
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.


Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0. Wydanie V

Bill Burke, Richard Monson-Haefel

Wykorzystaj zaawansowane technologie tworzenia aplikacji korporacyjnych Poznaj architekturę EJB 3.0 Stwórz własne komponenty Zaprojektuj własne usługi sieciowe na podstawie EJB 3.0 Enterprise JavaBeans to technologia przeznaczona do tworzenia złożonych programów, oparta na języku Java i platformie Java Enterprise Edition. Stosowana jest przy tworzeniu rozbudowanych aplikacji korporacyjnych i pozwala programistom na generowanie mechanizmów automatycznego zarządzania usługami kluczowymi dla systemu. Wersje EJB stosowane do tej pory wymagały od twórców aplikacji implementowania mechanizmów, które nie miały wiele wspólnego z właściwą logiką biznesową tworzonego oprogramowania, co znacznie wydłużało i komplikowało proces produkcji systemu. Najnowsza wersja, oznaczona numerem 3.0, jest pozbawiona tych wad. Dzięki książce "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0. Wydanie V" poznasz najnowsze wcielenie technologii EJB. Opisano tu wszystkie rozwiązania, które umożliwiły uproszczenie standardu Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 względem jego poprzednich wersji. Czytając tę książkę, poznasz nowy interfejs Java Persistence API, który zastąpił stosowane dotychczas komponenty encyjne zwykłymi obiektami Javy, oraz nauczysz się sposobów eliminowania konieczności implementowania interfejsów EnterpriseBean. Dowiesz się, jak stosować adnotacje w miejsce elementów języka XML umieszczanych w deskryptorach wdrożenia. Znajdziesz tu również praktyczne przykłady, dzięki którym błyskawicznie opanujesz nową wersję EJB. Architektura EJB 3.0 Relacje pomiędzy komponentami Zapytania i język EJB QL Komponenty sesyjne Obsługa transakcji Implementowanie usług WWW Instalacja i konfiguracja serwera JBoss Nie trać więcej czasu! Zastosuj technologię, która ułatwi Ci wytwarzanie systemów korporacyjnych.


Enterprise-Grade Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies. Proven strategies to digitally transform your business with hybrid and multi-cloud solutions

Sathya AG, Kunal Das

In the past decade, cloud technology has evolved from a mere deployment platform into a driving force of innovation. However, navigating the complexities of cloud adoption, especially with a hybrid approach, presents significant challenges. Solving Hybrid Cloud Challenges for Enterprises is your trusted guide to overcome the problems encountered in this process. Written by a principal architect at Google with 15+ years of experience, this vendor agnostic book begins by exploring the case studies of enterprises stepping into the world of the cloud, highlighting the pivotal role of leadership vision and mindset in driving digital transformation. You’ll explore the basics of cloud technology, its impact on various industries, and the challenges of cloud adoption. As you dive deeper, you’ll find real-world use cases of enterprises that have digitally disrupted their respective industries by innovating in the cloud. From assessing the cloud maturity of an organization and designing a cloud strategy to exploring the various facets of cloud transformation, this book will guide you at every step of the way. Finally, you’ll learn how to lead your organization’s cloud transformation journey with emerging technologies. By the end, you'll be well-equipped to design and architect a scalable, cloud-first IT organization.


Entity Framework Core Cookbook. Transactions, stored procedures, query libraries, and more - Second Edition

Ricardo Peres

Entity Framework is a highly recommended Object Relation Mapping tool used to build complex systems. In order to survive in this growing market, the knowledge of a framework that helps provide easy access to databases, that is, Entity Framework has become a necessity. This book will provide .NET developers with this knowledge and guide them through working efficiently with data using Entity Framework Core. You will start off by learning how to efficiently use Entity Framework in practical situations. You will gain a deep understanding of mapping properties and find out how to handle validation in Entity Framework. The book will then explain how to work with transactions and stored procedures along with improving Entity Framework using query libraries. Moving on, you will learn to improve complex query scenarios and implement transaction and concurrency control. You will then be taught to improve and develop Entity Framework in complex business scenarios. With the concluding chapter on performance and scalability, this book will get you ready to use Entity Framework proficiently.


ESP8266 Internet of Things Cookbook. Over 50 recipes to help you master ESP8266 functionality

Marco Schwartz

The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self contained System on Chip (SOC) with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network. It is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor.This book contains practical recipes that will help you master all ESP8266 functionalities. You will start by configuring and customizing the chip in line with your requirements. Then you will focus on core topics such as on-board processing, sensors, GPIOs, programming, networking, integration with external components, and so on. We will also teach you how to leverage Arduino using the ESP8266 and you'll learn about its libraries, file system, OTA updates, and so on. The book also provide recipes on web servers, testing, connecting with the cloud, and troubleshooting techniques. Programming aspects include MicroPython and how to leverage it to get started with the ESP8266. Towards the end, we will use these concepts and create an interesting project (IOT). By the end of the book, readers will be proficient enough to use the ESP8266 board efficiently.


ESP8266 Robotics Projects. DIY Wi-Fi controlled robots

Pradeeka Seneviratne

The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is a self-contained SOC with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network. It has a powerful processing and storage capability and also supports application hosting and Wi-Fi networking. This book is all about robotics projects based on the original ESP8266 microcontroller board and some variants of ESP8266 boards. It starts by showing all the necessary things that you need to build your development environment with basic hardware and software components. The book uses the original ESP8266 board and some variants such as the Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 and the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 . You will learn how to use different type of chassis kits, motors, motor drivers, power supplies, distribution boards, sensors, and actuators to build robotics projects that can be controlled via Wi-Fi. In addition, you will learn how to use line sensors, the ArduiCam, Wii Remote, wheel encoders, and the Gripper kit to build more specialized robots.By the end of this book, you will have built a Wi-Fi control robot using ESP8266.


Essential Mathematics for Quantum Computing. A beginner's guide to just the math you need without needless complexities

Leonard S. Woody III

Quantum computing is an exciting subject that offers hope to solve the world’s most complex problems at a quicker pace. It is being used quite widely in different spheres of technology, including cybersecurity, finance, and many more, but its concepts, such as superposition, are often misunderstood because engineers may not know the math to understand them. This book will teach the requisite math concepts in an intuitive way and connect them to principles in quantum computing.Starting with the most basic of concepts, 2D vectors that are just line segments in space, you'll move on to tackle matrix multiplication using an instinctive method. Linearity is the major theme throughout the book and since quantum mechanics is a linear theory, you'll see how they go hand in hand. As you advance, you'll understand intrinsically what a vector is and how to transform vectors with matrices and operators. You'll also see how complex numbers make their voices heard and understand the probability behind it all.It’s all here, in writing you can understand. This is not a stuffy math book with definitions, axioms, theorems, and so on. This book meets you where you’re at and guides you to where you need to be for quantum computing. Already know some of this stuff? No problem! The book is componentized, so you can learn just the parts you want. And with tons of exercises and their answers, you'll get all the practice you need.


Essential Statistics for Non-STEM Data Analysts. Get to grips with the statistics and math knowledge needed to enter the world of data science with Python

Rongpeng Li

Statistics remain the backbone of modern analysis tasks, helping you to interpret the results produced by data science pipelines. This book is a detailed guide covering the math and various statistical methods required for undertaking data science tasks.The book starts by showing you how to preprocess data and inspect distributions and correlations from a statistical perspective. You’ll then get to grips with the fundamentals of statistical analysis and apply its concepts to real-world datasets. As you advance, you’ll find out how statistical concepts emerge from different stages of data science pipelines, understand the summary of datasets in the language of statistics, and use it to build a solid foundation for robust data products such as explanatory models and predictive models. Once you’ve uncovered the working mechanism of data science algorithms, you’ll cover essential concepts for efficient data collection, cleaning, mining, visualization, and analysis. Finally, you’ll implement statistical methods in key machine learning tasks such as classification, regression, tree-based methods, and ensemble learning.By the end of this Essential Statistics for Non-STEM Data Analysts book, you’ll have learned how to build and present a self-contained, statistics-backed data product to meet your business goals.


Ethereum dla zaawansowanych. Tworzenie inteligentnych kontraktów i aplikacji zdecentralizowanych

Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood

Ethereum to platforma służąca do obsługi kryptowalut. Została zaprojektowana z zachowaniem wysokich standardów bezpieczeństwa i transparentności. Umożliwia uruchamianie zdecentralizowanych aplikacji (DApp) i inteligentnych kontraktów, które nie mają scentralizowanej kontroli ani pojedynczego punktu podatności na awarie i są zintegrowane z siecią obsługi płatności oraz operują na otwartym łańcuchu bloków. Ethereum cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem takich organizacji jak IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, które coraz bardziej angażują się w korzystanie z tej platformy. Ta książka jest praktycznym poradnikiem i encyklopedycznym źródłem wiedzy o Ethereum przeznaczonym dla programistów, którzy chcą przyswoić praktyczną wiedzę o łańcuchach bloków oraz tworzeniu inteligentnych kontraktów i zdecentralizowanych aplikacji - DApp. Znalazły się tu zarówno podstawowe informacje, jak i szereg zaawansowanych zagadnień związanych z Ethereum. Opisano, w jaki sposób tworzy się w nim transakcje, przedstawiono kwestie związane z kluczem publicznym, skrótami i podpisami cyfrowymi. Poszczególne zagadnienia, a także najlepsze praktyki, wzorce projektowe i antywzorce z obszaru bezpieczeństwa uzupełniono starannie opracowanymi przykładami kodu. W tej książce między innymi: uruchamianie klienta Ethereum korzystanie z portfeli cyfrowych interakcje z klientami Ethereum za pomocą wywołań RPC tokeny reprezentujące aktywa, udziały czy głosy budowa zdecentralizowanych aplikacji z użyciem komponentów w modelu P2P Ethereum: oto nowy wymiar innowacji w programowaniu!


Ethereum Projects for Beginners. Build blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and DApps

Kenny Vaneetvelde

Ethereum enables the development of efficient, smart contracts that contain code. These smart contracts can interact with other smart contracts to make decisions, store data, and send Ether to others.Ethereum Projects for Beginners provides you with a clear introduction to creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized applications. As you make your way through the book, you’ll get to grips with detailed step-by-step processes to build advanced Ethereum projects. Each project will teach you enough about Ethereum to be productive right away. You will learn how tokenization works, think in a decentralized way, and build blockchain-based distributed computing systems. Towards the end of the book, you will develop interesting Ethereum projects such as creating wallets and secure data sharing.By the end of this book, you will be able to tackle blockchain challenges by implementing end-to-end projects using the full power of the Ethereum blockchain.


ETL with Azure Cookbook. Practical recipes for building modern ETL solutions to load and transform data from any source

Christian Cote, Matija Lah, Madina Saitakhmetova

ETL is one of the most common and tedious procedures for moving and processing data from one database to another. With the help of this book, you will be able to speed up the process by designing effective ETL solutions using the Azure services available for handling and transforming any data to suit your requirements.With this cookbook, you’ll become well versed in all the features of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to perform data migration and ETL tasks that integrate with Azure. You’ll learn how to transform data in Azure and understand how legacy systems perform ETL on-premises using SSIS. Later chapters will get you up to speed with connecting and retrieving data from SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters, and even show you how to extend and customize the SSIS toolbox using custom-developed tasks and transforms. This ETL book also contains practical recipes for moving and transforming data with Azure services, such as Data Factory and Azure Databricks, and lets you explore various options for migrating SSIS packages to Azure. Toward the end, you’ll find out how to profile data in the cloud and automate service creation with Business Intelligence Markup Language (BIML).By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to create and automate ETL solutions on-premises as well as in Azure.


Everyday Data Structures. Click here to enter text

William Smith

Explore a new world of data structures and their applications easily with this data structures book. Written by software expert William Smith, you?ll learn how to master basic and advanced data structure concepts. ? Fully understand data structures using Java, C and other common languages ? Work through practical examples and learn real-world applications ? Get to grips with data structure problem solving using case studies


Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond. A pragmatic guide to achieving the Azure administration certification - Second Edition

Riaan Lowe, Donovan Kelly

Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond covers all the exam objectives and will help you to earn the Microsoft Azure Administrator certification with ease. Whether you’re studying to pass the AZ-104 exam or just want hands-on experience in administering Azure, this AZ-104 study guide will help you to achieve your objectives.This book covers the latest Azure features and capabilities around configuring, managing, and securing Azure resources. Adhering to Microsoft's AZ-104 exam syllabus, this guide is divided into five modules. The first module will show you how to manage Azure identities and governance. You'll find out how to configure Azure subscription policies at the Azure subscription level and use Azure policies for resource groups. After that, the book covers techniques related to implementing and managing storage in Azure, enabling you to create and manage Azure Storage, including File and Blob storage. In the second module, you’ll learn how to deploy and manage Azure compute resources. The third and fourth modules will teach you about configuring and managing virtual networks and monitoring and backing up Azure resources. Finally, you'll work through mock tests, with answers provided, to prepare for this exam.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills needed to pass the AZ-104 exam and be able to expertly manage Azure.


Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond. Master Azure administration and pass the AZ-104 exam with confidence - Third Edition

Donovan Kelly

Take the first step toward excellence in Azure management and earning your Microsoft certification with this hands-on guide!This third edition of Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification and Beyond offers comprehensive insights and step-by-step instructions that follow the latest AZ-104 exam objectives. You’ll work your way from foundational topics such as Azure identity management and governance to essential skills such as deploying and managing storage solutions, configuring virtual networks, and monitoring Azure resources. Each chapter includes practice questions to reinforce your understanding and enhance your practical skills. The book also provides you with access to online mock exams, interactive flashcards, and expert exam tips, helping you assess your readiness and boost your confidence before the exam.By the end of this book, you won’t just be prepared to pass the AZ-104 exam – you’ll also have the expertise needed to efficiently manage Azure environments in real-world scenarios.


Exam Ref AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design Certification and Beyond. Design secure and reliable solutions for the real world in Microsoft Azure

Brett Hargreaves

The AZ-304 exam tests an architect's ability to design scalable, reliable, and secure solutions in Azure based on customer requirements. Exam Ref AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design Certification and Beyond offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the AZ-304 exam content to help you prepare for it confidently, pass the exam first time, and get ready for real-world challenges.This book will help you to investigate the need for good architectural practices and discover how they address common concerns for cloud-based solutions. You will work through the CloudStack, from identity and access through to infrastructure (IaaS), data, applications, and serverless (PaaS). As you make progress, you will delve into operations including monitoring, resilience, scalability, and disaster recovery. Finally, you'll gain a clear understanding of how these operations fit into the real world with the help of full scenario-based examples throughout the book.By the end of this Azure book, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the AZ-304 certification exam and have a handy desktop reference guide.


Excel 2010 PL. Programowanie w VBA. Vademecum Walkenbacha

John Walkenbach

Opanuj możliwości VBA z największym autorytetem w dziedzinie Excela! Jak projektować przyjazne użytkownikom okna dialogowe? Jak stosować VBA do tworzenia użytecznych aplikacji dla Excela? Jak rozszerzać możliwości Excela i tworzyć praktyczne dodatki? Nie należysz do osób, które onieśmiela potencjał Excela? Sprawnie tworzysz skoroszyty, wprowadzasz formuły, używasz funkcji arkuszowych i swobodnie posługujesz się Wstążką programu? Czujesz, że drzemie w nim jeszcze ogrom niezwykłych możliwości, ale nie wiesz, jak po nie sięgnąć? Najwyższa pora na naukę z Johnem Walkenbachem - najsłynniejszym ekspertem w dziedzinie Excela! Jeśli poznałeś już podstawowe funkcje tego programu, dzięki tej książce bez trudu opanujesz narzędzia zaawansowane, czyli takie, które naprawdę ułatwią i przyspieszą Twoją codzienną pracę! Swoją naukę pod okiem mistrza zaczniesz od odświeżenia informacji na temat używania rozmaitych formuł oraz plików stosowanych i generowanych przez Excel. Zaraz potem przejdziesz do fascynującej części, poświęconej projektowaniu aplikacji w tym programie. Dowiesz się, czym taka aplikacja jest i jak szczegółowo wyglądają etapy jej tworzenia. Następnie opanujesz całą niezbędną wiedzę na temat języka VBA, aby sprawnie w nim programować oraz tworzyć funkcje i procedury. Nauczysz się również wykorzystywać jego możliwości podczas używania tabel przestawnych i wykresów. Ponadto wzbogacisz się o informacje na temat projektowania niestandardowych, przyjaznych okien dialogowych UserForm, automatycznej obsługi zdarzeń czy tworzenia praktycznych dodatków dla Excela. Przegląd możliwości Excela 2010 Projektowanie aplikacji w programie Excel Język Visual Basic for Applications Zastosowanie formularzy UserForm Niestandardowe okna dialogowe Zaawansowane metody programowania Tabele przestawne, wykresy i obsługa zdarzeń Projektowanie dodatków do Excela Tworzenie systemów pomocy dla aplikacji Tworzenie aplikacji przyjaznych dla użytkownika Metody użycia VBA do pracy z plikami Posiądź wiedzę profesjonalistów - wykorzystaj wszystkie możliwości Excela i poszerzaj je! Sięgnij po mistrzowskie umiejętności! Oto seria podręczników, w których najsłynniejszy ekspert w dziedzinie Excela, John Walkenbach, pokazuje, jak wykrzesać z tego programu maksimum możliwości! Te dedykowane średnio i bardzo zaawansowanym użytkownikom książki pozwalają wyjść poza świat standardowych narzędzi i dają praktyczną wiedzę o tym, jak rozszerzać i dopasowywać funkcjonalność Excela do własnych potrzeb! Fascynują Cię formuły, tworzenie makr, VBA czy projektowanie złożonych, przyjaznych dla użytkownika aplikacji? Nikt nie nauczy Cię więcej o Excelu niż sam mistrz Walkenbach!


Excel 2013 PL. Programowanie w VBA dla bystrzaków

John Walkenbach

Nie takie programowanie straszne… Większość użytkowników Excela nie zawraca sobie głowy programowaniem w VBA. Twoje zainteresowanie tym tematem zdecydowanie plasuje Cię w elitarnej grupie. Nawet jeśli nie masz najmniejszego pojęcia, o co chodzi w programowaniu, z tym podręcznikiem w mgnieniu oka zwiększysz możliwości najpopularniejszego na świecie arkusza kalkulacyjnego. Ta niezawodna książka jest napisana prostym językiem i zawiera mnóstwo konkretnych informacji. Dzięki nim zwiększysz swoją konkurencyjność na rynku, poprawisz produktywność i odkryjesz, że praca z Excelem może być ekscytującą przygodą. Spraw, by Excel zatańczył, jak mu zagrasz. VBA w akcji — poznaj język VBA i etapy tworzenia programu w Excelu. Magiczne makra — automatyzuj częste zadania, personalizuj przyciski, polecenia i funkcje arkusza kalkulacyjnego za pomocą makr VBA. Podstawy programowania — wykonuj operacje na komórkach, kontroluj pracę programu, automatyzuj procedury oraz zdarzenia i eliminuj błędy w kodzie. Komunikacja z użytkownikiem — odkryj triki i techniki prostego personalizowania okien dialogowych i formularzy użytkownika (UserForm). Użyj mocy — wykorzystaj swoje umiejętności, by projektować programy przyjazne dla użytkowników, tworzyć dodatki i nawiązywać interakcję z innymi aplikacjami pakietu Office.


Expert Android Programming. Master skills to build enterprise grade Android applications

Prajyot Mainkar

Android O brings a number of important changes for the users as well as the developers. If you want to create smart android applications which are fast, lightweight and also highly efficient then this is the book that will solve all your problems. You will create a complex enterprise grade app in this book. You will get a quick refresher of the latest android SDK and how to configure your development environment. Then you will move onto creating app layouts, component and module building, creating smart and efficient UIs. The most important part of a modern day app is how real time they are. With this book, you will create a smooth back-end for your app, ensure dynamic and real time communication between different app layers. As we move on, you will learn to leverage the different Android APIs and create an efficient SQLite data layer for your apps. You will implement effective testing techniques to make your app reliable and robust and finally you will learn to deploy it efficiently. The multiple stages of android development will also be simplified by giving you an industry standard set of best practices.


Expert Angular. Build deep understanding of Angular to set you apart from the developer crowd

Rajesh Gunasundaram, Mathieu Nayrolles, Alexandru Vasile Pop, Sridhar Rao Chivukula

Got some experience of Angular under your belt? Want to learn everything about using advanced features for developing websites? This book is everything you need for the deep understanding of Angular that will set you apart from the developer crowd.Angular has introduced a new way to build applications. Creating complex and rich web applications, with a lighter resource footprint, has never been easier or faster. Angular is now at release 4, with significant changes through previous versions. This book has been written and tested for Angular release 4.Angular is a mature technology, and you'll likely have applications built with earlier versions. This book starts by showing you best practices and approaches to migrating your existing Angular applications so that you can be immediately up-to-date. You will take an in-depth look at components and see how to control the user journey in your applications by implementing routing and navigation. You will learn how to work with asynchronous programming by using Observables.To easily build applications that look great, you will learn all about template syntax and how to beautify applications with Material Design. Mastering forms and data binding will further speed up your application development time. Learning about managing services and animations will help you to progressively enhance your applications. Next you’ll use native directives to integrate Bootstrap with Angular. You will see the best ways to test your application with the leading options such as Jasmine and Protractor. At the end of the book, you’ll learn how to apply design patterns in Angular, and see the benefits they will bring to your development.


Expert AWS Development. Efficiently develop, deploy, and manage your enterprise apps on the Amazon Web Services platform

Atul Mistry

Expert AWS Development begins with theinstallation of the AWS SDK and you will goon to get hands-on experience of creatingan application using the AWS ManagementConsole and the AWS Command LineInterface (CLI). Then, you will integrateapplications with AWS services such asDynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda,Amazon SQS, and Amazon SWF.Following this, you will get well versed withCI/CD workflow and work with four majorphases in the release process – Source,Build, Test, and Production. Then, you willlearn to apply AWS Developer tools to yourContinuous Integration (CI) and ContinuousDeployment (CD) workflow. Later, youwill learn about user authentication usingAmazon Cognito, and also how you canevaluate the best architecture as per yourinfrastructure costs. You will learn aboutAmazon EC2 service and will deploy anapp using it. You will also deploy a practicalreal-world example of a CI/CD applicationwith the Serverless Application Framework,which is known as AWS Lambda.Finally, you will learn how to build, develop,and deploy the Application using AWSDeveloper tools such as AWS CodeCommit,AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, andAWS CodePipeline, as per your projectrequirements.


Expert C++. Become a proficient programmer by learning coding best practices with C++17 and C++20's latest features

Vardan Grigoryan, Shunguang Wu

C++ has evolved over the years and the latest release – C++20 – is now available. Since C++11, C++ has been constantly enhancing the language feature set. With the new version, you’ll explore an array of features such as concepts, modules, ranges, and coroutines. This book will be your guide to learning the intricacies of the language, techniques, C++ tools, and the new features introduced in C++20, while also helping you apply these when building modern and resilient software.You’ll start by exploring the latest features of C++, and then move on to advanced techniques such as multithreading, concurrency, debugging, monitoring, and high-performance programming. The book will delve into object-oriented programming principles and the C++ Standard Template Library, and even show you how to create custom templates. After this, you’ll learn about different approaches such as test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), and domain-driven design (DDD), before taking a look at the coding best practices and design patterns essential for building professional-grade applications. Toward the end of the book, you will gain useful insights into the recent C++ advancements in AI and machine learning.By the end of this C++ programming book, you’ll have gained expertise in real-world application development, including the process of designing complex software.


Expert C++. Become a proficient programmer by learning coding best practices with C++17 and C++20's latest features - Second Edition

Marcelo Guerra Hahn, Araks Tigranyan, John Asatryan, Vardan Grigoryan, ...

Are you an experienced C++ developer eager to take your skills to the next level? This updated edition of Expert C++ is tailored to propel you toward your goals.This book takes you on a journey of building C++ applications while exploring advanced techniques beyond object-oriented programming. Along the way, you'll get to grips with designing templates, including template metaprogramming, and delve into memory management and smart pointers. Once you have a solid grasp of these foundational concepts, you'll advance to more advanced topics such as data structures with STL containers and explore advanced data structures with C++. Additionally, the book covers essential aspects like functional programming, concurrency, and multithreading, and designing concurrent data structures. It also offers insights into designing world-ready applications, incorporating design patterns, and addressing networking and security concerns. Finally, it adds to your knowledge of debugging and testing and large-scale application design.With Expert C++ as your guide, you'll be empowered to push the boundaries of your C++ expertise and unlock new possibilities in software development.


Expert Data Visualization. Advanced information visualization with D3.js 4.x

Jos Dirksen

Do you want to make sense of your data? Do you want to create interactive charts, data trees, info-graphics, geospatial charts, and maps efficiently? This book is your ideal choice to master interactive data visualization with D3.js V4. The book includes a number of extensive examples that to help you hone your skills with data visualization. Throughout nine chapters these examples will help you acquire a clear practical understanding of the various techniques, tools and functionality provided by D3.js. You will first setup your D3.JS development environment and learn the basic patterns needed to visualize your data. After that you will learn techniques to optimize different processes such as working with selections; animating data transitions; creating graps and charts, integrating external resources (static as well as streaming); visualizing information on maps; working with colors and scales; utilizing the different D3.js APIs; and much more. The book will also guide you through creating custom graphs and visualizations, and show you how to go from the raw data to beautiful visualizations. The extensive examples will include working with complex and realtime data streams, such as seismic data, geospatial data, scientific data, and more. Towards the end of the book, you will learn to add more functionality on top of D3.js by using it with other external libraries and integrating it with Ecmascript 6 and Typescript


Expert Delphi. Robust and fast cross-platform application development

Pawel Glowacki

Delphi is the most powerful Object Pascal IDE and component library for cross-platform native app development. It enables building natively compiled, blazingly fast apps for all major platforms including Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux.If you want to build server-side applications, create web services, and have clear GUIs for your project, then this book is for you. The book begins with a basic primer on Delphi helping you get accustomed to the IDE and the Object Pascal language and will then quickly move on to advanced-level concepts. Through this book, we’ll help you understand the architecture of applications and will teach you the important concepts of the FireMonkey library, show you how to build server-side services, and enable you to interact with the Internet of Things. Towards the end, you will learn to integrate your app with various web services and deploy them. By the end of the book, you will be able to build powerful, cross-platform, native apps for iOS and Android with a single code base.


Expert Delphi. Robust and fast cross-platform application development - Second Edition

Marco Cantu, Paweł Głowacki, Stephen Ball

Master Delphi, the most powerful Object Pascal IDE and versatile component library for cross-platform native app development, by harnessing its capabilities for building natively compiled, blazingly fast apps for all major platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux.Expert Delphi begins with a quick overview of Delphi, helping you get acquainted with the IDE and the Object Pascal language. The book then quickly progresses to more advanced concepts, followed by the architecture of applications and the FireMonkey library, guiding you through building server-side services, parallel programming, and database access. Toward the end, you’ll learn how to integrate your app with various web services and deploy them effectively.By the end of this book, you’ll be adept at building powerful, cross-platform, native apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS—all from a single code base.