving opportunities, and implement changes that’ll reduce your overall spend. Whether you're a small start-up or a large enterprise, this book will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve cost savings and maintain a lean cloud infrastructure. As you advance, you'll find out how to benchmark your current cloud spend and establish a budget for cloud usage. Throughout the chapters, you’ll learn how to negotiate with your cloud provider to optimize your rate, allocate cost for the container, and gain a solid understanding of metric-driven cost optimization.By the end of this FinOps book, you’ll have become proficient in Azure Cloud financial management with the help of real-world examples, use cases, and scenarios.


Firebase Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to help you create real-time web and mobile applications with Firebase

Houssem Yahiaoui

Do you feel tired just thinking or even hearing about backend technologies, authentication or the tedious task of deployment? Firebase is here to change the way you develop and make your app a first-class citizen of the cloud.This books takes a solution based approach by providing you recipes that would help you understand the features of Firebase and implement them in your existing web or mobile applications.We start-off by creating our first Firebase application and integrating its services into different platforms and environments for mobile as well as web applications. Then we deep dive into Real-time Database and Firebase Storage that allows your users to access data across various devices with realtive ease. With each chapter you will gradually create the building blocks of your application from securing your data with Firebase Rules to authenticating your users with O-Auth.Moving along we would explore modern application development techniques such as creating serverless applications with Firebase Cloud Functions or turning your traditional applications into progressive apps with Service workers.Finally you will learn how to create cross-platform mobile apps, integrate Firebase in native platforms, and learn how to monetize your mobile applications using Admob for Android and iOS.


Flash i Wallaby. Projektowanie animacji zgodnych z HTML5

Ian L. McLean

Błyskawiczne tworzenie animacji w HTML5! Projektowanie zgodnych ze standardami animacji na potrzeby WWW jest dziś o wiele łatwiejsze niż kiedyś. Dzięki swym możliwościom HTML5 może być dobrą alternatywą dla Flasha - technologii opracowanej przez firmę Adobe. Zauważył to zresztą sam producent, wydając narzędzie Wallaby, pozwalające na konwersję animacji z formatu Flash do HTML5. Dzięki temu urządzenia nieobsługujące formatu Flash, takie jak iPad i iPhone, bez problemu mogą wyświetlać animacje. Zakodowanie animacji w HTML5 jest czasochłonne, a we Flashu - szybkie i przyjemne. Dzięki tej książce połączysz przyjemność i wydajność z dostępnością. Nawet jeżeli nie miałeś wcześniej styczności z omawianymi technologiami, błyskawicznie stworzysz pierwszą animację Flash, a następnie skonwertujesz ją do formatu HTML5. Ponadto poznasz potencjał biblioteki jQuery i wzbogacisz swoją pracę o funkcje interaktywne. W tej książce znajdziesz także wiele cennych wskazówek, które pozwolą Ci uniknąć typowych problemów. Wykorzystaj więc eksperymentalne narzędzie Wallaby i twórz zachwycające animacje! Po lekturze tej książki: bez problemu przygotujesz animację Flash skonwertujesz ją do formatu HTML5 wzbogacisz animację o proste interakcje unikniesz typowych problemów będziesz niezależny od platformy sprzętowej Wykorzystaj możliwości Flasha i Wallaby oraz potencjał HTML5!
